Синоним a hurricane


A storm with a violent wind
storm cyclone gale tornado typhoon tempest twister windstorm bluster superstorm monsoon squall whirlwind line storm tropical cyclone tropical storm willy-willy wind dust devil blast gust blow blizzard snowstorm weather event williwaw cloudburst thunderstorm rainstorm downpour deluge hailstorm buran breeze flurry draught zephyr mistral chinook dust storm bad weather electrical storm draft ice storm waterspout vortex cyclonic storm funnel stormy weather extreme weather poor weather hazardous weather severe weather inclement weather burster strong wind buster flaw violent rain storm outbreak high wind violent storm howling wind air current drift windblast puff airstream turbulence scud wafting air currents whisk flutter air current whiff current of air air-current puff of wind strong breeze downfall rain rainfall wet precipitation precip raining cats and dogs shower drizzle torrent drencher sleet rush torrential rain flood hail raindrops inundation mizzle heavy dew torrent of rain swirl heavy shower eddy whirl snowfall burst condensation rainwater wetness snow fall whiteout Scotch mist showers heavy rain pouring rain cat-and-dog weather wet weather driving rain cloudbust billow wind-shift line squall line hailstones washout waft splatter hail shower snowsquall light fall sprinkle moisture frozen rain pouring mist sheets liquid sunshine sun shower fall of rain trouble gush line squall damp rains gust of wind dew whirlpool spray pour maelstrom white-out showery weather Charybdis snow storm snow blast heavy snow snow squall rainy weather rainy season damp weather gulf counterflow countercurrent gyre swirling quagmire morass tourbillion spiral tidal wave


