Synonyme de contaminate d


Unhealthy, especially due to toxicity
impure unclean noxious pestilent polluted toxic dirty foul insalubrious insanitary poisonous unhealthy unhygienic unsanitary unwholesome corrupt dirtied feculent festy filthy infested septic unsanitized diseased infected unfiltered tainted harmful deleterious venomous unhealthful virulent rotten disease-ridden detrimental injurious dangerous noisome sickly destructive spoiled germy malignant spoilt germ-ridden poisoned pernicious unsalutary lethal unnutritious fetid skanky defiled foetid rank ruinous unsound baneful malign poison deadly infectious adulterated putrid decayed damaging unnourishing baleful sullied contagious innutritious rancid scungy sick squalid envenomed stinking ill pestiferous plague-ridden peccant infective fatal pestilential toxicant mephitic fouled stale scummy putrescent vile flyblown gross nasty morbid vitiated befouled sordid corrupted toxiferous stained tarnished muddy messy dusty soiled sloppy grimy grubby unsafe mortal bug-ridden viperous environmentally unfriendly death-dealing hazardous epidemic communicable ailing catching unwell evil plague-like infirm bad crook blighted abnormal poorly afflicted indisposed inimical junk nocuous hurtful adverse prejudicial unfavourable disastrous calamitous disadvantageous maleficent cancerous unfortunate unfavorable malefic wicked corrupting nocent prejudicious counterproductive negative undesirable mischievous risky wounding crippling malevolent dire sinister malicious contaminating corroding bad for you disturbing unlucky iniquitous reprobate cantankerous miasmal miasmic polluting hard olid contaminative scathel insalutary dicey threatening parlous precarious perilous painful subversive murderous catastrophic cataclysmic incendiary undermining lethiferous harassing corrosive annihilative wreckful menacing sinful internecine wrackful suicidal devastating slaughterous critical eradicative extirpative


Dirty or unclean, especially disgustingly so
filthy dirty unclean soiled grimy foul mucky grubby smudged stained sullied begrimed cruddy muddy dusty grungy smutty polluted draggled befouled grotty besmirched dingy nasty sordid bemired blackened sooty bedraggled uncleanly black unhygienic squalid festy unsanitary messy putrid slimy scuzzy smeared unwashed foetid fetid scummy skanky defiled feculent smelly yucky shabby rotten sleazy bogging putrefied decaying smoky unkempt miry smeary sloppy slovenly murky crummy disheveled dishevelled faecal fecal loathsome repulsive horry revolting slipshod soily verminous yecchy dirt-encrusted mud-encrusted spotted greasy insanitary icky fouled tarnished impure dreggy gungy manky dungy spattered undusted unlaundered unswept pigpen raunchy cloudy untidy straggly slatternly disarrayed unsightly dishabille mung scungy gross muddied mud-caked besmeared unpleasant grimed tainted disgusting grody yukky ruined uncleaned not clean distasteful horrible disagreeable sickening offensive odious repellent nauseating vile repugnant blemished discoloured discolored marked obnoxious awful objectionable abominable dreadful unappetizing nauseous horrendous unpalatable hideous noxious appalling terrible horrid malodorous noisome frightful rancid stinking unsavoury atrocious lousy uninviting rank acrid ghastly beastly gruesome mephitic diabolical ugly pongy stinky whiffy bad niffy repellant fulsome wretched sneaking shocking despicable bitter contemptible sorry pitiful funky scandalous deplorable displeasing obscene miasmal ratty loathly uncongenial unlovely unwelcome unpleasing unsavory harsh abhorrent scabby cheap scurvy evil sour wicked paltry mean lame pitiable disgustful yucko olid hellish poison bum ungodly unholy on the nose sick-making off-putting God-awful sludgy sticky seedy bespattered rundown foul-smelling evil-smelling unsportsmanlike unfair illegal insalubrious slummy slushy dowdy scruffy oozy frowzy miserable gloopy tatty grim spotty caked sloughy flea-bitten mucous muculent clammy viscous glutinous mud-spattered


Displeasing to taste or when eaten
distasteful unpalatable unsavory unappetizing unsavoury yucky uneatable rancid rotten unwholesome indigestible sickening unconsumable putrid stale inedible nauseating bad yukky noxious sour spoilt spoiled tainted turned poisonous disgusting brackish horrible horrid nauseous yicky unpleasant unpleasant-tasting not fit to eat unfit for human consumption decomposing off decaying rank putrefied rotting fetid mouldy putrescent smelly moldy decomposed foetid decayed foul stinking reeking revolting malodorous olid addled corrupt festy noisome nidorous putrefactive whiffy carious mephitic polluted disagreeable corrupted mouldering moldered high putrefacient feculent rotted wormy worm-eaten evil-smelling maggoty curdled foul-smelling impure flyblown strong-smelling gross musty mouldered soured overripe moldering reeky crumbling repugnant tasteless bitter disintegrating tough as old boots stagnant graveolent pungent icky degenerated yecchy stenchy gangrenous grody stenchful repulsive fermented putrefying dank unfresh funky wasting away strong gamy miasmal miasmic fusty old unhealthy festering putrified mildewy diseased perished defiled corroding caried dirtied pustular purulent faecal sullied beastly smelling dirty infected fecal nasty bad-smelling loathsome unclean filthy soiled offensive vile awful dreadful displeasing ghastly shocking repellent objectionable abhorrent abominable obnoxious hateful frightful obscene odious detestable execrable hideous ugly off-putting horrendous repellant fulsome appalling scandalous evil bogging skanky yucko disgustful loathly sick-making God-awful insufferable dislikeable terrible intolerable despicable contemptible unacceptable reprehensible base gruesome pestiferous hateable ornery mean toxic beyond the pale harsh unwelcome deplorable unpleasing wicked atrocious uninviting unspeakable heinous creepy harmful uncongenial monstrous scurvy grisly hated reviled unlovely hurtful injurious deleterious mischievous pernicious niffy baneful pestilential insalutary unpleasant to breathe unfit to breathe on the nose stifling rich tough heavy stodgy unbreathable raw rough undercooked hard green disagreeing unripe scabrous exceptionable censurable dislikable heel invidious pill annoying pesky unbearable off-colour off-color


