同义词 a tactful


Able to deal with people in a sensitive manner
careful cautious thoughtful politic prudent diplomatic discreet considerate judicious sensitive polite discerning subtle delicate wise courteous gentle perceptive understanding respectful observant civil sympathetic tactical skilful skillful deft dextrous dexterous savvy suave cordial decorous polished seemly adroit aware insightful kind mannerly poised skilled urbane treating with kid gloves circumspect wary calculating shrewd attentive guarded heedful cagey clever astute strategic chary reserved artful canny guileful wily restrained vigilant noncommittal sensible softly-softly intelligent sagacious intuitive sharp knowing cunning tentative sly mindful crafty foresighted unselfish gracious alert patient scheming intriguing conservative safe gingerly watchful smooth moderate controlled kid-glove calm gradual belt-and-braces solicitous obliging restorative dignified reticent accommodating cooperative reluctant non-committal leery adept Machiavellian sneaky vague unrevealing suspicious conciliatory conniving arch capable bland contriving opportunistic brainy shifty designing complaisant forbearing overcareful overcautious hesitant ingenious manipulative slippery devious unscrupulous like a sport with reservations insidious with eyes peeled on the lookout sharp-witted face-saving sage informed enlightened deliberated learned knowledgeable rational sound logical sapient percipient erudite perspicacious educated smart experienced cogitative contemplative desirable feeling argute scholarly receptive profound reasoned intellectual solid justified good comforting tenderhearted compassionate empathic commiserating tender-hearted warm consoling sympathizing commiserative tender supportive empathetic condoling reasonable discriminating well-advised well judged well advised well-informed full of insight well-reasoned well thought out well-founded well reasoned conscious concerned cognizant caring sensitized reactive impressionable responsive precautious judgmatic judgmatical perceiving impressible sensitised kindly sympathising emotionable awake finely tuned supersensitive temperate worldly-wise tuned in touchy feely having foresight on lookout not rash turned on to acute keen penetrating quick-witted quick bright practical brilliant farsighted on the ball commonsensical clear-sighted genius streetwise sober whip-smart incisive analytical cerebral long-headed foxy sane deep levelheaded heady valid clear-eyed heads-up philosophical coherent cultured cultivated sophisticated commonsense pawky just realistic pragmatic quick on the uptake suss analytic expedient precocious resourceful slick commonsensible firm piercing studious exceptional reflective level-headed nimble provident razor-sharp gifted fast quick off the mark supersmart hardheaded thinking grounded ultrasmart lucid academic refined hyperintelligent ready responsible nimble-witted critical mature bookish well-grounded worldly all there hip far-seeing with great knowledge advisable fair together cogent hard-boiled witty hard open-eyed well informed lettered down-to-earth considered clear legit well read matter-of-fact well-read literate in the know well-thought-out apt esoteric fine balanced showing great knowledge cute able reliable street smart highbrow philosophic objective whiz fly media-savvy gnostic well educated congruent consistent plausible rapier-like legitimate justifiable thorough widely read consequent dependable kosher astucious on guard sharp as a tack frugal civilized common-sense cluey inventive seasoned recondite cool sharp-sighted telling illuminated street-smart ratiocinative accurate donnish penetrative agile joined-up tentie tenty civilised scientific relevant hard-headed pertinent inferential deducible perspicuous compelling convincing deductive holding water well-organized not born yesterday deep-thinking holding together Argus-eyed wired with it active thrifty all ears on the job on one's toes economical tricky selective dodgy beguiling downy tasteful sharpened stable literary significant abstruse cagy no-nonsense pedantic been around apprehensive weighty tutored mean visionary probing parsimonious prepared hardened well-judged reasoning instructed unwasteful penny-pinching razor-like imaginative wised up quick-thinking having all one's marbles keen-witted accomplished conversant well grounded well versed on top of wide-awake straight deliberate well-educated wide awake right full of common sense egghead genial competent alive solemn grave studied spirited in one's right mind quick on the draw exact psyched up good hands on your toes on the alert switched on with both feet on the ground heads up on the qui vive fast on the draw quick on the trigger advised healthy enterprising adult exquisite theoretical sentient einstein extensional juridicious obvious germane necessary shady underhanded handy