同义词 behaves according to


To take heed or pay attention to, especially of advice or instruction
listens heeds minds observes considers notes regards accepts follows obeys watches notices pays attention agrees assents attends believes hears hearkens marks respects digs harks harkens gives heed takes heed abides by adheres to takes into account takes into consideration takes note takes notice takes to heart bears in mind is mindful of complies with concentrates on conforms to gives heed to has regard for pays attention to pays heed to takes heed of takes note of takes notice of gives a thought to pays regard to follows orders goose-steps to hangs on picks up does as you are told does one's bidding toes the line does as one is told by gives ear to gets a load of listens up keeps listens to attends to watches out for gives thought to picks up on sees catches perceives thinks about discerns remarks gives ear watches out eyes are aware of is aware of pays heed takes in tunes in to lends an ear lends an ear to looks to registers beholds views detects distinguishes acknowledges exercises restraint about looks out for exercises caution about exercises care about recognizes cares about exercises caution over takes care with focuses on hearkens to clocks devotes yourself becomes aware of flashes on recognises listens up to occupies oneself with keeps one's eye on checks out keeps one's mind on looks on applies your mind to keeps in mind spots baby-sits sits keeps to eavesdrops watches over gives care keeps tabs monitors overhears tunes in behears concentrates auscults minds the store keeps eye peeled stays in line watches your step rides herd on watches the store concentrates on hearing hears out gives an audience to keeps your ears open hears tell pins your ears back listens intently gives attention tunes in on pricks up ears pins back one's ears hangs on someone's words

反义词 behaves according to

Music ♫

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