Past tense for to make something dangerous or toxic by introducing impurities or foreign matter
polluted defiled tainted stained soiled spoiled spoilt dirtied adulterated befouled fouled sullied debased corrupted poisoned vitiated tarnished marred blighted impaired alloyed radioactivated made impure mucked up smirched besmirched cut muddied degraded begrimed laced blackened smudged grimed spotted blemished smeared spiked mired bemired deteriorated ruined debauched diluted daubed infected perverted mucked gaumed distained cheapened doctored depraved bastardized discoloured abased tarred discolored profaned bastardised darkened marked damaged demeaned weakened doped subverted blotted lessened cankered warped devalued injured made dirty demoralized prostituted watered down depreciated demoralised tampered with sophisticated denigrated spattered splashed thinned spread among mixt mixed extended blotched touched slipped a Mickey Finn into messed up distorted made filthy drug drugged splattered bestialized clouded besoiled bespattered attenuated afflicted denatured blended intermixed blent reduced in value worsened littered disgraced cooked reduced in quality vilified envenomed spread to run through thinned out brutalized desecrated made unclean brutalised undercut dragged down added drugs to made degenerate led astray encrusted coated draggled smutched made black made dusty made darker put poison in infested toxified plagued festered undermined besmeared destroyed tinged altered bloodied dissolved commingled shamed diseased overwhelmed intoxicated manipulated falsified violated putrefied ran through got filthy blacked deaconed loaded vulgarized fixed fixt degenerated seduced vulgarised mongrelized shaded interfered with riled roiled murked destabilized destabilised disrupted beclouded ebonized inked tinkered with fiddled with made dark clouded up made murky added poison to mixed with made smoky made sooty made cloudy made blacker got dirty gotten dirty loaden streaked bedaubed splotched splodged flecked dotted specked maculated faded rusted bruised anointed defaced disfigured scarred slushed dishonoured dishonored sploshed covered made muddy spread caked with dirt made mucky dulled scorched colored dyed unsettled influenced dented speckled harmed mottled coloured trashed peppered painted imprinted dashed plashed sabotaged sprinkled scuzzed up striped charred blobbed pitted impressed notched slabbered besprinkled made foul mussed messed caked with soil dappled marbled shot stippled sprayed freckled scattered strewed made grimy bleached scratched gashed scraped nicked weathered chipped blurred scored compromised mussed up abused blazed slopped plastered chalked stroked checked betrayed studded pimpled washed out caked with mud lured lived in the gutter pockmarked sown strewn bestrewed shotten sowed bestrewn went bad gone bad went to hell gone to hell


(usually of a disease or condition) Past tense for to affect adversely
attacked infected affected damaged injured corrupted devastated vitiated afflicted crippled destroyed marred ruined spoiled spoilt annihilated demolished impaired ravaged troubled compromised impacted overcame overcome touched harmed struck stricken broke brake broken influenced perturbed sabotaged tainted upset defiled occurred polluted prevailed crushed hurt overwhelmed poisoned blighted debased impinged weakened impacted on impinged upon prevailed over wore away worn away shook up shaken up spread to struck at struck down stricken down did damage to done damage to played havoc with took hold of taken hold of wreaked havoc on wrought havoc on wrought havoc exerted influence on had an effect on had an impact on split envenomed embittered antagonized defaced blemished wrecked mangled smashed vandalized desecrated gutted trashed shattered totalled flawed stained tarnished endamaged bloodied crabbed totaled disrupted sullied disfeatured razed smirched blotted disintegrated played merry hell with rotted corroded bleached stabbed burnt maltreated teared discoloured gnawed knocked lacerated scathed burned tampered with empoisoned smashed up discolored scratched banged up scorched dirtied abused dented crossed up dismantled faded rusted cracked wronged made sick antagonised undermined vandalised undone undid gnawn drove a nail into the coffin of torn tore driven a nail into the coffin of gnew dilapidated disfigured prejudiced besmirched nicked dumped on sapped wrenched loused up messed up mucked up caused detriment to handled roughly shocked did mischief to done mischief to


Past tense for to affect (a person, organism, etc.) with a disease-causing organism

Antonym de contaminate d

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