(figuratively) A typically loud state of activity or disturbance
commotion uproar disturbance furore tumult turmoil rumpus pandemonium hubbub ruckus ruction ado fuss stir hullabaloo kerfuffle row bother furor bustle clatter ballyhoo hoopla pother storm blather whirl moil welter bluster bobbery shindy foofaraw stew williwaw clutter hurly hurry splore corroboree squall coil fun zoo do to-do hurly-burly hoo-ha helter-skelter hubble-bubble hoo-hah hurry-scurry hurry-skurry alarums and excursions brouhaha racket confusion agitation disorder hassle excitement clamour clamor riot din flurry carry-on trouble fracas chaos bedlam upheaval noise flap hue and cry ferment mayhem unrest activity turbulence song and dance disruption palaver melee quarrel hustle and bustle babel stink havoc frenzy free-for-all scene big scene outcry splash pantomime bangarang broil bobsy-die jangle altercation brawl folderol affray upset performance donnybrook outburst action whirlwind strife controversy maelstrom lather hustle dither big stink hell broke loose shindig production violence babble hysteria clangour yelling shouting disquiet stramash hype sensation distraction bagarre rage rampage tizzy craze tempest tizz excitation discord fever mania rigmarole fuss and bother fireworks backwash tamasha clangor aggro annoyance restlessness convulsion fuss and feathers argy-bargy draft draught business struggle scuffle hurrah anarchy perturbation madness animation busyness movement enthusiasm lunacy fad protest an outcry rowdydow outbreak shemozzle fury liveliness life haste fisticuffs uprising explosion rumble interruption flutter scrap stooshie dust-up madhouse worry scandal delirium loud noise hell to pay devil to pay upheavals disarray discomposure ructions fermentation craziness hubba-hubba rhubarb fluster deliriousness unsettlement wildness seething upturn fight combustion fighting panic rush uncertainty convulsions whirlpool snafu feverishness spin breach of the peace roughhouse shivaree bickering to do all hell breaking loose wingding tizz-woz tohubohu heat toing and froing all hell broken loose elation passion buzz emotion thrill feeling drama frolic dance party carousal bash revel fancy merrymaking spree spot of bother hurly burly kick-up tempest in a teapot storm in a teacup much ado about nothing hectic activity rough house ailment anxiousness mix-up topsy-turviness anxiety instability distress disquietude comings and goings Sturm und Drang shambles vociferation disorganization disorganisation roar jumble mess disorderliness cataclysm lawlessness howl muddle carrying-on melodrama disarrangement hell fray eruption earthquake bouleversement goings-on adventure disorderedness events disaster incidents hijinks imbroglio happenings unruliness proceedings occurrences mare's nest conflict chatter fret cacophony histrionics charivari insurrection paroxysm tremor anarchism revolution nuisance spectacle tension misrule dishevelment provocation calamity misorder messiness muss tumble catastrophe mishap confrontation huff incident dislocation shock a madhouse snake pit outrage a three-ring circus activeness hullaballoo bombshell screaming caterwauling dynamism adversity bomb hysterics rebellion complaint objection boisterousness swirl babbling wilding mutiny protestation hazard peril stirring bowwow sweat demonstration misfortune danger dissent incitement procedure entropy surprise cry farce stimulation street fight twitter chance-medley heck nonsense crisis setback tragedy hardship monkey business indignation katzenjammer contretemps grief opposition derangement tribulation harassment biffo circumstance debacle rout complication affair inconvenience three-ring circus public disturbance blow anger state seething mass argument theatrics dramatics entanglement twit disorderly conduct public nuisance theatre nervous state theater hurt dire straits bad news hot water rat's nest holy mess utter confusion tempest in a teacup tempest in a tea-kettle federal case state of agitation state of anxiety mountain out of a molehill big deal big fuss scrum circus moving wrangle squabble rampancy flash skirmish work thrills trepidation clash vandalism glow rammy enterprise wow mêlée swivet swelter farcicality ridiculousness senselessness energy bugle call chaotic situation unquietness restiveness uneasiness rioting ruffle incitation quake exaggeration flare-up motion scuffling hindrance talk afters encounter mix up shout spasm scramble discontent scrimmage street fighting snarl distemper burst insurgence brannigan mob violence violent disorder shower run-in revolt omnishambles boiling troubles jiggery-pokery fussing dissatisfaction high winds criticism kicks spirit eventualities high jinks episodes ululation roughness flurry of activity ride soap opera seesaw saga static strike discombobulation terrorism actions firestorm blare discordance rattle decibels bruit tintamarre clamouring ritual state of unrest stunner temper rabidity lamentation bewailing yelp uproariousness fanfare bellow squawk carryings-on chain of events confused noise threat disapproval exclamation a maelstrom ataxia mobocracy shaking trembling quaking seism tottering rocking mob rule mistake misunderstanding destruction menace boilover howl of protest clang tower jargon riskiness perilousness hazardousness risk warmth dangerousness demurral reign of terror lengthy process red tape tedious business a mess a muddle a shambles war of words untidiness wild disarray rollercoaster clamoring howls of protest flak car crash dismay topsy-turvydom topsy-turvyness an omnishambles tantrum hubbubs gaieties excitements fervor consternation formal complaint chorus of disapproval eagerness exciting experience precariousness pell-mell a car crash irritation fright vexation alarm stage dramaturgy acting movements dramas fit blowup wilderness hissy haze intricacy grievance disappointment defeat shake-up torment tangle error hullabaloos tumults exhibition affront queasiness turn-up overthrow slip-up alteration turnaround shakeout switch temblor miscalculation fankle botch puzzle hurry-scurries activities high spirits to-dos pothers fervours fervour flip-flop violent change about-face new deal major change seismic shift sudden change new ball-game discomfiture hissy fit temper tantrum a buzz a charge a kick exhibition of oneself display of emotion distressed state suffering failure dilemma tiz-woz state of panic predicament disadvantage harm trial detriment damage plight activism problem quandary theatricals bind trauma conundrum mire quagmire difficulty fiasco infelicity misadventure unpleasantness loss pickle emergency occasion jam affliction perplexity pinch campaigning division break interference horror exigency mishappening accident mischance hitch bad luck snag disarranging disordering crusading unsettling confusing upsetting stoppage tough luck boo-boo bad break hard luck ill-treatment persecution rotten luck ill ruining obstruction impeding discontinuation wrecking suspension hampering spoiling perilous experiences dangerous experiences exciting experiences sticky situation hell on earth hang-up tight spot sorry condition awkward situation problematic situation tear-jerker sad state tight corner critical situation unfortunate situation hard times no-win situation train wreck tricky situation tight situation difficult situation undermining delay retardation delaying travail straits disbenefit arguing discussion debate splitting separation severance holding up battling rabble-rousing stirring up striving struggling wrangling


