Sinonim dari complete confusion

Kata benda

The state of being bewildered or unclear in one's mind about something
bewilderment puzzlement perplexity bafflement mystification dither wonder befuddlement disorientation wonderment befuddling discombobulation discomfiture distraction doubt fluster muddle uncertainty bamboozlement discomposure disconcertion perplexing stupefaction agitation astonishment bemusement bewilderedness chagrin confounding confusedness daze discomfiting perturbation shock tangle abashment awkwardness demoralisation demoralization disconcertment dumbfounding embarrassment flap fog lather mixup stew unsettling upsetting whirl addling blurring cluttering difficulty maze misperception misunderstanding obscuring pother surprise tangling turbulence head-scratching stirring up stupor consternation haze amazement awe trance incomprehension obscurity distress disquiet vagueness muddledness dismay anxiety hysteria mortification nervousness incredulity trepidation narcosis nadaville lala-land uneasiness disbelief startlement obfuscation unease doubtfulness unclearness fear worry spin dazedness flusteredness swoon shame discomfort alarm disturbance gauze glaze upset panic indistinctness devastation disquietude questioning ambiguity suspicion nonplus admiration humiliation inquietude disorder dread horror surprize fright blankness deliriousness terror equivocalness derangement obscureness numbness speechlessness egg on one's face fearfulness stunner insanity madness mania delirium apprehension imprecision muddlement ambiguousness astoundment something else state of shock marvel frenzy cloudiness apprehensiveness one for the books concern dumbfoundedness skepticism quandary malaise giddiness cluelessness dwaal blur lack of comprehension scepticism loss of face wooziness doziness qualms misgiving dimness dubiety fogginess confoundment stopper blindness disillusion curiosity flabbergastment astoundedness flabagast obliviousness feverishness fever state of confusion state of bewilderment state of disorientation haziness crazedness harassment discord abstraction mental unclarity frustration beating ruin failure defeat lack of understanding dwam undoing disappointment rout overthrow state scare alarum funk tizzy tizz swivet angst mental distress comedown vexation descent conquest vanquishment defeasance cold sweat jam crush cold feet rush flabbergast jumble inscrutability inscrutableness mysteriousness dementia dementedness state of stupefaction indefiniteness opacity obliqueness nebulosity abstruseness murkiness opaqueness equivocation nebulousness equivocality obliquity dubiousness confused state trepidity trancelike state blow irrationality trauma inconclusiveness bombshell hallucination lunacy incoherence calenture revelation whammy dumbfoundment darkness uncertainness temporary insanity temporary madness injury thunderbolt earthquake excitement encounter rude awakening eye-opener state of agitation double whammy bolt from the blue state of perturbation source of consternation kick in the teeth source of distress a bolt out of the blue source of amazement a bolt from the blue

