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(colloquial) Causing or able to cause fright
scary frightening scaring terrifying petrifying chilling horrifying alarming appalling formidable fearsome threatening unnerving eerie dire direful dread dreadful fearful forbidding frightful ghastly horrendous horrible intimidating redoubtable shocking sinister terrible bloodcurdling creepy menacing pulse-pounding startling worrying shivery shuddery spooky hairy blood-curdling hair-raising nerve-racking spine-chilling spine-tingling distressing disturbing disquieting awful dismaying harrowing upsetting grim perturbing unsettling baleful hideous horrid dangerous monstrous unpleasant traumatic awesome gruesome macabre trying ominous worrisome taxing bothersome troublesome difficult harassing grisly foreboding awe-inspiring troubling unspeakable disgusting repulsive anxious-making hellacious lurid disconcerting vexatious horrific nightmarish niggling imposing harrying tremendous irksome thorny grave problematic tricky mean-looking abominable prickly nerve-wracking sticky atrocious awkward sickening revolting depressing odious loathsome from hell overwhelming stressful distressful impressive causing fear brooding powerful severe hostile nasty discomforting disagreeable bodeful unwelcoming concerning disheartening vile inhospitable bleak irritating annoying discomposing dismal ugly gut-wrenching vexing godawful ferocious abhorrent bad grotesque repellent nauseating offensive dark terrific nightmare tormenting repugnant hateful grody grievous anxiety-inducing unapproachable aggressive browbeating terrorizing pressuring terrorising bullying beastly parlous tense solemn overpowering afraid striking massive strong mighty troublous nagging fraught anxious nail-biting eldritch commanding doughty invincible indomitable resolute sick gross all-powerful valiant harsh disgustful loathly morbid agonising inconvenient tiresome agonizing burdensome apprehensive wearisome gut-churning weird sick-making obscene restless agitating nervous uneasy rough tough unfavorable unfavourable imminent courageous brave shameful adverse disadvantageous austere anxiety provoking outrageous panicky exasperating aggravating maddening heinous astounding unfriendly dour uncomfortable hard fierce rugged discouraging grewsome unpardonable abject unforgivable uninviting egregious demoralizing negative stark jarring inexcusable heavy mean unpromising inauspicious evil-looking discommoding unpalatable displeasing unsightly untoward objectionable distasteful foul gloomy life-threatening perilous glowering onerous nauseous suggestive of evil demoralising unearthly ghostly uncanny ghoulish spookish calamitous detestable abysmal strange thrilling supernatural haunting execrable shuddersome wretched exciting exhilarating cruel deplorable mysterious eery unreal unnatural freaky breathtaking evil serious shadowy hair-curling suspenseful insufferable gory sepulchral funereal lamentable lousy despicable obnoxious extreme excruciating spectral painful minatory warning other-worldly minacious tragic dreaded abnormal freakish ghostlike wraithlike desperate off-putting devastating disastrous rum heartbreaking cold black miserable rotten deathlike corpselike portentous noxious contemptible preternatural white-knuckle unfortunate shady bloody sanguine wicked savage adrenaline-charged roller-coaster feared bone-chilling perplexing rip-roaring exhilarant rousing electrifying admonitory Kafkaesque much-feared comminatory cautionary minatorial stirring stimulating hellish nightmarey phantasmagorical terribly bad very bad taboo unkind callous lou yucky sublime extraordinary cliff-hanging deeply distressing poignant scandalous icky unpropitious baneful unlucky frozen fateful gnarly apocalyptic disgraceful odd queer curious causing excitement catastrophic ruinous injurious damaging scarring heart-pounding indescribable bizarre woeful crying pressing cataclysmic critical crucial blood-stained like death warmed up urgent hurtful inconceivable unbelievable superstitious peculiar paranormal fantastic crawly much-dreaded stupefying drastic unacceptable undesirable unimaginable heartstopping vicious unthinkable unmentionable wounding harmful crippling hopeless irretrievable stunning rancid astonishing repellant bewildering noisome fulsome amazing staggering ineffable unutterable unwelcome punk excessive surprising reprehensible intolerable chronic exigent unwholesome inexpressible glaring mind-blowing unsavoury oppressing scowling regrettable afflictive too horrible for words indescribably bad beyond description undefinable indescribably wicked inhuman indescribably evil beyond words phantom sombre somber rebarbative exceptionable dreary melancholic morose glum melancholy dispirited depressive desolate cheerless dim faint mortuary haggard unbearable beyond the pale anemic unsavory weak anaemic fiendish bloodthirsty