Synonym of a free


(of equipment or a facility) Available for use
available accessible empty handy idle vacant spare unoccupied usable unfilled unreserved untaken unused at hand employable exploitable not in use not occupied on hand tenantless uninhabited disengaged for the taking unemployed unengaged untenanted up for grabs inactive dormant off void clear inert bare devoid latent dead inoperative stark fallow blank barren vacuous clean toom desolate emptied disused bereft mothballed without contents vacated out of use to let abandoned deserted containing nothing forsaken derelict without lacking destitute leisure unfurnished on the market stagnant going begging stationary unlived in not operating still at rest gathering dust fallen into disuse not filled turned off no longer in use recreational casual unallocated plain unhired spartan cleared own unclaimed drained ticking over virgin godforsaken out of commission unchartered unbooked bankrupt depleted evacuated lifeless quiescent resting exhausted deflated despoiled rid wanting desert waste hollow hollowed out not solid relieved sterile unutilized sans without life without living things obtainable suspended sidelined down unexploited nescient not working freed from free from unaffected by no longer affected by ignorant on the shelf out of action closed down not made use of untried untapped to be had up for sale on tap gettable unspoilt abeyant motionless immobile not in service non-functioning forgotten rejected unmoving stopped static waiting to be bought there for the taking innocent lacking in on hold low-key in holding pattern for sale unfamiliar with untouched by yours for the asking unacquainted with


Using or expending without restraint
generous extravagant lavish giving liberal magnanimous munificent openhanded open-handed prodigal profligate thriftless wasteful charitable immoderate unrestrained unselfish unsparing unstinting bounteous bountiful freehanded unreasonable unstinging bighearted freehearted fulsome wild big big-hearted eager handsome hospitable willing benevolent beneficent kind philanthropic open altruistic ungrudging free-handed considerate kindly kindhearted good helpful princely noble greathearted thoughtful humane indulgent kind-hearted self-sacrificing high-minded great-hearted tolerant selfless humanitarian eleemosynary philanthropical lofty loose benignant obliging chivalrous honourable honest fair just honorable compassionate soft-touch excellent easy sympathetic large-hearted profuse public-spirited benign plenteous merciful moderate reasonable equitable understanding caring gracious decent abundant ready unstinted good-hearted openhearted do-good warm-hearted willingly given lenient moralistic gallant acceptable upright elevated high well-disposed goodhearted neighbourly great lordly loving all heart generous to a fault neighborly tender soft-hearted ample rich almsgiving plentiful full substantial unprejudiced exuberant friendly overgenerous Christian beneficient immaculate open-hearted social-minded pharisaical inoffensive goody-goody spotless respected angelical esteemed unerring creditable approving holy gentle unmarred pristine graceful pietistical pietistic chaste unflawed moral virtuous respectable upstanding righteous ethical nice sweet conscientious principled heroic valiant goodish disinterested devoted incorruptible extroverted denying self-denying untouched prayerful redeeming virginal unblamable redeemable self-forgetting self-effacing accommodating congenial cordial amicable amiable affable kin tenderhearted warmhearted softhearted well meaning tender-hearted good-natured well-meaning forgiving clement sublime soft natural worthy knightly Santa Claus has heart in right place warm genial supportive agreeable pleasant affectionate self-forgetful mild comforting sociable feeling patient well disposed sensitive good-humoured good-humored solicitous empathetic companionable attentive human empathic commiserative motherly fatherly maternal approachable pitying mellow cheerful forbearing easygoing responsive good-tempered bleeding-heart civil socially concerned civilized consoling brotherly courteous sympathizing condoling concerned complaisant commiserating tactful lovable civilised polite bleeding heart regardful fatherlike likeable sympathising delightful engaging even-tempered open-minded sweet-tempered stand-up likable well-mannered community-minded large social convivial harmonious helpful to others idealistic accessible broad-minded sentimental hearty personable lovely very kind easy to get along with easy to get on with reputable angelic soft touch cooperative propitious unoffensive dutiful well intentioned respectful deferential wholesome benefic calm heart in right place pleasing patriotic contributing donating prosocial unpresumptuous charming prepossessing winsome unassuming uncorrupted cultivated redoubtable illustrious encouraging acquiescent breezy compliant happy mushy as nice as pie appealing taking mild-mannered captivating simpatico sweet-natured barley-sugar winning enchanting harmless outstanding brave refined doting piteous ruthful softie marshmallow perceptive sparing having heart in right place extraordinary remarkable meritorious soft-centred noble-minded anti-corruption loving and giving old softie well-intentioned easy-going receptive welcoming willing to please favourably disposed paternalistic maternalistic sisterly paternal careful intuitive aware trustworthy diplomatic conscious discerning cognizant incorrupt dependable comradely sensitized reactive impressionable favorable favourable mannerly peaceable perceiving impressible turned on to finely tuned touchy feely supersensitive sensitised tuned in insightful knowing emotionable nonmalignant nonthreatening right straight true clean-living well mannered all right on the up and up well-brought-up squeaky clean right-minded non-malignant