Kata benda

A situation of panic or disorder
disorder chaos disarray disorganisation disorganization muddle shambles disorderliness turmoil upheaval commotion havoc mayhem mess pandemonium perturbation untidiness ado bedlam disarrangement stir tumult uproar anarchy consternation disruption ferment frenzy furor furore madness racket babel bustle entropy trouble clutter complication dishevelment disorderedness fracas hullabaloo maelstrom riot row wilderness dislocation haze hell hurly-burly imbroglio intricacy jumble messiness misorder muss rout tumble welter mix-up a madhouse free-for-all slip-up mare's nest a three-ring circus all hell broken loose disturbance hubbub fuss heck chance-medley ruckus snake pit rumpus agitation stew ruction bother storm pother kerfuffle flap turbulence to-do hoopla bluster brouhaha hoo-ha ballyhoo shindy moil coil clatter blather whirl bobbery helter-skelter foofaraw squall williwaw splore corroboree hurly tangle unrest do clamour derangement hurry hurricane hubble-bubble hurry-scurry hoo-hah zoo hurry-skurry clamor fun hassle alarums and excursions upset snarl dither tizzy topsy-turviness state lawlessness fluster flurry din noise melee madhouse omnishambles lather bangarang excitement complexity web twitter brawl panic confusedness misrule rat's nest unruliness outcry hue and cry flutter maze violence irregularity carry-on sweat fret ataxia hash disquiet discord affray convulsion distraction stink restlessness anarchism hotchpotch strife scramble botch entanglement donnybrook broil big scene quarrel stramash huff revolution fever discomposure mess-up tizz insurrection disjointedness puzzle worry palaver jungle rumble uprising scene car crash annoyance labyrinth scuffle tiz-woz discombobulation shouting babble fray yelling sloppiness mishmash morass song and dance muddiness huddle jangle bagarre disquietude rebellion mobocracy swivet tempest a mess swelter shindig snafu hysteria mutiny rampage incoherence outburst twit mesh wildness holy mess tremor pantomime inarticulateness net interruption state of panic hell broke loose hustle and bustle jam state of agitation interference convolution big stink convulsions swirl perplexity dismay complicacy mire unintelligibility struggle cataclysm skein distress earthquake hodgepodge bouleversement complicatedness difficulty whirlwind alarm paroxysm a muddle a shambles screaming clangor clangour scrap problem grubbiness babbling roar convolutedness ructions comess illogicality ailment shivaree pig's breakfast an omnishambles vexation harassment dust-up delirium seething mass stirring disaster ochlocracy pell-mell inconvenience foul-up screw-up Sturm und Drang unholy mess irritation hindrance rage activity street fight fermentation aggro mob rule performance eruption utter confusion rough house upturn can of worms hustle reign of terror tamasha blue funk complete mess argy-bargy state of confusion explosion shock state of anxiety breach of the peace mistake misunderstanding calamity upheavals altercation fussing uncertainty rowdydow heap tohubohu storms stooshie disharmony indiscipline disunity congeries anxiety anxiousness instability a maelstrom muck untidy state destruction craziness litter bickering roughhouse hubba-hubba rhubarb ravel error dirtiness wild disarray slovenliness chaotic situation hodge-podge fiasco tremble scrappiness grunginess scruffiness bungle heat topsy-turvydom topsy-turvyness provocation incitement fury chaotic place miscalculation fankle unquietness restiveness uneasiness snarl-up all hell breaking loose scandal sensation incompetence inadequacy inefficiency disunion unconnectedness dissolution ineptitude ineffectiveness folderol rubbish unkemptness a car crash dog's breakfast place of disorder hype tension craze deliriousness tempests maelstroms quake vandalism controversy splash excitation train wreck fisticuffs mania feverishness confused mass action fireworks troublesome situation spasm three-ring circus discomfiture trepidation melodrama drama wilding production backwash combustion to do fight skirmish riddle blare katzenjammer chatter cacophony discordance rattle bowwow decibels bruit state of nervous excitement balls-up state of unrest a dog's dinner a dog's breakfast knotty problem