Sinonimo di greatly favor


A kind or helpful deed
kindness benevolence service charity courtesy assistance favour help aid grace indulgence boon mercy goodwill benefit generosity backing altruism benediction turn patronage consideration largess dispensation cooperation accommodation benignity obligement solid errand act of kindness good deed kind act good turn helping hand good will act of assistance support succor succour relief abetment furtherance welfare advantage good contribution deed benefaction boost assist blessing sympathy profit friendliness philanthropy comity bounty cordiality amity gift helpfulness reward comfort deliverance salvation attention goodwill gesture stead sake care encouragement lift abettance hand leg up tolerance interest satisfaction reprieve rapport charitableness ministration social capital special favor kindly act kind deed act gesture thoughtful act selfless act friendship treatment action compassion unselfishness liberality services gain eunoia gesture of goodwill friendly gesture olive branch advancement ministrations enjoyment well-being alms benison honour honor promotion endowment funding largesse donation grant push facilitation guidance subsidy handout backup a helping hand espousal giving alleviation spurring on advocacy a leg up shot in the arm advice reinforcement rescue offering subvention sponsorship compensation sustenance allowance bursary side hand-out recommendation behalf concern defence defense place countenance part cause representation account intervention offices ministry collaboration hand-holding ease luxury guide influence mediation intercession convenience furthering security supervision therapy complicity tending nurture rehabilitation solace respite remedy coattails instrumentality mitzvah troubleshooting devotion TLC looking after tender loving care good offices easement a kindness a hand a lift a favour a good turn a break


Bias or prejudice in favor of one person or thing
bias partiality partisanship affinity disposition favoritism favouritism predilection predisposition prejudice propensity tendency bent inclination leaning nonobjectivity penchant preference tendentiousness tilt nepotism ply proneness preferential treatment one-sidedness unfair preference parti pris jobs for the boys favour fondness liking taste love fancy appetite relish proclivity like shine weakness love affair thing affection attraction use passion thirst soft spot desire palate hankering enthusiasm prepossession appreciation keenness discrimination attachment enjoyment intolerance unfairness longing bigotry stomach cup of tea turn inequity chauvinism devotion illiberality wish preconception narrowmindedness interest itch urge appetency aptitude yen zeal tooth impulse mind habitude bone narrow-mindedness eagerness inequality zest jaundiced eye gusto hunger craving willingness will susceptibility genius druthers devices injustice inclining unjustness mania eye bag addiction understanding bond biasedness loving orientation standpoint spin heart set on liking for velleity pleasure sympathy favorite favourite mindset sentiment head-set mind-set prejudgement loyalty appetence faithfulness prejudgment readiness preparedness hungriness greed yearning appetition estimation voracity preconceived notion preconceived idea keeping it in the family positive discrimination reverse discrimination special treatment looking after one's own indulgence alacrity amenability ageism classism agreement agreeableness goodwill consent obligingness motivation gameness illiberalism hatred intolerantness cooperation volition compliance wrong small-mindedness having as one's type viewpoint slant attitude aptness point of view outlook view opinion position perspective approach stance feeling angle way of thinking belief liability thought judgment judgement frame of mind persuasion talent capacity ability gift capability knack way flair skill notion interpretation thoughts likelihood faculty temperament facility habit perception expertise vantage point head ideas artistry type philosophy proficiency thinking competence instinct conviction expertness finesse potential prowess mastery adeptness dexterity sentiments feelings adroitness fitness brain turn of mind know-how standing natural ability groove nature flash school of thought choice direction twist idea endowment forte convictions impression complexion touch vein cleverness craft drift custom need where one is at way of looking at it whim humour humor character propension trend dish fixation verdict option side reaction context power obsession deftness thing for potentiality fetish temper set suitability agility fluency dexterousness strength spirit frame of reference shoes personality quality make-up preoccupation specialty accomplishment awareness efficiency speciality beliefs craze fascination headset nose eye view skilfulness skillfulness grace hang-up what it takes poise slickness cast of mind way of looking at things two cents' worth POV appropriateness likeliness drive intention lust pining weakness for miasm vulnerability sweet tooth mentality ache purpose sensibility infatuation manner clutch innate tendency natural tendency ingrained tendency views determination observation crush aspect hobby inherent tendency pick aim design intent regard fashion capableness wherewithal competency intrinsic tendency constitution setting framework means selection answer contingency fallback tune property sense function mental ability right stuff knowing way around physical ability list aspiration paradigm situation moral fibre make moral fiber solution ethos heart idiosyncrasy movement mind trip scope hue guise light appearance favorite activity go-to state of mind technique stand positivism possible course of action brilliance way of looking virtuosity assessment positiveness attainment attribute acquirement rapport numen strong point take apprehension accord relationship empathy link confidence evaluation analysis conception consideration grasp reading comprehension harmony communion closeness fellowship elucidation inference deduction assimilation discernment contemplation posture calling strong suit two cents worth broad view overview value judgment interrelationship chemistry unity camaraderie say so compulsion cotton simpatico domain area metier realm field sphere racket department discipline province mission arena métier profession aroha fad partiality for fellow feeling for good vibrations penchant for special relationship predilection towards understanding of closeness to close relationship inclination towards like-mindedness fondness for fellow feeling hitting it off attraction towards same wavelength stimulant engrossment idée fixe golden calf sexual fixation luck positivity intelligence quickness giftedness smarts savvy stuff


