Đồng nghĩa của most looney tunes

Tính từ

Superlative for not having a sound state of mind
looniest maddest battiest craziest barmiest nuttiest screwiest strangest daffiest daftest kookiest wackiest balmiest crankiest flakiest fruitiest scattiest whackiest loopiest daggiest dottiest buggiest dippiest nutsiest squirrelliest pottiest wildest stupidest silliest bizarrest rabidest foolishest oddest queerest sickest freakiest kinkiest dreamiest topsy-turviest simplest faultiest weirdest dullest slowest wonkiest zaniest thickest messiest doziest dumbest dimmest quirkiest absurdest goofiest funniest curiousest quaintest rummest funkiest giddiest softest in the head violentest unwisest fiercest spaciest dizziest muzziest dopiest punchiest slaphappiest dingiest sparest intensest busiest highest jerkiest hottest flightiest wooziest woolliest weakest wooliest uncommonest uncanniest fishiest eeriest shadiest spookiest shakiest creepiest dodgiest drollest uptightest angriest hottest under the collar most nuts most crazed most demented most crackers most cuckoo most deranged most unbalanced most crackpot most unhinged most bananas most barking most cracked most eccentric most insane most lunatic most maniacal most mental most psycho most wacko most bats most brainsick most bughouse most certifiable most crackbrained most gaga most haywire most kookie most loco most meshuga most meshugge most moonstruck most out there most psychotic most unsound most whacko most wud most gonzo most doolally most loony tunes most berserk most delirious most touched most disturbed most psychopathic most frenzied most raving most unstable most mentally ill most irrational most distraught most manic most hysterical most off the wall most distracted most nutso most frantic most schizoid most disordered most idiotic most schizophrenic most unsettled most confused most unglued most off most paranoid most raging most erratic most peculiar most off-the-wall most senseless most wrong most preposterous most fatuous most fantastic most screwball most uncontrolled most fried most moonstricken most sociopathic most demoniac most dazed most manic-depressive most troubled most psychoneurotic most screwed up most mindless most schitzy most unreasonable most unsafe most aberrant most invalid most touched in the head most chaotic most bemused most panic-stricken most disorganized most irresponsible most impractical most shambolic most witless most imbecilic most moronic most simple-minded most baked most dim-witted most cretinous most dull-witted most slow-witted most feeble-minded most nonfunctional most broken most offbeat most dopey most vapid most vacuous most empty-headed most disorganised most defective most amiss most bovine most birdbrained most outlandish most madcap most idiosyncratic most ridiculous most surreal most lamebrained most chuckleheaded most boneheaded most dunderheaded most muttonheaded most far-out most unusual most nonsensical most out of whack most freakish most unpredictable most comic most clownish most amusing most far out most unconventional most unorthodox most bizarro most off-kilter most spaced-out most remarkable most queerish most off-centre most outré most slow on the uptake most incoherent most frenetic most furious most illogical most feverish most brainless most ferocious most excited most bewildered most overwrought most ludicrous most hyper most fevered most agitated most fraught most laughable most swivel-eyed most pixilated most asinine most uncontrollable most befuddled most muddled most hectic most injudicious most disoriented most unthinking most harebrained most desperate most distressed most phrenetic most featherheaded most anxious most obsessed most discombobulated most unjustifiable most unreasoning most wired most addled most mixed-up most corybantic most groundless most deviant most extraordinary most implausible most unscientific most shell-shocked most zonked most addlepated most muddleheaded most pixillated most puzzling most mystifying most baffling most worked up most paranoic most paranoiac most dysfunctional most unrealistic most diseased most demonic most demoniacal most rampant most gibbering most borderline most crook most simpleminded most bubbleheaded most turbulent most cockeyed most flawed most overexcited most emotional most tomfool most energetic most sappy most inept most inane most incorrect most hallucinatory most restless most lightheaded most tumultuous most possessed most fanatical most contradictory most upset most hyperactive most risible most exciting most fanatic most obsessive most twisted most ill-conceived most half-baked most bothered most befogged most confounded most addle most raddled most stunned most confusing most flustered most perplexed most carried away most slap-happy most addlebrained most outrageous most fallacious most untenable most inconsequential most bewildering most farcical most illegitimate most cockamamie most unbelievable most unthinkable most inconsequent most arbitrary most specious most singular most sophistic most abnormal most suspicious most reasonless most mysterious most dubious most anomalous most atypical most questionable most unnatural most disconnected most counterintuitive most disjointed most untypical most unfamiliar most unexpected most different most irregular most incongruous most perplexing most doubtful most unaccountable most rare most disputable most debatable most uncustomary most unco most suspect most equivocal most doubtable most disquieting most unaccustomed most dubitable most unique most senile most problematical most surprising most worried most absent-minded most distrait most hysteric most panicky most spaced out most glassy-eyed most addle-brained most muddle-headed most keyed up most het up most wigged out most hot and bothered

Trái nghĩa của most looney tunes

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