同义词 most homiletical


Superlative for intended to teach, particularly in having moral instruction as an ulterior motive
preachiest abstrusest tritest seriousest usefullest driest aridest dullest fussiest newsiest most didactic most instructive most instructional most educational most informative most informational most moralistic most educative most edifying most illuminating most academic most sententious most homiletic most pedagogic most sermonic most scholastic most pedantic most preceptive most bookish most priggish most pompous most improving most heuristic most donnish most propaedeutic most erudite most advisory most formal most schoolmasterly most moral most exhortative most hortative most teacherly most sanctimonious most self-righteous most pietistic most pontifical most pedantical most sermonical most didactical most judgmental most ponderous most judgemental most Pecksniffian most dogmatic most upright most self-important most high-minded most strait-laced most pointed most learned most informatory most pedagogical most explanatory most schoolish most literary most elucidative most doctrinaire most helpful most revealing most illuminative most explicative most explicatory most egotistic most formalistic most ostentatious most particular most punctilious most overnice most stilted most descriptive most explanative most exegetic most interpretive most expositive most interpretative most telling most scholarly most elucidatory most revelatory most demonstrative most diagrammatic most graphic most allegorical most profound most professorial most disciplinary most admonitory most cultural most intellectual most cautionary most cerebral most communicative most expositional most factual most forthcoming most prefatory most evaluative most discursive most typical most analytical most representative most hermeneutic most illustrational most evincive most indicative most metaphoric most figurative most symbolic most imagistic most illustratory most comparative most expressive most pictoric most emblematic most corroborative

反义词 most homiletical

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