A fondness or positive regard for something
fancy goodwill affection approval blessing commendation esteem fondness friendliness kindness liking love partiality preference shine devotion estimation favour grace like regard relish respect taste account admiration appetite appreciation approbation benevolence imprimatur use kind regard good opinion praise acclaim honour honor recognition laudation veneration homage high regard reverence acclamation deference pat on the back kudos applause adulation OK okay consideration extolment high opinion support adoration credit plaudits ovation popularity accolades acceptance awe compliment pleasure delight opinion worship tribute acknowledgment clean bill of health acknowledgement compliments great respect permission sanction endorsement accolade privilege congratulations encouragement plaudit treat boon pride satisfaction joy eulogy glory laurels care repute astonishment amazement cheering tributes props valuing prizing cherishing obeisance source of satisfaction celebration idolization glorification brownie points pumping up source of pleasure source of pride positive reception preferment permit handshake validation love affair note charter stroking puff seal of approval reputation honoring attention exaltation cheer recommendation sympathy court puffing up honouring pat on the head surprise wonder testimonial value eulogium panegyric encomium bouquet high esteem dulia good word rave review a pat on the back citation wonderment apotheosis obsequiousness fealty fear loyalty piety genuflection devoutness bow religiousness prostration deification marveling idolatry marvelling rave big hand distinction pats on the back treasuring enjoyment laud sun eulogizing éclat eulogising consent assent ratification concurrence salutes warmth feeling attachment tenderness congratulation passion bells endearment sentiment go-ahead friendship amity closeness desire warmness the nod intimacy devotedness attentiveness affinity familiarity caring aroha concern amore ardor crush solicitude emotion ardour soft spot puppy love warm feelings strong fondness good will worshipping worshiping hero worship infatuation flattery lionization obsession magnification hero-worship lionisation cheers paean bouquets hymn thanks fascination hankering weakness idealization faithfulness service allegiance fidelity felicitations idolizing fervor respectfulness devotement salutation dithyramb lionizing attraction admiring idealisation pash yen sycophancy fixation captivation fervour adoring lust besottedness fanaticism praising yearning blandishment lionising idolising enchantment amorousness exaggerated respect breathless adoration prestige mandate fetishization hurrah bravo cry boost exuberance effusion gush hero-worshipping loving faith welcome clapping terror dread commendations greetings respects regards intense love mention bays dedication sanctity spirituality commitment idolism courtesy capitulation complaisance submission salute troth duty marvelment curiosity PR strokes prize award enthusiasm zeal keenness religious observance observance steadfastness constancy religious zeal intensity consecration religious fervor adherence horror worshipfulness thoughtfulness salutations blessings hail kneeling revering stroke points blarney cajolery kudo thanksgiving venerating best wishes good wishes shock stupefaction fright consternation apprehension putting on a pedestal doting craze hots aching fetish extolling prayers glorifying exalting flattering remark mark of respect special mention shot in the arm round of applause honourable mention honorable mention wondering latria blandishments fawning eulogies warm fuzzy beatification honeyed word strong praise supplication puja benediction buttering up trade last magnifying bootlicking eulogiums -olatry extravagant flattery audation praying to deep affection servile flattery fulsome praise appreciativeness gratefulness gratitude aspiration mad for strong interest eros understanding knowledge valuation grasp assessment cognizance sensitiveness sensibility perception responsiveness awareness realization comprehension sensitivity appraisal thankfulness realisation aesthetic sense