Frank or unrestrained in speech, expression, or action
open frank honest blunt candid cavalier uninhibited artless matter-of-fact straightforward direct ingenuous off-the-record plain-spoken sincere forthright outspoken plain plainspoken unreserved straight free-spoken forthcoming openhearted upfront truthful unguarded up front downright freehearted up-front guileless explicit straight from the shoulder unequivocal real unrestricted foursquare undisguised unconcealed round bare-faced lay it on the line out-front straight-shooting from the hip like it is call a spade a spade saying what one thinks unambiguous transparent natural outright aboveboard vocal straight-talking straight-out unevasive bluff brazen unvarnished unreticent bald laying it on the line calling spade a spade vociferous strident unrestrained undissembling bold easy apparent familiar naive scrupulous upright heart-to-heart abrupt point-blank man-to-man unfiltered not afraid to call a spade a spade talking turkey brusque unceremonious demonstrative unconstrained unprejudiced unbiased opinionated square clear not beating about the bush unmodified not pulling any punches categorical unmistakable unpretended frontal genuine parrhesiastic right up front telling it like it is unqualified straight-from-the-shoulder open-hearted clear-cut clamorous noisy forceful insistent enthusiastic loud zealous vehement expressive articulate keen vigorous emphatic eloquent facile fluent smooth-spoken glib raucous voluble venting stentorian no-nonsense unsparing brutal flat-out to the point on the level warts and all on the up and up simple true unpretentious unaffected innocent realistic unpretending harsh trustworthy unfeigned naked unembellished undiplomatic stark tactless blatant true to life unexaggerated bare unadorned righteous dinkum straight to the point fair plain-speaking kosher speaking as one finds curt unstudied reliable overt patent literal just undissembled legit raw without airs point blank legitimate crisp lawful above board veracious legal pulling no punches calling a spade a spade undesigning positive rude specific forward short unsophisticated express down-to-earth decisive naïve barefaced gruff sharp rough unveiled unstinting brutally honest proper unmannered honourable homely complete snappy terse pukka offhand snappish good uncompromising meaning what one says basic honorable caustic not beating around the bush snippy tart principled honest-to-goodness virtuous folksy down homey dusty not mincing one's words speaking one's mind straight-arrow down home gritty personal intimate indiscreet authentic visible accountable unartificial unartful pure free-speaking insensitive impolitic communicative exact distinct avowed fundamental succinct unhypocritical impolite childlike discourteous flagrant heartfelt earnest actual unquestionable unimpeachable valid known well-established hearty woman-to-woman obvious sheer manifest evident intolerant grim flat certain palpable severe heartless total hard open-and-shut ungracious at close range unashamed no lie no beating around the bush speaking straight from the shoulder cold well defined crystal clear no fooling licit pretenseless level for real open and shut faithful clipped spontaneous two-fisted no holds barred out-and-out right on correct straight from shoulder regular plain-dealing on the square right-on relaxed by the book fair and square unselfconscious square-shooting laid on the line truth-telling true-blue believable precise veritable brisk indelicate businesslike modest ethical abrasive impartial unassuming trusty dependable objective equitable unpolished trenchant reputable upstanding even-handed unrefined robust unforced dispassionate moral decent uncontrived open-minded fair-minded equal unstilted humble hardheaded pragmatic practical pragmatical clean neutral reasonable anti-discrimination nondiscriminatory non-partisan non-discriminatory unspoiled unimposing unostentatious unobtrusive evenhanded detached nonpartisan indifferent hard-hitting inelaborate unambitious easy-going unpresumptuous uncomplex unbeautified discreet free-spirited prosaic laid-back self-effacing easygoing lusty mundane earthy hard-boiled funky lowbred gross outdoorsy unidealistic dull brief and to the point uncorrupted uncolored civil rational blameless on up-and-up according to the rules home folk aggressive confrontational confronting face-to-face head-on


(archaic) Overfamiliar or forward
impudent impertinent assertive bold disrespectful familiar forward overfamiliar presumptuous cheeky cocky improper inappropriate confident inconsiderate indulgent over-free overindulgent pompous pretentious pushy relaxed rude arrogant audacious conceited impolite insolent overconfident shameless smug free-and-easy fresh presuming tolerant uppity contumelious supercilious immodest brazen sassy pert nervy self-assured brass-necked brash overweening saucy cocksure barefaced assuming unblushing unashamed unabashed self-assertive wise brazen-faced smart-alecky coming on strong bold as brass indelicate indecorous indiscreet intrusive coarse aggressive daring forthright irreverent uninhibited direct overassertive overfree overfriendly thrusting bantam unduly familiar obtrusive bare-faced over-assertive chatting up making passes at making advances towards brassy feisty bold-faced blatant defiant unembarrassed arch in-your-face brassbound unreserved unshrinking bumptious egotistical overbold forceful spirited uppish assumptive rash smart gritty huffish impetuous lofty self-asserting chesty imperious masterful high-and-mighty high-handed uncivil haughty hasty huffy high-hat peremptory foolhardy important stiff-necked precipitate cavalier highfalutin lordly previous hifalutin premature superior toplofty toploftical overhasty sniffy presumptive bigheaded not backwards in coming forwards egotistic self-confident self-satisfied too big for your boots overbearing proud disdainful self-important snooty patronizing vain condescending vainglorious flip high and mighty snobbish stuck-up patronising domineering boastful contemptuous malapert swaggering prideful scornful discourteous opinionated puffed up snotty lippy hubristic bossy hoity-toity magisterial pontifical self-opinionated narcissistic full of oneself unmannerly affected toffee-nosed bragging blustering egoistic egoistical snobby swollen-headed insubordinate swellheaded self-conceited ill-mannered aloof self-centered insulting mouthy offensive officious mannerless self-centred grandiose snippy cool stuck up selfish bloated bad-mannered procacious flippant ungracious biggity ostentatious arrant know-it-all biggety full of yourself assured egocentric boldfaced loud crude abusive dictatorial self-affected self-promoting self-engrossed self-congratulatory self-contented self-adulatory self-glorifying fancy-pants ill-bred outrageous elitist out of line autocratic brusque dismissive big-headed sententious disparaging abrupt thoughtless meddlesome smart-arsed unmannered unhandsome smart-assed showy uncalled-for self-righteous out-of-line flagrant smarty curt churlish self-serving authoritarian off-base boorish crass la-di-da orgulous uncouth offhand wise guy stiff meddling interfering holier-than-thou blusterous obnoxious prying unrefined nosy tactless mocking tyrannical strutting oafish sneering despotic scoffing pushing ignorant pushful aweless crusty pontificating undiplomatic as bold as brass brazenfaced complacent puffed-up portentous dominating hardened abandoned cold-shoulder jumped up blunt depraved profligate sure self-aggrandizing puffy bald-faced dissolute incorrigible unprincipled ambitious flaunting reprobate unchaste lewd immoral braggart braggy on your high horse graceless disagreeable shocking on an ego trip derisive short derogatory sharp smarty-pants cute smart-aleck facetious ungentlemanly loutish hotheaded nosey unladylike unceremonious impulsive impolitic unchivalrous intruding ungallant bullish uncomplimentary iconoclastic snoopy unconcerned busy ungenteel indifferent breezy disgracious protrusive underbred inaffable high sacrilegious profane impious blasphemous rough hotshot above oneself smart alecky stuffy strident loudmouthed insistent inflated imperative careless snippety irreverential unhallowed ungodly unholy posh vivacious undisguised swanky boasting indecent loud-mouthed wanton flatulent putting on airs unrepentant high-minded la-de-da highfaluting too big for your breeches self-respecting self-complacent self-flattering self-applauding extraverted bombastic self-loving self-pleased self-gratulatory self-dramatizing blustery extroverted vaunting boldface obvious heavy puffed unpleasant summary highhanded brisk loudmouth temeritous driven casual uncharitable remote tony persnickety poncey windy throwing one's weight around combative volatile weisenheiming insouciant uninterested offensively self-assertive high-pressure enterprising fierce go-getting militant personal unsubtle mischievous high falutin surly sullen gruff refined ungraceful ballsy crabbed corrupt temerarious daredevil reckless madcap pleased with yourself yokelish bounderish reserved distant detached naughty inquisitive incongruous unsuitable glib terse cursory off perfunctory ill-behaved sharp-elbowed chirpy dapper dashing bright keen honourable honorable gracious high-flown blowing one's own horn standoffish overt riding for a fall heedless overoptimistic go-ahead take-it-or-leave-it pococurante offish consequential untactful grand spectacular magnificent splendid exaggerated flowery overstated oppressive off base unconcealed transparent impenitent remorseless badly behaved meretricious tawdry flashy spunky gutsy airy commanding wiseguy aristocratic undismayed undaunted throwing one's weight about uncivilized heavy-handed fearless unawed unflinching amoral raunchy raw roughneck tacky cheap vulgar common gross without shame swollen with pride coercive bullying heading for a fall uncivilised poised composed abashless unaffected unshamed unrestrained tyrannous autocratical overproud authoritative tyrannic dogmatic full of hot air lording it iron-handed lacking civility bad mannered preponderant imperial demanding regnant ascendant prevalent put down crowing flamboyant big self-aggrandising cock-a-hoop positive certain jaunty smart aleck smart guy smarty pants rustic untimely inurbane uncourteous soon overearly early oversoon too early ahead of oneself too soon


