同义词 more stressy


Comparative for feeling highly agitated or jittery
tenser edgier jumpier uptighter jitterier nervier twitchier unquieter antsier fidgetier shakier fearfuller spookier windier queazier queasier squirrellier toeier hinkier angstier unsteadier awkwarder jerkier creepier friskier wrigglier squirmier wigglier hotter under the collar tauter shiverier itchier angrier unrulier perverser ornerier stubborner stiffer weaker touchier wearier higher crazier unhealthier scarier hairier shier unsurer warier timider charier leerier cagier brittler difficulter unhappier jealouser flightier meaner mousier sadder fussier loster stranger intenser trickier crosser dodgier rigider stricter testier miserabler hotter crotchetier tetchier cowardlier grumpier worse-tempered dorkier lower rattier crabbier crankier geekier huffier yellower nerdier loather safer thriftier stingier iffier cannier more strung out more anxious more nervous more worried more agitated more uneasy more apprehensive more wired more overwrought more restive more irritable more fractious more worked up more keyed up more ill at ease more restless more troubled more upset more stressed more fretful more perturbed more disturbed more distressed more insecure more frightened more het up more scared more discomposed more aflutter more strained more overstrung more concerned more bothered more panicky more dithery more unsettled more uncomfortable more hyper more afraid more unrestful more spooked more flustered more distraught more impatient more stressed out more distracted more disconcerted more excited more vexed more hot and bothered more hysterical more frantic more plagued more discombobulated more dismayed more high-strung more unrelaxed more fevered more febrile more terrified more beleaguered more desperate more overanxious more excitable more embarrassed more trepidatious more frenzied more confused more frayed more hysteric more anguished more phobic more overactive more heated more hyperactive more feverish more hectic more angstful more bugged more solicitous more unglued more moved more choked more turbulent more self-conscious more fraught more suspicious more unpeaceful more hard-pressed more panic-stricken more frazzled more careful more inflamed more emotive more timorous more fluttery more shot more moving more sensitive more irresolute more fitful more aghast more watchful more careworn more disorderly more exasperated more annoyed more perplexed more palpitant more peevish more irascible more wavering more unbalanced more recalcitrant more put upon more worn out more refractory more overexcited more unyielding more obstinate more hesitant more compulsive more manic more obsessive more foreboding more doubtful more mistrustful more browbeaten more uncertain more angst-ridden more lily-livered more frozen more horrified more wrought-up more pressurized more shocked more swivel-eyed more fixated more irrational more unstable more oversensitive more hurried more rushed more petrified more tired more worn more wound-up more emotional more affected more affrighted more abnormal more paranoid more steamed up more hunted more intimidated more maladjusted more cowed more frit more deviant more aberrant more erratic more disordered more obsessed more disoriented more inhibited more horror-struck more irked more muddled more nail-biting more disturbing more disquieting more unsettling more distressing more worrisome more nerve-racking more distressful more skittish more nerve-wracking more cautious more dubious more distrustful more sceptical more skeptical more cynical more bashful more discountenanced more stressful more circumspect more startled more volatile more unbelieving more exciting more irritated more skittery more concerning more blushing more gauche more disbelieving more creeped out more incredulous more critical more questioning more stilted more unconvinced more undecided more hurt more sheepish more spasmodic more untrusting more withdrawn more disappointed more gutted more put out more angered more blue more cut up more agog more worrying more indecisive more tentative more unnatural more avid more open-mouthed more ambivalent more vacillating more dramatic more cliffhanging more bewildered more trying more explosive more flushed more unassured more Delphic more unpoised more hyperexcited more afire more afflicted more petulant more overemotional more displeased more miffed more mortified more aggravated more pained more puzzled more conventional more querulous more histrionic more graceless more captious more crabbed more introverted more reserved more changeable more active more inconstant more transient more bustling more nomadic more footloose more intermittent more roving more sleepless more short-tempered more ill-natured more old-fashioned more tremulous more ashamed more out of sorts more splenetic more ill-tempered more abashed more tongue-tied more unconfident more pusillanimous more verklempt more chicken more fainthearted more humbled more snappish more faultfinding more contrary more carping more amazed more stunned more fearsome more shamefaced more bummed out more maladroit more guarded more faint-hearted more heedful more horror-stricken more spookish more skitterish more dishonoured more chastened more reluctant more dishonored more mindful more incongruous more panicked more red-faced more averse more scrupulous more frugal more considerate more conservative more gingerly more alert more prudent more parsimonious more negativistic more calculating more miserly more sparing more constrained more restrained more economical more fastidious more discreet more particular more out of one's element

反义词 more stressy

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