Синоним embitteredness


A feeling of anger characterized by great resentment
bitterness resentment pique dissatisfaction irritation rancor rancour grudge spite annoyance disgruntlement vexation peevishness acrimony sullenness indignation resentfulness discontent exasperation spleen sourness churlishness petulance discontentment aggravation hurt moroseness bother botheration frustration infuriation malice animosity hostility anger antipathy ill will ill feeling displeasure hatred antagonism hate animus grievance hard feelings wrath umbrage enmity ire ill feelings gall bad blood dislike score down peeve choler huff venom rage miff malevolence irritability fury spitefulness irascibility pettishness jaundice bile malignity maliciousness waspishness crabbiness querulousness testiness offense snappishness ill-temper bad temper cantankerousness crossness offence malignancy bad feelings touchiness moodiness tetchiness dudgeon biliousness grumpiness depression viciousness ill humour cynicism caprice chip on your shoulder friction aversion injustice injury complaint disappointment pet peeve hard feeling bone to pick bad mood malignance grouchiness sulkiness impatience grief letdown dispiritedness aggro pip discouragement dismay disheartenment vindictiveness nastiness cattiness meanness despite hatefulness crankiness fractiousness milt temper whim melancholy lien perverseness crotchetiness irritableness ill-humour perversity huffiness surliness irascibleness weariness chagrin tantrums arbitrariness ill-humor capriciousness whinginess mardiness ungraciousness a sore head envy jealousy vehemence perturbation exacerbation outrage passion fog acerbity rise bad feeling sensitivity snappiness dander stew fretfulness tiff tantrum slow burn excitability hotheadedness pugnacity furor snit bad humor temperament fit tartness tear tizzy short fuse furore low boiling point bad-temperedness wax heat outburst oversensitivity hypersensitivity storm conniption madness hot-temperedness quick-temperedness edginess stroppiness prickliness rankling short temper soreness distemper disapprobation quarrelsomeness hissy fit blow up ill humor cat fit curmudgeonliness crustiness asperity hot-headedness rattiness dyspepsia mood angriness lividness pet lividity wrathfulness hot temper birse agitation irateness violence fit of pique shortness volatility fieriness short-temperedness captiousness pettiness mercurialness emotionalism uncertain temper moods mad ticklishness tension crabbedness stickiness explosiveness seasickness nausea sickness vomiting queasiness scratchiness quick fuse motion sickness unsettled stomach road rage air rage high dudgeon grouch glumness pouts hump sulk sulks a mood shrewishness pepperiness orneriness chippiness shirtiness ill nature a bad mood soreheadedness gloominess miffiness snakiness quick temper needling discomposure worry harassment sharpness oversensitiveness mortification discomfiture hassle a short fuse upset disquiet flare-up irk provocation hurt pride blowup ruckus wounded feelings sore being rubbed up the wrong way lather hurt feelings wounded pride fume criticalness negativity argumentativeness provocativeness


A lack of harmony or the severance of good relations between two parties
breach estrangement schism alienation disagreement rift discord difference dissension disaffection hostility dispute disunity conflict withdrawal disgruntlement antagonism souring clash disharmony antipathy divorce unfriendliness misunderstanding antagonization secession spat break-up falling-out bust-up parting of the ways difference of opinion falling out drifting apart division split parting separation withholding isolation distance variance disassociation distancing rupture leave severance breakup turning away dissociation removal leaving disunion dissent friction strife disaccord discordance dissidence dissonance inharmony contention dissention discordancy infighting war argument warfare quarrel altercation quarrelling controversy quarreling opposition bickering row wrangling nonconcurrence bad blood squabble wrangle disputation tension enmity squabbling divisiveness feuding difficulty fight firestorm bad feeling rivalry contestation dissensus unrest acrimony confrontation resentment dissonancy trouble break ill feeling faction gulf inharmoniousness chasm dissentience bitterness lack of agreement tussle feud detachment run-in battle royal war of words objection affray debate animosity fighting remonstrance demur rebellion backbiting incompatibility factionalism sour note hassle flak fuss partition contretemps divorcement scrap ding-dong velitation battle struggle clashes contest combat scene bad vibes conflict of opinion internal strife power struggle divergence doubt tiff words tug of war static blowup striving brawl emulation protest fracas exchange bicker tangle defiance resistance scission indifference disapproval nonagreement insubordination nonconformism nonconformity niggle counter-argument barney remoteness diversion refusal arguing denial ill will argy-bargy misbelief bone to pick bone clinker bone of contention coolness setting against cutting off diverting breaking off shouting match divided loyalties clashing vendetta jar lack of concord internal conflict