distressed state nervous state tussle set-to street fighting distemper burst insurgence protest brannigan mob violence wingding violent disorder demonstration shower run-in revolt confused noise charivari incitation bobsy-die fuss and bother tizz-woz fix snit fuming fretting clang tower jargon intricateness bad mood involution scrimmage state of untidiness knottiness crime criminality free fall elaboration punch-up rough-and-tumble anger fright vociferation insurgency complexness shout rammy battle royal biffo knot elaborateness grief hurt grievance disappointment defeat shake-up surprise torment overthrow lack of control irresponsibility terrorism lack of restraint outbreak alteration turnaround shakeout switch catastrophe temblor sophistication words battle clash brush knock-down-drag-out nihilism misgovernment affront queasiness turn-up ululation caterwauling flip-flop violent change about-face buzz nongovernment hostility disregard enthusiasm thrill new deal major change seismic shift sudden change new ball-game boisterousness tintamarre rambling nonsense disconnectedness incongruity animation elation passion absence of government inarticulacy incomprehensibility inaudibility indistinctness unclearness division break stimulation aggravation botheration ruffling disarranging disordering unsettling confusing upsetting stoppage a buzz a charge adventure a kick intrusion whisking roiling importunity bedevilment harrying ruining obstruction impeding discontinuation wrecking suspension hampering spoiling undermining delay retardation delaying teasing bothering pestering molestation bugging splitting separation severance holding up churning up stirring up rigmarole fuss and feathers howl cry call yell roaring baying scream nuisance shriek bellow blowup outrage screech wrangle bawl holler exclamation scrum bay afters hysterics business crash public disturbance spree loud noise tantrum intensity fighting disorderly conduct public nuisance fit hurrah vehemence flare-up tear rioting rabidity whoop ruck scene of confusion squeal wail conflict yowl hoot yelp swedge squawk boiling point fire rampancy strike yawp caterwaul stoush cheer hissy fit bark yammer square go duke out rough and tumble bust-up fist fight nasty fight squabble draft draught an outcry rush unsettlement seething spin circus party carousal frolic dance bash revel fancy merrymaking hell to pay devil to pay lunacy fad hectic activity feeling emotion ruffle complaint confrontation hurly burly mêlée movement busyness spot of bother farce farcicality ridiculousness senselessness tempest in a teapot procedure contretemps much ado about nothing mix up shemozzle storm in a teacup liveliness life haste kick-up monkey business static dustup mishap encounter abandon bombshell lament remonstrance protesting clinker fling binge orgy splurge histrionics tantrums paroxysms firestorm argument carrying-on incident whirlpool combat ride soap opera seesaw saga dispute contest bomb stunner spectacle temper toing and froing more heat than light quarrels sound ding-dong comings and goings hissy intoxication unrestraint rollercoaster ecstasy flush shrieking wailing howling crying fervour loud outcry loud communication salvo cry out yap yelled statement war of words zeal eagerness impatience fanaticism fervor bang growl thud blast peal ring boom shot sonance stridency clamouring burning up running a temperature febrile disease the shakes fierceness ferocity severity force drumming detonation grumble savagery tempestuousness power clamoring loud sound rising forcefulness bell potency strength ferity coup ejaculation interjection note subversion grunt groan crow energy asperity acrimony sore acerbity might rise impetuosity conniption sedition reform putsch acclamation squeak whine expletive trill cackle caw plot jacquerie insubordination guerrilla activity overturn act of resistance underground activity change foment government takeover bloodshed regime change seizure of power coup d'état act of defiance yoo-hoo slow burn paddy mard outburst of rage fit of anger fit of ill temper paroxysm of rage fit of bad temper frenzy of anger fit of temper paroxysm of anger fit of pique fit of rage fit of fury frenzy of rage temper tantrum outburst of anger