Broadly construed or understood, not strictly literal or exact
liberal flexible broad loose rough general inexact non-restrictive imprecise indefinite non-literal non-specific vague ill-defined unmeticulous unrigorous not close not literal not strict approximate approximative ballpark inexplicit inaccurate random indistinct rambling changeable fluid squishy obscure open open-ended hazy fuzzy woolly wooly uncertain unclear sketchy estimated blurred confused ambiguous unfocused equivocal indeterminate unspecific nebulous foggy muzzy coarse-grained dubious sweeping faint misty dim undefined shadowy blurry bleary undetailed pale blear gauzy murky indistinguishable opaque imperfect incoherent doubtful unknown overall basic generic indiscriminate generalized unprecise obfuscatory undetermined muddled noncommittal generalised unsure hanging proximate distorted nonspecific common incomplete careless sloppy blanket impressionistic superficial lacking definition low resolution muffled muddle-headed all-round all-around non-committal blurred round the edges ambivalent cursory out of focus broad-based broad-spectrum smoky cloudy dull inadequate perfunctory iffy jumbled disjointed muddleheaded near close overcast unspecified muddy bird's-eye obfuscated bleared dusky obfuscous crepuscular amphibological unintelligible questionable bewildering puzzling out-of-focus amorphous not partial not specific not particular guessed unscientific surmised almost exact almost accurate unlimited unsettled evasive unfixed oracular intangible innumerable indeterminable inexhaustible wide undependable


Able to be got or gotten
gettable attainable obtainable acquirable feasible achievable accessible procurable possible convenient handy getatable prepared purchasable applicable at hand on hand on tap on deck open to at one's disposal derivable from come-at-able available realizable securable realisable reachable accomplishable practicable viable workable doable realistic graspable get-at-able reasonable winnable to be had probable up for grabs within reach untaken on the market offered manageable ready usable derivable employable forthcoming likely ready for use conceivable utilizable utilisable in hand there for the taking at your fingertips no problem duck soup no sweat within the bounds of possibility within the realms of possibility piece of cake at the ready on file pragmatic practical within your grasp sensible logical open approachable unengaged going begging up for sale on offer unrestricted present public in season in circulation pushover easy to get to close at hand wide-open easy-access easy to use easily reached easy to access fit unused exploitable functional to hand useable operable serviceable relevant useful around at your disposal waiting to be bought for the taking in stock on a plate vacant existing yours for the asking expendable consumable spendable potential imaginable easy cherry pie getable performable suitable expedient within reason admissible allowable implementable tenable sustainable sound on welcoming unoccupied operative appropriate permitted door's always open able to be done on the cards in the cards makable responsive utile promising enactable enforceable dischargeable fulfillable agreeable not posted unconditional proper nondiscriminatory unqualified general unfilled nearby operational within the realm of possibility local odds-on empty on hold standing by ready to be drawn in reserve valid effective open-door level-headed wise of use judicious worthwhile conquerable soluble resolvable beatable overcomable well grounded well advised executable within possibility well thought out popular controllable readily available in easy reach user friendly near at hand near-at-hand user-friendly hassle-free user-oriented time-saving labour-saving trouble-free close-at-hand credible plausible acceptable passable supportable maintainable rational justifiable tolerable bearable satisfactory endurable surmountable sufferable affordable brookable able to hold water