demonic diabolical brutal twisted devilish intimidatory doomy looming thunderous ill-boding ill sensational phantasmal phantasmic sullen tenebrous sad racking torturing torturous graphic exaggerated louring pitiless murky drab mirthless lugubrious drear gray mournful dingy grey melodramatic explicit mystic magical raging wrenching overhanging approaching lowering unhealthy insubstantial illusory God-awful death-obsessed trashy sensationalist extravagant overdramatized colourful rubbishy unrestrained otherworldly haunted eidolic apparitional holy divine cadaverous spiritual wraithy wan ethereal pale indistinct vampiric tasteless ribald kitschy cheap salacious pulp prurient heart-rending violent suggestive dirty filthy shock-horror tacky vivid juicy tearing soaring yellow full-frontal fiery raunchy salty deep colorful off-color purple racy distinct garish low-down


Causing or resulting in a feeling of miserable dejection
depressing dismal heartbreaking black bleak distressing sad discouraging gloomy melancholy saddening disheartening dispiriting somber sombre upsetting dreary painful dejecting demoralising demoralizing heart-rending hopeless disenchanting doleful drear grave harrowing heartrending mournful pathetic sorry tearful teary unfavorable unfavourable unhappy wretched blue distressful funereal lachrymose morbid disappointing melancholic oppressive unpleasant off-putting grim horrible dismaying disturbing disconcerting forbidding horrid distasteful bad unpalatable horrific awful dreadful ghastly appalling inauspicious macabre intimidating frightening unsettling crushing horrendous objectionable troubling dampening nasty irksome troublesome severe horrifying worrying disagreeable difficult perturbing terrible frightful repellent dire unnerving woeful bitter loathsome agonizing gruesome grisly atrocious shocking nightmarish agonising monstrous unpropitious galling sickening cheerless depressive ominous offensive disgusting unappealing uninviting disquieting worrisome discomforting alarming sober solemn miserable rotten revolting traumatic torturous stressful unsavoury obnoxious displeasing unfortunate poor execrable abominable uncomfortable agitating foul lousy harsh vile unwelcome regrettable humourless humorless troublous fraught hairy tormenting lurid sedate irritating annoying unsavory repulsive repugnant tragical cruel hellacious mean hideous repellant abhorrent tragic excruciating hurtful uncongenial unpleasing hostile grievous pessimistic sobering unappetizing unattractive joyless serious critical unpromising formidable rebarbative repressing inopportune disadvantageous dissuading hindering deterring austere unlucky testing parlous grewsome terrific oppressed pitiless vicious impoverished stark hard brutal merciless ruthless poverty-stricken savage not encouraging not hopeful glum irritable bewildering frustrating poignant foreboding troubled sinister morose mephitical perplexing hellish unkind vexing revulsive unamusing aggravating distressed sullen crummy odious detestable mortifying unbearable discomposing unsatisfactory icky stinking unendurable vexatious nauseating unacceptable deplorable abysmal gross undesirable diabolical uncool awkward yukky grotty yucky afflicting lamentable godawful grody ugly afflictive affecting sour nauseous anguished sorrowful beastly unlovely concerning nerve-racking gut-wrenching nail-biting extremely bad nerve-wracking heart-breaking trying pitiful piteous intense moving heavy fierce nagging acute onerous wearisome damaging embarrassing bothersome calamitous inconvenient burdensome provoking harassing tear-jerking devastating laborious threatening extreme insufferable tiresome startling discommoding toilsome pitiable consequential tough dangerous injurious violent powerful rough touching plaintive intolerable tricky harmful forceful racking disastrous sharp creepy thorny intrusive impeding disruptive ferocious destructive strong torturing haunting unrelenting chilling raging confronting stirring wrenching desolate ruinous deadly searing sticky vigorous prophetic uncertain mortal problematic great fearful lethal discomfiting mighty piercing punishing wounding taxing ungovernable comfortless exasperating overwhelming wicked heart-wrenching biting exacting strenuous terrifying delicate catastrophic adverse suffering scarring hefty emotional impressive impactful sensitive thunderous tense uneasy significant drab flustering peracute demanding ticklish abject tearing prickly fatal rueful unmanageable insupportable dolorous passionate killing dark exquisite problematical rugged maddening infuriating dodgy knotty forlorn impossible evil intractable vehement furious intemperate tortuous incommodious explosive almighty consuming forcible rigorous arduous blistering rancid life-threatening repressive pesky potent resounding hateful lugubrious dynamic stinging excessive very bad intensive smart perilous not to be