同义词 stock standard


Standardized, lacking originality or customization
canned boilerplate set stock standardised standardized staple standard usual customary routine conventional hackneyed stereotyped traditional commonplace trite overused predictable banal unoriginal derivative formulaic familiar prevailing current platitudinous popular regular going overworked tired basic prevalent average hacky ordinary corny run-of-the-mill old hat widely available common established normal ready-made worn out readily available well worn formal typical worn-out dull stale prosaic everyday general clichéd accustomed habitual threadbare pedestrian timeworn uninspired unimaginative shopworn accepted well-worn stereotypical wonted hack vapid musty expected bromidic orthodox moth-eaten played out flat recognized unexceptional universal recognised settled workaday worn unremarkable cliche cornball vanilla natural humdrum ubiquitous plain acknowledged fixed cliché quotidian hokey warmed-over time-worn standard-issue frequent hackney widespread obligatory bog-standard bathetic garden-variety cliched cobwebby mainstream familiar tune jejune regulation exhausted drained mildewed chain household stereotypic boring platitudinal cut-and-dried used-up garden variety truistic mundane hoary cut-and-dry old rife daily received characteristic common or garden confirmed overall cliché-ridden ruling public day-to-day predominant overdone classic classical rampant antiquated undistinguished approved sanctioned time-honoured dime-store shared majority pervasive bland representative simple uninteresting uneventful warmed-up chronic archetypical unexciting typic time-honored tedious in circulation obsolete authorized uninventive indifferent monotonous uninspiring dreary imitative archetypal generic admitted derived acceptable proverbial understood fashionable characterless prescriptive well-known true authorised middle-of-the-road widely held long-established out of the ark matter-of-course par for the course tiresome mediocre in vogue copied plagiaristic second-hand plagiarized non-innovative rehashed second-rate official known domestic repetitious wearisome tripe unadventurous insipid endemic unpretentious collective mechanical matter-of-fact so-so canonical passé uncreative methodical inconspicuous prescribed broad mind-numbing recognizable unvaried sound cribbed acquired nondescript insignificant unnoteworthy modest humble formalistic constant old-hat native stipulated dominant favourite favorite recognisable plain vanilla orderly out of date preponderant regnant featureless vulgar plagiarised steady comprehensive nothing special sweeping past their sell-by date across the board agreed upon by the numbers rehearsed unspontaneous inane conventionalized artificial mass-produced typecast pervading repetitive vieux jeu extensive obvious unchanging ineffective authoritative oft-repeated menial unvarying present defunct gut default outworn mawkish honored worn thin valid dated faded comfortable silly aged ongoing unexceptionable frayed repeated garden antwacky used anodyne agreed fuddy-duddy cut and dried numerous ho-hum honoured one-size-fits-all family casual terrestrial informal acquainted stupid facile pabulum nowhere nothing noplace dumb blah cornfed zero trivial square homely unextraordinary whitebread methodic well established unsophisticated world-worn in use circulating colourless spiritless dyed-in-the-wool endorsed undoubted legal lawful uncontested undisputed statutory unquestioned canonic inveterate recurring plain-Jane ten a penny off-the-shelf unimpressive ho hum renowned believed passionless anaemic regimented systematic ritualistic ritual homespun dull as dishwater entrenched touted blank expressionless deadpan documented declared identified perceived superior sop wont mass wide nitty-gritty conformist well known a dime a dozen dime-a-dozen well-established drab lacklustre sterile dry lackluster lifeless unopposed passed legit okayed preferred inherent symptomatic consistent allowed realized remembered afoot tolerable decent OK adequate indistinctive neutral faceless noncommittal rigid existing anticipated foreseeable indicative foreseen reliable emblematic realised professed national blanket communal overarching global joint outright about same old unimpressed unmoved stodgy ponderous barren heavy-handed yawn distinctive likely unsurprising idiosyncratic proper distinguishing no great shakes fair-to-middling fair anonymous unmemorable common variety neither one thing nor the other individualistic commonest proven historic stable standard operating procedure playing it safe in a rut in the groove according to Hoyle bruited about making the rounds doing the rounds in general use going around in the air talked of tried and true tried and tested arrived at deep-rooted widely used ingrained strict widely recognized commonly accepted generally accepted total epidemic nationwide societal wholesale colorless anemic run of the mill in keeping in character predominating traditionalistic old-fashioned old-style officially recognized on everyone's lips true to form to be expected institutionalized rooted institutionalised influential operative main preponderating principal secure unshakable vested permanent only to be expected on the cards … all over true to type nothing to write home about bog standard phoned in broad-spectrum across-the-board in force broad-brush all-round all-around catholic all-embracing in style fundamental worldwide ecumenical in fashion not much cop secondary echoic plastic grind outdated secondhand outmoded copycat white-bread evolved procured borrowed hereditary obtained ancestral inferential subordinate cognate connate caused inferred out-of-date played-out old-chestnut old-saw coming from not original most common most usual most frequent

反义词 stock standard

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