同义词 claps someone in irons


Imprison or confine
incarcerates confines imprisons interns gaols jails detains immures locks up holds commits impounds jugs puts away restrains restricts holds prisoner puts in prison sends to prison books constrains coops up holds captive railroads sends down settles sloughs takes into custody puts in chains puts inside puts into detention bangs up puts behind bars takes away throws in jail puts on ice throws book at sends up the river keeps under lock and key puts under lock and key cages remands pens shuts in puts in irons fences in sends up locks away keeps sentences prisons circumscribes trammels stockades closets ices throws in dungeon throws the book at throws away the keys mews locks in rails in shuts up holds hostage bottles up takes prisoner keeps captive keeps in custody holds in custody puts in jail pens in walls in throws into irons puts into irons mews up encloses hems in corrals closes in encases hedges houses coops envelops encages pounds boxes in includes traps incloses bounds walls binds fences blockades blocks off fences off mures boxes up arrests encircles secludes cloisters institutionalizes encompasses circles contains hems consigns shuts away institutionalises barricades quarantines walls off mews in cages in hedges in cordons off cuts off seals off sequesters kettles limits sentences to prison isolates insulates enshrouds environs enfolds covers keeps under constraint keeps under custody holds under custody entombs inters cribs enslaves walls up hog-ties clips someone's wings bars certifies sends puts in custody assigns delivers puts in solitary surrounds rings apprehends engirds flanks wreathes girdles girds compasses skirts embraces borders edges fringes seizes withholds captures takes busts nabs closes up seals up closes off locks shuts shuts off nails reserves cops nicks does buttonholes remands in custody collars takes in feels your collar puts into custody pulls in mires hauls in pinches places in custody picks up

反义词 claps someone in irons

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