borne menacing precarious pain-filled desolating blinding mind-blowing restless nervous anxious soaring disconsolate emotive shattering uncoveted anguishing unwanted mirthless dispirited dolesome obscene Spartan crashing invidious unforgiving telling soul-stirring uplifting heart-warming feel-bad cataclysmic cold depressed despairing niggling plaguy pestiferous pestilential tricksy touchy touch-and-go spiny catchy derisible dingy plangent pensive dejected despondent grueling penetrating murderous relentless stiff hardhanded inhuman heartwarming affective aggressive extremely upsetting considerable sore remorseless grief-stricken barro burning caustic cutting scandalous noisome fulsome noxious inclement deathly hapless fateful importunate pestilent charged unpopular major emotionally moving operose pounding gruelling unsparing undisciplined murder uphill rowdy infestive messy disorderly straitened inhospitable spartan scabrous stern inexorable stringent hazardous ill-fated tickly unenviable arousing affect unlikable tasteless flavourless flavorless dislikable insipid yicky savorless flat ill-starred weighty big grinding sentimental tender expressive nostalgic bumpy itchy scratchy unwished-for hard-hearted overpowering causing discomfort ill-fitting struggling compromising humiliating unreasonable cyclonic demeaning degrading wild all-powerful death-dealing recalcitrant embarrassed cringeworthy dicey untimely discountenancing perverse wayward cringey gnarly improper shameful inordinate profound uncontrollable toe-curling fiery rampaging rabid uncontrolled rampant riotous unrestrained egregious cringe-making storming immoderate unchecked fearsome deep unfettered uncurbed inflamed unbridled keen emphatic desperate hot urgent energetic concentrated peppery convulsive flaming enraged blustery paroxysmal turbulent volcanic frenzied coercive stormy outrageous tumultuous aroused tempestuous heavy-duty gale force out of control full of force beyond bearing more than one can bear more than flesh and blood can stand


Arduous in nature
major difficult arduous demanding hard harsh painstaking tough wearisome challenging excruciating grueling severe torturous wearying ambitious exacting formidable gruelling ponderous rigorous strenuous tedious testing tortuous trying unforgiving backbreaking burdensome laborious tiring agonising agonizing back-breaking bruising brutal exhausting fatiguing harrowing mighty onerous punishing taxing toilful troublesome bothersome colossal crushing cumbersome debilitating draining extreme fierce forbidding gigantic heavy hefty herculean immense immoderate intense intimidating operose oppressive rough staggering stressful thorny thoroughgoing tiresome toilsome unremitting unsparing unyielding uphill upstream vigorous wearing effortful energy-consuming gargantuan grinding hairy hellish Herculean killer painful really hard sapping titanic very hard sweaty tall moiling stiff weighty hellacious rugged grievous grim galling exigent murderous knackering killing Augean pick-and-shovel labored laboured impossible merciless stringent crippling problematic prohibitive imperious unbearable intolerable backbreaker unpleasant distressing jarring solemn distressful shattering serious no picnic depleting tricky unreasonable excessive exorbitant unfair overwhelming relentless monumental steep mammoth no piece of cake wicked mean insufferable persnickety dicey awful tough going problem ominous hazardous easier said than done nerve-racking high-impact slavish sticky torturesome unendurable tormenting not easy hard-won drudgy worksome vicious marathon cruel like getting blood out of a stone uncomfortable troubling difficile unnerving ferocious almighty savage scabrous uphill battle high-pressure discomforting pressing time-consuming complex complicated mystifying elaborate intricate incomprehensible perplexing problematical confounding convoluted bewildering puzzling baffling irksome enervating vexatious worrying exasperating traumatic worrisome vexing awkward disturbing frustrating inconvenient enervative upsetting aggravating hectic maddening pressured fraught strict terrible annoying inhuman superincumbent disagreeable pesky bitter hardhanded searing pestilent irritating austere bad nagging weary infuriating bold niggling nasty murder energetic impressive knotty aggressive plaguy pestiferous pestilential punitive troublous rowdy carking prostrating embittering hostile grave tense grandiose daring perturbing anxious Sisyphean drastic draconian dreadful harassing unsettling extravagant lofty rankling concerning intractable ungovernable objectionable drudging repressive infernal irking agitating busy domineering inexorable despotic headache abrasive riling ugly boring unmanageable wretched chafing nettling nettlesome peeving incommodious confounded undisciplined disorderly unjust recalcitrant large-scale wayward discouraging very difficult unruly