Kata benda

A state of (typically public) dissatisfaction, disturbance, or agitation
unrest turmoil tumult disturbance uproar disorder upheaval agitation ferment chaos turbulence bother disquiet trouble restlessness disruption rebellion anarchy insurrection uprising restiveness uneasiness rioting upset conflict discord dither strife dissatisfaction perturbation sedition protest worry unquietness fighting quarrel ructions discontent tizzy anxiety discontentment fermentation instability unease annoyance disaffection distress grief change tension dissension trepidation anxiousness altercation dissent apprehension bickering controversy fear nervousness chagrin irritation anguish vexation contention crisis debate malaise moodiness mortification perplexity sorrow disease ennui Sturm und Drang alarm concern disquietude apprehensiveness sweat concernment nervosity solicitude agita discomposure excitement boiling troubles storm distraction fluster care commotion roughness pandemonium disconcertment unruliness frenzy nervous excitement emotion disconcertion rumpus furore hullabaloo brouhaha furor hoo-ha fracas affray hubbub fuss biffo row ruckus bustle shindy kerfuffle aggro argy-bargy breach of the peace to-do riot mayhem lawlessness fight scuffling clamour mutiny brawl violence melee scrimmage shindig snafu wilding bagarre revolution entanglement imbroglio flap discombobulation strike misrule static anarchism convulsion terrorism clamor harassment threat mob rule hazard menace boilover ado reign of terror ruction stir ballyhoo hoopla clatter pother bluster blather stew whirl welter moil bobbery foofaraw squall williwaw hurly splore clutter corroboree hurry hurricane do zoo coil fun hurly burly alarums and excursions hurly-burly spot of bother hurry-scurry bobsy-die helter-skelter hoo-hah hurry-skurry hustle and bustle hubble-bubble

