Antonym des a warm


Opposite of at a high, but comforting, temperature


(of the weather) Opposite of summery in nature


Opposite of having or showing enthusiasm, affection, or kindness
unfriendly hostile inhospitable unenthusiastic uninterested unwelcoming apathetic cold cool haughty impersonal impolite indifferent insincere rude sour supercilious surly unapproachable uncaring unhappy unkind unpleasant aloof antisocial disagreeable discourteous disdainful frosty half-hearted hateful obnoxious unaffable unamicable uncommunicative uncongenial uncordial unforthcoming unmannerly unsociable unsocial antagonistic antipathetic chilly depressed disliking distant grouchy grudging ill-disposed ill-natured jaundiced mean menacing nasty remote sad unfeeling ungracious unneighborly unneighbourly gruff phlegmatic stand-offish stiff reserved bad-tempered ill-tempered ungenial unsympathetic unemotional irritable detached frigid formal gloomy withdrawn undemonstrative standoffish hard-hearted unamiable inconsiderate uncivil emotionless stony dispassionate asocial introverted quarrelsome uncharitable morose callous serious ill-humored unresponsive selfish reclusive insociable ill-humoured insensitive impassive uncomfortable nongregarious unconcerned cruel disinterested taciturn spiteful unloving heartless spiritless passionless cold-hearted unaffectionate unfunny grave wooden grumpy unlikable miserable disgusting crabby testy misanthropic solitary severe malicious thoughtless aggressive unclubbable harsh hating hardhearted inimical reticent icy vindictive neglectful snobbish uppity forbidding austere cranky glacial sullen mean-spirited petulant cold-eyed brusque uptight cold-blooded sulky restrained querulous cantankerous loathsome peevish buttoned-up affectless upset inhibited unmoved bellicose unrefined lukewarm churlish horrible objectionable contained numb inexpressive acrimonious insensible standoff despicable negative adversary warlike adversarial conflicting unrelaxing ungenerous combative stern stony-hearted opposing foreign unrelaxed quiet disaffected coldish neglect negligence ignorance prickly stolid belligerent pugnacious disloyal silent inaccessible inapproachable parsimonious vengeful unbending contemptuous heedless uncivilised complaining uncivilized unsophisticated grumbling unpassionate distrustful private nonsocial secretive dreary comfortless unthoughtful feelingless sensationless guarded gelid negligent mopey suspicious mopish retiring brooding scowling tense incompatible lonesome lonely unfaithful fierce compassionless desensitized inattentive offish stuck-up stoical stoic stonyhearted distasteful abusive impassible hardened uncompassionate unempathetic senseless scornful tetchy sinister snooty irascible proud fiery violent malevolent malignant unseemly bleak sardonic cheerless fatherly paternal moody uncozy vicious rough snappy coarse evil critical wicked unhelpful desensitised eremetic hard merciless annoying unpleasing repulsive disobliging pettish hotheaded sadistic ruthless maniacal vile disputatious dislikable savage wild repellent irksome motherly insufferable unwelcome irritating unbearable undesirable glum dour saturnine whiny unloveable repugnant alienated averse displeasing unlovely dreadful detestable unlovable abhorrent unsmiling doleful morbid boorish quick-tempered touchy ill-mannered bad shy introvert sorrowful heavy heavy-hearted vague ambiguous dishonest mysterious confusing unclear anticlimactic down in the dumps


Opposite of involving, or given to, open or heavy displays of emotion


(of clothing) Opposite of built to provide heat or to insulate from heat loss


Opposite of close to finding a hidden object or guessing facts


Opposite of gentle and kind in nature or disposition
hostile unfriendly bad disobliging harsh hateful inhumane malicious malign severe stern unfavorable unfavourable unkind unpleasant unsympathetic cancerous disadvantageous violent callous heartless cruel inhuman unfeeling uncompassionate insensate hard-hearted cold-blooded vicious unkindly sadistic brutish fiendish brutal savage wanton barbaric brute atrocious barbarous truculent bestial uncaring cold mean insensitive cold-hearted inconsiderate pitiless hardhearted unloving disagreeable indifferent obdurate merciless unconcerned malevolent unhelpful spiteful rude compassionless ruthless uncharitable unemotional soulless hard remorseless unmerciful coldhearted stonyhearted unsparing apathetic disinterested affectless stony-hearted ironhearted mean-spirited cool tough stony desensitized indurate pachydermatous desensitised uninterested unmoved steely curmudgeonly against disliking unsociable unsusceptible dreadful immoral degenerate unsavoury evil reprehensible wicked heinous unprofitable monstrous debased depraved abhorrent objectionable crude virulent reprobate vile obnoxious grim sinister pernicious perverse diabolical villainous base foul maleficent miscreant untoward antagonistic profligate unprincipled malignant nasty terrible unpitying indecent rough dangerous inhospitable murderous uncultured hellish tyrannous uncultivated unforgiving uncivil adverse despiteful vindictive egregious dastardly ferocious appalling uncivilized intolerant bloodthirsty inattentive heedless uncivilised fierce ill-tempered rancorous lousy homicidal beastly ill-natured bad-tempered unsavory evil-minded dirty bad-natured catty impure malefic lacking compassion sinful bitter venomous hard-boiled butcherly stone-hearted evil-intentioned


Opposite of offering the promise of an attractive or enjoyable experience


(warm to) Opposite of to take a liking to

Synonym des a warm

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