同义词 the rebel


A person who rises in opposition or armed resistance against an established government or leader
insurgent revolutionary mutineer revolutionist insurrectionary agitator anarchist guerrilla insurrectionist traitor renegade revolter subversive terrorist turncoat antagonist campaigner demagogue deserter frondeur malcontent objector opponent overthrower protester recreant red rioter secessionist seditionist subverter disectarian Montonero Zapatista freedom fighter resistance fighter radical dissenter dissident demonstrator activist partisan nihilist extremist militant separatist nonconformist fanatic zealot iconoclast marcher heretic schismatic resistance innovator independent apostate experimenter experientialist individualist paramilitary crazy devotee picketer sectarian supporter Bolshevik irregular bioterrorist ecoterrorist cyberterrorist agroterrorist anarch protest marcher narcoterrorist reformer leftist progressive crusader troublemaker diehard enthusiast striker disrupter boycotter ideologue idealogue ultra fighter combatant warrior ultraist red hot true believer counterrevolutionist outlaw resister revisionist lobbyist partizan follower reformist lefty counterrevolutionary socialist quisling saboteur separationist picketers picket soldier belligerent firebrand avant-garde heckler seditionary deviationist freethinker Young Turk Bolshevist human chain collaborator insubordinate dogmatist fifth columnist bigot underground fighter maniac fundamentalist hardliner chauvinist irregular soldier commando mercenary bushfighter energumen crank die-hard member of the underground professional soldier member of the resistance soldier of fortune


A person who resists authority, control, or convention
dissident maverick nonconformist dissenter apostate heretic iconoclast schismatic recusant independent individualist nihilist radical separatist bad boy bohemian eccentric loner free spirit freethinker renegade protester dissentient revolutionary outsider lone wolf deviant boho counterculturist skeptic nonconformer sceptic malcontent original beatnik enfant terrible lone ranger objector free thinker heresiarch unorthodox person hippie misbeliever sectary unconventional person disputant hippy freak unbeliever oddball mutineer nonbeliever misfit revolutionist dropout rarity individual insurgent extremist independent thinker rare bird flower child odd one out rara avis sectarian subversive cynic demonstrator atheist rejectionist weirdo agitator agnostic rule breaker one-off New Ager one of a kind non-theist avant-gardist secessionist freedom fighter separationist opponent protestant character rationalist trendsetter unconventional thinker independent-minded person unorthodox thinker unconstrained thinker infidel libertine oner critic questioner outcast reformer innovator detractor ruiner non-conformist denouncer image-breaker pessimist anarchist disbeliever longhair dilettante gypsy artist writer odd man out non-believer gonzo insurrectionary refusenik insurrectionist artistic person New Age traveler negativist schismatist revisionist protest marcher militant destroyer existentialist disruptor weirdie wackadoo wackadoodle screwball kook offbeat seceder swinger liberal outlier fish out of water odd fish different breed night person heathen pagan paynim nullifidian doubter doubting Thomas miscreant scoffer recreant idolatress idolater tergiversator withersake materialist profaner misanthrope humanist deist oddity giaour gentile nonworshiper challenger irreligionist crank headshaker Pyrrhonist zetetic heterodox thinker flake exception loser square peg in a round hole round peg in a square hole traitor deserter defector turncoat Judas betrayer quisling double-crosser serpent backstabber snake double-dealer backslider rat renouncer deconvert