Extreme malice and bitterness shown in someone's attitudes, speech, or actions
venom spite malice malevolence bitterness hostility hatred animosity enmity antipathy spitefulness animus resentment spleen hate malignity antagonism rancour acrimony viciousness maliciousness nastiness grudge rancor aversion cattiness malignance malignancy meanness virulence vindictiveness hatefulness gall vitriol dislike despite bile acidity anger maleficence sourness pungency causticity acrimoniousness mordacity embitterment grudgingness vituperation ill will bad blood ill feeling poison unfriendliness detestation unkindness abhorrence loathing odium wickedness cruelty pique jaundice opposition evil truculency truculence bad feeling asperity mordancy vengefulness pugnaciousness umbrage acerbity bellicoseness tartness coldness militancy repugnance warpath estrangement war disaffection venomousness scorn displeasure indignity aggression inimicality bellicosity ferocity severity brutality wrath acridity acridness heartlessness contempt acidness revenge corrosiveness resentfulness savagery abomination revulsion poisonousness disgust callousness fierceness execration despitefulness horror depravity grievance objection repulsion disrelish pugnacity inhumanity brutishness barbarity virulency sadism sarcasm savageness militance no love lost churlishness choler fiendishness ruthlessness bloodthirstiness mercilessness bestiality mean-spiritedness barbarism murderousness disdain hurtfulness animality unfeelingness coarseness insensitiveness persecution mislike insensibility torture masochism despotism unpleasantness hard feelings combativeness hard-heartedness peevishness irascibility belligerency contentiousness cantankerousness ire belligerence rudeness waspishness rancorousness sharpness friction ill-temper bad temper barbarousness feud atrocity grudges grievances revengefulness atrociousness ill humour wantonness inhumanness envy cruelness harshness anathema repellency trenchancy repellence irritant trouble rankling bugbear bother gripe pain frost nuisance bete noire nasty look black beast repugnancy irritability irritation annoyance disagreeableness vexation dudgeon dissatisfaction conflict bite oppugnancy vengeance discord perniciousness contention dissension balefulness rivalry cynicism temper evil intentions evilness needle derision distaste baseness badness iniquity violence pitilessness peeve bad will disapproval prejudice pointedness alienation extreme dislike disparagement sting ill-will ferociousness edge ferity harsh feeling hateful feeling chip on your shoulder aggressiveness menace bad-temperedness warp distortion blame warlikeness ill nature offensiveness abusiveness resistance disaccord oppugnation vendetta ill-disposedness distrust disagreement contrariety obnoxiousness bitter feeling argumentativeness intimidation wildness uncharitableness competition petulance pettishness crossness indignation shrewishness snappishness moodiness tetchiness bad mood sullenness querulousness testiness touchiness crabbiness hardness of heart hurt mockery biliousness fury rage huff devilry inhospitality devilment punch disgruntlement offense miff disfavor ignominy invidiousness backbiting bad vibes bad chemistry blood feud personality conflict mutual hostility perturbation exacerbation outrage passion vehemence exasperation score down mischievousness ridicule offence malintent implacability disfavour remoteness unsociability hardheartedness irony satire sneering strong aversion intense dislike milt melancholy lien grumpiness caprice whim depression evil intent complaint injustice injury ill feelings bad feelings aloofness surliness heinousness astringency iciness frostiness coolness crabbedness pet peeve abuse crankiness remorselessness strong dislike bone to pick causticness acuteness keenness nasty behavior blackness relentlessness devilishness enemyship enemyhood foeship uncordiality daggers inclemency superciliousness poignance poignancy roughness urgency power point cold-bloodedness black-heartedness cold-heartedness lack of regard lack of sympathy lack of charity opprobrium disrespect scornfulness disregard despisal lowliness animation incisiveness zest force facetiousness disrepute shamelessness knavishness unscrupulousness smallmindedness abjection degeneracy degradation unworthiness corruptness debasement beastliness lowness infamy contemptibleness powerful quality

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