The state or condition of being liked, admired, or supported by many people
fashion vogue popularity approval fashionability fashionableness modishness rage voguishness hotness favour trendiness coolness stylishness hipness hipsterism hip cool currency prevalence mode trend style craze fad enthusiasm acclaim regard fancy taste passion adoration infatuation chic fascination flavor obsession ton latest mania flavour go sensation buzz thing acceptance admiration snazziness dernier cri demand fame esteem lionization idolization practice hot ticket use usage the latest passing fancy tonne custom way the thing celebrity recognition reputation traction welcome saleability marketability commerciality last word the rage in thing repute renown adulation circulation attractiveness lionisation following heyday status latest thing look furor furore newest wrinkle kick novelty fixation preoccupation cry latest wrinkle interest convention innovation love whim compulsion fetish hobby weakness current style wrinkle cult meme general tendency latest style latest taste now in in-thing the last word new look flair panache classiness elegance jag mainstream buzzword hit impact idea concept flash wonder genre form design exposure crotchet the latest fad the newest fashion the latest cry monomania fever penchant affectation caprice inclination predilection hip thing whimsy humour eccentricity humor conceit vagary kink amusement quirk frivolity sport preference fantasy talking point dissemination publicity ritual recreation pastime pursuit in-spot wont bandwagon practise trick hot spot impulse cultus cultism habitude habit freshness entertainment bug hobbyhorse latest word contemporaneity faddism fool notion prevailing taste commonness frequency predominance contemporaneousness modernness modernism newness leisure pursuit leisure activity fashionable popular in fashion with it trendy in vogue big all the rage avant-gardism innovativeness recentness le dernier cri movement modernity


Backing or support received from, or provided by, someone
backing support aid championship favour patronage assistance promotion sponsorship advocacy aegis auspices espousal protection ward care trusteeship approval sanction authorization agreement endorsement permission approbation go-ahead consent green light OK authorisation confirmation okay ratification licence assent acceptance seal of approval blessing leave license warrant concurrence thumbs up acquiescence imprimatur permit validation say-so O.K. stamp of approval recommendation clearance yes allowance nod concession affirmation encouragement authority accord countenance sufferance good wishes rubber stamp carte blanche agency commendation certification compliance mandate granting the nod fiat liberty privilege indulgence benediction help regard dispensation mediation intervention accreditation recognition intercession acceding endorsation assenting ratifying valediction stamp Godspeed word services intermediation buy-in shelter condonance condonation okaying empowerment sanctification freedom acknowledgement letting admission acknowledgment office OK'ing guardianship charge keeping umbrella guidance protectorship safeguarding auspice wing defence defense supervision pass document guaranty passport solidarity tutelage visa alignment consensus voucher certificate ticket understanding goodwill harmony unity partiality fellowship association union alliance affiliation unanimity oneness carnet laissez-passer triptyque firman sympathy say so blank check charter toleration empowering badge card legalization franchise patent legalisation admittance safe-conduct grant like-mindedness esprit de corps authentication championing testimonial upholding signature


A small item given as a gift, typically to guests at a party
memento gift giveaway gratuity freebie keepsake perk souvenir favour freebee handout present prezzie token douceur goodie largess largesse remembrancer offering sweetener hand-out donation bestowal grant contribution presentation benefaction charity bonus endowment alms donative bequest boon fairing lagniappe bounty handsel reminder comp memorial premium tip monument conferment relic legacy perquisite subsidy settlement pourboire remembrance commemorative baksheesh award trophy courtesy benefit dispensation allowance hand honorarium hand-me-down something to remember someone by gifting commemoration benevolence compliment lump stake testimonial write-off dowry concession inheritance tithing provision philanthropy reward pittance tribute oblation offertory giving bonsela koha memorabilia symbol emblem something precious token of remembrance stipend allotment payment appropriation assistance bestowment aid allocation beneficence dole scholarship subscription subvention privilege fellowship conferral dividend extra annuity relief entitlement help gravy cumshaw support money funding throw-in sponsorship windfall admission gravy train free sample helping hand portion bribe accordance bequeathal bursary inducement investment extra payment backing devise trust hereditament free gift little extra bit extra wedding gift pension little something conveyance transfer assignment disposal transferal pledge brotus tilly pasella submission succour generosity almsgiving heritage widow's mite promotion fund input munificence liberality grace succor estate income revenue gimmick supply role product sample free meal finance birthright patrimony dower one's part property prize commission ration charitable donation alimony subsidisation financial aid indemnity subsidization devisal bequeathment smalls bonsella dropsy a hand doing one's part leg up nest egg backhander compensation fee trial offer special offer recompense financial backing guerdon granting awarding presenting incentive percentage something extra little something extra small change fringe benefit cut dispensing furnishing delivery entrusting according addition goody ice frosting goodwill gesture offer delivering investiture extending boot money dot signing bonus sign-on bonus unexpected extra pay supplement special compensation additional compensation golden parachute blessing godsend advantage handing over handing out marriage settlement lobola tocher gain asset honour good benediction bonanza manna felicity honor plus luxury pro benison good thing good fortune plus point piece of good fortune break stroke of luck marriage portion