Objective or fair, after taking everything into account
open-minded unbiased impartial unprejudiced objective neutral dispassionate disinterested detached balanced reasonable liberal tolerant enlightened accepting catholic permissive undogmatic unprescriptive acceptant acceptive observant perceptive understanding even-handed non-partisan non-discriminatory fair-minded anti-discrimination non-aligned prejudice-free non-judgemental fair equitable just evenhanded nonpartisan equal indifferent square uninvolved nondiscriminatory impersonal candid uncolored honest with no axe to grind unbigoted without fear or favour upright honourable independent honorable straight on the level on the fence nondiscriminating free from discrimination good unemotional decent trustworthy virtuous right scrupulous without favouritism unselfish rational broad-minded on-the-fence uncommitted unslanted without favor nonaligned on the up and up fair and square righteous ethical legitimate principled lawful moral judicial proper clinical conscientious sincere blameless aboveboard uncoloured unallied disconnected cold uninterested middle-of-the-road justifiable above board aloof outside egalitarian sensible progressive free-thinking freethinking fair-and-square moderate even unswayed sitting on the fence upstanding selfless right-minded on the up-and-up due pure rightful respectable conscionable incorruptible noble fair-to-middling even-steven square deal fair shake cricket level proportionate equalised free from self-interest equalized without prejudice in proportion that takes everything into account true truthful reliable dependable unruffled composed level-headed logical unmoved nonpassionate full of integrity stand-up open amenable disengaged autonomous clean unconcerned bystanding non-discriminating removed non-participating unaligned undecided legal legit kosher unconnected uninfluenced pukka on sidelines inactive nonchalant not taking sides poker-faced uncorrupted frank civil on up-and-up according to the rules unprepossessed strictly business cool unaffiliated faithful law-abiding inert straightforward noncombatant nonbelligerent middle-of-road easy calm neuter collected nonparticipating pacifistic relaxed steady equable genuine reputable dutiful floating vacillating uncertain undeclared worthy unattached high-minded nice anti-corruption exemplary punctilious middle of the road all right nonpolitical impassive distant unrelated noncommittal unaffected unimplicated unincluded without distinction well balanced matching nonbiased forthright sportsmanlike sporting gracious upfront mannerly middle correct equalitarian dinkum chivalrous gentlemanlike gallant sportsmanly firm high-principled classless unimpeachable straddling the fence sporty according to Hoyle right and proper on the square on-the-level of principle true-blue circumspect up front responsible democratic credible unfailing humble steadfast veracious authentic unpretentious uncontrived unfeigned enduring dedicated unwavering trusty constant resolute patriotic wavering indecisive equal-opportunity split torn unsure iffy quality in two minds in doubt centrist in a quandary in a dilemma innocent free-floating blowing hot and cold angelic sinless saintly guiltless faultless irreproachable non-radical non-extreme restrained apathetic casual free-spirited fence-sitting laid-back God-fearing squeaky-clean pious noble-minded not involved non-reactionary central devoted reverent matchless commendable deserving holy meritorious charitable philanthropical devout philanthropic laudable godlike creditable peerless praiseworthy spiritual cut loose middle ground don't care pacific safe uncontroversial open to reason


Left to or regulated by one's own discretion or judgment
elective discretionary voluntary optional nonobligatory noncompulsory facultative constituent electoral selective voting not compulsory chosen by election filled by election passed by vote discretional volitional open permissive non-compulsory non-mandatory not required up to the individual at your discretion unrestricted unforced arbitrary uncompelled open to choice nonmandatory flexible at one's call electing by vote appointing selecting appointive intentional intended deliberate wilful purposive witting knowing willful unenforced purposeful planned set studied unconstrained willed conscious possible calculated purposed extra gratuitous wished autonomous spontaneous unasked chosen elected unbidden opted independent unprescribed free-willed controlled designful freely with intent done on purpose no strings attached premeditated unprompted willing designed considered aforethought preconceived wanton pre-planned predetermined prepense unsolicited thought out in advance prearranged volunteered undemanded meant contemplated advised off your own bat express schemed on purpose thought out with forethought natural uncontrived unrequested uninvited predestined freewilled gratis contracted anticipated voluntarily strategic reasoning rational reflective responsible accidentally on purpose impulsive predesigned determined predeterminate cognizant cold-blooded self-conscious without prompting measured weighed mindful wary reasoned meditated meditative thoughtful aware thought-out cut-and-dried preconcerted of one's own accord proposed


Free from guilt
guiltless blameless innocent immaculate impeccable irreproachable spotless unimpeachable unsullied untainted untarnished clear faultless pure sinless clean uncensurable cleanhanded inculpable lily-white squeaky-clean stainless unblemished uncorrupted undefiled above reproach above suspicion beyond criticism crimeless exemplary free from blame free from guilt good righteous virtuous without fault in the clear not to blame squeaky clean whiter than white as pure as the driven snow guilt-free peaceful flawless at peace tranquil calm serene exculpated absolved untroubled exonerated cleared upright honest moral honourable honorable decent chaste ethical angelic upstanding not guilty worthy noble meritorious saintly virginal irreprehensible principled wholesome respectable reputable scrupulous unblamable laudable holy pure as the driven snow modest admirable law-abiding uninvolved unoffending incorrupt trustworthy high-minded right-minded lawful just true praiseworthy perfect uncorrupt incorruptible commendable pristine pious virgin estimable right moralistic beyond reproach white model high-principled morally correct impeccant acquitted legal licit lofty godly proper saintlike straight nice conscientious free of infallible anti-corruption all right unspotted dignified legitimate inviolate decorous celibate uncontaminated equitable unaffected elevated spiritual unbribable vestal faithful punctilious dutiful correct self-righteous noble-minded G-rated kosher right-thinking stand-up clean-living unfailing unguilty safe harmless excellent unstained angelical maidenly devout sackless irreprovable God-fearing religious fair unspoilt creditable paradigmatic classic sterling quintessential seemly demure reverent conscionable unprofaned bueno prototypical classical neato charitable continent sanctimonious without guilt characteristic typical illustrative representative chivalrous square without sin gallant magnanimous proud free of sin true-blue batting a thousand not too shabby not bad clean-handed reliable dependable crime-free fleckless unexceptionable not responsible redoubtable unquestionable unassailable unobjectionable having clean hands rectitudinous sainted snowy ideal artless copybook outstanding professional truthful consummate exceptional guileless aboveboard distinguished beyond question beyond suspicion sublime blessed favoring obedient balanced sound incorrupted seamless picture-book absolute picture-perfect letter-perfect indefectible high fitting prayerful innocent as a lamb unblighted courteous responsible cultivated tractable well-behaved humane greathearted natural lordly reproachless beatific god-fearing unworldly pure as driven snow lily white wet behind ears wide-eyed babe in woods salt of the earth Christian devoted impartial matchless deserving philanthropical philanthropic godlike peerless snow white divine seraph favouring prim lenient sportsmanlike saving dinkum sportsmanly morally right morally acceptable true blue straightforward full of good works legit respected venerable unwed intact on the level trusted fine trusty on the up and up up front without reproach of excellent character unmarried self-denying maiden nunlike self-restrained abstinent quiet refined elegant simple restrained austere let off free to go free of blame off the hook scot free inexperienced neat impotent intemerate controlled monogamous prudish subdued