A person who uses unlawful violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims
terrorist revolutionary guerrilla insurrectionist insurrectionary subversive radical anarchist cyberterrorist bomber gunman kidnapper saboteur assassin incendiary arsonist hijacker alarmist goon guerilla extremist fanatic thug freedom fighter urban guerrilla suicide bomber urban guerilla revolutionist insurgent mutineer agitator resistance fighter revolter traitor partisan renegade malcontent frondeur bioterrorist ecoterrorist agroterrorist narcoterrorist irregular rioter red seditionist paramilitary Zapatista Montonero underground fighter subverter protester irregular soldier member of the resistance dissident resister soldier fighter demonstrator anarch turncoat quisling troublemaker objector antagonist opponent overthrower recreant deserter campaigner demagogue secessionist thief robber disectarian seditionary deviationist nihilist collaborator insubordinate fifth columnist Bolshevik carjacker skyjacker commando mercenary bushfighter member of the underground professional soldier soldier of fortune dissenter heretic reformer leftist separatist nonconformist iconoclast firebrand revisionist zealot schismatic resistance innovator independent apostate experimenter experientialist individualist instigator progressive fomenter inciter provocateur rabble-rouser exciter kindler demagog crazy ringleader agent sparkplug disrupter reactionary champion propagandist pusher advocate dogmatist mover activist wave maker counterrevolutionist reformist lefty militant counterrevolutionary separationist outlaw ultra diehard socialist avant-garde ultraist freethinker Bolshevist atheist cynic sceptic pessimist disbeliever agnostic unbeliever non-believer negativist nonbeliever non-theist stirrer destroyer skeptic existentialist agent provocateur provoker dissentient soapbox orator


A person who violates their allegiance
traitor betrayer turncoat Judas apostate rat quisling snake informer recreant renegade snitch fink defector deserter serpent squealer backstabber sneak collaborator deceiver snitcher tattletale fizgig spy conspirator tergiversator colluder fraternizer intriguer renegado backslider viper scab traditor hypocrite treasonist miscreant frenemy impostor traducer wolf double-crosser double-dealer back-stabber two-timer whistle-blower stool pigeon fifth columnist double agent snake in the grass Benedict Arnold runaway runagate mutineer outlaw dissident iconoclast heretic insurgent seceder renegate convert grass nark stoolie informant mole canary telltale tattler talebearer supergrass rat fink weasel nose snout schemer deep throat dog source accuser insider tout beagle intelligencer plotter blabbermouth sympathizer conspirer conniver cheat cabalist liar machinator sympathiser troublemaker infiltrator plant narc peacher leaker clype songbird tipster singer crier blab notifier ratfink taleteller rascal tale teller fork tongue fat mouth crypto Brutus collaborationist false friend enemy sympathizer agent nonconformist dissenter oathbreaker recusant schismatic adviser announcer fraudster swindler trickster finger pimp shelf withersake renouncer deconvert good-for-nothing stooge pigeon third ear quidnunc blabber tabby bigmouth whistler whistleblower polly squeaker karen opportunist sellout subversive confederate accomplice caballer highbinder wangler intrigant strategist scammer tactician intrigante frienemy palhole planner slyboots angler Machiavellian wheeler-dealer rogue Machiavelli friend-foe fake friend


