Sinónimo de so typical


Characteristic of a particular person, thing or group
normal regular average standard conventional archetypal customary ordinary orthodox routine stock representative characteristic common daily general stereotypical traditional usual everyday habitual archetypical basic classic classical familiar standardised standardized staple expected mainstream plain regulation set simple vanilla commonplace natural bog-standard run-of-the-mill standard-issue day-to-day garden variety garden-variety common or garden matter-of-course accustomed established unremarkable prevailing wonted prosaic workaday quotidian unexceptional popular frequent prevalent accepted mundane humdrum universal settled household ubiquitous dull fixed middle-of-the-road current recognized undistinguished cut-and-dried cut-and-dry boring recognised pedestrian uneventful acknowledged plain vanilla widespread mediocre characterless unexciting unmemorable nondescript uninspired trite going time-honoured a dime a dozen uninteresting true public predictable generic so-so hackneyed banal nothing to write home about constant pervasive rife rampant majority bland indifferent predominant typic no great shakes ornery received garden unnoteworthy time-honored overall OK second-rate stereotyped homespun confirmed monotonous modest proverbial colourless uninspiring stale dreary middling drab colorless endemic long-established repeated rooted nothing special not up to much well worn bog standard unpretentious homely ruling well-known fair shared tolerable acceptable repetitious fashionable insignificant plastic chronic methodical inconspicuous white-bread inferior hacky jejune prescriptive inveterate old dime-a-dozen par for the course proven vested not much cop persistent tedious recurring tiresome admitted wearisome canonical extensive broad passable unimpressive medium domestic unvaried periodic collective well established approved unvarying mechanical humble repetitive adequate suburban sanctioned formal boilerplate insipid formulaic well known ongoing across the board run-of-the-mine run-of-mine second-class understood terrestrial unimaginative corny banausic lacklustre forgettable lackluster platitudinous inconsequential fair-to-middling decent amateurish amateur vulgar permanent nitty-gritty heavy preferred old hat widely held okay half-pie not so hot in vogue pervading favoured obvious definite explicit determined precise adopted median diurnal discreet scheduled gut default trivial recurrent prototypical next acquired honored orderly lamestream moderate anonymous one-size-fits-all quintessential seasonal present derived defined express exact perpetual unexceptionable known legendary famous famed notorious signature anodyne numerous favourite favorite honoured workday lowly agreed in-between congruous model ideal presentational prototypal acquainted valid reiterated incessant profuse central continual certain unsophisticated authorized in use family casual informal random conformist core favored great recognizable self-evident axiomatic renowned unquestioned endorsed unnoticeable whitebread serviceable O.K. native recognisable overused unimportant good fairish all right satisfactory blank expressionless deadpan unoriginal derivative touted prescribed reputed infamous useless nothing overworked tired no big deal nowhere jake irrelevant inconsiderable paltry unopposed passed legit okayed authorised indistinctive featureless neutral faceless noncommittal standard operating procedure playing it safe by the numbers sop stipulated in a rut same old wont in the groove according to Hoyle serious highbrow pointless piddling immaterial worthless dominant primary official readily available widely available ready-made worn out worn-out common variety matter-of-fact meaningless whatever steady periodical nothing to get excited about bush-league not very good middle of the road ten a penny run of the mill dyed-in-the-wool given used habituated not bad symphonic concert heavyweight agreed upon non-specific mass wide neither one thing nor the other mean of choice chosen in the habit of entrenched tried and true tried and tested arrived at practised practiced reiterative iterated systematic automatic long-term addicting iterative disciplined perfunctory consistent cyclic seasoned grind national blanket communal overarching global joint outright well-established ho-hum of little consequence of little importance of no consequence not worth mentioning of no importance of no great concern of no account comprehensive broad-spectrum across-the-board total in circulation sweeping in force epidemic broad-brush all-round nationwide societal wholesale all-around mind-numbing historic stable deep-rooted widely used ingrained stupid numbing wearying jading drudging tame arid dry stodgy dusty tiring slow weary leaden monochromatic ponderous flat stuffy traditionalistic old-fashioned old-style sound officially recognized secure unshakable treadmill dim bromidic toneless blah monotone prosy lifeless plodding anaemic empty gray grey anemic blending into the background most common


