反义词 a thinker


Opposite of a person with highly developed intellectual powers, especially one whose profession involves intellectual activity
blockhead dodo doer dolt dope dumbbell dummy dunce fathead goon half-wit hammerhead idiot imbecile knucklehead moron nitwit numbskull numskull pinhead man of action woman of action fool dimwit nincompoop dork jerk chump airhead prat halfwit dullard ignoramus cretin twit simpleton wally ninny plonker berk dipstick charlie dunderhead doofus oaf lamebrain bonehead jackass lump pillock loon schmuck yahoo thickhead clod divvy chucklehead dumbhead meathead dumbo nit donkey nerd birdbrain noodle muttonhead dumb-bell numpty goop clot buffoon dweeb sap bozo zombie putz mug plank spud noddy turkey git chowderhead wazzock sumph prick klutz goof nimrod twerp muppet nerk nyaff twonk schlepper cluck boob lamer gowk bimbo dip wiener galoot gobdaw duffer gonzo clunk geek schlub goofball coot dill goofus lummox schlemiel retardate yo-yo thicko dingbat simp galah bogan weeny mutt dingleberry poop gink mooncalf eejit boofhead ninnyhammer clodpoll bubblehead stupe clodpole stupid clown tomfool loggerhead palooka drongo alec squarehead mompara goose booby poon nong knobhead lunkhead tosser tit dildo loser silly billy dorba wing nut spoony retard meatball mampara dotard balloon bungler numptie butthead slow learner dum-dum ding-dong pudding-head pea-brain wooden-head stupid person pain in the rear pain in the bum pain in the neck pain in the backside lowbrow anti-intellectual philistine amateur inexpert nonexpert apprentice rookie greenhorn dufus illiterate expectation body physicality dumdum beginner novitiate newbie trainee fledgling tenderfoot novice tyro neophyte learner newcomer


Opposite of a person engaged or learned in philosophy, especially as an academic discipline


Opposite of a person possessing a highly developed intellect

同义词 a thinker

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