Kata benda

A combination or assortment of different or distinct things or elements
mixture assortment jumble medley miscellany mishmash variety hodgepodge potpourri hash patchwork hotchpotch collage collection muddle pastiche farrago mess ragbag mix stew selection gallimaufry melange salmagundi mélange assemblage conglomeration olio diversity combo mingling mosaic goulash package mixed bag pot-pourri mash-up motley collection grab bag omnium gatherum heterogeneous mixture agglomeration montage motley clutter smorgasbord miscellanea litter jungle menagerie welter rummage scramble tumble botch salad agglomerate gumbo jambalaya shuffle ragout omnium-gatherum crazy quilt patchwork quilt alphabet soup olla podrida combination blend odds and ends mingle-mangle oddments array mass scissors-and-paste job chaos pasticcio random selection random collection brew shambles composition tangle mashup hotch-potch garbage heap disarray choice group disorder grouping macédoine maze snarl knot hodge-podge derangement Whitman's sampler huddle anthology disarrangement conglomerate assembly melee accumulation cumulation aggregation range kind sort sundries hybrid untidy heap confused heap pick 'n' mix wide range congeries colluvies melting pot pig's breakfast soup all shapes and sizes all sorts ataxia dog's dinner dog's breakfast convolution entanglement intricacy morass imbroglio web network mesh complexity puzzle labyrinth bundle skein net twist perplexity mire weave bunch batch cluster set lot block clutch band constellation suite clump battery bank parcel muster clot passel number crop aggregate cat's cradle mix-up pile series gamut line-up lump bulk hotchpot tableau multiplicity composite mishmosh compound compilation gathering intermixture disparateness fluctuation discrepancy variability incongruity variance load accretion variegation cross section amount quantity body lineup concentration pick display build-up boodle raft chunk supply blob nest multitude

Kata benda

A complicated or problematical situation
imbroglio dilemma predicament complication plight difficulty problem quandary trouble jam bind entanglement fix mess hole pickle corner muddle complexity embarrassment hassle controversy brouhaha embroilment enmeshment tight corner hot water sticky situation deep water complicated situation soap opera mire spot impasse stew scrape perplexity tight spot quagmire mix-up awkward situation difficult situation rabbit hole emergency box rattrap swamp involvement puzzle crisis strait unfortunate situation sticky wicket jackpot pass pinch straits conundrum uncertainty no-win situation pretty kettle of fish double bind vicious circle fine kettle of fish catch-22 tricky situation hang-up double trouble ensnarement uphill jumble tangle embranglement how-do-you-do comess bad situation kettle of fish indecision conflict poser catch bother difficult choice facer quicksand mass of problems catastrophe disaster extremity fiasco calamity setback upheaval adversity cataclysm tragedy distress blow chaos issue debacle meltdown hardship tribulation disorder disarray failure drama havoc clutch hell crash mishap misfortune tinderbox shambles reversal misadventure turmoil pressure urgency collapse trauma stress horror reverse scourge ruin blight exigency devastation whammy depression stalemate bewilderment doubt shock monstrosity affliction situation desolation holocaust apocalypse bomb woe trial shipwreck disorderliness messiness bust up a tree cleft stick state of perplexity state of uncertainty delicate situation dire straits bad news sorry condition critical situation spot of bother train wreck problematic situation big trouble hell on earth hot potato worst-case scenario reversal of fortune car crash tight situation heavy blow sad state stroke of ill luck hard times headache crunch ticklish situation hindrance squeeze vicissitude danger can of worms juncture obstacle botheration soup dispute worry state hitch rigor rigour desperate straits knot zero hour mare's nest spot of trouble bit of bother question nuisance count disagreement crossroads point at issue disputed point struggle head conjuncture Dunkirk pain condition circumstance case urgent situation burden obstruction hurdle position worriment asperity deadlock drawback boiling point breaking point tension crossroad flash point crunch time hornets' nest impediment panic stations snag a hole a fix a jam a scrape source of trouble grievance turning point to-do thorn in the flesh with nowhere to turn snafu troublesome problem snake pit Gordian knot snarl hard nut to crack unpredictable situation complex problem dog's breakfast Pandora's box hornet's nest hot spot upset accident discomfiture equation potential crisis emergency situation circumstances situational problem concern grief torment disappointment deep trouble inconvenience necessity challenge place botched situation diffict situation troublesome situation spectacle between a rock and a hard place compulsion push climax unforeseen circumstances commotion fuss incident matter scene disturbance business occasion melodrama affair adventure row fracas sensation thrill excitement jeopardy peril farce imperilment pretty frustration oppression endangerment tear-jerker a bad situation mystification bottleneck a plight a mess a predicament a sorry condition contingency a difficult situation misery need risk a tight corner a bind hazard exertion painfulness thorn in one's side trammel hiccup vexation gremlin fly in the ointment spanner in the works rub source of difficulty monkey wrench in the works barrier handicap stumbling block vexed question question mark pitfall worst that could happen worst outcome worst case worst possible outcome worst comes to worst a spot labor a stew barricade discouragement harassment sweat dead end hardness labour crux a pickle choke point harm's way habit bugbear downside negative aspect glitch teething trouble indigence destitution drag extreme suffering rough go