Not impaired
unimpaired operational perfect unaffected unhindered working intact sound unbroken undamaged unharmed unhurt uninjured unscathed whole unblemished faultless untouched unspoilt pristine unmarred entire unsullied unmarked unspoiled flawless immaculate pure unflawed unmutilated complete full exhaustive impeccable unabridged thorough undiminished integral uncut undivided preserved undefiled solid mint spotless plenary thoroughgoing stainless virgin uncondensed untainted replete untarnished unabbreviated outright unreduced comprehensive as good as new all imperforate integrated lock stock and barrel unstained whole-hog whole-length full-dress hook line and sinker whole enchilada whole nine yards the works uncensored absolute unexpurgated unsevered gross undisturbed safe seamless undocked unitary organic total together inviolate unsoiled grand clean good without a scratch unpolluted maximal uncorrupted unruffled unscarred irreproachable indefectible tip-top sturdy without blemish full-blown full-scale uncontaminated stable uninterrupted unscratched undented firm regular untroubled unchanged steady unremitting ship-shape as new squeaky-clean full-length overall like new in good order ideal compleat scatheless model excellent antiseptic prime all-out in one piece picture-perfect finished peak picture-book letter-perfect decent without fault as sound as a bell unedited ongoing ceaseless secured continuous unshaken unceasing constant endless well-preserved glowing unprofaned sacred unspotted extensive broad ample native as good as before unadulterated bright burnished shining polished unshortened natural uncultivated clear shiny unwemmed wide-ranging full-out full-on full-blooded far-reaching exquisite optimal A1 optimum defectless resounding overwhelming unambiguous emphatic indigenous chaste fair spic-and-span spick-and-span supported helped strengthened unblackened conclusive categorical raw crude wilding agrestal out-and-out downright systematic utter unqualified veritable unmitigated wild uncompromised consummate superlative superb sweeping accurate correct exemplary masterly unerring error-free airtight bulletproof copybook full-fledged just so unviolated indiscrete all in one piece unaltered unmoved uninfluenced unstirred combined single unified unagitated aggregate incorrupt fresh all-inclusive unimpressed in perfect condition safe and sound secure virginal in good condition immune uneaten completed detailed long unwounded maximum inclusive livelong composite all-in-one one-piece joined round choate indivisible not liable to impervious not influenced not subject to inviolable all right indifferent unconcerned dry-eyed out of danger sanitary shipshape untried infrangible


Drawn using the hand without any helping device


Something kept in reserve as a spare or backup
spare relief reserve second additional auxiliary backup substitute supplementary alternative emergency extra fallback supernumerary surplus alternate ancillary another fresh leftover replacement standby duplicate optional supererogatory back-up fall-back in reserve in store other secondary supplemental new added further subsidiary more farther supporting accessory increased complementary subordinate subservient temporary superfluous contributory fill-in stand-in top-up unused appurtenant deputy adjuvant assistant abetting stopgap collateral makeshift peripheral second-string bonus one more over-and-above redundant support supportive accompanying understudy accessorial add-on adjunct back up junior associate in addition lesser lower attendant younger minor inferior smaller lowly on the side sub youngest under less lower-level extraneous excess new-found second-rate low-ranking second-class dummy provisional improvised proxy quick-and-dirty make-do tentative surrogate temp rough-and-ready substitutive throwaway slapdash low-grade lower-ranking second-fiddle vice- less important sub- acting pinch-hitting caretaker short-term interim ad interim supply pro tempore transitional pro tem intervening changeover locum cover provisionary provisory expediential different adoptive foster impromptu aiding possible holding assisting adjutant delegated assisting in rough and ready reciprocal correlative non-standard augmenting unimportant incidental inessential marginal tangential mean non-essential dinky dependent tributary minor-league insignificant small-fry small-time bush-league small subject trivial substract inconsiderable petty of little account


Open to or shared by all the people of an area or country
public open communal unrestricted accessible community mass mutual available collective common joint neighborhood neighbourhood social conjoint cooperative pooled shared collaborative combined communistic concerted conjunct intermutual united accessible to all community-based free to all open to the public without charge free for all not exclusive free-for-all not private open-door for all ubiquitous supplied free for use provided rentable furnished widespread omnipresent prevalent universal appropriable gratis between engagements multiple interactive reciprocal allied unified coordinated cumulative aggregate interdependent connected synergetic consolidated composite collated general concentrated group correlative associated related bilateral interchangeable bipartite returned reciprocated requited dependent partaken participated respective interchanged convertible give-and-take two-sided given and taken linked synergic joined assembled compiled broad corporate blanket grouped team synergistic symbiotic dual combining two-way hand in hand reciprocative conglomerate multiparty conjoined interprofessional ensemble planned prearranged jointly planned overall cohesive amalgamated integrated agreed upon socialistic global all-embracing complete leagued in partnership confederate confederated affiliated banded together merged gathered undivided massed piled heaped hoarded all-inclusive across-the-board overarching coactive complementary harmonious cross-party nondiscriminatory unanimous coadjuvant participating collusive collaborating uniting collegial concurring coacting agreeing coefficient joining catholic non-restrictive unconditional unqualified non-exclusive welcoming in league hand in glove accessible to everyone one-size-fits-all