A (young) person who misbehaves or is rebellious


To rise in opposition or armed resistance to an established government or leader


To disagree with or dispute
dissent differ demur disagree dispute diverge challenge disapprove nonconcur object oppose reject repudiate abjure protest refuse renounce stickle argue baulk balk buck contradict decline disaccord discord divide pettifog shy vary wrangle argue with disagree with not ratify object to protest against quibble over express disagreement with take issue with be at odds with be at variance with decline to support express disagreement express objection fail to agree with refuse to support break with withhold assent say nothing doing say no way put up an argument put up a fight say not a chance fly in the face of clash conflict fight be at odds quarrel lock horns cross swords squabble bicker jar row scrap altercate spat quibble feud controvert fall out battle take issue fail to agree be at variance debate spar brawl contend contest war take on be incompatible have words be at loggerheads set to be in dispute defy resist collide discept contrast argufy gainsay hassle tiff brabble come into conflict be dissimilar be unlike be different have a row go against bandy words argy-bargy differ in opinion be at each other's throats face down bump heads be of a different opinion take exception have a different opinion fight like cat and dog be divided be at sixes and sevens not see eye to eye go at it hammer and tongs run counter to mix it up bang heads zap haggle palter skirmish have a fight jump on let someone have it rip into each other contradict each other go for the jugular lay into have it out have a misunderstanding charge have a tiff find fault complain get tough with bump struggle carp cavil chop logic caterwaul tangle embroil strive flout disobey contravene deviate come out against depart withstand counter sass rehash dig your heels in kick over the traces refuse to obey have an argument confront be against combat refuse to accept the authority of kick against hammer away hash over jump on each other face off verbally fight stick it to have at it knock around talk back get in one's face pick an argument go one on one sock it to put up a struggle have at each other be in contention differ from be discordant not correspond be of a different mind not agree not accord diverge from dissent from shake one's head bar check prevent counterattack block attack face dislike cross hinder fight against thwart obstruct be anti disapprove of repel stand up to oppugn contend with rebut be hostile to take struggle against gainstay deny turn the tables speak against call in question frown at put up a fight against expose neutralize set your face against argue against stand up and be counted against assail be in defiance of assault not countenance search out reverse neutralise take a stand against speak out against bombard strive against quarrel with take a stand withstay encounter be in opposition to taunt go at it be in opposition negate question meet refute vie disaffirm tackle brave impugn disprove compete rival engage call into question disconfirm confute counteract query negative disavow dare brazen outface accost duel race rebel against meet head-on doubt come up against go up against impeach traverse breast outbrave disclaim beard match grapple wrestle grapple with frustrate cope with impede face up to jockey for position stand affront restrain curb hold out against stand up against criticize cope pit compete against play compete with play off vie with go after wage war have bone to pick come face to face with scramble for go for cancel out go for broke refuse to accept take exception to knock beat endure bear break confound discredit blast tolerate debunk sustain criticise stop halt inhibit stem repulse ward off suffer litigate battle with clash with disown cancel spurn stave off skirmish with do battle with tussle wage war on disallow invalidate scuffle waylay fight off make a nonsense of jostle bandy emulate scorn agitate against jockey tangle with put up with take up arms against meet head on work against face off against square up to undermine shoot down push push back prove false argue about wonder about lock horns with go one-on-one cast doubt upon throw doubt on take aside make a stand against shoot full of holes go for the gold go head to head prove to be false blow out of the water call one's bluff square up face with shoot down in flames show to be false set against square off mess with deal with fault unseat censure condemn campaign against scrimmage reluct call in countervail stonewall throw down the gauntlet at find fault with oppose action contend against come to blows mess meet eyeball-to-eyeball explode do battle withsay withspeak spare no effort rebuff collide with falsify vie against fend off sweat be rivals match yourself against baulk at complain about cavil at find lacking engage with dig in your heels dissent with thumbs down say the opposite of take wind out of sails take up arms nullify offset drive a coach and horses through knock the bottom out of deceive belie give the lie to struggle with get into conflict with have a dispute set as rivals put in opposition become involved discuss smear slam traduce zing trash tar hold at bay be opposed be an adversary of eliminate cross swords with annul handle end content against go one on one with be opposed to go toe to toe with carp at go eyeball to eyeball with pick holes in be pitted against think wrong come to blows with feud with rally against come into conflict with counterbalance experience demur about demur against resolve have a problem with not support frown on not believe in court eyeball countenance risk swallow stomach rivalize go up against in contest joust try to beat be in the hunt bid attempt match strength pitch oneself against seek prize pit oneself against essay try match wits fence run for participate in tilt antagonize antagonise venture brook allow abide interfere with run down come down on swipe at skin alive put down cut to shreds throw the book at pin on cast aspersions upon thumb nose at battle against push back against make a stand be drawn against take the bull by the horns brace for submit to fly in face of be confronted by bit the bullet play against fight with strike set upon launch begin battle with rage against wrest with scrap with wage war against seek to displace put an end to bring to an end to mount an attack on enter into combat with fall on tug join battle run suspect urge bully muster courage step over the line denounce laugh at outdare mock throw down gauntlet disregard knock chip off shoulder make my day run the gauntlet insult threaten front go for jugular put yourself forward have at shoot for give your all shoot at go for it knock oneself out make play for push for give all one's got mix it up with nominate yourself come to close quarters with mistrust distrust give battle to join battle with address examine moot conceal contain reply fight back repress beat off control bottle up defend yourself retaliate suppress defend hold back riposte misdoubt disbelieve answer canvass crush canvas squelch quash have reservations about entertain doubts about approach raise doubts about harbour suspicions about express reservations about harbour reservations about puzzle over cast doubt on feel uneasy about pit against have hesitations about raise objections to express suspicions about cast aspersions on have suspicions about contend over tear down prove wrong pick a bone dissent against quibble about put up argument differ with show up hammer away at weather blow sky high declare to be untrue prove to be wrong show to be wrong have an argument about pick an argument with argue the pros and cons of bandy words concerning give thumbs down to survive stick brace call out violate live through ride out bear up against hold off stand firm against prevail against hang tough stand fast take it hold your ground stick fast hang on hold out win out stand your ground go the distance against hold the line against sit and take it put up struggle persevere in the face of not give up hold one's ground against remain firm stand firm stand one's ground against


