同义词 more loony tunes


Comparative for crazy or behaving irrationally
crazier madder dafter wackier battier loonier nuttier screwier whackier balmier crankier daffier fruitier kookier barmier scattier dottier loopier buggier nutsier dippier squirrellier pottier wilder flakier stupider bizarrer sillier rabider foolisher odder queerer sicker stranger freakier kinkier dreamier topsy-turvier simpler daggier faultier slower duller wonkier thicker messier dumber dimmer dozier weirder zanier quirkier softer in the head giddier absurder funnier goofier rummer curiouser quainter funkier unwiser jerkier obtuser flightier weaker foolhardier rasher recklesser denser vainer grotesquer derpier violenter dingier ignoranter sparer unsteadier falser uselesser dorkier dopier campier camper hollower unlikelier perverser dizzier ambitiouser extremer merrier shallower ditzier flipper ditsier frothier yeastier playfuller gayer lighter perkier more demented more crazed more deranged more unbalanced more unhinged more maniacal more psychotic more insane more lunatic more cuckoo more gaga more loco more mental more psycho more wacko more whacko more brainsick more bughouse more certifiable more crackbrained more cracked more crackers more crackpot more haywire more kookie more meshugge more moonstruck more unsound more nuts more meshuga more wud more bats more looney tunes more touched more mentally ill more bananas more raving more frenzied more psychopathic more disturbed more barking more unstable more irrational more distraught more off the wall more delirious more manic more distracted more hysterical more eccentric more nutso more frantic more schizoid more disordered more berserk more idiotic more gonzo more schizophrenic more unsettled more out there more confused more unglued more off more raging more paranoid more erratic more peculiar more off-the-wall more fatuous more wrong more senseless more preposterous more fantastic more doolally more screwball more dazed more sociopathic more uncontrolled more manic-depressive more moonstricken more fried more demoniac more troubled more screwed up more chaotic more mindless more touched in the head more psychoneurotic more schitzy more bemused more unreasonable more disorganized more aberrant more invalid more panic-stricken more unsafe more shambolic more simple-minded more imbecilic more witless more moronic more irresponsible more impractical more dull-witted more cretinous more dim-witted more feeble-minded more slow-witted more broken more nonfunctional more empty-headed more dopey more vacuous more vapid more amiss more disorganised more out of whack more defective more baked more birdbrained more bovine more lamebrained more muttonheaded more chuckleheaded more dunderheaded more boneheaded more offbeat more madcap more outlandish more slow on the uptake more ridiculous more idiosyncratic more surreal more unusual more far-out more nonsensical more unpredictable more freakish more amusing more comic more clownish more unorthodox more unconventional more far out more queerish more bizarro more off-centre more remarkable more outré more spaced-out more off-kilter more brainless more half-baked more asinine more ludicrous more simpleminded more cockeyed more inane more bubbleheaded more featherheaded more harebrained more laughable more illogical more tomfool more inept more doltish more implausible more sappy more unrealistic more pointless more cockamamie more risible more unintelligent more farcical more gormless more unreasoning more untenable more impracticable more fanciful more ill-conceived more incongruous more comical more fantastical more unthinkable more thickheaded more unreal more fallacious more addle-brained more groundless more unjustifiable more inconsequential more imprudent more specious more uncontrollable more illegitimate more incredible more puerile more unworkable more inconsequent more unthinking more glaikit more unbelievable more futile more sophistic more unscientific more whimsical more derisory more careless more outrageous more derisive more inconsistent more cockamamy more pathetic more scatterbrained more meaningless more heedless more ill-advised more imbecile more ill-considered more paranoiac more paranoic more infantile more nerdish more null more vacant more furious more phrenetic more rampant more gibbering more halfwitted more hyper more fanatic more pixilated more obsessed more retarded more backward more dotish more chowderheaded more changeable more rattlebrained more crook more feebleminded more ineffectual more unsmart more knuckleheaded more spurious more incorrect more flawed more erroneous more ill-judged more impolitic more hilarious more unjustified more in vain more embarrassing more monstrous more astonishing more contradictory more unconsidered more sophistical more extravagant more injudicious more far-fetched more inconclusive more unsubstantial more impossible more extraordinary more irreconcilable more improbable more unproved more irrelevant more unconnected more inconceivable more dubious more doubtful more superficial more imaginary more unimaginable more unconvincing more grandiose more incredulous more illusory more light-minded more arbitrary more unconceivable more misleading more visionary more romantic more artificial more amazing more uncompelling more capricious more incoherent more reasonless more illusive more different more singular more hallucinatory more suppositious more facetious more counterintuitive more disconnected more disjointed more flippant more skittish more idle more thoughtless more juvenile more childish more lightheaded more featherbrained more volatile more tongue-in-cheek more lighthearted more frivolous more twisted

反义词 more loony tunes

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