Changing regularly or constantly
floating changeable changing fluid variable volatile fluctuating movable unfixed unsettled not fixed up and down not settled unstable inconstant fickle unsteady inconsistent unpredictable shifting temperamental capricious mercurial uncertain changeful protean kaleidoscopic skittish flickery mobile wavering mutable vacillating irregular uneven erratic varying fitful unreliable turbulent chameleonic undependable variational spasmodic ever-changing blowing hot and cold alterable everchanging oscillating iffy patchy unequable waffling swaying flexible shifty peaky slippery adaptable indefinite adjustable explosive yo-yo up-and-down ever-shifting knife-edge subject to change likely to change whimsical versatile chameleon-like vicissitudinous labile fluctuant restless impulsive variant agitated transitional irresponsible reversible vagrant revocable indecisive irresolute flighty transformable commutative full of ups and downs wayward quicksilver random flakey flaky up in the air intermittent unequal excitable moody bipolar irrepressible sporadic haphazard vagarious desultory giddy active elastic spotty disconnected occasional scattershot episodic discontinuous episodical arbitrary unsystematic freakish nonuniform jerky unmethodical moving rambling aperiodic casual hit-or-miss choppy flickering catchy indiscriminate fluky fragmentary wild jumbled broken designless dubious shaky impermanent chancy roving undirected incalculable wandering dynamic bitty alternating deviating inexplicable volative vacillant faithless tempestuous inexact varied polymorphous many-sided multiform stayless unbalanced not constant quirky progressive checkered chequered irrational adaptive ephemeral transitory untrustworthy ungovernable faddish chance ambiguous unsound suspect weaving doubtful uncommitted undecided altering disturbed frivolous crotchety disrupted developing growing disjointed momentary transient fleeting ever-moving fragmented scrappy incoherent hesitating of two minds broken up interrupted sketchy confused meandering directionless constantly changing dicey nomadic short-lived always changing periodic incomplete irresoluteoscillating unsure on-again-off-again herky-jerky on and off off and on unconnected piecemeal chaotic disorderly hit and miss disorganized illogical indeterminate shaking trembling wobbling quivering scrambled uncontrolled non-linear frenzied disordered promiscuous entropic mixed up fractal scattered stochastic messy muddled aleatory disorganised all over the map all over the place infrequent eccentric aimless unpunctual unconsidered purposeless on-and-off off-and-on non-periodic


Acting or done at leisure
leisurely unhurried slow easy relaxed comfortable gentle languid lazy restful easy-going laid-back sedate unrushed crawling creeping dallying dawdling dilatory dillydallying dragging effortless lackadaisical laggard lagging languorous lingering pokey poking poky sluggish snaillike snail-paced tardy undemanding measured steady casual delayed deliberate lax relaxing slack slackened slow-moving unhasty recreational entertaining frivolous amusing fun non-work related non-job related natural gradual unforced spontaneous incremental organic plodding ponderous loitering leaden slow-going slothful delaying torpid idle indolent procrastinating phlegmatic listless lethargic moderate tortoiselike postponing drowsy dreamy passive supine apathetic inert heavy slow-paced late stagnant sleepy leisured inactive calm slow-footed slow and steady dull snail-like sluggardly tortoise-like labored laboured lollygagging behindhand remiss moving slowly peaceful easygoing nonchalant patient chilled unexciting lumbering cumbersome even regular backward laborious stupid undeveloped imbecile checked moronic dense underprivileged behind arrested underdeveloped feeble-minded subnormal time-wasting unpunctual on hands and knees putting off tarrying problem moratory neglectful negligent flagging leaden-footed laggy imperceptible worming skulking writhing slithering shuffling quailing slinking wriggling squirming inching sneaking shambling groveling hobbling grovelling in your own time at your own pace on all fours barely moving without hurry without haste


Digressing from subject to subject
discursive digressive meandering rambling wandering diffuse maundering roundabout long-winded prolix circuitous desultory lengthy circumlocutory digressional digressionary excursive leaping long loose periphrastic verbose wordy ambagious logorrhoeic pleonastic waffly broad conversational deviating erratic informal musing roaming roving spreading windy garrulous indirect tortuous logorrheic tedious protracted tautological long-drawn-out circumlocutionary overlong redundant palaverous repetitious loquacious voluble gabby bombastic chatty prolonged convoluted turgid oblique interminable gassy talkative devious boring wearisome divergent tiresome flatulent inflated rhetorical talky repetitive evasive anfractuous episodic expansive drawn-out diffusive tangential ponderous circular sesquipedalian dragged out flowery full of verbiage errant superfluous vague gossipy prosy circumlocutional circumlocuitous circumlocutious waffling traveling travelling nomadic iterative anecdotal drifting laborious unending verbal endless extended very long spun out profuse copious exuberant random lavish dull king-size elongate oversized elongated king-sized lengthened tangent padded longish king size dragging implied ambiguous collateral non-linear obliquitous loosely related winding twisting serpentine curving sinuous crooked taking the long way zigzag snaking deviant sidelong mouthy effusive gushing multiloquent babbling multiloquous blathering prattling jabbering yakking wittering prating gobby yacking involved orotund pompous magniloquent fustian grandiloquent tautologous repeating pretentious big-mouthed with the gift of the gab full of air having kissed the Blarney stone oratorical chattering highfalutin high-flown overwrought overblown aureate rhetoric euphuistic declamatory tumid communicative motormouthed florid blabby chattery ornate fluent glib purple high-sounding ostentatious gaseous overripe swollen lofty overdone loose-lipped full of hot air grandiose gossiping elaborate affected articulate gibbering eloquent loudmouthed over-elaborate slick smooth sonorous windbag having kissed the blarney stone hyperventilated able to talk the hind legs off a donkey alliterative vocal fancy ranting marathon rattling flamboyant rhapsodic strained labored laboured time-consuming extravagant lingering histrionic hifalutin magnific showy sustained ornamented slow lasting big-talking great delayed Ossianic empty reiterating disquisitional forthcoming mannered fulsome baroque open unreserved silver-tongued actorly theatrical shallow superficial breezy tumescent rotund bigmouthed vociferous lyrical Miltonian epic Homeric outgoing embellished figurative running on outspoken having kissed the Blarney Stone drivellous motormouth euphistic haughty tall-talking ornamental rococo euphemistic noisy blessed with the gift of the gab excessively communicative over-talkative all jaw big mouthed perissological stale prosing flat commonplace pedestrian fussy puffed complex complicated detailed decorated hyperbolic excessive never-ending monotonous unimaginative prosaic uninteresting humdrum exalted rhapsodical overestimated la-di-da drawn out stretched out blustering balderdash spun-out long-lived dragged-out far long-lasting long-term remote stretching enduring far-off stretched extensive towering tall deep stretch expanded lanky outstretched gangling enlarged strung out rangy distant faraway stringy continued high running far-reaching overextended tardy late boundless dilatory limitless stuffed shirt spread out seemingly endless for ages forever and a day without end


