同义词 valient


Showing heroic courage
brave courageous fearless bold gallant valorous daring dauntless heroic intrepid mettlesome plucky doughty gutsy stalwart stout unflinching ballsy daredevil lionhearted manful spirited stouthearted unabashed unblenching unshrinking adventuresome audacious chivalrous greathearted gutty heroical nervy spartan undaunted venturesome venturous adventurous assertive gritty manly noble redoubtable spunky unafraid undauntable confident dashing game hardy powerful puissant resolute strong tough unalarmed unfearful worthy lion-hearted stout-hearted fire-eating rock-ribbed indomitable feisty determined tenacious have-a-go staunch enterprising temerarious dogged steadfast vigorous rash assured nerved emboldened firm foolhardy swashbuckling unswerving unfaltering unyielding reckless indefatigable brash steely free-swinging unwavering brassy stubborn unbending unflagging willful wilful aweless high-spirited unshakeable unfearing cocky strong-willed positive decisive impavid macho death-or-glory frightless as game as Ned Kelly devil-may-care go-ahead unshakable madcap dynamic risky fortitudinous persevering herolike cheeky undismayed forward icy sporting resilient peppy heedless carefree pushy dareful enduring exciting headstrong bravehearted cool tiger wild orped Ramboesque sassy superhuman champion swaggering assuming bantam overbold overconfident honourable honorable virile unconcerned unworried unapprehensive death-defying not afraid chin-up great-spirited impervious undisturbed ungoverned uncurbed brazen romantic rakish purposeful unscared unfrightened fiery perseverant not scared having nerves of steel flamboyant forceful persistent dangerous lively brisk impulsive hazardous gung ho ardent gingery peppery undiscouraged undeterred full of determination ostentatious roisterous dazzling mettled resolved frisky sprightly salty impudent smart-alecky smart obtrusive crusty restless exploratory presumptuous risk-taking thrill-seeking seeking rumbustious cavalier fire eating hot shot mighty go for broke on the go out on a limb not discouraged irrepressible not put off hardened inured invincible impressive capable rugged toughened resistant sturdy commanding daunting robust sound awesome tremendous quick to recover difficult to keep down quick to bounce back rolling with punches awe-inspiring hasty incautious precipitate imprudent impetuous thoughtless careless harebrained injudicious overhasty headlong irresponsible harum-scarum hare-brained ill-considered shameless ill-advised indiscreet unconsidered unthinking hotheaded energetic hot-headed unwise furious dapper precipitous unguarded saucy jaunty unwary passionate pert animated hell-for-leather gay nerveless vivacious breezy foolish defiant irrational aggressive vital improvident fresh unheeding impertinent frenzied jumping to conclusions slapdash insuppressible immature premature familiar keen desperate silly breakneck shocking stupid insolent uninhibited irreverent self-assured frivolous precipitant negligent kamikaze inconsiderate wise regardless over-adventurous ill-conceived over-venturesome ill-judged stylish crazy violent unthought-out misjudged crackpot sporty debonair impractical senseless exuberant unspeakable high-risk frantic radge crackbrained badly thought out not thought through flip flippant giddy outrageous lawless chaotic wacky daft scatty buoyant attractive raffish erratic inattentive monstrous scandalous heinous anxious swish elegant extreme life-threatening thrilling mindless driven haphazard enthusiastic atrocious worried distracted disrespectful urbane showy dotty dippy inconstant scatterbrained divvy progressive ambitious lippy perky tearaway misguided alert striking exclusive swank rousing romping light-minded flighty disorderly mouthy smart-arsed smarty-pants cute smart-aleck facetious calm overventuresome neat active airy pizazzy bouncing springy snappy kinetic zippy animate jazzy racy spanking sparky pizzazzy resourceful unsmart uncontrolled uncareful collected malapert nimble composed chirpy bold as brass smart-assed out of line bright entrepreneurial out of control playing with fire bull-in-a-china-shop helter-skelter fast and loose controlled self-possessed spontaneous presuming gumptious imperturbable self-confident high-powered go-getting unpremeditated immodest cool-headed impassive unflappable overfamiliar hurried extemporaneous capricious impromptu instinctive snap barefaced overweening involuntary whimsical unplanned intuitive unemotional relaxed forthright unsafe sudden emotional unprompted freakish unrepressed mad overassertive direct tranquil patient abrupt unpredictable offhand abandoned quick uppity free overfriendly thrusting rude swift hectic superficial automatic unmeditated perfunctory speedy unexpected cool, calm and collected brazen-faced spur-of-the-moment ad-lib jumping the gun ill-thought-out winging it brass-necked coming on strong self-assertive bare-faced over-assertive