Kata benda

A state of uncertainty or indecisiveness
ambivalence uncertainty doubt indecision irresolution wavering hesitation unsureness vacillation hesitancy fluctuation irresoluteness vagueness equivocation tentativeness conflict contradiction clash dilemma haze haziness iffiness inconclusiveness muddle opposition quandary equivocacy gingerliness incongruity inconsistency unclearness shilly-shallying confusion dilemma doubtfulness dubiety hesitance incertitude reluctance unwillingness demurral ambiguity humming and hawing indecisiveness dithering stalling faltering temporizing pause oscillation wabbling wobbling temporization teetering disinclination havering temporising shilly-shally fence-sitting compunction dilly-dallying qualms misgivings scruples reservations uneasiness unease blowing hot and cold conjecture delay waiting swithering limbo cunctation shillyshallying hanging back second thoughts lack of resolution lack of certainty sitting on the fence reticence inconstancy swither unsteadiness misgiving faint-heartedness fumbling stuttering mistrust stammering procrastination timidity averseness half-heartedness qualm stumbling indisposition scruple changeableness to-and-fro timidness weakness delaying skepticism dawdling prevarication scepticism shuffling quibbling bewilderment hedging qualification hemming and hawing queries questions wonder puzzle cavilling quibble parrying fencing questionableness fudging evasion pussyfooting tergiversation shuffle dodging equivocality caviling stalling for time dubiousness reservation diffidence nervousness pausing apprehension suspicion mistrustfulness distrustfulness dubitation distrust insecurity lack of confidence questioning disbelief cynicism incredulity misbelief unbelief wariness inhibition postponement slowness deferment chariness umbrage dilatoriness slackness reserve fear adjournment lack of conviction kicking the can down the road delaying tactics indefiniteness indeterminacy woolliness caution condition limitation infirmity disquietude resistance proviso lingering demur loitering dallying tarrying lack of enthusiasm self-doubt anxiety recess reprieve respite breather dragging your feet rest humility unassertiveness lagging behind self-consciousness worry humbleness meekness timorousness lack of self-confidence insecureness putting off perplexity misdoubt query difficulty leeriness suspicions faithlessness disquiet question mark lack of trust lack of faith

Kata benda

An act or judgment that is misguided or wrong
mistake error blunder oversight slip fault gaffe miscalculation flaw misjudgement misjudgment misunderstanding fumble misinterpretation misreading misstep boner misdeed slight stumble clanger gaff inadvertence snafu aberration bloomer boob flub fallacy lapse misapprehension slipup underestimation bungle delusion fail howler misreckoning goof misconception misjudging neglect overestimation fluff illusion miscue muddle blooper misapplication screwup trip boo-boo false move false step faux pas poor judgment slip-up error of judgment poor choice mix-up misconstruction misconstruing misimpression misknowledge incomprehension confounding false impression mess misbelief wrong idea foul-up goof-up botch false belief mess-up muddle-up misperception inaccuracy glitch clinker brick bobble screw-up erratum defect literal solecism failure barry corrigendum wrong omission transgression absurdity typo deviation thinko typographical error slip of the tongue slip of the pen fall mismanagement delinquency miss gremlin bug negligence imperfection bad wrongdoing wrength indiscretion snag snarl-up dilemma complication upheaval quandary hash difficulty trouble misprint commotion intricacy struggle complexity emergency snarl encumbrance unfaithfulness impreciseness unreliability wrongness misstatement awkwardness involvement lapsus calami lapsus linguae misdesign misalignment mispositioning misarrangement printer's error disorder disorganization misconfiguration poor configuration wrong configuration poor layout disarray disorganisation balls-up human error car crash typesetting error keyboarding mistake printing mistake keying mistake typing mistake typing error printing error typesetting mistake typographical mistake keying error keyboarding error foot in the mouth

