同义词 a deaf


Having no knowledge of a situation or fact
unaware ignorant unconscious oblivious uninformed unknowing unmindful heedless unsuspecting incognizant innocent insensible unenlightened unwitting nescient blind inattentive clueless insensitive unacquainted unobservant unperceptive unresponsive careless daydreaming doped forgetful inconversant mooning naive negligent spacey unconcerned unfamiliar uninstructed caught napping deaf to not cognizant out cold in a daze in the dark not all there not in the loop out of it out to lunch not aware undiscerning blind to impervious to unaffected impercipient impervious unnoticing unrecognizing unmindful of oblivious to unconscious of unaffected by regardless incurious astigmatic unseeing uneducated blank unbriefed unschooled not observant not informed not knowing not told unwary neglectful unwatchful regardless of disregardful of inattentive to neglectful of unheeding of taking no notice of paying no heed to indifferent untouched apathetic unfeeling unmoved unimpressible impassive imperceptive obdurate unperceiving unaware of mindless of ignorant of unsusceptible without knowledge of indifferent to careless of unmoved by untouched by unresponsive to negligent of insensitive of in the dark about inexperienced unknowledgeable uninformed about unconversant with unenlightened about mindless benighted unacquainted with nescient of uninitiated inexperienced in strange to a stranger to unlearned misinformed dense witless thick untaught simple green unread without knowledge unlettered untrained illiterate unconversant ill-informed unaccustomed to unused to unfamiliar with unschooled in uninitiated in new to fresh to uniformed in ignorance of unapprised comatose haphazard coincidental aimless undesigned numb senseless untutored unheeding unaccustomed stupid unintelligent disregardful disregarding unwarned confiding strange analphabetic slow dim incompetent dumb swallowing undoubting rude nonliterate dark backward insensible to dopey uncritical unintellectual untutored in inerudite solecistic catachrestic unused unversed unskilled at not associated out of contact not versed in unpracticed unversed in unskilled in unpractised in unskilled removed from taking no notice detached from unconcerned by dozy impractical dull taken in unable to read and write out of the loop in ignorance lost to half-witted simple-minded cretinous shallow apprenticed uncultured imbecilic uncultivated birdbrained moronic obtuse slow on the uptake off guard uninformed of uninitiated about unknowing of green about inexperienced of naive about out of the loop of innocent about clueless about innocent of unwitting of not knowing the first thing about not having the faintest about


Having no regard
regardless inconsiderate heedless insensitive unmindful disregarding reckless unheeding uninterested careless derelict inattentive neglectful negligent nonobservant unfeeling delinquent rash remiss blind coarse inadvertent listless mindless lax slack unwatchful inobservant forgotten unnoticed ignored imprudent injudicious tactless irreflective unthinking undiscerning precipitate unreflective unwise unobservant incautious unreasonable slapdash slipshod ditsy unreasoning unconcerned indiscreet foolish indifferent hasty madcap apathetic thoughtless undiplomatic senseless irrational flighty absent-minded ill-considered ill-advised hot-headed irresponsible disregardful lazy impetuous sloppy neglecting impulsive devil-may-care foolhardy forgetful unwary unguarded casual behindhand daredevil wild hell-for-leather harum-scarum oscitant offhand temerarious kamikaze harebrained lackadaisical precipitous overhasty unsafe indolent dilatory misguided improvident tardy fainéant daring brash slothful hare-brained venturesome venturous slovenly hotheaded uncareful carefree disorderly asleep at switch asleep at the wheel playing with fire any old way asleep on the job asleep on job suicidal uncaring shortsighted paying no mind self-destructive failing to show proper care and attention giddy uncircumspect scatty untrustworthy unreliable undependable abstracted napping oblivious erratic frivolous haphazard dotty dippy inconstant scatterbrained divvy barratrous romping light-minded blameworthy culpable slow defaultant woolgathering inconsistent daydreaming reprehensible impolitic off-guard unalert uncautious wary bold unvigilant caught napping fast-and-loose sticking one's neck out not careful leading with one's chin ill-judged off guard foot-in-mouth pay no mind inefficient procrastinative incompetent any which way at fault nonchalant slap-happy disorganized inactive idle detached otiose pococurante cursory dispassionate insouciant lethargic leisurely disorganised faineant easy-going workshy quiescent do-nothing unprofessional laggard permissive inert passive dormant incurious unheedful relaxed laid-back failing to take proper care headlong audacious overconfident overbold tearaway unconsidered overventuresome adventuresome adventurous uncontrolled breakneck unsmart death-or-glory ill-conceived out of control helter-skelter fast and loose bull-in-a-china-shop over-adventurous over-venturesome


