同义词 to ghost


A very small amount or virtually nothing
modicum diddly iota continental darn lick whoop bubkes bupkes fig hoot jot rap squat tittle whit beans durn syllable diddly-squat doodley-squat doodly-squat scrap bit shred ounce grain particle atom crumb smidgen scintilla mite speck morsel smidge trace scantling scruple tiniest bit jot or tittle hint tad fraction trifle stim little bit drop fragment touch dash little pinch spot ray suspicion whisper molecule infinitesimal shadow suggestion tiny amount nucleus least bit piece jack naught nada virtually nothing nothing anything tinker's curse smallest amount monkey's one bit tinker's cuss brass farthing even a little bit two hoots inch sliver tinge taste smattering snippet dab degree minimum measure minim small amount detail ace any smitch skerrick dot sprinkling driblet glimmer dram shade spark splash smidgeon streak strain spatter nip smack skosh peanuts fleck mote smell snap dribble snip soupçon granule whiff flyspeck shaving patch droplet chip nugget portion shard slice part nubbin chunk lump splinter vestige flake dollop sample trickle breath share dose segment flicker end bite snatch section division chicken feed item hunk mouthful parcel tiny piece smithereen butt moiety stub intimation stump specimen tiny bit gob extract small quantity excerpt ort nuance sprinkle tincture tang speckle paring quantity spoonful offcut remnant small bit cut mark inkling pinpoint gleam pin point wisp scale footstep hair impression niggle stitch wedge length block step mottle blotch dapple splotch pip eyespot sign seed flash element slab tiny part bar cake knob article tablet small portion small piece sparkle stick drop in the bucket quota allowance wafer wodge take proportion allotment brick shot cube half sampling lot member dole smudge smear blob very little blot peck semblance pittance soupcon pellet cantlet arc spit beam least glob slip amount glitter glow footprint footmark tidbit scent slot evidence indication period some spoor wee bit shiver cast picayune eyelash spice sip scoosh small degree nib record memento residue proof token slightest bit small part minute small thing tot murmur rudiments elements snort tatter oval small percentage tiny proportion smithereens spall oddment skelf spillikin smatter air flavour note overtone vein couple scatter few scattering handful flavor bare minimum circle pinprick macule macula tiny mark gobbet kernel


Actual but not official author


Something that causes irritation or frustration
bugbear bother nuisance annoyance pest hassle irritant aggravation vexation inconvenience headache peeve exasperation irk botheration pain frustration trial ruffle irritation thorn aggro rub bane aversion concern dislike hate hair shirt pain in the neck pain in the bum pain in the rear pain in the backside pet peeve hang-up pet hate bete noire bête noire trouble problem drag worry difficulty plague bore nark nudnik bind grief fair cow source of annoyance source of irritation tribulation skelf thorn in the flesh gall nyaff menace tease distress blister burden grievance strain worriment rigmarole palaver provocation bane of one's life torment curse pill nag source of vexation thorn in one's side complaint stress nudnick teaser uphill hindrance gadfly annoyer scourge pinprick upset persecutor gnawer blight discomfort nudge besetment snag infuriation pip bummer gripe anathema irksomeness pet aversion infliction affliction creep source of aggravation cross to bear burr under someone's saddle burr in someone's saddle sore point bad news issue objection nightmare goad quibble quagmire dilemma predicament dread struggle fuss care cross displeasure schmo teasing groan unhappiness agitation chagrin downer cause for concern stressor handful chip on your shoulder cause of distress pain in the behind trials and tribulations disruption fizzle cuss embarrassment inopportuneness tall order hard work thorn in your side louse offense offence pesterer drip obstacle frump botherment bum insect terror pester old one-two bitter pill source of disruption uphill battle poor excuse hateful object personal hate personal vexation foe rival anxiety pressure molestation perplexity enemy adversary antagonist opponent job flurry bellyache competitor thorny problem devil detested person bitter enemy awkwardness misfortune hardship disadvantage cumbersomeness drawback unpleasantness troublesomeness untimeliness bothersomeness sorrow unwieldiness disturbance calamity downside uneasiness unfitness unsuitableness stew problems woe disquiet unhandiness disappointment suffering misery disaster adversity harassment evil tiresomeness unease disbenefit nuisance value trauma painfulness heartache incommodiousness torture ordeal yawn strife incommodity snooze pitfall travail letdown snoozer troublemaker dullsville sadness travails yawner droner comedown bad experience puzzle down tedious thing tedious person tiresome thing tiresome person minus negative debit strike handicap liability cancer canker delicacy ticklishness discomfiture stickiness visitation perplexingness thorniness uncomfortableness hydra persecution anguish hurt excruciation rack agony straits soreness issues nagging turmoil task tragedy mischief-maker a thorn in someone's side row pity shortcoming shame discouragement fiasco blighter scrape weakness heartbreak blow catastrophe demand encumbrance dullard ruin misadventure debacle albatross drama snore yawnfest snoozefest snorefest charge intrusion onus load destruction undoing nemesis unfortunate occurrence bad trip failure dud boring person waste of time boring event negative aspect boring thing stumbling block mind-numbing experience nonevent pains labor labour ruination downfall laboriousness strenuousness arduousness struggling encroachment sad event stroke of bad luck ill fortune boring situation bad situation death setback ado toil despair dolour hangup restraint imposure obtrusion constraint bête noir fatal attraction jam imbroglio weight mental burden to-do exigency bafflement imposition


To move in a smooth, quiet continuous motion


Subject to deprivation
depressed deprived disadvantaged distressed poor poverty-stricken destitute needy rundown underprivileged derelict impoverished neglected seedy shabby slummy ghetto shanty run down run-down skid row down at heel necessitous in want in need badly off penurious lacking handicapped in distress on the bread line unable to keep the wolf from the door in reduced circumstances discriminated against struggling impaired hindered broke impecunious denuded bereft forlorn wanting underserved dispossessed unable to make ends meet indigent needful pauperized beggared unfortunate unlucky hapless hard up ill-fated as poor as a church mouse in dire straits on the breadline down and out have-not without two brass farthings to rub together economically disadvantaged without two pennies farthings to rub together ill-starred in straitened circumstances skint penniless strapped moneyless insolvent stone broke down-and-out bankrupt flat broke beggarly threadbare dirt-poor famished without two pennies to rub together cleaned out stony broke strapped for cash without two farthings to rub together without a sou unprosperous bust in Queer Street in penury dirt poor without a penny ruined flat on one's uppers truly needy low-income reduced pinched fortuneless short of money stony-broke empty-handed short bad off behind eight ball low-paid without a penny to one's name dead broke boracic clean out at elbows out of pocket down on luck economically deprived financially disadvantaged unfavored unaffluent bankrupted unprivileged inadequately serviced scanty low meager suffering meagre underserviced down to last cent tapped out crippled broken over a barrel without a dime in the gutter on last leg homeless down to last penny in distressed circumstances straitened wiped out stony on skid row without a bean hurting without a red cent boracic lint on one's beam ends poor as a church mouse on one's beam-ends in the red in debt on the rocks craptastic

反义词 to ghost

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Copyright: Proverb ©

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