prudential businesslike schooled sussed grown-up razor sharp serious hard-nosed proficient metaphysical abstract graceful in one's best interests arcane hep plotting well-taught hermetic hermetical pragmatical trained unbelieving battle-scarred thinking twice playing safe complex exacting detailed steady articulate acroamatic occult orphic secret serious-minded probable as sharp as a tack having fancy footwork forearmed hedging your bets thoughty talented appreciative prescient likely inductive searching expert versed equipped proportional symmetrical well-proportioned well-adjusted acuminous syllogistic comprehending creative original with one's feet on the ground finely honed dispassionate unemotional effectual effective au courant posted polymath professorial well-rounded omniscient pansophic efficacious insighted well-prepared smart as a tack knowing how many beans make five nobody's fool not missing a trick having smarts with all one's wits about one vigorous mercurial curt with your wits about you on the stick lively bright-eyed and bushy-tailed clued-in clued up vital very smart seasonable judicial smart as a whip harmonious mentally stable forethoughtful forehanded steady-going detail oriented having a good head on one's shoulders know how many beans make five having no flies on sophic knows what's what ear to the ground saving tight keeping a weather eye on keeping a weather eye open paying attention keeping one's eyes open keeping one's eyes peeled on the watch introspective earnest musing museful ruminative meditative reflecting pondering measured pensive initiated sparing well-balanced equitable precise trustworthy credible miserly economic systematic rigorous worldly wise tenable acceptable decent unidealistic regulated orderly organized methodical impartial believable viable understandable abstemious scrimping economizing old unprovincial with experience matured unprejudiced feasible underhand scholastic intellectualistic intellectualist ordered organised straight-thinking well organized mathematical advanced particular unexcessive cognitive admissible making sense unbiased standing to reason unextreme highbrowed eggheaded geeky clerkly intellective bluestocking stingy normal thought-out having been around been there old hand well travelled disingenuous meaningful suggestive evenhanded fair-minded clear-cut nerdish longhair blue nerdy obscure liberal shark calculated inside into open to reason recognized proven faithful cheap canonical true penny-wise reputable sanctioned recognised economising clearheaded orthodox fastidious long-haired developed based on good sense apprised progressive discriminative on the inside wakeful unimpaired up on legal tried-and-true wise up open-minded expressive discriminational discriminatory differential broad-minded hip to in the picture able to reason clearly well balanced able to think clearly compos mentis in possession of all your faculties of sound mind free-thinking artistic aesthetic nice enigmatic plugged in knowing what's what jazzed finical choosy with good taste select picky individualising eclectic opinionated persnickety individualizing fussy choicy finicky esthetic eloquent impish teasing speaking mischievous playful on tiptoe consequential most likely


Marked by charm, confidence and elegance
suave urbane cultivated polite refined polished courteous sophisticated cultured civilised civilized civil gracious debonair courtly gentlemanly smooth gallant mannerly worldly affable cool charming dignified obliging diplomatic pleasant cordial svelte politic genial poised agreeable formal glib slick pleasing ingratiating unctuous bland oily sociable distingué fulsome impeccable soft worldly-wise well-bred self-possessed well mannered smooth-tongued smooth-talking silver-tongued soft-spoken genteel decorous well-mannered well bred elegant proper ladylike seemly decent considerate respectable chivalrous couth kind complaisant well-behaved well behaved correct respectful appropriate deferential thoughtful modest discreet tasteful restrained gentle well brought up comme il faut well-spoken well spoken stylish cosmopolitan balanced metropolitan accomplished graceful media-savvy accommodating kindly hospitable congenial approachable conciliatory attentive punctilious mild amenable sympathetic well brought-up good-natured neighborly obsequious concerned friendly neighbourly condescending amiable solicitous good-mannered fit befitting becoming fitting suitable sedate staid demure reserved nice comely in good taste moral au fait right meet good prim done conforming ceremonial seasonable conventional de rigueur noble honourable honorable regardful distinguished classy aristocratic dutiful reverential fine upright proud reverent stately humble obedient admiring obeisant appreciative educated advanced majestic enlightened well-born benevolent helpful well-brought-up composed amicable