(of assets) Held in cash or easily converted into cash


To release from confinement
release liberate emancipate discharge extricate let go set free unchain unfetter unshackle befree deliver set loose uncage unleash untie bail out cast loose clear disenthrall enfranchise enlarge free up let loose let off let out spare spring turn loose unmanacle bail cut loose disenthral disimprison dismiss let off the hook manumit put on the street save set at liberty unbind loose loosen rescue redeem untangle disentangle unyoke disengage disembarrass ransom relieve unloose unbridle disencumber acquit absolve give rights to allow to leave unlock affranchise exempt exonerate disembroil pardon detach salvage come to the aid of untether come to the rescue of save the life of reprieve exculpate lift bring off get out protect get out from under parole save one's neck get off the hook free from restraint free from restriction remove disinvolve unsnag snatch unhook empower expel spring loose retrieve recover unclick demobilize demobilise restore to freedom come to someone's rescue give freedom to open the door for grant exit to set at large take out turn out allow to go send away vindicate unpen unfasten immune unloosen declare innocent uncork save from danger release conditionally release on parole give terms find innocent excuse find not guilty assoil disculpate explode go ape vociferate holler uncheck save someone's bacon get out of hock get oneself off the hook pull out of the fire save the day get someone out save life of bail someone out give a break let fly wriggle out of let go of safeguard privilege grant immunity allow to run free allow to run riot give a free rein to


To make assets or funds available


To unfasten something tied, fastened, or fixed in place
undo unfasten untie loosen separate detach disengage disconnect disentangle disjoin loose uncouple disunite unknot release open unlock unbind unclasp unhitch unfix unlink unloose unloosen extricate unbutton unlace unhook unbridle unbolt unlash unseal unclose unfetter unblock unstrap liberate disentwine unstop unshut unmanacle unshackle let out set free remove unravel untangle clear unwrap sever unleash untwine unbuckle part untwist decouple unyoke uncork unsnarl segregate unclog sunder disassociate take apart withdraw let go split unplug disembarrass slip divide unbraid unzip unwind resolve unroll unweave unpin dissociate isolate divorce unclick break up disassemble disaffiliate ravel out slacken unscrew unkink unpick unlay take off unlatch work loose unbar untether dissever unstick straighten out disjoint untighten ramify ravel extract abstract dismount tear off disarticulate pull out unchain cut off break off discumber cut loose disburden open up clean out walk away let loose move away unmoor uncoil unreel unfurl skim cast off set adrift uncap break open ease straighten take out let off the lead spread out unclench unsnap open out lay out relax cut out clean free up work free come loose become unfastened flush prize pry take down tear open clip off chop off hack off nip off pull off prune off slack strip off pop spread throw wide sluice rip off work out get to the bottom of cut through red tape solve husk uncover peel shuck unpack rupture bifurcate dissect break unjumble uncombine come apart become disconnected dichotomize break apart split in two cleave divide in two pull apart come away become detached wash out clean off unfold unstitch insulate sequester separate out seclude emancipate alienate quarantine avoid break from withdraw from distance place far off put at a distance break away keep at arm's length break with set apart disencumber let off bail out cut the Gordian knot abandon leave move off split off


To avoid, lessen, or guard against
save avoid deflect deter prevent divert reprieve spare absolve avert forestall obviate stop dispense exempt preclude block circumvent discharge halt arrest foil thwart check intercept shut out stave off turn aside head off ward off fend off forfend put a stop to hold back nip in the bud stonewall keep from happening defend against hold off put an end to desist discontinue cease hinder curb restrain impede obstruct baulk hamper keep stay frustrate counteract damp inhibit prohibit let pre-empt debar help chill scare dampen disadvise balk cool talk out of throw cold water on pour cold water on turn off act like a wet blanket rule out put a damper on bar retard restrict stymie slow down hamstring hold up encumber fetter interfere with delay handicap slow trammel shackle constrain interdict forbid cripple cramp stall hobble cut off withhold interrupt repress contravene crimp limit clog cumber handcuff hog-tie keep back tie up set back stand in the way of throw a spanner in the works disrupt suppress derail preempt manacle oppose baffle embarrass short-circuit put a brake on slow up hang up shut off get in the way of throw a monkey wrench in the works of dissuade from detain bridle exclude anticipate scotch brake smother stifle neutralize discourage curtail scupper muzzle discomfit freeze parry rattle bork interfere second-guess faze hold subdue neutralise rein in choke pick off ward make late get ahead of get in before put paid to hold in put off box in beat someone to the punch bring to screeching halt foul up close off screw up beat someone to it shut down provide against beat someone to the draw hold down steal a march on get in the way stem the flow of louse up forefend commandeer keep waiting postpone bottleneck retardate be early be one step ahead of act in advance of prepare for head off at pass burden keep from cause to wait cause to stay crab resist defer pause protract remit shelve prorogue dissuade quash intermit confine prolong queer someone's pitch be a hindrance to throw a spoke in the wheel of disqualify shunt look away shove aside turn turn from veer put back back off bog down hold off on choke off take down hold over sandbag taboo bit reduce outlaw enjoin estop obscure put on brakes keep in make impossible make it impossible for make impracticable quit make it impracticable for strangulate preoccupy forecast monopolize project expect foresee envision predict put the brakes on take out of play monopolise ruin control scuttle overturn snooker invalidate confound repel nullify upset squash contain repulse undo spoil nobble dash checkmate outwit moderate blank counter defeat do for counterplot disappoint cross bury regulate muffle strangle dam bind entangle chain disconcert discipline keep under control gag tame peg put the stopper on put a spoke in someone's wheel cause setback get the better of upset the applecart put end to mess up put the mockers on put the kibosh on beat down take wind out of sails govern measure rule entrammel cramp one's style give a hard time saddle with put a limit on keep in check keep lid on cool down put the brakes on keep a tight rein on fight back button up keep a lid on keep within bounds keep the lid on bite back cut back cool off keep tight rein on choke back eliminate discard discount dismiss except cancel proscribe abolish revoke recant disallow suspend reject close out ban freeze out leave out count out bate close one's doors to not consider forget about