Having the distinctive qualities of a particular type of person or thing
classic distinctive archetypal characteristic standard archetypical definitive distinct distinguishing prototypical quintessential true copybook identifying idiosyncratic illustrative indicative model paradigmatic regular representative signature textbook vintage classical emblematic exemplary ideal identifiable particular stereotypical stock symbolic unmistakable archetypic diagnostic diagnostical discriminating prime proper prototypal prototypic stereotyped stereotypic suggestive essential individual patterned peculiar perfect typic symptomatic unique specific special singular individualistic personal original conventional exclusive especial different differentiating significant demonstrative indicatory imitable uncommon extraordinary emblematical denotative usual consummate absolute ultimate supreme innate intrinsic separate allegorical inherent appropriate noteworthy peculiar to private representational respective token evocative symbolical remarkable denotive evidential designative marked diacritic own best fundamental discriminative pointing to individualized personalized recognizable patented subjective privy individualizing recognisable notable inimitable individualising local personalised individualised restricted endemic true to type inborn inbred particular to exclusive to found only in excellent determining epitomic unusual meaningful discrete predictable habitual average patent warning signalling hackneyed normal trite dinki-di staple disparate hacky clichéd associated indicating familiar standardised common standardized categorical in character signaling ingrained characteristic of typical of native true to form at her best at his best at its best particularised particularized exceptional reserved unconventional off-centre abnormal weird aberrant strange eccentric quirky odd queer irregular anomalous complete set express natural precise freakish bizarre outlandish idiomatic conspicuous concrete pure reminiscent figurative optimal flawless transcendental optimum utopian idealised idyllic idealized reflective telltale indicial exhibitive denoting expressive signifying redolent untainted unsullied untarnished unblemished all your own telling augural testimonial revealing inauspicious ominous significatory testatory evincive connotative prognostic apocalyptic auspicious allusive recalling intriguing significative remindful evocatory giving an inkling single distinguished sole solitary lone only isolated one rare independent novel unfamiliar one-off uncustomary one and only atypical curious foreign exotic quaint unorthodox uncanny unprecedented select unitary unaccustomed alone definite out of the ordinary dissimilar unexpected onliest custom distinguishable untypical customized specialized deviant unthinkable divergent freak unwonted mysterious oddball preternatural off the wall specialised customised unaccompanied solo obscure new nonconformist unknown alien exceeding little known unexplored unheard-of by oneself by itself only possible sui generis one shot resident nonconforming standalone very own fixed claimed nonstandard once in a lifetime fresh untried offbeat prominent outstanding striking salient autonomous inconsistent uncharted unrecognised unrecognized brand new newfangled perceptible refreshing final alternative surprising selfstanding previously unencountered outside one's experience intimate noticeable detectable decipherable infrequent inexplicable unmixed unshared uncompounded separated undivided simple unalloyed unblended aberrated incomparable phenomenal freaky seldom scarce last remote uninvestigated recondite wonderful unimaginable extraordinaire unordinary unexampled only remaining only surviving only one left sole remaining something else out of the common unheard of out of the way way out lonely one only left alone only one singled-out lonesome companionless detached unescorted stag forsaken single-handed abandoned all alone without companions by yourself monstrous kooky way-out unlike unreal funny unnatural inconceivable contrary incongruous incomprehensible newsworthy unrepresentative supernatural jarring uncharacteristic kookie limited out-of-the-way most typical most characteristic


Not reprehensible, blameless, without blame
unblamable admirable laudable model meritorious righteous praiseworthy honorable honourable virtuous excellent estimable pure commendable good worthy classic paradigmatic quintessential sterling punctilious bueno classical correct neato prototypical characteristic illustrative representative blameless irreproachable irreprehensible guiltless inculpable innocent not bad batting a thousand lily-white not too shabby exemplary unimpeachable honest moral upright impeccable sinless noble ethical principled respectable squeaky clean upstanding immaculate incorruptible clean scrupulous high-minded right-minded whiter than white morally correct just faultless reputable dignified perfect lofty moralistic untarnished angelic squeaky-clean pure as the driven snow self-righteous above reproach high-principled decent unblemished ideal stainless wholesome clear right saintly spotless lawful saintlike godly flawless elevated cleanhanded unbribable copybook outstanding consummate exceptional law-abiding uncorrupted right-thinking without fault in the clear anti-corruption sanctimonious beyond reproach clean-living proud fine chaste decorous seemly redoubtable proper modest celibate imitable archetypal archetypical textbook definitive rectitudinous equitable unobjectionable undefiled applaudable professional very good vestal G-rated untainted favoring obedient balanced incorrupt dutiful sound incorrupted reverent conscientious noble-minded chivalrous greathearted natural gallant high magnanimous lordly cultivated tractable charitable well-behaved seamless picture-book absolute picture-perfect letter-perfect indefectible favouring religious prim lenient sportsmanlike saving dinkum sportsmanly irreprovable reproachless pristine uninvolved straightforward snow white unsullied unoffending above suspicion unspotted clean-handed guilt-free beyond criticism crimeless sackless not to blame not responsible not guilty trustworthy straight true nice faithful kosher legit true-blue on the up and up up front without reproach on the level of excellent character all right