Something given or worn as a mark of liking or support


High renown or honor attained through notable achievements
fame reputation renown prestige repute celebrity eminence glory honour standing honor prominence note esteem importance acclaim name greatness illustriousness credit distinction notability regard character rank kudos stature mark recognition account superiority preeminence position consequence acclamation dignity estimation report popularity favour rep laurels notoriety exaltation nobility stardom éclat odor odour elevation station majesty luster lustre place immortality supereminence splendour splendor acknowledgement acknowledgment heyday infamy legend myth pre-eminence public esteem respect respectability status good name image cachet approval veneration weight reverence reputability acceptability good reputation privilege authority trustworthiness high standing izzat influence pride dependability clout admiration deference stock approbation reliability opinion extolment glorification praise rap laudation adoration adulation aggrandizement consideration homage devotion merit celebration fealty tribute immortalization apotheosis applause commendation worship plaudits canonization tributes obeisance accolades compliments attention deification lionization eulogium bouquets lionisation props aggrandisement accolade salutes paeans eulogy commemoration trust congratulations compliment brand self-respect self-image face self-esteem good image famousness ego public image self-regard noteworthiness ranking class appreciation high regard awe mana social position power significance supremacy worth excellence quality loftiness prominency caliber calibre prepotency perfection prestigiousness value eminency worthiness sway virtue dominance transcendence strength paramountcy capacity import talent relevance standard endowment momentousness choiceness excellency superbness primeness first-rateness control state benefit primacy preponderancy preponderance capability ability advantage use usefulness utility moment good pull service desirability profit expertise proficiency competence assistance helpfulness gain substance avail help faculty qualification integrity goodness upside aid sense mileage point essence habilitation gifts force strengths constitution strong point badge flair decoration style manner bays award impressiveness extraordinariness memorability publicity bottom media interest media attention predominance royalty leverage command practicality laurel brownie points grade degree echelon reaches rung rating level footing peerlessness stage condition gravitas effectiveness efficacy stratum type mode category high rank impact effect social standing potency magnitude plausibility credibility brilliance clearness clarity wholesomeness grandeur salience conspicuousness rule purity grandness heroism chivalry disinterestedness gravity high-mindedness idealism serviceableness implication bang for the buck bearing purpose stateliness urgency sublimity nobleness seriousness heaviness weightiness magnanimity morality simplicity meaning appeal allure meritoriousness validity meaningfulness attractiveness valuation gift behoof percentage


The state of being merciful
mercifulness mercy leniency clemency forbearance charity kindness compassion indulgence quarter lenience lenity benevolence generosity beneficence tenderness kindliness favour goodness benefaction love pardon reprieve caritas compassionateness responsiveness good will sympathy pity understanding grace humanity commiseration feeling tolerance kindheartedness warmheartedness softheartedness ruth heart bigheartedness largeheartedness solicitousness good-heartedness forgiveness concern thoughtfulness care humaneness sensitivity friendliness mildness gentleness consideration benignancy soft-heartedness warmth tender-heartedness philanthropy humanitarianism liberality sorrow magnanimity condolence goodwill lifesaver relief rue respect considerateness emotion fellow feeling empathy comfort solace compunction courtesy mindfulness heedfulness solicitude awareness discretion tact attentiveness unselfishness selflessness esteem estimation benignity altruism tenderheartedness graciousness charitableness amiability comity charitability kind-heartedness warm-heartedness affection cordiality decency big-heartedness neighbourliness patience neighborliness softness brotherly love regard amity helpfulness nobility largesse caring hospitality friendship sweetness aroha generousness munificence bounteousness fellowship bounty consolation good-fellowship virtue motherliness fatherliness support nobleness geniality inner beauty openheartedness brotherhood bountifulness magnanimousness courteousness public-spiritedness brotherliness sisterliness politeness philanthropism cordialness thought open-handedness niceness reverence lavishness free-handedness delicacy almsgiving appreciation encouragement soul condolences feelings caringness receptiveness affinity receptivity rapport reassurance lovingness charm pleasantness faith congeniality obligingness principle affectionateness devotion gemütlichkeit openhandedness largess liberalness respects social conscience self-sacrifice fellow-feeling good intention character gift unity affability constitution agape conviviality hospitableness due regard fondness welcomingness heed concernment attention tender loving care manners cheerfulness tender feelings sincerity spirit glow empressement etiquette honour loftiness honor honourableness succor succour good-naturedness concern for others heart of hearts shyness quietness civility good manners decorum dignity demureness serenity stillness modesty peacefulness humility repose tranquillity tranquility placidness peaceableness high-mindedness deference propriety veneration all heart cheer optimism assuagement easement gladdening condolement inspiration mansuetude docility good nature meekness refinement courtliness sensitiveness perceptiveness pliancy placidity pliability calmness fragility perceptivity consciousness sensibility soft skills finer feelings awareness of the feelings of others


