Đồng nghĩa của most adulterate

Tính từ

(dated) Superlative for mixed with impurities
dirtiest uncleanest filthiest rottenest foulest baddest rankest stalest sourest smelliest nastiest mouldiest moldiest grossest highest grubbiest whiffiest yuckiest cruddiest grimiest smuttiest mustiest muckiest grungiest dustiest disgustingest scungiest squalidest unpleasantest grottiest muddiest sordidest blackest dingiest grodiest unhealthiest funkiest sootiest scuzziest pongiest niffiest messiest gungiest skankiest sleaziest mankiest fustiest strongest stenchiest vilest stinkiest yukkiest oldest frowsiest frowstiest frowziest wormiest ripest dankest germiest scummiest bitterest ickiest deadliest acridest lousiest beastliest most impure most tainted most contaminated most polluted most alloyed most mixed most corrupt most attenuated most defiled most corrupted most degraded most spoilt most spoiled most imperfect most poisoned most stained most infected most soiled most ruined most unrefined most dissolved most sullied most irregular most doctored most hybrid most loaded most blemished most fetid most putrid most decayed most diseased most tarnished most rancid most festy most off most noxious most stinking most blackened most putrescent most marked most discoloured most feculent most unwholesome most noisome most discolored most poisonous most malodorous most draggled most olid most nauseating most mephitic most toxic most uncleanly most bedraggled most addled most revolting most gamy most pungent most miasmic most reeky most unsavoury most unsavory most unsanitary most unhygienic most sickening most foul-smelling most offensive most flyblown most disagreeable most bogging most muddied most uncleaned most abused most curdled most unpalatable most overripe most miasmal most rotted most carious most nidorous most putrefactive most unappetizing most uneatable most indigestible most distasteful most insanitary most blotched most spotted most yellowed most septic most insalubrious most fermented most damaged most rusty most foxed most disease-ridden most pestilent most stenchful most worm-eaten most putrefacient most maggoty most loathsome most unfiltered most streaked most soured most graveolent most repulsive most marred most gamey most diluted most perverted most obnoxious most deviant most falsified most deleterious most weakened most blighted most tasteless most repugnant most unhealthful most flawed most venomous most stagnant most wasted most trashed most maligned most unfresh most gangrenous most debauched most profaned most violated most catching most plague-ridden most infectious most dishonoured most scratched most cooked most contagious most malignant most virulent most dishonored most pestilential most mildewy most purulent most pustular

Trái nghĩa của most adulterate

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