Of, resembling, or appropriate for a knight
knightly chivalrous courageous gallant heroic noble courtly brave courteous gracious bold dauntless fearless honorable honourable intrepid stout-hearted noble-minded valorous accommodating affable amiable amicable approachable beneficent benevolent benign benignant big-hearted bland bonhomous charitable civil compassionate complaisant congenial considerate cordial easy forthcoming friendly genial good-hearted good-natured hospitable indulgent lenient loving merciful mild obliging pleasing polite sociable stately suave tender unctuous urbane well-mannered high-minded virtuous great-hearted magnanimous greathearted just principled chivalric decent moral big fair lofty elevated great high lordly kind generous kindly altruistic selfless thoughtful humane respectable caring kind-hearted kindhearted bighearted upright good munificent humanitarian ethical liberal goodhearted philanthropical righteous philanthropic helpful public-spirited understanding large-hearted giving moralistic self-sacrificing princely unselfish honest upstanding free nice sweet tolerant conscientious goodish daring natural loyal true sublime gentlemanly dignified constant distinguished quixotic manly gentlemanlike spirited respected fine venerable sympathetic independent cultivated scrupulous self-respecting proud worthy regal self-sufficient clement pitying warm-hearted tender-hearted soft-hearted warm tenderhearted softhearted warmhearted gentle neighborly neighbourly bounteous soft responsive unstinting bountiful well-disposed affectionate solicitous all heart maternal fatherly motherly empathetic bleeding-heart well meaning concerned sensitive attentive comforting feeling empathic forbearing supportive open-handed eleemosynary openhanded openhearted ungrudging do-good patient fatherlike open-hearted generous to a fault encouraging forgiving doting broad-minded freehanded regardful fond lavish commiserative tactful propitious cooperative angelic benefic human mellow well intentioned free-handed open-minded loving and giving receptive mindful reassuring civilized moderate easy-going heedful observant accessible uplifting immaculate favourable sentimental civilised touchy-feely diplomatic thoughty social consoling protective inspiring nurturing inspiriting well-bred sympathizing condoling social-minded approving holy unsparing pharisaical inoffensive goody-goody spotless angelical esteemed unerring creditable almsgiving accepting favorable commiserating piteous ruthful sympathising having heart in right place sparing donating prosocial patriotic contributing boosting gratifying stimulating paternal well disposed bleeding heart old softie well-intentioned unmarred pietistical chaste pristine graceful pietistic unflawed socially concerned soothing cheering fulfilling well-meaning redeeming virginal untouched prayerful unblamable redeemable favorably disposed favourably inclined favorably inclined reputable wholesome agreeable likeable respectful pleasant uncorrupted redoubtable illustrious deferential outstanding refined very kind lovable soft touch brotherly likable dutiful good-tempered remarkable meritorious extraordinary easygoing calm cheerful unoffensive delightful good-humoured sweet-tempered heart in right place good-humored engaging stand-up anti-corruption


Full of energy and enthusiasm
spirited lively active animated energetic sprightly vigorous vivacious bold vital enthusiastic fiery passionate dynamic peppy sparkling vibrant ardent effervescent gritty brisk chirpy gay gingery jaunty jazzy kinetic peppery perky pert pizazzy pizzazzy racy snappy spanking sparky springy zappy zesty zippy airy animate avid barnstorming bouncing frisky rocking bouncy bright burning hot hyper jumping sharp zingy high-spirited full of life mettlesome zestful buoyant exuberant bubbly full of beans merry chipper cheerful spry frolicsome playful happy upbeat jolly bright-eyed and bushy-tailed ebullient cheery peart full of vim and vigour breezy sunny nimble quick alert dashing blithe joyful sportive spunky blithesome strong keen forceful gamesome exciting light-hearted rollicking carefree boisterous fun-loving in high spirits agile festive bright and breezy excited busy fresh bustling