The state or condition of being useful
utility usefulness benefit use value advantage effectiveness service practicality profit efficacy avail help helpfulness convenience mileage worth productiveness possibility serviceability advantageousness viability expediency functionality workability account appropriateness feasibility efficiency serviceableness practicability fitness profitability handiness favour note point function relevance adequacy applicability niftiness good gain edge betterment quality gratification perks aid assistance improvement purpose boon vantage virtue significancy interest estimation caliber substance calibre significance satisfaction goodness grade stature welfare object ease grounds importance excuse justification start call asset enjoyment effect comfort well-being merit desirability suitability power strength sense potency expedience influence success advisability aptness prudence judiciousness efficaciousness wisdom advisableness capacity desirableness impact consequence fruitfulness mark efficacity performance capability distinction effectualness successfulness strong point effectuality potence constructiveness weight reason usability soundness propriety appropriacy sensibleness import magnitude behoof reward sensibility aim upside superiority preferableness ability moment validity excellence meritoriousness competence valuation credit talent force capableness sufficiency effectivity neatness advantages benefits reasonableness boot usage profitableness versatility ease of use preferability valuableness worthwhileness forcefulness logic pragmatism validness clout motive recommendability seemliness rightness worthiness upshot meaning appeal allure gainfulness greatness class meaningfulness eminence attractiveness endowment gift percentage utilitarianism good judgment perfection opportunism timeliness properness propitiousness meetness concern standing weightiness goal grace attribute forte plus rank matter objective role result outcome excellency prominence momentousness signification raison d'être long suit good point plus point redeeming feature strong suit cardinal virtue good quality business duty work place task position job part honour esteem urgency gravity seriousness honor repute mission noteworthiness responsibility return assignment implication bearing target bang for the buck


A beneficial thing for which one is grateful
blessing benefit boon help advantage godsend windfall gain gift profit favour bonus bounty convenience service asset benediction extra felicity good good thing kindness luck manna virtue added attraction additional benefit benison perk plus plus point break miracle added extra good fortune stroke of luck good luck piece of luck lucky break lucky thing piece of good fortune manna from heaven value aid reward merit privilege advantageousness assistance leverage protection preference interest prosperity avail welfare prize well-being upside gratification fringe benefit usefulness strong point expediency helpfulness good point perquisite leeway leg-up amenity eminence influence support pre-eminence improvement sake weal ace in the hole edge relief mercy reason strengthening health nutritious success nutritional happiness fortune gratuity premium indulgence strength mileage behalf nourishing satisfaction health-giving commonwealth cream worth use egg in one's beer gravy robustness fitness wholeness prosperousness wellness soundness healthiness wholesomeness successfulness trump odds trump card supremacy winner superiority mastery prevalence power lead dominance upper hand precedence hold prestige authority position decider ascendancy betterment vantage start attraction grace beatitude profitability utility expedience advisability desirability return beauty foredeal blessedness bliss saintliness beatification exaltation ace up your sleeve holy joy bonanza treasure resource pro jackpot luxury fluke selling point dividend solution pennies from heaven refuge run of luck feather in cap saving grace lucky strike good break delicacy lifesaver facility honour honor donation grant benefaction present largess compliment availment icing on the cake pull lure draw fate strike coup triumph added advantage attractive feature appeal achievement feat masterstroke one in a million excellent excellence importance feature inspiration attainment accomplishment recommendation result discovery acquisition guide favorable aspect favourable aspect good feature deal find gift from on high loaves and fishes boom venture buy acquirement appealing aspect thing in its favour hand facilitation accessory wealth greater good addition steal payout handout win bargain purchase crutch investment accretion possession procuration holding lucky find unexpected gain joyfulness goodness pleasure melioration solace anodyne enjoyment delight consolation comfort ease joy growth pot of gold at the end of the rainbow resort pointer money from heaven recourse assist abetment encouragement backup stroke of good luck pick-me-up gift from the gods piece of good luck good buy good deal winning streak treasure trove cash cow gold mine crock of gold pot of gold luck of the Irish luck of the draw mere luck