Kata benda

Great haste
hurry haste rush bustle commotion flurry quickness speed urgency celerity swiftness hustle rapidity fleetness hubbub precipitation scurry agitation fastness hastiness precipitousness race rapidness scramble speediness turmoil velocity hurry-scurry pother promptitude dash dispatch drive emergency expedition expeditiousness frenzy imperativeness panic precipitance precipitateness push rustle time pressure briskness hurriedness alacrity promptness pace nimbleness scuttle hustling impetuosity rashness heedlessness foolhardiness carelessness incautiousness impatience scamper hurly-burly precipitancy acceleration recklessness press prematureness gait nippiness suddenness abruptness run rate tempo immediacy momentum clip steam agility instantaneity impulsiveness thoughtlessness immediateness helter-skelter rushing instantaneousness overdrive nimble-footedness punctuality liveliness extreme speed stampede vivacity legerity lightning speed sharpness lick alacritousness breeze scampering scuttling sprint scrambling bustling whirl scuttering scutter trot impetus headway fast pace swift pace fair old rate fair lick dexterity litheness adroitness spryness deftness sprightliness suppleness sleight frequency beat movement regularity motion pattern downbeat rhythm measure cleverness alertness acuteness progress cadence time grace lightness skill rate of knots responsiveness smartness gracefulness activeness light-footedness agileness proficiency lissomness limberness flexibility activity lightsomeness zippiness friskiness quickwittedness quick-wittedness

Kata benda

Lack of preciseness in thought or communication
vagueness absent-mindedness abstraction disorganisation disorganization dreaminess forgetfulness inattention befuddlement empty-headedness giddiness wool-gathering pensiveness preoccupation distractedness inattentiveness daydreaming musing obliviousness heedlessness absence absorption engrossment distraction brooding thoughtfulness woolgathering absence of mind abstractedness languor wistfulness remoteness bemusedness raptness reflecting ruminating thinking entrancement reverie reflection aloofness pondering trance contemplation consideration amnesia lapse of memory carelessness scattiness poor memory idleness tendency to forget blonde moment brown study dream dreaming study daydream self-absorption lack of concentration fantasy fancy oblivion vision meditation thought inadvertence hallucination doziness negligence deep thought phantasy dwam trip pipe dream staring into space head trip mind trip fool's paradise lack of application revery brain fart concentration bemusement introspection immersion cogitation rumination prepossession captivation preoccupancy amusement cerebration deliberation imagining thinking of other things building castles in the air recollection chimera conceit nonentity fantasm figment delusion illusion unreality phantasm wish navel gazing day-dreaming fancying imagination conceiving chimaera stargazing fond hope figment of the imagination castle in the air in a zone figment of imagination neglect disregard unmindfulness profound thought deep thoughtfulness dreamy abstraction close study quiet ecstasy laxness absentmindedness laxity muse insensibleness detachment indifference to obliviousness to inattention to castle-building castles in the air

Kata benda

A delusion, a false hope

Kata benda

A poor or faulty adjustment, especially of a mechanism

Kata benda

Sudden exposure to different culture

Kata benda

Something that is difficult or impossible to understand or explain
riddle conundrum puzzle enigma mystery problem question brain-teaser poser secret teaser head-scratcher mystification puzzlement quandary stumper why koan paradox rebus bewilderment brainteaser brain-twister challenge charade closed book complexity complication cryptogram dilemma distraction doubt embarrassment entanglement intricacy labyrinth maze mind-boggler perplexity plight predicament stickler strait twister unsolved problem Chinese puzzle knotty question tough proposition sixty-four dollar question tough nut to crack puzzler crux mind-bender difficulty question mark tickler grabber cliffhanger sphinx abstruseness rune occult braintwister tough one sixty-four-thousand-dollar question knotty problem facer thriller inscrutability oracle chiller whodunit subtlety secrecy cruncher difficult question vexed question inscrutableness mindboggler snarl mind-twister obscurity anagram toughie quiz ambiguity unknown awkward problem sticker knot parable jigsaw abstrusity roun Gordian knot a closed book word game fix involvement sixty-four thousand dollar question anybody's guess anyone's guess how-do-you-do inextricability uphill obfuscation can of worms hard nut to crack web tangle chaos imbroglio net morass convolution mire skein disarray complicacy trickiness complexness complicatedness knottiness tortuousness convolutedness inexplicableness mystique turn twist mess muddle mesh magic jungle difficult proposition depth mysteriousness profundity incomprehensibility esotericism vagueness sophistication reconditeness arcaneness deepness occultness hardness intricateness awkwardness difficultness elaborateness involution involvedness