irrepressible glad eager jovial go-go flamboyant witty scintillating frolic swinging lighthearted stimulating alive and kicking buzzing powerful feisty smart tireless gleeful humming wild alive happening abuzz fast elated as merry as a grig gutsy lusty daring entertaining gladsome joyous genial full of fun full of the joys of spring full of pep fun swift rapid speedy vivid colourful sparkly enterprising wick happy-go-lucky forcible hasty crank stirring indefatigable jocund rousing colorful courageous jocular bubbling as lively as a grig high-powered piquant driving romping energized breakneck full of get-up-and-go lightning jubilant euphoric lightsome blistering robust eventful light aggressive confident tough contented wanton potent hardy strenuous dazzling clever hurried energised humorous go-getting full of energy hopping flourishing positive fleet untiring social pungent thriving astir sporty mirthful adventurous red-blooded on the go exhilarated in good spirits abubble industrious venturesome aboil poignant impassioned galloping hectic rowdy skittish interesting audacious activated debonair gratified plucky exultant spicy emphatic intrepid unruly frolicky convivial tart of good cheer brash delighted vehement alacritous riotous pleased festal satisfied radiant partyish game content frenetic determined smiley raucous clubby whimsical frantic punchy hearty whirlwind unflagging breathless winsome optimistic eupeptic canty jocose rattling salty full-blooded hopeful coltish striking fleet-footed rapid-fire accelerated devil-may-care exhilarating noisy sexy rumbustious swashbuckling unrestrained gallant dapper fast-moving savoury heated invigorated uproarious ball of fire rip-roaring knockabout coruscating ludic fulfilled honored prankish loud roisterous moving brilliant invigorating uninhibited showy robustious rambunctious fearless nippy kittenish nervy tangy sportful hell-raising adventuresome nerved perk beaming flying occupied zealous go-ahead proud venturous combative vitalized flush emboldened sassy dynamical quarrelsome argumentative bellicose envigorating pugnacious gregarious belligerent contentious ballsy savory intense free-swinging truculent party youthful mobile militant frivolous chaotic dizzy confrontational warlike wonderful blissful effective ecstatic splitting tumultuous disputatious high-octane biting enjoyable electrifying in fine fettle overjoyed working agonistic thrilled chippy appreciative gladiatorial stalwart sturdy productive discordant excitable feeling one's oats assaultive funny laborious brawly laughing flip full of spirit frenzied raring to go full facetious assured untroubled have-a-go cracking scrappy over the moon buzzy high-speed expeditious on top of the world sanguine ornery honoured grateful esteemed prideful dignified expeditive good-humoured amusing good-humored bullish action-packed harefooted furious expectant express quick-witted disposed to look on the bright side sharp-witted without a care in the world waggish quick on the uptake neat theatrical storming dramatic expressive fervent heady stylish magnificent outgoing saucy salacious glitzy fancy jazzlike psychedelic distinctive rich tasty turnt fairylike grooving virile aware frolicking antic elfish larky fay capering fluid resounding vibrating formidable boon high hale and hearty romantic attractive raffish jokey disorderly enlivened demoniac motive kinematic locomotive motile rugged jumpy wicked larkish dexterous dextrous deedful overexcited swish elegant all-out beatific easy-going full of the joy of living fast-track hard-hitting on the move driven elastic urbane welcoming brave noteworthy insouciant full of vim and vigor full of zip tantivy volant clamorous undisciplined uncontrolled rough abandoned easygoing unthinking amiable zoolike awake holiday full of joie de vivre exclusive swank progressive ambitious impetuous roistering full of activity refreshed clangorous obstreperous resourceful engaged reinvigorated revitalized strident vociferous vociferant over-the-top brawling rapturous assiduous entrepreneurial tickled immediate chuffed employed restored revivified rejuvenated renewed rested functional gumptious timely wrapped grinning sedulous going strong still going strong instant unworried thankful smiling cavorting healthy charged revived revitalised reenergized relaxed have chip on shoulder battling hot-tempered fierce cantankerous hostile have a bone to pick fighting have it in for antagonistic on the outs at loggerheads mean magnetic electric can-do encouraged heartening heartwarming tiring exacting sure cocksure doubtless implicit certain