Something that promotes action or activity, especially in an official capacity
encouragement support advocacy endorsement backing furtherance promotion advance furthering advancing boost championing cultivation supporting campaigning championship endorsing espousal fostering promoting sanctioning sponsoring advancement assistance espousing favoring favour help promulgation stimulation activism boosting favouring forwarding fueling fuelling nurture propagation recommending reinforcement sponsorship strengthening affirmation boosterism upholding calling for arguing for pressing for pushing for advising in favor aid approval abetment hand recommendation assist permission blessing acceptance succor agreement lift OK succour consent patronage sanction leg up development defence relief defense facilitation helping hand go-ahead authorization shot in the arm approbation licence ratification license service nod okay abetting seal of approval green light inspiration benefit authorisation cooperation thumbs up welcome reassurance comfort benefaction auspices authority elevation leave pick-me-up dispensation easement backup assent acquiescence clearance spur stimulus imprimatur fillip confirmation urging aegis warrant rubber stamp care permit say-so validation financing nurturance advantage solidarity abettance nurturing push commendation betterment auspice guardianship protection moral support O.K. fiat grant subsidy countenance a helping hand a leg up buy-in abettal liberty allowance adoption yes love embracing seconding devotion to satisfaction patronization accreditation recognition accompaniment preferment progress taking up proposal sufferance concurrence granting preference exaltation ennoblement approving justification cheering up invigoration lifting consolation heartening enlivening secondment adherence spokesmanship prelation taking to siding with wholehearted reception preferring enthusiastic reception stamp of approval stamp looking after guidance understanding mentoring impetus argument for word philanthropy funding maintenance support for giving deliverance salvation alleviation advice rescue attention pleading for campaigning for kick secours tonic advising in favour spurring on guaranty egis vouching for raising buzz contribution to aiding and abetting investment aiding helping facilitating assisting profit pushing acceleration succouring improvement hastening gee-up welfare expediting envigoration upliftment enhancement augmentation succoring pursuit guide collaboration prosecution contribution sustenance services utility accessory asset resource speeding up carrying-out ministrations intervention good certification offices compensation a kindness a hand windfall resort pointer recourse boon refuge crutch influence solution godsend side authentication testimonial behalf concern sake uplift representation place part cause stead account signature bolster a lift a favour a good turn a break the nod


A special right or advantage, granted or available only to a particular person or group
privilege advantage benefit concession right bonus entitlement liberty freedom grant perk prerogative sanction apanage appanage asset authorisation authorization boon claim due favour licence license allowance authority birthright charter franchise indulgence luxury opportunity perquisite plus utility chance expedience freelage profit reward fringe benefit warrant permit honor honour power permission consent title interest leave dispensation business indemnity exemption droit immunity call independence merit priority justification pretence pretense pretension dibs carte blanche approval clearance mandate green light assent agreement go-ahead sufferance granting discretion rights blessing empowerment concurrence approbation seal of approval free will okay say-so accreditation choice endorsement acquiescence imprimatur commission recompense compensation deserts payment OK nod thumbs up rubber stamp aspiration guerdon profession purporting warranty acceptance award option need patent meed will repayment alternative support merits credentials inheritance patrimony possibility self-determination copyright admission liberty to choose demand freedom of choice right to choose course of action heritage power to choose legacy admittance bequest just deserts first dibs delegation ability volition access endowment suffrage the right protection selection election way share impunity druthers pick order nihil obstat certificate latitude decree say so verification preference free rein faculty dealership prize cue dividend garland desert goodies rate honorarium perks crown bounty appreciation gain accolade grease plum gravy carrot deserving dues covenant assertion allotment assumption prem feather in cap autonomy strength flexibility facility signature reason grounds occasion a blank cheque subpoena summons ratification countenance deputation use of vote backing primogeniture writ security excuse necessity cause acknowledgment validation confirmation condonance tolerance avowal proxy brevet agency benefit of sanctification pass acknowledgement run endorsation toleration passage condonation seal command enfranchisement fiat edict papers pledge official document all clear performing right legal protection limitation control pretext green-light stamp of approval free hand usage of permission to use opportunity to use guarantee testimonial passport written order credential word authentication blank cheque no objection O.K. power of attorney ballot right to use asylum release amnesty resistance civil right civil liberty a voice voting rights human right one's say contract right to vote estate registered trademark requisition exoneration resilience immunization inoculation invulnerability liberation legal exemption imperviousness immunisation insusceptibility special treatment petition request ultimatum application lot tradition bequeathal devise portion hereditament free pass importunity get out of jail free card dowry heritance heirship return lien suit requirement dun satisfaction entreaty plea reclamation rightful treatment fair treatment