rebarbative cussed pesty plaguey a stinker of a anxiety-ridden physical powerful stretching huge prodigious searching responsible withering racking chastening massive unrelaxing strained uncharitable unkind unrelenting overtaxing overpowering plodding spartan careful hypercritical thorough precise critical nit-picking a nuisance dour protracted lengthy hardworking tight an imposition large order heavy sledding dogged overburdening high forceful heroic courageous slow by the book grating provoking displeasing shocking repugnant exerting swingeing sky-high inflated extortionate enraging lamentable deplorable unwelcome antagonizing harrying afflicting disappointing ghastly foul horrible rotten horrid vile audacious iniquitous inordinate outrageous teasing festering antipathetic appalling atrocious frightful horrendous abominable tyrannical industrious unsatisfying unattractive antagonising dictatorial unrealistic grand intrepid autocratic offensive enough to try the patience of a saint enough to drive you up the wall undemocratic grotty pretentious visionary frantic chaotic improbable ballsy brash idealistic unfeasible insupportable perverse tyrannous fiendishly difficult fanciful unreal magnificent active eventful frenzied frenetic lively authoritarian iron-fisted lousy beastly improper tremendously difficult very challenging unlikely overbearing pitiless ruthless coercive anti-democratic disquieting discomposing high-handed overweening peremptory from hell unacceptable egregious importunate turbulent restless far-fetched disheartening gloomy sombre dispiriting ironhanded rough going dismal depressive bleak heavy-handed somber depressing confining difficult to achieve infestive dangerous alarming damaging messy flustering animated madhouse tireless full tumultuous riotous furious bustling wild beyond bearing not to be borne full on spirited action-packed bumpy raucous a bummer of a disobedient rebellious dysfunctional defiant delinquent socially impaired belligerent willful self-willed naughty badly behaved uncooperative impudent erratic errant hot-tempered disturbed disruptive badly-behaved misbehaving whiny roguish sullen cantankerous undisciplinable loudmouthed contumacious ill-behaved bellicose incorrigible insolent maladjusted rude confrontational combative argumentative malicious ill-disciplined mischievous truculent pugnacious unrestrainable uncontrollable stubborn scrappy uncompliant rascally insubordinate uncontainable peevish devilish petulant indocile


Very large; huge
mountainous huge enormous gigantic immense monumental great mammoth massive mighty colossal giant vast prodigious tremendous gargantuan king-size king-sized mega monstrous oversized titanic astronomic astronomical formidable Herculean humongous jumbo monster staggering towering whopping epic hulking king size substantial very big very large whacking Brobdingnagian bumper cosmic cosmical cyclopean elephantine galactic gigantesque grand herculean heroic heroical Himalayan humungous leviathan oceanic pharaonic planetary super super-duper supersize supersized thumping vasty walloping ginormous ponderous big large tall thumping great whopping great whacking great stupendous gross extensive bulky hefty weighty stellar heavy sizable considerable brobdingnagian oversize sizeable goodly Bunyanesque immeasurable impressive extraordinary handsome fantastic grandiose outsized inordinate almighty imposing blimp behemoth boundless voluminous outsize mastodonic expansive terrific extreme pythonic infinite high excessive magnificent generous striking wide largish biggish broad limitless dirty great massy whale of a princely husky outstanding whaling phenomenal tidy remarkable extravagant exorbitant lofty very great overgrown behemothic ample lavish mondo boxcar heavyweight marvellous capacious cumbersome giant-size significant unwieldy extra-large giant-sized unlimited marvelous abundant spacious memorable profuse notable majestic solid incalculable titan awesome super-colossal measureless roomy cumbrous rip-roaring commodious full-size thundering overwhelming long man-size of considerable size man-sized barn door sky-high appreciable pronounced unbounded Homeric plenteous copious statuesque roaring decisive conclusive emphatic great big resounding unmistakable complete noteworthy unqualified wonderful out-and-out thorough elevated surpassing splendid endless fabulous eternal intense incredible unusual exceptional extremely large extremely big immoderate superb steep major excellent meaty strong thick hulky cavernous monolithic interminable transcendent astounding illimitable liberal supreme undue superior awe-inspiring Cyclopean ambitious jumbo-sized kingly eminent unconscionable overmuch fine comprehensive august plethoric prolific cracking sublime serious overdue insane overweening intolerable mahoosive exalted rich bountiful overextravagant devilish imperial larger-than-life illustrious