Cheerfully unconcerned about the future or things in general
unconcerned carefree untroubled blithe insouciant nonchalant unperturbed cool relaxed unruffled serene unworried devil-may-care happy-go-lucky casual distant easy indifferent unanxious aloof callous calm careless debonair detached gay laid-back lighthearted lightsome oblivious slaphappy uninterested unmoved unsympathetic apathetic dispassionate incurious nonplussed pococurante unflappable uninvolved at ease blind cold feckless forgetful hardened hard-hearted heedless impassive inattentive insensitive lackadaisical negligent neutral not bothered phlegmatic reserved self-centred self-centered stony supine unbothered undaunted undisturbed cool, calm and collected not giving a toss without a care in the world composed free and easy disinterested placid tranquil easy-going collected lax perfunctory uncaring easygoing neglectful breezy irresponsible reckless together unflustered self-possessed unheeding blasé incautious slack peaceful unmindful offhand slapdash slipshod chilled informal disregardful complacent remiss unshaken uncurious thoughtless sloppy unfazed insensible unthinking mellow improvident coolheaded laid back derelict halcyon lazy flippant equable cursory self-composed sedate level-headed tardy possessed level mild smooth recollected airy tolerant slap-happy cavalier equal liberal regardless limpid undemanding unceremonious poised unagitated unhurried undismayed loose permissive rash upbeat delinquent imperturbable unobservant imprudent blithely unconcerned without care unemotional light-hearted patient amenable leisurely unserious uninhibited indulgent low-pressure self-assured even-tempered self-controlled unstirred unvexed uncircumspect untrustworthy unaccountable unreliable undependable unexcitable unexcited buoyant lukewarm good-for-nothing quiet cheerful still happy frivolous forbearing disimpassioned steady optimistic friendly listless flexible affable stoical controlled free precipitate complaisant stress-free lenient hasty stilly unwise natural hushed easy-peasy unflinching uninterrupted light unbroken hot-headed madcap lown secure settled simple at peace trouble-free indolent slovenly as cool as a cucumber not surprised remote unfeeling unimpressible inconsiderate unsurprised blithesome comfortable civil balmy assured liberated unrestricted compromising unrestrained merry confident unpretentious conciliatory forgiving cheery levelheaded pacific idyllic couldn't-care-less undoubtful stable euthymic restful reposeful untaxing artless unstudied chirpy take-it-or-leave-it unaffected stolid effortless superficial languid equanimous sunny hassle-free open genial oscitant calm and collected unshakable moderate uncritical hang-loose outgiving lacking concern jaunty unflurried unrestrictive content free-minded behindhand neglecting unheedful mild-mannered cool-headed abstracted cool as a cucumber freewheeling asleep at switch failing to take proper care laissez-faire free from care free from worry understanding carefree and untroubled considerate unforced agreeable absent absorbed distracted amiable bored non-restrictive cordial pleasant generous untidy unsystematic haphazard otiose unmeticulous shoddy unthorough faineant unthoughtful fainéant unconsidered jaded injudicious insubstantial spontaneous transparent unconstrained living the life of Riley whimsical weary tactless good-natured glutted impervious broad-minded mindless irreflective open-minded good-humoured good-humored cloyed inadvertent undiscerning unreflective unreasonable foolhardy uncommitted fancy-free free-wheeling free-spirited unstructured off the hook ditsy unreasoning indiscreet foolish daredevil world-weary precipitous overhasty absentminded spacey gone preoccupied removed dreamy undiplomatic irrational senseless flighty impulsive impetuous over-adventurous harum-scarum over-venturesome headlong wild ill-advised absent-minded ill-considered audacious death-or-glory hare-brained hell-for-leather kamikaze swaggering tearaway temerarious understated downbeat based low-key live-and-let-live chilled out free from care about what others think not caring what others think indifferent to what others think untroubled about what others think unworried about what others think gentle sober peaceable subdued meek measured restrained modest unassuming gratified contented pleased delighted joyous blissful joyful tickled tickled pink glad docile sympathetic tame reasonable satisfied cozy muted subtle discreet unostentatious inconspicuous noninterventionist in a relaxed manner sombre somber resigned accommodating easy-breezy nerveless stoic uncomplaining long-suffering played down downhome toned down deliberate even-keeled taking your time cosy centered enduring pellucid reconciled centred resting fair quiescent persistent persevering philosophical kind accepting submissive untiring mild-tempered inexcitable longanimous passive philosophic fortitudinous self-restrained peace-loving commodious providential soft with the patience of Job tender unwarlike amicable convivial thrilled blessed perky chipper lively sparkling blest in high spirits jolly gleeful overjoyed orgasmic peppy jubilant laughing up flying high can't complain ecstatic captivated elated looking good playful mirthful walking on air jovial on cloud nine exultant intoxicated compassionate pacifist caring easeful thankful appeased assuaged pleased as punch chuffed fulfilled non-aggressive non-violent non-combative non-belligerent inoffensive conflict-free dovish pacifistic benevolent benign cooperative irenic dovelike anti-war easy-oasy forbearant even softhearted nonbelligerent sensitive good temperate regular lamblike demure reverent warmhearted diplomatic ordered pacificatory compliant neighborly neighbourly angelic deferential retiring gracious harmless unoffensive judicious abstinent disciplined non-confrontational tender-hearted soft-hearted balanced considered not excessive careful conservative not given to excesses cautious willing to please

反义词 a deaf

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