worshiping principled venerable handsome virtuous developed worthy high-minded royal pious worshipful upholding devout worshipping solemn venerational protective gentlemanlike haughty snobbish reputable confident ceremonious charitable highbrow self-assured learned highborn patrician blue-blooded well-groomed erudite womanly posh privileged aloof good mannered persuasive magnanimous taught upper-crust trained discerning discriminating smarmy together conscientious facile collected caring subservient sublime unruffled silky possessed understanding devoted tender respected submissive deferent coolheaded equable high-brow venerating duteous responsible self-composed well read gracesome great-hearted well informed well-educated responsive beneficent independent valiant self-sufficient scrupulous self-respecting regal honest self-effacing ethical trustworthy incorrupt dependable generous awed comradely altruistic indulgent benign unselfish upstanding righteous just companionable peaceable straight true stand-up clean-living well-disposed on the up and up squeaky clean right-minded all right


Willing to assist or give aid
helpful obliging friendly pleasant kind accommodating considerate thoughtful supportive cooperative sympathetic caring compassionate chivalrous kindly polite respectful selfless unselfish warmhearted tender patient hospitable complaisant mindful solicitous understanding neighborly neighbourly charitable benevolent beneficent eager to help eager to please gracious attentive kindhearted courteous regardful gallant indulgent concerned heedful civil observant diplomatic thoughty social well-bred affectionate gentle good amiable cordial loving nice tolerant humane decent generous big bounteous comforting public-spirited wholesome warm-hearted tenderhearted eleemosynary well meaning angelic lovable altruistic soft motherly benignant easygoing agreeable fatherly good-tempered mild large-hearted unstinting soft touch tender-hearted benefic maternal well intentioned giving good-natured bountiful benign philanthropical good-humoured merciful pitying fatherlike brotherly good-hearted clement calm kind-hearted sweet sweet-tempered liberal genial heart in right place amicable congenial philanthropic all heart greathearted openhanded good-humored openhearted propitious cheerful magnanimous feeling pleasing affable big-hearted likeable munificent warm softhearted unoffensive likable open-handed noble mellow great-hearted sociable lenient engaging freehanded dutiful goodhearted lavish princely well-mannered deferential bleeding-heart forbearing delightful soft-hearted humanitarian well-disposed amenable bighearted self-sacrificing responsive approachable well disposed open extroverted companionable self-denying self-effacing devoted denying self-forgetting convivial sensitive disinterested incorruptible self-forgetful free empathetic honourable ungrudging easy-going willing righteous compliant honorable just empathic easy accessible ethical moral virtuous receptive honest high-minded welcoming easy to get along with lovely unsparing personable acquiescent jovial bonhomous freehearted fulsome harmonious respectable upright almsgiving gregarious mild-mannered comradely heroic upstanding principled matey uplifting easy to get on with chummy open-hearted even-tempered accommodative adaptable pliable sensible well-meaning game civilized doting tractable biddable persuadable charming Christian worthy available informal favorable happy civilised outgoing mannerly communicative favourable conscientious unstuffy conversable extrovert lofty extraverted right do-good moderate open-minded right-minded collegial unpresumptuous prepossessing winsome unassuming moralistic valiant well mannered clean-living socially concerned generous to a fault free-handed palsy reasonable sweet-natured palsy-walsy fair hail-fellow-well-met squeaky clean hail-fellow hearty buddy-buddy harmless encouraging forgiving reassuring guestfriendly fond reverential commiserative breezy responsible touchy-feely unprejudiced softie marshmallow elevated high lordly goodish great broad-minded sentimental human avuncular protective nurturing inspiring inspiriting mushy as nice as pie appealing taking captivating simpatico barley-sugar winning enchanting excellent loose soft-touch welfare nonprofit cheery very kind willing to please favourably disposed humble swell ingratiating wonderful modest urbane not-for-profit non-profit non-profit-making peaceful unreserved stimulating boosting gratifying paternal loving and giving chirpy pliant doing good works handy accepting onside persuasible suasible cheering soothing fulfilling good company perky temperate long-suffering useful forthcoming user friendly on tap on deck willing to help clubbable patriotic contributing donating prosocial buddy buddy familiar cozy clubby couthy pally clubable communal intimate fraternal company-loving