To express an objection to what someone has said or done
protest object complain remonstrate demur disagree dissent expostulate disapprove oppose challenge denounce fulminate gripe inveigh kick rail dispute except resist revolt blast combat fight holler howl moan squawk take exception express disapproval express opposition raise objections speak out take issue cry out express disagreement make a protest make a stand sound off make a stink say no voice disapproval be against make an objection take a stand inveigh against kick against kick up a fuss kick up a stink make a fuss thumbs down back-talk be displeased by put up a fight say no to take up the cudgels protest against take issue with rage kick up a stink about kick up a fuss about criticize speak up condemn rant argue thunder berate upbraid balk criticise baulk raise objections to complain about rail against take a stand against object to say your piece cavil reprove express objections censure deprecate storm argue against castigate rave cavil at spout fume huff attack lodge a protest scold express disapproval of vituperate lodge a protest against express disagreement with stickle beef about gripe about be in opposition to make a fuss about bluster argue with disagree with be frank make a protest to speak your mind have your say rant and rave scruple boggle reason dissuade admonish reproach reprimand express doubts express doubt raise doubts reprehend objurgate protest to complain to harangue dislike roar bristle resent yap fight your corner stand your ground be offended by raise an objection take umbrage at take offence at demur at shoot off one's mouth take to task share your feelings not beat about the bush spit it out make yourself be heard take offence take offense take umbrage execrate curse declaim be an adversary of be opposed decry excoriate flame vilify reprobate put down arraign disparage animadvert lambaste diss come out against take a dim view be put out denunciate tear into menace intimidate vociferate about mouth off about animadvert upon go on about swear at vociferate differ grouse take exception to mind express objections to grumble remonstrate against quibble be in opposition beef disapprove of spurn have a problem quarrel with diverge jaw abuse revile objurate rate whip draw the line kvetch grumble about have a problem with moan about grouse about nonconcur repudiate reject refuse renounce abjure rage against rant about disesteem quibble about crab discommend discountenance draw the line at cross disavow vary disaccord discord shy divide decline contradict pettifog wrangle buck expostulate about protest strongly at oppose strongly frown on kvetch about beg to differ raise objection be displeased take on bawl out fulminate against make a protest against declaim against complain vociferously about disagree violently with put up a fight against tongue-lash chew out make a stand against complain bitterly about criticize severely thunder against speak out against kick up remonstrate about take great exception to be at variance with withhold assent quibble over express objection not ratify be at odds with fail to agree with put up an argument say not a chance decline to support say no way break with say nothing doing refuse to support fly in the face of tangle with mouth off pipe up talk up spout off go-one-on-one mix it up with