Kata benda

Emotional shock following a stressful event or a physical injury, which may lead to long-term neurosis
trauma shock stress distress pain suffering strain upheaval upset anguish disturbance misery torture worry agony jolt ordeal grief heartache sorrow disorder heartbreak trial tribulation trouble adversity anxiety burden hardship nightmare blow collapse derangement outburst traumatization affliction torment woe hurt wretchedness unhappiness sadness misfortune difficulty dolor travail hassle tragedy vexation hell angst problem excruciation despair straits desolation pang disappointment misadventure disquiet horror dolour injury bummer discomfort mishap ill fortune setback dejection calamity bitterness ache hell on earth albatross cross rack tension travails Gehenna harm loss despondency bad luck disaster stroke of bad luck desperation pressure trials and tribulations reverse rue catastrophe grievance regret throe disquietude irritation crucible headache blues heartsickness issue malaise bereavement mourning murder downer heavy heart drag broken heart visitation care letdown passion hard time cross to bear ill melancholy depression agitation destruction detriment lamentation mischief fire sorrowfulness infelicity grieving devastation gloom annoyance worriment lamenting cruelty bewailing bemoaning mournfulness curse oppression dispiritedness cheerlessness funk listlessness gloominess moodiness disconsolateness ruin gauntlet evil dolefulness emotional suffering mental suffering gantlet embarrassment pangs purgatory damage calvary test twinge mopes rigor mischance martyrdom hurting nervous tension rigour knock hard times ill luck discord scar wrong unrest dissatisfaction turmoil strife unpleasantness throes tumult deprivation painfulness malice scourge perturbation wound poignancy plague bane discouragement fiasco nuisance concern uneasiness perplexity mortification stew unconsolability toil terror sense of loss pest labour shame privation dispossession death disability living hell labor comedown debacle drama down failure dud inconvenience bother baptism of fire painful experience load bad time sad event unpleasant experience complication bad experience body blow kick in the teeth aggravation crucifixion sorriness brutality act of cruelty sprain nervousness tenseness remorse severe test trying time bale evildoing ills twist accident reversal crisis vicissitude hardness asperity buffet dread trepidation restlessness danger jam contretemps crunch clutch poison nakba jinx skids wrench mistrust flutter urgency overextension misgiving fear apprehensiveness distention heat alarm fearfulness intensity tough luck ill-luck pain in the backside hard knocks pain in the rear evil eye the worst can of worms pain in the neck stroke of ill luck pain in the bum kiss of death harsh conditions dire straits tough situation deep water bad break reversal of fortune ill-fortune expectancy impatience crick pull rick jerk stretch bruise constriction persecution wronging rainy day double whammy hard knock cataclysm bad news disadvantage apprehension unease millstone displeasure frustration blight fretfulness casualty anger struggle exasperation weight dismay sweat harassment anxiousness dilemma concernment nervosity agita hindrance discontent rotten luck encumbrance ruination need reverse of fortune menace hot water responsibility hitch predicament hazard doubt exigency disgruntlement botheration resentment solicitude quandary hard luck dole whammy obstacle pickle chagrin obstruction infliction hopelessness tax discomposure foreboding task discontentment fluster emergency want mess unluck plight dislike drain destitution disapproval drawback nemesis uncertainty discontentedness disaffection grind drudgery snag obligation aversion cumber chore weariness car crash malcontent malcontentment meltdown crash difficult task liability poverty thorn in the flesh austerity haplessness disruption hurdle penury disgust apocalypse disapprobation disconcertment glumness scrape irritant holocaust distaste unluckiness unfortunateness bugbear uphill undoing exertion defeat onus mishanter awkwardness disrelish duty untowardness edginess bitter pill queasiness charge disinclination indisposition nag impediment butterflies lapse trammel jitteriness deadweight envy inquietude willies hiccup disfavour uphill battle suspicion job shakes jumps disregard disfavor jealousy heebie-jeebies hard work disliking excess baggage restiveness stumbling block cancer aggro thorn in one's side canker indignation bind pip pique indigence distraction mishappening battle question disarray commotion catch-22 forlornness strait beggary glitch darkness shadow disbenefit dispute ire blunder bad thing nerves crux fright pestilence lack check catch discomfiture tizzy waterloo pitfall abyss effort pinch pall disputed point imposition curtains killer beast provocation downheartedness joylessness moroseness dejectedness evil fortune evil chance point at issue punishment mistake accountability challenge bear spectre barrier total pileup smashup twitchiness handicap complaint muddle slip heaviness of heart consternation Weltschmerz specter disbelief stack-up crack-up fender-bender wrack-up uphill struggle tall order tough assignment cloud tough grind work butterflies in the stomach holy mess unholy mess unfortunate incident tough break act of God qualm scruple suspense hold-up melancholia panic dubiety fly in the ointment Herculean task one in the eye watchfulness fuss jitters flap spanner in the works ball and chain creeps nail-biting cold sweat fidgets all-overs monkey wrench in the works shivers ants in pants question mark goose bumps dreadful thing awful thing terrible thing deep trouble disease endeavor endeavour difficulties condition excitement jar slog impoverishment convulsion sordidness ill-treatment boo-boo shake-up surprise cause for concern impairment demands dislocation affront long haul soreness despondence disheartenment despond neurosis error badness incapacitation nagging turn-up perdition cost emotion flooding ticklish spot defeatism resignedness pessimism downfall lack of comfort retribution nervous excitement incubus yoke big trouble qualms faux pas neediness wrath inclemency intolerance roughness obduracy double trouble desperate straits ailment storm impecuniousness impecuniosity casus befalling no picnic disconcertion vengeance penalty stroke conflict pins and needles needles sense of foreboding presentiment bore trials crossness smash pressure cooker bete noire farce flood fall bête noire broken-heartedness quagmire extremity collision problems pains rear ender bête noir chain dead weight blame shackle unwanted responsibility peril grindstone daily grind thorn in your side heavy blow fatal attraction millstone round one's neck outrage dependency dependence fatigue lament strenuousness arduousness struggling laboriousness bedevilment difficult time impasse knot sickness illness bewilderment constraint instability penitence dysphoria dyspathy compunction umbrage somberness woefulness dreariness sombreness miserableness downcastness tearfulness pining ado mid-life crisis barricade deadlock infuriation irascibility facer prob rear-ender creep peeve shit show fell stroke rough situation mental weight havoc tight spot vexed question gremlin rub source of difficulty difficult situation mix-up hot potato hornets' nest source of trouble hangup repining deploring source of aggravation stressor source of annoyance gripe sore point source of irritation bane of one's life animosity calling undertaking function exercise assignment mission delay tease pain in the behind puzzle imbroglio bafflement wreck opposition antipathy enmity a jam a scrape a spot a fix dead end a stew a hole a pickle delicacy self-consciousness burdens yips abdabs financial distress rebuff jim-jams Joe Blakes screaming abdabs collywobbles offense ill feelings offence bad feelings holdup slowdown backset regress foil regression bath bottom performance ticklishness stickiness threat mental burden to-do hard feelings wounded feelings drawing board unfortunate development bit of trouble knock-back piece of bad luck flip-flop whole new ballgame about-face perplexingness thorniness untimeliness inopportuneness querulousness heartburn boredom ennui chill uncomfortableness clunkiness hard row to hoe hard mountain to climb reservation skepticism scepticism query habit count squeeze downside disagreement incumbency office bad trot imperative devoir commitment disenchantment disillusionment negative aspect cynicism disconsolation box teething trouble misdoubt unbelief niggle distrust misbelief disillusion questioning second thought unfulfillment heavy-heartedness low spirits ill-humor

Antonim dari complete confusion

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