反义词 highly concerned


Opposite of being considerate of the troubles of others
uncaring indifferent unconcerned negligent unfeeling unsympathetic aloof callous cold unmoved detached dispassionate hardhearted heartless impervious insensible uninvolved selfish unemotional uninterested unresponsive not caring apathetic disinterested unkind hard insensitive cruel cool mean merciless cold-blooded disagreeable cold-hearted uncompassionate brutal vicious inconsiderate savage pitiless ruthless harsh hard-hearted hostile antagonistic hateful inhospitable passionless inhumane insensate inhuman brutish unkindly fiendish sadistic obdurate brute atrocious truculent wanton barbaric barbarous coldhearted bestial unpitying thoughtless uncharitable unsociable disliking nasty compassionless rough wicked stony unpleasant rude bitter unmerciful unforgiving uncivil unloving bad unfriendly fierce icy virulent severe distasteful stonyhearted disenchanted impassive rancorous antipathetic neutral impartial blasé coldblooded phlegmatic nonchalant incurious uncurious impersonal emotionless taciturn distant unenthusiastic asocial disloyal disdainful reserved supercilious unbending contemptuous heedless withdrawn hating unwelcoming unpassionate unthoughtful spiritless haughty gelid undemonstrative unfaithful forbidding neglectful inattentive glacial remote uncommunicative abusive sharp coarse scornful frosty frigid antisocial standoffish disagreeing disturbing critical tough stand-offish discourteous angry biting cynical intense resentful vitriolic sardonic distressing annoying offensive provoking hurtful unpalatable vexatious sour acrimonious agitated begrudging displeasing galling indignant irreconcilable painful poignant stern stinging stringent sulky vehement ungracious afflictive caustic cussed heartbreaking gruff dour acrid embittered hairy asperous immoral unsavoury heinous dreadful malevolent degenerate evil reprehensible monstrous debased depraved objectionable reprobate sinister perverse malicious villainous base abhorrent crude vile obnoxious grim pernicious diabolical maleficent miscreant untoward foul profligate unprincipled malignant terrible indecent dangerous soulless spiteful murderous hellish tyrannous remorseless adverse violent despiteful egregious appalling uncivilized intolerant bloodthirsty uncultured uncultivated vindictive dastardly ferocious uncivilised dirty venomous affectless unsparing lousy homicidal beastly unsavory catty impure malefic sinful ironhearted butcherly steely against unsusceptible stony-hearted ill-natured lacking compassion hard-boiled mean-spirited bad-tempered stone-hearted evil-intentioned ill-tempered evil-minded bad-natured


Opposite of involved in a given matter


Opposite of responsible for a given matter


Opposite of showing some kind of connection or relation to a common interest


Opposite of showing a kindness and care associated with a father

同义词 highly concerned

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