同义词 most suss


Superlative for astute or wise in insight or intellect
astutest cleverest sharpest shrewdest smartest acutest wisest keenest quickest canniest savviest sagest headiest downiest pawkiest wiliest craftiest subtlest brainiest brightest sliest foxiest cagiest quickest off the mark slickest slipperiest smoothest fliest nimblest deftest handiest agilest adroitest ablest wariest trickiest cutest dodgiest deepest soundest sneakiest best readiest fastest sanest aptest soberest shiftiest slimmest finest worldliest maturest coolest justest clearest wittiest firmest best-informed toughest shadiest stealthiest best-grounded lucidest liveliest meanest niftiest archest shonkiest hardest falsest seemliest elitest trustworthiest excellentest tastiest truest choicest weightiest politest wickedest neatest briskest greasiest quickest on the draw nippiest best-read healthiest dirtiest crispest pithiest succinctest punchiest thoughtiest minutest tricksiest steadiest swiftest sprightliest curtest abstrusest seriousest snidest fairest straightest gentlest blandest suavest wriest bentest greediest realest robustest earthiest best-balanced hippest snakiest safest earnestest gravest powerfullest strongest fleetest most perspicacious most intelligent most perceptive most discerning most insightful most penetrating most sagacious most percipient most judicious most alert most discriminating most sapient most intuitive most observant most sensitive most argute most aware most farsighted most understanding most sharp-witted most quick-witted most clear-sighted most clear-eyed most heads-up most keen-witted most open-eyed most streetwise most ingenious most cunning most artful most incisive most knowing most calculating most sensible most prudent most brilliant most hardheaded most hard-boiled most piercing most profound most media-savvy most dexterous most dextrous most worldly-wise most responsive most inventive most politic most critical most erudite most rational most careful most cautious most circumspect most frugal most skilful most hep most skillful most discreet most watchful most street-smart most street smart most scheming most devious most guileful most designing most beguiling most underhand most accurate most disingenuous most probing most inside most calculated most astucious most up on most thoughtful most knowledgeable most logical most enlightened most practical most reasonable most intellectual most informed most learned most experienced most deceitful most pragmatic most gifted most dishonest most Machiavellian most commonsensical most realistic most exceptional most scholarly most levelheaded most supersmart most hyperintelligent most insidious most precocious most duplicitous most deceptive most analytical most well-advised most level-headed most adept most sophisticated most educated most treacherous most capable most cerebral most reasoned most intriguing most masterly most commonsense most expedient most conniving most accomplished most expert most delicate most talented most matter-of-fact most grounded most well-founded most crooked most unscrupulous most justified most proficient most imaginative most reliable most vulpine most solid most penetrative most businesslike most responsible most no-nonsense most seasoned most common-sense most philosophical most creative most foresighted most hardened most competent most reflective most analytic most valid most hard-headed most active most provident most commonsensible most balanced most skilled most underhanded most strategic most diplomatic most virtuoso most cheating most Janus-faced most manipulative most cultivated most vigilant most coherent most contemplative most cultured most considerate most trenchant most together most advisable most tactful most unsentimental most desirable most urbane most furtive most refined most untrustworthy most cluey most visionary most perfidious most cogent most polished most alive most unprovincial most fiendish most unprincipled most secret most prompt most awake most delusive most opportunistic most dependable most enterprising most cosmopolitan most fraudulent most original most masterful most practised most objective most sentient most ace most practiced most sophic most precise most stable most judgmatical most prescient most cogitative most cognizant most congruent most roguish most captious most elusive most illusory most dishonorable most traitorous most legit most thorough most effective most proven most spirited most eggheaded most evasive most conscious most bravura most indirect most efficacious most workmanlike most kosher most conversant most heedful most studious most deductive most dishonourable most pragmatical most bright-eyed and bushy-tailed most attentive most unidealistic most courteous most gracious most genial most philosophic most deliberate most exquisite most searching most acuminous most appropriate most resolute most intractable most adult most exact most concise most profitable most beneficial most advantageous most secretive most impish most mischievous most teachable most qualified most fastidious most graceful most receptive most selective most cool-headed most ratiocinative most detailed most complex most exacting most gainful most worthwhile most crackerjack most covert most fitting most innovative most appreciative most tasteful most grown-up most cynical most academic most effectual most serious-minded most vigorous most mercurial most wired most amoral most recondite most seasonable most judicial most well-adjusted most well-proportioned most proportional most symmetrical most peerless most cutthroat most immoral most unethical most unconscionable most inspired most arcane most esoteric most au courant most apprehensive most vital most clued up most on guard most insincere most bookish most faithless most conciliatory most hermetical most hermetic most harmonious most delusory most misleading most respectful most sympathetic most hypocritical most blasé most selfish most grasping most materialistic most innovational most innovatory most fertile most elaborate most trailblazing most Promethean most originative most unromantic most surreptitious most with-it most untruthful most occult most acroamatic most forethoughtful most avaricious most covetous most mendacious most on the lookout most unemotional most farseeing most artistic most deviceful most knavish most utilitarian most corrupt most backhanded most sinister most perilous most dangerous most wormlike most self-centred most callous most self-centered most forehanded most clandestine most tough-minded most unfantastic most fallacious most Punic most truthless most significant most recognised most faithful most canonical most recognized most reputable most orthodox most proactive most false-hearted most dinkum most satisfying most hollow-hearted most satisfactory most musing most measured most solemn most meditative most pensive most ruminative most introspective most reflecting most museful most legal most estimable most decent most clairvoyant most forward-looking most genuine most telling most efficient most convincing most substantial most professional most believable most compelling most justifiable most plausible most credible most sustainable most defensible most viable most impressive most acceptable most workable most probable most maintainable most irrefutable most perspicuous most persuasive most defendable most arguable most supportable most legitimate most authoritative most germane most determinative most conclusive most habile most pertinent most relevant most vindicable most forceful most consistent most uncorrupted most potent most attested

反义词 most suss

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