Resistant to control or authority
defiant disobedient insubordinate rebellious recalcitrant recusant renegade ungovernable contumacious disaffected dissident insurgent malcontent mutinous revolutionary subversive contrary dissentient dissenting froward heretical iconoclastic incompliant insurrectionary intractable maverick nonconforming nonconformist obstreperous refractory resistant restive apostate balky insurrectionist mutinying schismatic traitorous unmanageable unorthodox unruly untoward wayward wilful willful uncontrollable difficult obstinate headstrong disorderly stubborn uncooperative bolshie perverse seditious fractious riotous undisciplined radical factious wild turbulent obdurate incontrollable stroppy awkward noncompliant unyielding disloyal out of control incorrigible non-compliant rioting self-willed ornery treacherous lawless disruptive heterodox unbiddable quarrelsome bellicose anarchistic treasonable uncompliant intransigent anarchic pigheaded unconventional troublesome treasonous pervicacious pugnacious delinquent individualistic naughty nonorthodox anarchical insubmissive heretic errant renitent unrestrained mulish out-there irrepressible badly behaved bloody-minded inflammatory up in arms inflexible alienated perfidious agitational insolent unreasonable revolting breakaway rowdy argumentative boisterous mischievous undisciplinable eccentric contentious troublemaking noisy rascally unwilling loud rabble-rousing chaotic unaccommodating hostile roguish truculent antagonistic alternative impish reckless rebelling challenging dissentious resisting resistive unpredictable militant obstinately disobedient adverse cussed disagreeing rumbustious thrawn opposing impetuous bull-headed threatening cantankerous out of hand opinionated negative warring contrarious unbridled discordant sectarian cross-grained estranged haughty irreconcilable impudent nonobservant peevish unfavorable unfavourable petulant cross stiff-necked indocile armed restless sabotaging attacking extremist unrestrainable secessionist persistent maleficent resolved malicious malign determined malevolent spiteful erratic fickle disobliging impotent rampant indomitable anarchist splinter unpersuadable unmalleable obstructive unhelpful underground opposition protesting complaining objecting opposed vexatious tiresome annoying withstanding stubborn as a mule disputatious unbending without law and order separatist seceding undermining destructive capricious original unresponsive bullheaded uncontrolled immovable intolerable impossible unbearable undependable offbeat contrariant arsey paradoxical loath reluctant indisposed hesitant negativistic averse weird rough tempestuous uproarious raucous vociferous immoral aberrant arbitrary antipathetic converse inimical wrongheaded oddball clamorous rampaging unfaithful incendiary overthrowing unpatriotic rambunctious self-indulgent strong-willed roisterous rackety tumultuous pig-headed independent separate unconnected autonomous nonaligned corrupting discrediting corruptive harmful perversive rip-roaring bohemian rampageous roistering freak screaming booming strepitous piercing blusterous destabilising destabilizing ruinous hippie recreant uncomplying beatnik raising Cain raising the roof way-out combative belligerent violent confrontational aggressive reactionary outlaw runaway untraditional backsliding rollicking scrappy intemperate feisty lively lawbreaking provocative bold romping daring audacious impulsive rash heedless mean disregardful cheeky sassy gutsy dareful impervious drunken bawdy imprudent forward inexorable assertive attention-seeking ready for a fight spoiling for a fight out of line uninhibited abandoned robustious knockabout ill-disciplined wanton unchecked hell-raising ungoverned immoderate bad exuberant unconstrained misbehaving unbounded frenzied unhindered rude raw furious fiery passionate excited uncurbed playful badly-behaved frenetic fierce uncontainable hysterical debauched termagant frisky unhampered crazy problematic disordered orgiastic saturnalian spirited animated disturbed frantic high-spirited unrestricted loudmouthed full-on tough energetic frolicsome mad brawling evil raging rabid explosive trying enthusiastic raving in turmoil wrong exasperating extreme fiendish depraved vicious vehement bacchanalian active Dionysian ebullient brutal hot-tempered bouncy Bacchic ugly clangorous hard insuppressible disturbing disorganized sportive agitated stormy maladjusted unfettered excessive bacchic licentious unstoppable forceful unquenchable vigorous rugged effervescent strong disorganised roughhouse madcap berserk wicked out-of-line swashbuckling