A sudden occurrence of a particular activity (or emotion)
outburst eruption explosion burst fit outbreak paroxysm spasm storm attack blaze gale access gush outpouring surge ebullition flare flash rush spurt upsurge blast blowup bursting detonation effusion flicker flood flurry flush flutter gust outflow torrent boutade outflowing splurt blow discharge frenzy rapture scene upheaval flare-up blow-up welling up agony spate fury bout onset break case spell seizure turn siege stream deluge flow wave volley rash cascade convulsion epidemic flux tide barrage hail issue jet run efflux onslaught dose breakout throe bombardment rise avalanche cannonade outrush shower salvo current blitz drainage fusillade blitzkrieg welling drain gushing occurrence stint roar drumfire drumbeat stroke sally battery effluence patch inundation leakage round rain escape emanation spout swell outpour exodus outflux overflow upswing sweep upwelling howl peal effervescence shriek hoot recrudescence emission conniption stretch period sudden appearance groundswell plague thunder passion spree spot state charge uprising onrush effluent huff course debouchment escalation influx expression hemorrhage haemorrhage emergence spring ooze bubble seepage effluvium scream shout throes start inflammation manifestation vibration vomiting paddy outcry ripple fever ferment blowout term fire expulsion fireworks twitch bomb broadside cycle strafe gunfire spray fountain ebb interval voidance shedding mass shelling bombing ejection venting encounter exudation outfall splash touch relapse streak crash crack breaking sundering commotion rending brawl irruption disorder disruption tumult sortie series crossfire stab effluxion loss streaming depletion suffering exudate diffusion pouring show battle burst of fire boiling bubbling motion building up build-up sudden display sudden exhibition ailment craze increase growth sudden show brief display brief exhibition upturn fermentation frothing seething trickle scourge contagion mushrooming spread river pest endemic pestilence oozing what's going around

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Moving or proceeding with significant speed
whirlwind lightning rapid breakneck quick speedy swift fast headlong impulsive accelerated blistering breathless brisk dizzy fast-track fleet fleet-footed flying galloping hasty hot instant meteoric nippy overnight rapid-fire rattling snappy splitting sudden whistle-stop zippy quickie brief cyclonic impetuous rash short short-lived tornado tumultuous very fast lively prompt hurried express active alacritous mercurial fast-moving high-speed immediate nimble precipitate expeditious at speed agile spirited instantaneous rathe harefooted sprightly energetic pacey cracking animated quick-fire precipitous spry sharp vivacious abrupt punctual timely expeditive double time PDQ split-second fleeting tantivy volant crash barreling quickened with good acceleration streaming zooming light-footed dashing quick as a wink spanking barrelling direct unhesitating responsive straightaway barnstorming without delay fast-tracked flat-out double-quick extremely fast dangerously fast like crazy ready at full tilt like mad sped up on-the-spot vigorous summary willing bustling rushed overhasty cursory gadarene reckless temporary momentary short-term little impermanent rushing helter-skelter drive-by pell-mell supersonic smart turbo velocious speeding hurrying perfunctory hypersonic up-tempo moving hurtling on the spot ultrarapid ultrafast staccato prevenient forthwith passing anticipatory arbitrary superficial sporty dizzying machine-gun fast-paced furious dynamic peremptory early non-stop urgent promptly given winged ultrasonic without notice without formality without hesitation the double spontaneous fleet of foot now or never not to be delayed fast and furious transitory without warning without discussion hair-trigger whisking tearing whizzing sailing running darting hastening in a flash racing

Антонимом a hurricane

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