反义词 so positive


Opposite of conclusive or definitive
vague inconclusive inadequate unsatisfactory groundless questionable ambiguous deficient incomplete insufficient unconvincing unfounded contestable disputable unfinished unsatisfying academic academical answerable arguable contradictable controversial controvertible debatable debated disputed doubtable equivocal hypothetical iffy indeterminate invalid lacking moot negotiable problematic problematical refutable speculative theoretic theoretical indecisive uneventful indefinite uncertain doubtful dubious unclear unsure obscure partial qualified indistinct conditional imperfect unreliable tentative clouded obfuscated undecided changeable implied cryptic unclarified nonobvious unapparent mysterious enigmatical unresolved dark inexplicit enigmatic mixed limited hesitant variable unclouded unsettled flawed possible open hidden inexact unconfirmed undetermined unspecific implicit inferred circuitous unproven unsound unfixed fuzzy deniable questioned weak exceptional relative uncategorical assailable unsteady fluctuating inconstant changeful unstable adjustable volatile dim mistakable reserved restricted unproved doubtul secret unknown refuted tenuous confusing unpredictable provisional hesitating abstruse undefined indistinguishable indiscernible temporary prepared ready ill-defined evasive noncommittal clothed covered doubted obscured irresolute unconvinced permeable penetrable unclosed loose unsealed nondeterminate moral scarce rare part minimal inferior clean conjectural in doubt wavering slight imprecise vacillating not clear not sure


Opposite of marked by great pleasure, happiness, or contentedness
sad displeased dissatisfied joyless unhappy unpleased unsatisfied depressed gloomy grave miserable serious sorrowful doleful solemn unpleasant depressing morose dismal lugubrious heartbreaking tragic disheartening mournful rotten dreary unreal fake wretched cheerless pathetic despondent pitiful grim false sombre desolate shameful gaunt saturnine melancholic forlorn hopeless pitiable melancholy upset unfunny worried troubled unamusing dull lousy discouraging woeful bleak somber glum despairing sullen depressive down in the dumps bad deplorable dreadful infuriating unimportant foul poor horrible unsatisfactory grotesque hellish insufferable ordinary horrid detestable irritating insignificant unappealing unbearable sickening disagreeable homely obnoxious distressing upsetting odious hostile unnoteworthy repellent regrettable unattractive nasty repulsive repugnant hideous revolting hateful loathsome exasperating shocking lamentable disturbing disgusting OK wicked nauseating unacceptable ghastly frightful unhelpful worthless unimposing unprepossessing displeasing ill-favored inflaming tragical intimidating aggravating unpretty unlovely unwelcome riling enflaming annoying unshapely unpleasing unsavory unendurable abhorrent unsightly distasteful vile unappetizing enraging outraging unpalatable peeving abominable unhandsome frumpish rankling incensing repellant uncomely god-awful minor second-rate unbeautiful dolorous dissatisfying plain uncute yukky vicious forbidding ugly yucky unaesthetic noxious vexing angering perturbing incompetent heartrending maddening inferior frumpy mean inadequate expected misbehaving immoral tainted unvirtuous forged inconsequential unsuitable sinful unreliable evil inconsiderable unskilled unsavoury ill-favoured


Opposite of to an absolute degree


Opposite of of or relating to an advertising promotion


Opposite of having an interest in the future, and planning for it


Opposite of to a very large or great degree

同义词 so positive

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