clear blessed provocative rollicksome thumping ripping inspirited reanimated motivated strengthened fortified perked up pepped up freshened cock-a-hoop instantaneous direct operating functioning hard arduous demanding challenging on cloud nine unhesitating responsive impish effectual on cloud seven full of hope beside oneself with joy handy operational serviceable operative occupational diligent efficient ridibund self-assured in good heart undoubtful secure self-confident intriguing prompt rathe meteoric extroverted exhausting pushing like a new person untired unwearied unfatigued fresh as a daisy quickened supersmart intelligent ultrasmart acute hyperintelligent astute devilish without delay fast-tracked PDQ double time short-lived looking on the bright side buoyed up fascinating tied-up utile practicable assertive perceptive brainy exceptional trying turbulent severe restless testing unsparing harsh taxing trim easy natty in full swing busy as a bee joking spruce touchy well-oiled utilitarian like new rehabilitated bright-eyed bushy-tailed like a new man flustering burdensome madhouse charismatic influential compelling energizing hyped-up activating go-getter vitalizing self-motivated highpowered energising difficult sensitive highbrowed snazzy glib teasing profound quick on the draw ironic tactful smart-aleck nimble-witted tongue-in-cheek mischievous flippant smart-alecky droll risible comical cutting slapstick all there with it arresting onerous full on wearing imperious bumpy on the ball flattered sociable bombastic personable quick off the mark gutty play for keeps play hard ball coming on strong juicy thin-skinned hot-blooded likable friendly on the warpath high-strung revered well-pleased venerated congenial extraverted talkative likeable cordial fabulous unreserved gassy deft lithe supple lissom acrobatic light-footed limber adroit graceful skilful twinkle-toed skillful athletic adept able quick-moving nimble-footed violent ready lissome lithesome flexible gracile extreme feline featly impressive light-foot sudden quivering blooming trembling quaking pulsating shaking shrewd throbbing beating quick-thinking abrupt full of commotion full of go unsteady fit proficient crowded swarming skilled pushy teeming telling thronging nifty explosive muscular hustling penetrating delicate observant discerning slick capable gifted eloquent apt perspicacious wide awake genius whip-smart rampant mercurial like Piccadilly Circus whistle-stop fleet of foot quick on the trigger ambulatory unused good young rosy undimmed stimulated verdant relieved florid glowing ruddy unfaded wholesome fair dewy creamy unwithered wide-awake vigilant involved heaving intensive afoot refreshing light on your feet receptive sylphlike overnight tripping live sweeping savvy in-your-face pulling no punches canny fine rushing thronged marked virulent up and about in motion competent wise knowing quick as a wink swift-footed light of foot peaches-and-cream smart as a whip sharp as a tack whiz curt wired skipping irregular springing bounding leaping hurdling piercing galvanic steamroller sporting gymnastic valid cogent steep outdoor outdoorsy convincing weighty clear-headed finely honed rapier-like radical warring sports-loving take-charge hard-driving persuasive full of vim ultra-active contending two-fisted extremist combating fanatical embattled plausible mighty armed efficacious militaristic rebellious warrish assertory martial offensive military revolutionary drastic conclusive coercive credible unanswerable compulsory motivating impellent major urging propulsive punctual puissant summary willing in arms up in arms expert graphic realistic good at sports masterly detailed lifelike evocative affecting picturesque lucid trembly pulsing shuddery reverberant practised visual faithful unforgettable memorable authentic haunting nimble-fingered quavering oscillating shivering rhythmic rhythmical reverberative reverberating shivery cadent cadenced palpitating masterful accomplished shaky fluttering quavery shuddering jittery talented effortless pictorial delineated emotive distinct polished experienced graphical aquiver tremulous atremble thunderous tottering lilting artful professional versed crack practiced virtuoso workmanlike bravura ingenious true-to-life true to life definite crystal clear sharply-etched highly coloured ace habile wizard wabbling wabbly juddering rocky tottery wobbly sonorant wobbling finely judged crackerjack facile sly smooth with a steady pulse willowy having the know-how easy-moving twinkle toes

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