Air out; make known
ventilate air express raise debate discuss voice lodge register assert communicate declare examine expound give look reveal sound state utter vent verbalise verbalize bring up broadcast scrutinise scrutinize sift advertise advertize bring into the open broach circulate deliberate discourse give expression to introduce moot publicise publicize publish put talk about talk over come out with give an airing to give voice to put into words go into make public take up talk of thresh out bring out into the open make known proclaim articulate submit announce divulge pronounce speak enunciate put forward mention tell table promulgate propound say propose give vent to suggest advance present phrase disclose word affirm couch profess formulate asseverate give out set forth point out disseminate convey vocalize touch on allude to intimate trumpet bring forward frame herald mouth annunciate blazon pass blare indicate recount testify clothe deliver maintain vocalise put across give utterance to spell out pose spread denote aver exhibit cite import designate talk argue blaze report render impart avow bespeak specify preach hint connote insinuate flash post placard release get across put over detail enounce show get over testify to put in words bring out spiel pour out lay down shout from the rooftops sound off speak about pop off bring something up put forth spell intend stand for add up to expose display find expression for speak coherently speak clearly explain outline clarify postulate posit sound out enumerate recite describe narrate set out rehearse interpret relate pitch set down elucidate take the wraps off throw out give rundown chime in be specific about give blow-by-blow have your say protest blaze abroad ostend stump blazon abroad blast call evidence shout from the housetops state publicly mark decree get on a soapbox spread it around pass the word spout evince shout out illustrate shoot off one's mouth address explore cover quote note canvass canvas acknowledge exchange views on speak of remark on deliberate about exchange views about bring in make reference to tell of talk through call attention to treat advert to touch upon point to comment on refer to confer about make mention of converse about deal with purport claim opine allege advocate inform asservate mutter avouch admit emphasize inflect intonate confess stress intone seem reassert shout allegate roar modulate yell reaffirm repeat cry emphasise appear attest to make out speak out act feel make give testimony give utterance give expression bear witness give away look like come off as come across as look to be create the impression that strike you as being strike someone that appear to be give every indication that strike as being create the impression of being give the impression that give the impression of being give every indication of being have the air of being have the appearance of being seem to be chronicle relay remark delineate give an account of chart name portray exclaim depict represent pass on declaim particularize unfold itemize let out comment blurt particularise itemise paint drop instance offer reply read reel off whisper style orate define signify interject interpose allow retail jaw notify weigh in spill list catalogue adduce picture clue in share reflect catalog characterize let on about give an account contend rule hint at run through translate mumble signal editorialize record add blab yak gab spin summarize lip document predicate editorialise observe chirp identify advise blurt out summarise notice characterise fill in advert open up mouth off let in on pipe up with hold forth write lay out account for let on ordain adjudicate judge set term label lay open charge stipulate ejaculate stamp own allude tag construe yammer respond wisecrack own up come clean commentate perorate refer pontificate explicate answer attest animadvert exemplify character transmit press soliloquize break silence uncover unveil enlighten brief acquaint bare point keep posted rap invoke emit sketch determine swear rejoin murmur decide vouch plead leak retell pass comment pipe inform of drawl burst out with provide details break the news evoke read out paraphrase lay down the law give details of wise up recapitulate breathe a word of restate return wire cable give the facts spill the beans serve dictate give details put out realize track break a story burst out realise make allusions to run down give forth let anyone know of put it on record recap get off your chest direct attention to reference imply systematize phonate chip in preconize reproduce systematise codify interpolate contribute throw in put in two cents give voice flap insert moan groan initial flag produce provide crack dress up state clearly make plain breathe give form to have a say speak briefly of hand on converse noise abroad chime chin chat open your mouth watermark sign ring up get through break get one's tongue round write about make it known let someone know of show off give as an example treat of blabber insist administer conjure up give words to numerate pass comment on say something about hand down go on and on adumbrate tell the story of echo run by again say again unload rehash play back advise of give a description of paint a word picture of provide details of paint in words give the facts on give a rundown of give details on rumor justify make a case transcribe chatter sermonize let it be known sling write up say insincerely say for form's sake mime champion spin a yarn give the word lay it on the line shoot the breeze let your hair down regurgitate gas harangue transliterate bring word communicate information bring word on number rattle off count down give a report give verbal account tick off cue send word give notice telephone let know radio give notice of tip off pass out teach debrief rumour uphold hold certify put about that tweet preachify uncloak apprise unmask unbosom familiarize say out loud give a recitation read aloud say aloud read out loud reword convert moralize infer gossip familiarise clear level verse weave rant drum speechify rephrase catch up class brand feature issue lay continue make clear get off leave word let slip tell on put before give facts call upon arbitrate transpose concede soapbox bloviate pigeonhole typify peg epitomize typecast symbolize classify symbolise model personify draw categorize agree moralise sermonise spit it out pile it on blow hot air talk big accede accept holler denominate turn constitute recognize retort command give evidence of bellow order ascertain formalize grant assent spread around appreciate confirm sing direct emblematize epitomise embody instantiate categorise individuate individualize personalise individualise singularize personalize distinguish signalize peculiarize signalise tab scream demand be evidence of etch settle assign formalise dub entitle persist establish fess up make a clean breast of come out of the closet yield cop to bring to light acquiesce make a clean breast tell all about blow the gaff on go into details blow the lid off recognise 'fess up squeal about confide concur own up to spill the beans about cough up spill your guts enjoin riposte vociferate instruct state precisely shriek say further continue to speak state further go on keep going mandate give a ruling on sit in judgement on rule on make a ruling on sit in judgment pass judgment decide on settle on give a verdict on pass judgement on screech yawp stake express in words bid descant expatiate carry on counter come back retaliate blat prescribe bolt impose nail it down lay it out ululate put in go on to say figure voice-over sketch out call aloud say loudly rend the air put on record call out give the meaning of utter suddenly sing out call a spade a spade cry out choose come to say in response arrive at snap back hurl back fling back round on someone come back with guide tell a story give a report of govern influence call the tune read the riot act call the play put your foot down

Antonym of a free

Music ♫

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