nihilistic crazed in high spirits out-of-order confused untamed wild and woolly nuts outrageous fervid warlike barbarous savage hotheaded irascible jaunty feverish sinful merry lacking self-control brattish perfervid passional scampish puckish prankish tricksy ill-behaved demanding gallus unquiet joyful cheerful devilish excitable touchy bustling impassioned inconsiderate full of beans full of mischief quick-tempered unsubduable hard to handle loutish existentialist pessimistic limit robust untrained thuggish unsteady unschooled unsettling upsetting ferocious overexcited antisocial vibrant swaggering cavalier distracting inconsistent unlawful radge corrupt divisive clattering clattery resounding insurmountable indisciplined brusque untameable gruff dysfunctional dissolute tricky unprincipled intense freaked overwhelming overpowering dissipated unrepressed gleeful rootin'-tootin drunk disrupting off-base unconcealed shameless misruled misgoverned flyaway out-of-control strident vociferant over-the-top blind beside oneself whiny problem in disorder irregular rowdydowdy extrovert misbehaved boozy revelling carousing causing trouble untrammelled corybantic incautious profligate irrational outlandish socially impaired artful like a loose cannon on-a-tear cruel turbid uncontained deranged hedonistic bibulous dionysian sottish crapulous impolite Saturnalian Dionysiac pesky nasty wearisome sullen troublous irksome unlimited unconfined thrilled bothersome unstable helter-skelter irresistible unimpeded unsuppressed incontinent untimely unfortunate roller-coaster unsettled teasing worthless raunchy deliberate unsubmissive flighty giddy wassailing offending sly foxy inconvenient inopportune untrammeled running wild terrorist shaking perturbed infantile ruffianly storming kiddish ill-natured sinning demonstrative stern thoughtless bitter immature childish disrespectful volatile gratuitous unexpected unanticipated ill-timed tyrannous despotic terrorizing uncultivated infringing piratical uncivilised terrorising unregulated unpeaceful uncivilized erring deviant reveling strenuous not controlled maniacal manic full of confusion full of conflict full of upheavals bad-mannered joyous carefree hearty impatient hasty hectic widespread culpable guilty transgressing criminal surprising unforeseen disastrous unusual unpredicted mistimed sprightly cavorting jovial hyper epidemic straying full of ups and downs willed rife devil-may-care hot-headed short-fused easily provoked on a short fuse unwelcome infelicitous inapt unsuitable inappropriate unlucky inauspicious irritating carried away pandemic dominant rank rollicksome fun-loving happy glad lighthearted thumping ripping fay sportful antic elfish larky brute sadistic inhumane aimless atrocious heartless butcherly inhuman barbaric prevalent flagrant pervasive exacting tiring fervent obsessive irritable litigious hog-wild meandering errable shifting stray deviating miscreant devious fallible unreliable beside yourself luxuriant profuse malapropos badly timed unseasonable disputative eventful arduous unjust unfair double-crossing merciless spreading blustering exceeding bounds fecund extravagant spreading like wildfire flourishing rambling proliferating predominant extensive multiplying on the rampage growing captious choleric gladiatorial agonistic cavilling like one possessed ludic skittish laborious exhausting keen snappy buoyant misfortunate hapless luckless unpropitious unpliable unpleasant ill-starred star-crossed off straight and narrow assaultive chippy querulous pettish controversial polemical polemic battling brawly fighting grouchy crude crass coarse eager infatuated devoted ardent fixated dedicated obsessed severe testing harsh unsparing taxing ructious huffy arguesome wrangling bickering crabby burning compulsive over-enthusiastic bad-tempered churlish war thin-skinned have chip on shoulder ill-tempered caviling burdensome full flustering madhouse tireless rough-and-tumble vivacious sunny coltish side-splitting breezy dotty potty visionary hooked zealous gung-ho busy bumpy onerous full on wearing imperious action-packed bubbly cheery zestful bigoted wackadoodle overenthusiastic wackadoo chirpy upbeat peart peppy gladsome sparky chipper sparkling zingy gay blithesome blithe biased nuts for monomaniacal fanatical partial bugged domineering high on credulous fanatic possessed turned on addicted bubbling rhapsodical of good cheer full of life light-hearted as merry as a grig bubbling over

Proper noun

Johnny Reb

反义词 the rebel

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Copyright: Proverb ©

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