Being the only one of its kind
unique exclusive classic essential exceptional exemplary extraordinary ideal model novel prototypical quintessential singular special ultimate unequalled unparalleled unprecedented incomparable inimitable irreplaceable matchless one-off standout unequaled unmatched unrivaled beyond compare extraordinaire one of a kind peerless second to none signal sui generis unexampled unexcelled unparagoned unrivalled unsurpassable unsurpassed without equal archetypal best consummate far-out in a class by itself one and only paramount superior superlative supreme transcendent unimaginable incredible nonpareil notable noteworthy phenomenal remarkable something else unrepeatable unrepeated utmost amazing new newfangled once-in-a-lifetime one-of-a-kind primo purpose-built separate unconventional unheard-of unordinary without precedent exquisite fresh perfect only rare outstanding surpassing alone without parallel beyond comparison excellent top solitary lone greatest out of sight record original par excellence pre-eminent in a class of its own one towering champion sole without peer best ever all-time super unbeaten faultless tops unbeatable unchallenged absolute individual without match hors concours perpetual everlasting enduring independent self-contained unapproached distinctive solid-gold gilt-edge aces most limited-edition never-to-be-repeated unmatchable sovereign one-in-a-million preeminent elite choice world class leading foremost groundbreaking premier prevailing highest first culminating final in a class of one's own unbelievable stand alone without an equal all-time best exceeding ascendant predominant transcendental great sublime excelling magnificent custom-built custom-made tailor-made priceless invaluable whole entire awe-inspiring uplifting moving primordial unconfined intact unequalable infinite inspiring boundless unlimited innate abstract intellectual eternal theoretical accomplished finished obscure hypothetical inspirational intuitive fantastic transcending prized cherished treasured indispensable beyond one's grasp beyond price inestimably precious without price of incalculable value of immeasurable worth of inestimable worth of inestimable value of incalculable worth of immeasurable value worth its weight in gold chief principal prime dominant primary main grand capital head number one key central cardinal arch primal overbearing prominent lead overriding commanding master overmastering sovran major first-class finest top-drawer numero uno apex presiding premium supereminent biggest maximum big topmost prior select distinguished illustrious uppermost first-rate star industry leading ace best possible number-one stellar top-tier top-class a cut above the rest topflight top drawer top-notch largest complete high optimal peak governing authoritative max uttermost optimum dominating eminent utopian undefeated greater furthermost number 1 crack better top of the line top of the range terrific senior larger record-breaking first class noted high-class top-of-the-range famous well-known renowned exalted prize-winning arch- glorious sans pareil definitive No. 1 lion's share decisive total directing untouchable higher bigger elder unconditional in a league of its own maximal hugest upmost highest ranking mother of all of the highest quality out-of-sight crown vintage A-1 Grade A big-time blue-ribbon choicest boss estimable superfine extreme significant maxi the most fabulous sensational paradisiacal awesome gorgeous brilliant divine to die for marvellous fantabulous fine idyllic dreamy out of this world splendid beautiful blissful wonderful too good to be true splendorous heavenly marvelous superb paradisiac out-of-this-world A-OK fab major league recognized high profile influential honourable honoured elevated gifted high-minded well known resonant revered legendary alpha mighty well-connected powerful trusted all-important esteemed heroic magnanimous triumphal noble regal idealistic imposing honorable high-powered reputable august fabled highly regarded high-level puissant respected redoubtable formidable first rate recognised prestigious highly rated learned famed notorious potent seminal admired lofty stately iconic celebrated of the first rank acclaimed important dignified honored big league valued reigning regnant predominate ruling unassailable core domineering controlling prevalent most excellent most important most influential most outstanding most prominent