backslapping tight cosy uninhibited trustworthy incorrupt dependable glad to be of assistance peaceable straight true innocent pure clean edifying stand-up inclined disposed ready prepared all right on the up and up well-brought-up non-erotic non-violent improving chaste pleased correct exemplary proper consenting glad eager enthusiastic squeaky-clean apple-pie simple content keen all there hale and hearty invigorating ruddy sane in fine feather practical together fresh-faced envigorating hygienic commonsensical sanitary normal open-faced clean-cut in the pink safe blooming set predisposed prone desirous nonmalignant nonthreatening like-minded nothing loath so minded so-minded in favor zealous in the mood one in accord with in favour of a mind fain minded non-malignant


Amusingly ingenious
clever witty nimble-witted sharp-witted snappy amusing droll facetious flippant funny glib highbrowed humorous quick-witted comical cutting entertaining jocular mirthful mischievous playful quick quick on the draw quick on the uptake risible scintillating sharp slapstick smart-aleck smart-alecky snazzy spirited teasing tongue-in-cheek waggish whimsical ironic jocose profound racy sparkling smart lively comic brilliant bright joshing chucklesome diverting campy laughable exciting animated dazzling stimulating vibrant vivacious ebullient effervescent coruscating exhilarating gay ridiculous invigorating hilarious joking crazy jesting merry farcical jokey ludicrous envigorating light-hearted blithe lighthearted wacky flip camp pleasant radiant irreverent satirical wisecracking riotous uproarious putting one on fun pulling one's leg dry not serious comedic humoristic hysterical zany priceless killing wry screaming absurd sidesplitting hysteric antic fanciful ribald intelligent keen original side-splitting rib-tickling too funny for words tongue in cheek penetrating ingenious epigrammatic piquant piercing jolly jovial roguish sportive jocund ludic cheerful cheery blithesome laughing sunny frolicsome gleeful festive glittering happy flakey frivolous good-humoured silly good-humored daffy flaky joyous boffo joculous glimmering fascinating sprightly glinting gagged up for grins joyful high-spirited glad buoyant chirpy upbeat carefree chipper perky exuberant bubbly jaunty gladsome fun-loving rollicking convivial in high spirits peppy genial gelastic jubilant elated enjoyable airy breezy zippy smiling impish optimistic without a care in the world untroubled sparky positive happy-go-lucky in jest bantering euphoric grinning rich cock-a-hoop goofy puckish unworried smiley peart in good spirits in fun unserious larking preposterous full of beans arch full of the joys of spring of good cheer prankish frisky pleased eccentric delightful gamesome kittenish bouncy exultant ecstatic riot content hopeful inane slaphappy a scream zingy light boon winsome nutty bright-eyed and bushy-tailed full of vim and vigour delighted engaging pleasing overjoyed scampish leprechaunish knavish rascally coltish amused gratified pleasurable boisterous derisory contented blissful thrilled agreeable jumping grooving festal rocking skittish exhilarated har-har fantastic scream unusual mocking bizarre beguiling capering fun-filled odd hysterically funny wanton beaming elfish larky fay sportful eupeptic lightsome canty friendly killingly funny frolicky off-the-wall over the moon a laugh a hoot loony dizzy perk frolic Pickwickian full of hope good-natured lots of laughs as merry as a grig for a laugh bright and breezy noisy rowdy lightweight pixieish tricksy pixie sly wicked pixy devilish elvish stupid clowning triumphant nonsensical derisive asinine clownish laughter-filled foolish recreative childish rejoicing screamingly funny quirky quaint trivial trifling oddball warm comedical excited exalted smug gloating stoked chaffing jollying derisible recreational outgoing rosy benign espiègle quizzical laffer crack-up unconstrained rip-roaring mad saturnalian zappy wild a barrel of laughs flirtatious full of life as lively as a grig flighty beatific easy-going cordial affable sunbeamy unsatisfactory inadequate embarrassing pitiful unimpressive daft debonair interesting insouciant satisfied frolicking romping as a joke to tease laugh-a-minute off the wall easygoing unthinking amiable rapturous funny ha-ha ha-ha funny tickled chuffed full of fun game enchanting charming wrapped jerky fool batty goofus dippy fool-headed gump screwy thankful cheering a card a caution gratifying novel gladdening wonderful fool around crazy shtick Mickey Mouse heartening heartwarming blessed vigorous gut-busting cut up on cloud nine on cloud seven beside oneself with joy on top of the world celebratory hearty holiday carnival Christmassy gala backslapping decorated carnivalesque swinging feastly feastful back-slapping good-time go-go juiced up

反义词 a tactful

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