Gargantuan healthy spectacular good megalithic unmeasurable mortal mastodontic plentiful superabundant good-size good-sized magnific bounteous terrible whopper socking great a whale of a super colossal fat Moby superhuman lasting classic important enduring historic unforgettable lumbering thrashing Brobdignagian OS immortal laborious maximum utmost top amazing large-scale wicked pleasing clumsy widespread distinguished epoch-making moving renowned irresistible dynamic glorious uttermost expanded stately unfathomable fathomless awful marked abiding permanent mundo sweeping detailed startling miraculous elephantic noble appalling dreadful profitable spanking fleshy strapping heavyset muscular muscly beefy chunky powerful brawny burly sturdy stout thickset through the ceiling stunning astonishing severe rare max acute frightful fearful well-built lank sensational flabbergasting breathtaking dramatic unbelievable palatial never-ending substantive measurable respectable full Falstaffian paunchy flabby fubsy hunky swelled deep fair-sized family-sized family-size fair-size economy-size life-size economy-sized numerous protracted bull lengthy decided extended prolonged regal interplanetary catholic cosmopolitan cosmogonic empyrean global interstellar cosmogonal space intergalactic ecumenical mind-boggling mind-blowing fantabulous abnormal larger buxom greater zaftig far-flung spread-out stretched-out far-reaching resplendent gorgeous lordly proud wondrous royal gallant baronial dignified all-inclusive splendiferous haughty ominous not inconsiderable roly-poly big and strong powerfully built muscle-bound solidly built broad in the beam broad-shouldered corn-fed well upholstered well fed unreal soaring something else awkward unhandy ungainly multistorey sky-scraping unmanageable unmanoeuvrable incommodious paramount stiff baroque fancy unmerciful altitudinous girthy airy preeminent spiring aerial unmatchable ultimate towery skyscraping unwarranted intemperate unrestricted unbridled exaggerated superfluous unrestrained gratuitous needless unreasonable extortionate disproportionate prodigal surplus uncontrolled profligate wanton improvident dissipated indulgent overabundant imprudent dizzying uncurbed redundant outrageous wasteful unhampered out of all proportion self-indulgent ridiculous recrementitious too many stratospheric unchecked overindulgent ludicrous overboard O.T.T. over the odds supernatural overkill unfettered overgenerous extra way out unnecessary uncalled for too much silly a bit much OTT more over the top preposterous uninhibited comfortable profound indescribable inexhaustible overflowing magnanimous teeming chivalrous cornucopian much consequential material open noticeable greathearted galore opulent aplenty plenty impossible abounding flush unutterable reasonable sufficient natural decent high-minded meaningful not to be sneezed at luxuriant crucial rife critical a gogo momentous thick on the ground spread out earthshaking portentous earth-shattering replete far vital exceeding worthwhile no end prosperous uncrowded wide-ranging long-lasting advantageous lucrative entire marathon shocking whole productive countless innumerable myriad packed lengthened eventful real multitudinous stuffed very long incommunicable chock-full no end of superlative a dime a dozen gaping yawning deadly long-drawn-out outspread chasmal fundamental urgent uncommunicable long-term long-lived long-drawn pressing harsh increased sovereign magisterial wholesale brilliant thunderous lumpish sumptuous spacey mesomorphic of considerable length all-embracing universal well-provided munificent exhaustive wide open many fertile inclusive fair crammed several pivotal grave rangy outstretched bonny fruitful swarming steady exuberant fateful smashing fab all-encompassing unstinting swelling tectonic dense forceful wealthy affluent legion rambling crowded interdisciplinary multidisciplinary radical eye-opening headline cross-disciplinary scopious scopic lush principal impactful lots of in abundance all-important stinking with distinct a lot of plenty of brimming awash populous lousy with out of this world no end in sight crawling with heavy-duty a great deal of adequate rewarding paying remunerative gainful aristocratic maxi imperious pre-eminent inexpressible cavelike extra large drastic ecstatic robust well-stocked undescribable decent-sized oafish prime heightened escalated jacked up unsparing wide-open rank arduous fierce horrific philanthropic loutish heavily built clodhopping clunky well-supplied in plenty high-ceilinged what legit fairly large tolerable billowing booming deafening ear-splitting ear-piercing proliferous mucho pretty unco thewy stark sensible above average intensified central essential streets ahead all that and a bag of chips surprising baggy dripping crashing shattering incorrigible dire showy unmitigated solemn maestoso telling rolling plenitudinous