A percentage of an amount of money taken by a third-party as a bribe, as part of an unlawful enterprise, or as a commission from the pot of a casino game


The action of distributing or supplying something
dispensation distribution allotment apportionment disbursement supplying allocation division bestowal conferment issue issuing providing provision supply admeasurement appointment consignment endowment issuance assignment dealing out giving out passing out passing round award courtesy dividing out dole doling out favour handing out indulgence kindness parcelling out part portion quota service share sharing out dishing out administration meting out measuring out dividing up divvying up rationing out assigning granting rationing sharing grant giving circulation apportioning dispersion awarding budgeting partition circulating setting aside dispensing dissemination designation administering delivery earmarking dealing spreading propagation appropriation alloting carving up slicing up sending out ration delivering discharge splitting disbursing splitting up processing assignation release diffusion dispersal partitioning conveyance furnishing dispatch presentation accouterment accoutrement purveying serving accommodation catering prorating dissipating disposing transport transportation laying on handing round handing over delegation charge commission relegation commissioning nomination deputation consigning deputization investiture share-out dividing ascription carve-up attribution detail secondment transfer determination accrediting stipulation specification supplies issuings relocation dispensations releases deliveries allotments committal devolution issues apportionings apportionments attachment entrusting transference partitionings rationings entrustment deputizing deputising ordination passing on submitting submittal referring installation transferal reference giving over sending away trust conveying transferring


The chances or likelihood of something happening or being the case
odds chances likelihood probability balance feasibility percentage plausibility chance conceivability likeliness possibility favour prospect toss-up expectation promise hope danger hazard fear anticipation liability risk opportunity outlook contingency expectance expectancy threat presumption potential potentiality shot outside chance eventuality scope reasonableness practicability peril capacity event fighting chance prayer fifty-fifty capability fortuity case contingence contingent occurrence what it takes indication bet credibility ability emergency uncertainty snowball's chance power facility wherewithal chance event fluke foreboding portent foreshadowing lookout dream imminence menace omen presage forecast calculation opening fix impendence impendency writing on the wall achievability in the cards irons in the fire workableness attainableness attainability play stab instance circumstance occasion tendency trend direction strong possibility good chance even break shot at long shot fair shake coin flip probabilities possibilities prospects plausibilities risks dangers threats percentages potentials eventualities toss-ups anticipations opportunities outside chances events presumptions contingents shots menaces exposure expectances outlooks cases expectancies practicabilities fifty-fifties fighting chances scopes tendencies vulnerability instability riskiness insecurities precariousness perilousness prayers bets flukes concern worry facilities off chances omens foreshadowings forebodings fixes presages portents lookouts forecasts dreams openings occurrences emergencies propensity openness vulnerableness proneness predispositions susceptibilities accident ventures difficulty trouble imperilment double-troubles jeopardy pitfalls distress endangerment gambles future speculation exposedness unpredictability leaps in the dark hopes indications path prognosis projection trajectory prediction track advents happenstance happenchances chances of success likely improvement helpfulness usefulness utility viability sensibleness practicality workability constructiveness feasibleness doabilities use suitability expedience expediency value trends fair shakes long shots even breaks coin flips