In accordance with the truth or facts
true genuine real right authentic actual accurate exact precise proper correct veracious factual honest natural pure veritable legitimate archetypal archetypical bona fide certifiable certified characteristic faithful good guileless ingenuous legit regular representative valid artless concrete dinkum echt indubitable kosher simple strict truthful unaffected appropriate authoritative average dead-on de facto direct effective existent fitting normal standard undesigning unpretending unpretentious veridical honest-to-goodness pucka pukka sure-enough dinky-di real McCoy sincere absolute unquestionable reliable unerring realistic official certain positive open for real literal credible perfect unadulterated straightforward frank trustworthy very definite bang on spot on straight verifiable original tangible close on the level candid lawful spot-on sound authenticated indisputable undeniable innocent plain faultless verified fair confirmed substantial on the money errorless established solid definitive objective sure legal undisputed attested flawless documented scrupulous meticulous naive clear-cut historical hard convincing on the button on-target accepted irrefutable lifelike categorical just conclusive infallible on the nose clear undoubted unimpeachable error-free matter-of-fact unalloyed bonafide impeccable thorough complete rightful authorized sterling on the mark explicit rigorous ordinary forthright undistorted true to life acceptable unvarnished usual physical palpable approved unassuming detailed corporeal material customary orthodox unfailing verisimilar sanctioned proven unmistakable on the up and up aboveboard authorised accredited up front out-and-out conventional dependable sensible on the nail fact-based square on target specific true-to-life unambiguous unrefuted unmistaken existing unembellished uncontrived modest upfront deadly substantive believable so utter naturalistic humble righteous evident living total veristic inch-perfect unfaked creditable homely consummate well-established unmitigated perceptible validated recognized without airs unfeigned without error true-blue right on arrant licensed well-founded word for word careful recognised sheer real-life methodical graphic outright scientific firm distinct documentary nonfictional unimaginary defined unequivocal fixed representational unstudied on the beam common uncounterfeited substantiated unpresumptuous licenced near traditional set general naïve right as rain prevailing non-fictional stock popular thoroughgoing incontrovertible accustomed unexceptional canonical photo-realistic allowed universal outspoken three-dimensional free of error final spontaneous downright unsophisticated fair dinkum unexaggerated like it is punctilious assured easy permissible verbatim essential rigid discriminating judicious deft systematic sharp discriminative skilful skillful punctual particular known unmixed intrinsic unqualified amen ultraprecise fair and square unelaborated unprocessed immaculate full live undeviating formal inerrant pinpoint decided uncanny refined express lethal manifest narrow fine uncontaminated undiluted bodily unimposing unostentatious word-perfect painstaking unmannered on the up-and-up demonstrable card-carrying vivid dead current endorsed incarnate acknowledged photographic non-spiritual okay ratified childlike naturalist trusty settled habitual unreserved familiar run-of-the-mill prevalent corporal mainstream unremarkable routine speaking expected vanilla plain-spoken on the right track telling it like it is visible wonted dead on prosaic everyday classic workaday garden-variety regulation decisive phenomenal appreciable on the ball unspoiled classical measurable true-life not copied easy-going laid-back self-effacing twenty-four carat as it really happened historic quantifiable the real McCoy cracker-barrel incontestable inescapable demonstrated kitchen-sink cut-and-dried standard-issue straight from horse's mouth signed and sealed straight from the horse's mouth well defined meaning what one says sure enough all right real-world warts and all straight dinkum dinky-die nonfiction justified qualified expert professional severe according to law permitted loyal conforming heartfelt earnest unpretended hearty royal informal above board all-out flat-out true story plenary unconditional similar reputable implicit preferable transparent bare extemporary comprehensive minute omniscient straight-shooting tacit biographical gospel stark unswerving rightly so called virtual implied provable pretensionless prize learned especial unguarded prototypical satisfactory cinematic filmic inevitable unacknowledged precision scholarly telling the truth non-fictitious admissible licit master corroborated factualistic intensive sweeping inerrable sure-fire invariable down-to-earth logical confirmable cogent hairline apparent unembroidered written verbal critical legalized binding unimagined watertight solemn honest-to-God in accordance with the facts considerable respected supported circumstantiated surgical determinate individual safe genuine article simon-pure constitutional untainted true blue present embodied based on facts discernible fit bull's-eye just so delicate mathematical well aimed unartful unartificial undisguised overt straight from shoulder conscientious significant failsafe real thing your actual obvious middle-of-the-road contractual usable plain-speaking well-defined free-spoken round up-front no-nonsense no fooling unhypocritical worldly fundamental dyed-in-the-wool honest-to-god in every respect not figurative word-for-word inveterate fail-safe nice legalised unexpired determined practical empirical time-honored stereotypical plainspoken truth-telling proved striking observable patent intelligible from the horse's mouth real live sure-thing for-sure no buts about it real stuff really-truly unobtrusive first generation letter-for-letter line-for-line entrenched earthly detectable perceivable ornery bog-standard twenty-four-carat folksy inelaborate down uncomplex unbeautified discreet unambitious homey free-spirited within the law legally acceptable in effect legally binding in force honest to God mundane temporal fleshly clearly defined black-and-white unadorned literatim well documented well-grounded homespun sublunary warranted circumstantial long-established unblended terrene terrestrial carnal earthborn earthbound signed sealed down home a dime a dozen common or garden plain vanilla stable deep-rooted widely used widespread ingrained unbiased unprejudiced distilled filtered clarified chronicled straightaway undeceptive nonspiritual lay traditionalistic old old-fashioned time-honoured old-style officially recognized purified ordered cleared suitable cathedral ex cathedra rooted secure unshakable vested permanent archival uninhibited neat and delivered OK secular to the letter wholesome relaxed raw unclouded unmingled linear rectilinear O.K. renowned understood believed still life unselfconscious recorded quiet ex officio 100% stone equitable lowly high-principled stipulated declared recognizable identified perceived rustic one hundred per cent predictable realized admitted remembered as true as I'm sitting here on the line as true as I'm standing here for sure on track right stuff along the right lines realised recognisable professed pure and simple simplistic on the right lines cooking with gas according to Hoyle commemorated historial antique important unsuspicious unknowing simpleminded unwary unworldly unsuspecting agreed upon widely recognized commonly accepted well-known generally accepted gullible inexperienced in truth unforced green set in stone unstilted unconstrained commonplace staple basic quotidian going boilerplate daily cut-and-dry day-to-day garden variety one-size-fits-all