the Olympian sonorous wide-reaching mass stink with very loud devastating eloquent formal high-flown queenly right latitudinous beamy what great amazeballs jaw-dropping ascending rising raised high-rise loose-fitting ultra nationwide pompous key titantic dynamite abysmal desperate loud ceremonious cool worth taking into account firm sound surpassing belief proper high-reaching leading intercontinental worldwide across-the-board international sundry simple various convoluted multifarious covering far reaching wide physically useful durable valuable featureless immovable impenetrable intractable faceless characterless exciting paralyzing crushing paralysing overcoming inflatable expanding stretching elastic dilating obese overweight competent swimming fulsome enough flowing outlandish absurd high rise upraised alpine uplifted consistent stretchy extendable enlargeable distending corpulent landmark pervasive faraway big-deal major-league tough preponderant obvious cardinal especial high-priority special capital keynote burning milestone glaring high-level newsworthy particular distinctive earnest signal resonant worthy of attention carrying a lot of weight quantum uncommon front-page unordinary ponderable potent climacteric conspicuous dilatant unsuppressed sprawling portly expansile unrepressed apocalyptic prevalent blanket distant transcendental godlike uncanny preternatural unearthly supernormal magical rugged epochal blubbery pudgy tubby podgy indiscriminate comprising across the board maximal earth-shaking athletic sinewy stalwart porky plump chubby bloated lardy rotund round unexclusive omnipotent bionic life-and-death life-changing of consequence of moment world-shaking of importance world-shattering of significance pursy abdominous overpowering hearty porcine adipose redoubtable highest greatest wall to wall elongated enough and to spare lard-arsed beyond human consummate multiple buff obdurate full-blooded manly jacked ripped lusty manful shredded enlarged elongate umpteen untold filled raging covered unfurled proffered widened drawn-out unrolled conferred crawling innumerous jammed choked thronged seething greatest possible stretched drawn out dragged out spread unfolded strung out stretched out spun out continued close bursting congested numberless uncountable compact bristling fraught tight pullulating lousy serried thronging mother of all jam-packed like Piccadilly Circus heaped overrun by abounding in bursting at the seams chock-full of cram-full of chock-a-block having a considerable amount of full of having a copious amount of like sardines chocker compressed populated millions of loads of all kinds of a shedload of infinite numbers of very many billions of quite a few an abundance of gazillions of a multitude of a multiplicity of heaps of bazillions of a slew of quantities of a quantity of hundreds of scads of stacks of scores of a great many oodles of a swag of a bunch of zillions of a profusion of masses of beaucoup bags of dozens of tons of a great number of piles of thousands of a fair amount of more than enough more than human


The act of making timid or fearful or of deterring by threats
intimidation bullying alarming browbeating coercion menacing scaring terrifying terrorization arm-twisting domineering pressure pressuring pressurising pressurizing subduing unnerving cowing frightening harassment harrying hounding menaces oppression persecution plaguing pressurisation pressurization terrorising terrorizing threatening tormenting tyrannization bulldozing demoralising demoralizing extortion fear railroading steamrollering threats scare tactics strong-arm tactics force duress constraint compulsion threat enforcement menace influence demand violence obligation persuasion warning commination insistence restraint strong-arm tactic exaction force majeure ominousness ill-omen blackmail fulmination ultimatum pestering nagging goading provocation entreaty badgering fearmongering thunder foul play requirement scare tactic intimidating remark pains conscription ambush terrorism reign of terror power sway imprisonment strong arm threatening remark intimidatory remark hardship captivity confinement incarceration maltreatment victimisation mistreatment victimization discipline detention bondage control strong-arming urgency engrossment prepossession craving monkey hang-up driving exigency preoccupation duty have on the brain tiger by the tail strong arm tactics spur impulsion necessity goad spring impelling motive conscience shakedown extraction rapacity squeezing entrapment squeeze demanding money with menaces administration imposition application prosecution implementation execution fulfilment administering discharge carrying out effectuation pursuance reinforcement enforcing putting into practice prescription compulsory law whip necessitation lash martial law fulfilling fulfillment

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