Đồng nghĩa của most governessy

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Superlative for excessively prim or proper
primmest stuffiest prissiest stiffest starchiest mimsiest squarest rigidest narrowest severest uptightest nicest staidest strictest fussiest finickiest austerest sternest smuggest sprucest dapperest straightest choosiest best politest cleanliest soberest timidest seemliest seriousest stodgiest purest boringest vainest fustiest shiest quietest meekest puffiest humblest smallest-minded coyest chastest silentest mildest lowliest pickiest haughtiest unfriendliest simplest closest daintiest earnestest finest faddiest sharpest keenest acutest fittest preachiest best-mannered comeliest meetest most old-maidish most prudish most Victorian most puritanical most proper most priggish most formal most genteel most overnice most precious most strait-laced most niminy-piminy most schoolmarmish most schoolmistressy most moralistic most prim and proper most conventional most narrow-minded most shockable most demure most Pecksniffian most bluenosed most straightlaced most nice-nelly most straitlaced most puritan most precise most fastidious most overmodest most po-faced most self-righteous most sanctimonious most overscrupulous most old-fashioned most conservative most squeamish most particular most bigoted most offish most pretentious most artificial most mincing most overexact most affected most scrupulous most rigorous most illiberal most stilted most god-fearing most straight-laced most self-satisfied most unctuous most PC most virtuous most moral most ceremonial most upright most meticulous most ceremonious most decorous most correct most snobbish most dignified most wooden most politically correct most namby-pamby most tight-laced most orthodox most conformist most traditional most reserved most sedate most pernickety most sententious most pompous most punctilious most buttoned-down most fogeyish most timorous most conforming most respectable most solemn most bourgeois most censorious most inflexible most ascetic most overparticular most forbidding most fanatical most high-minded most pedantic most honourable most delicate most honorable most spartan most decent most abstemious most abstinent most modest most withdrawn most reticent most reactionary most unprogressive most starched most ladylike most ultraconservative most refined most paleoconservative most traditionalistic most stiff-necked most exacting most mossbacked most hidebound most restrained most old-school most dogmatic most unadventurous most diehard most comme il faut most parochial most unhip most niggly most pietistic most overcautious most complacent most hypocritical most mannered most uncool most mainstream most bien pensant most suburban most principled most conscientious most impersonal most upstanding most humourless most diffident most unassuming most bashful most righteous most ethical most right-minded most self-important most important most arrogant most supercilious most magisterial most humorless most intolerant most prejudiced most jaundiced most dyed-in-the-wool most intractable most blimpish most individualistic most set most close-minded most uncompromising most biased most unpretentious most introverted most unassertive most virginal most sheepish most backward most recessive most innocent most dated most out-of-date most discriminating most maidenly most exact most blushing most unbending most undemonstrative most aloof most unforthcoming most taciturn most official most uncommunicative most unsocial most unsympathetic most remote most unapproachable most unresponsive most detached most antisocial most unassured most moderate most temperate most Spartan most continent most self-sacrificing most frugal most self-denying most economical most self-disciplined most retired most didactic most coquettish most demanding most skittish most becoming most befitting most critical most discerning most sensitive most self-effacing most gentlemanly most perfectionist most persnickety most faddish most selective most perceptive most finical most overdelicate most fussbudgety most hypercritical most choosey most nit-picky most careful most unimaginative most homiletic most suitable most mannerly most fitting most in line most de rigueur most done most courteous most sermonic most homiletical

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