Having from birth (or as if from birth) a certain quality or character
innate inherent natural inborn intrinsic native ingrained essential inbred constitutional fundamental congenital basic immanent integral hereditary indigenous constitutive instinctive inherited hardwired engrained connate elemental ingrain connatural inbuilt intuitive organic characteristic unlearned quintessential untaught distinctive ingrown unacquired spontaneous normal regular standard deep-rooted built-in deep-seated hard-wired in the family in the blood in your blood automatic involuntary mechanical unthinking unpremeditated impulsive intuitional instinctual gut mechanic visceral robotic habitual rooted knee-jerk unprompted unmeditated accustomed second-nature by seat of one's pants primitive primeval animal primaeval unconscious reflex subconscious subliminal emotional unconditioned subjective unintentional inadvertent unwitting unplanned reflexive unintended unwilled thoughtless primal intimate internal in-built inner bred in the bone original indwelling natural-born spur-of-the-moment rash careless passionate impromptu precipitate extemporaneous natal impetuous implanted entrenched injudicious fixed imprudent reckless primordial mindless ill-considered unbidden ineradicable uncontrolled accidental viscerous interior perfunctory underlying central dyed-in-the-wool uncalculated inward wild ingenerate genetic existing from birth off-the-cuff from the hip predictable innermost physical responsive native-born expected immediate heartfelt inwrought raw unsophisticated routine unforced autogenetic unrealized uncalculating born core congenite genetous embedded genuine undeliberate inspired material charged ardent fervent feeling settled established base inmost in the genes psychological mental firm enduring unfading abiding unshakeable stubborn inveterate deep-down blind uncontrollable structural hidden spiritual inexpungible indelible implicit permanent ineffaceable inseparable unbewised conditioned unchosen resident unalienable indispensable latent individual elementary integrated untutored cerebral psychologic intellectual driven in autogenous personal endogenous part and parcel unmindful negligent heedless extempore within hasty headlong ill-advised absent-minded foolish unwise hurried capricious snap stupid silly neglectful senseless remiss incautious whimsical uninhibited sudden freakish unconsidered adventurous daredevil unrepressed foolhardy oblivious abrupt daring unguarded unpredictable irresponsible madcap abandoned unwary quick offhand witless swift hectic superficial speedy brash unexpected hot-headed feckless brutish unreasoning indelicate outrageous napping unheeding vacant unmeant blunt untactful ad-lib devil-may-care jumping the gun ill-thought-out winging it

Antonino de so typical

Music ♫

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