To have a preference for
prefer choose pick select adopt desire elect fancy favour like incline towards go for opt for lean towards like better be partial to go in for have a preference for lean toward cotton to plump for have a bias towards show favouritism towards have as a favourite side with single out hold in higher regard think more highly of treat with partiality decide on settle on pick out handpick nominate take settle upon hand-pick embrace name want love wish for designate care for fix on cherry-pick vote for decide crave feel disposed to incline toward appoint tag be inclined toward wish feel like espouse specify accept determine take up finger yearn for take to take a liking to please see fit enjoy will rather adore find attractive relish fix upon elect to choose decide upon identify covet opt be attracted to optate long for mark lust after endorse have a thing about set peg indicate pine for hanker after hunger for be crazy about have eyes for would sooner thirst for pin down make a choice itch for be turned on to approve of would rather point out sift out want to would like make a choice to aspire demand yearn stipulate cull predestine cap discriminate between set aside make choice call for come down in favour of make up one's mind make a selection end up assign resolve on pitch on make the choice of plump on commit oneself to agree on see fit to make the decision to desiderate depute constitute flag dig savor savour be more partial to commission label delegate place earmark would rather have think preferable would sooner have sanction induct ordain dream of deputise charge co-opt deputize put down for button down make burn for need could do with rejoice in revel in be desirous of have a craving for set one's heart on get off on sigh for be enamored of delight in have a yen for be mad for be wild for fall for have a yearning for be infatuated with be taken with require feel inclined toward aspire to be wild about lech over be soft on lech after be captivated by be mad about welcome spoil for take a shine to have an urge for suggest die for ache for lust for be in love with have the hots for have a crush on have a pash on have taken a shine to carry a torch for have an eye for have a soft spot for admire countenance approbate approve follow be fond of tap cite be drawn to gravitate towards hold with flag up pick and choose sort out mark out establish resolve fix conclude settle distinguish arrange recognize return decree figure separate sift allot make a decision come to a decision spot recognise agree pinpoint vote in prescribe arrive at cream off put in power tick confirm vote tab make up your mind on mark off plump ascertain know locate differentiate diagnose discriminate judge make your mind up come to a conclusion employ figure out classify install make out determinate diagnosticate ID extract isolate set apart detail finalize define screen schedule sort vote into office impose instal dictate work out authorize denote authorise rule finalise put one's finger on lay down make a decision on make a choice on skim off cinch pull out check off cast one's vote for come to a decision about come to an agreement narrow down recruit advance come to limit coopt short-list help yourself prearrange estimate extricate signalize characterize demarcate collate divide singularize analyze individuate qualify part categorize move for design include allocate solve work eliminate settle for put in receive admit ballot cast forechoose clinch choose by ballot instruct nail close complete tell apart tell from set off tell between make a selection on achieve seal declare announce fix up set a date for elect for highlight determine on weed out assign the part to give the part to weigh brand nail down call the shots go down the line agree upon exercise choice docket propose slot describe order analyse categorise individualise signalise characterise individualize note give the nod ponder deliberate on take a stand on come to an agreement on reach a decision on come to a decision on consider come to a conclusion on discern discover command peach validate deduce divine verify intuit substantiate signpost point to sign up take on pick on pluck out recommend direct enjoin cross pronounce set down formulate give a sign to get a fix on put the finger on put a name to detect make certain of find out ferret out know by sight find winnow filter arbitrate adjudicate adjudge promulgate suss out make certain particularise write prescription make provision for guide write a prescription for particularize check stroke dot sign line hypothecate agree to rule on comb sieve aim tick off reach plan purpose guess surmise conjecture mediate poll award settle on a plan of action arrive at conclusion have in mind come to decision come to agreement reach a conclusion have the intention reach a decision reach decision commit oneself form opinion have final word draw a conclusion make up your mind end with come to conclusion cast the die go down line take a stand call shots


To advocate or show support or approval of
accept countenance sanction approve back endorse espouse esteem support value advocate promote push appreciate approbate champion commend honor honour plug praise recommend adopt advise encourage eulogise eulogize okay urge welcome approve of OK care for root for subscribe to buck for stand up for take to vouch for argue for press for be in favor of flash on look on with favor receive favorably receive gladly campaign for lobby for look up to regard highly think well of tilt toward take a liking to take a shine to thumbs up be on one's side give the nod to rubber-stamp favour side with uphold advance defend be on the side of further go along with second suggest abet propose stick up for prescribe ally oneself with indorse stand behind allow embrace back up stand by plump for plunk for prefer go to bat for get behind consent to throw your weight behind tout permit boost speak for aid and abet be in favour of counsel take up the cudgels for vote for patronize exhort extol patronise be supportive of ally with side associate oneself with be loyal to grant bless confirm stump for push for acquiesce go for stick by take the side of come to the defence of pull for fall in with put forward advocate for smile on condone be all for give support to go on record for throw in with give the green light to rally round agree to have indulge beat the drum for like enjoin sustain take the part of bid applaud sponsor nominate sympathize with affirm offer consent authorize accede take someone's part ratify go with agree with hold with give a leg up give a lift give one's blessing to put John Hancock on give permission to give the nod humour speak in favor of give backing to give the go-ahead to sign off on admit look on with favour authorise think highly of take to heart give stamp of approval take kindly to humor speak favorably of grant permission to give the go-ahead throw in one's lot with accede to come down in favor of fancy come down on the side of vote insist on favorite favourite speak in favour of nail your colors to the mast give a boost to maintain forward aid help assist backstop receive wholeheartedly receive enthusiastically get into take up go in for take on admonish ally grubstake angel give a boost abide by prop up give approval to be with give moral support to announce one's support for give moral support formally support let justify admire prompt move cope with hear of stand for be subject to allow to green-light permit to bear the brunt of engage in opine adjure charge command recognize receive take recognise gain accommodate entertain acknowledge bolster vindicate assent agree benefit hold in regard respect express approval of hold in esteem be big on be pleased with call for plead for offer recommendation give help to run interference for brace up campaign on behalf of spread around build up say so provide let someone have take one's side proffer pose table proposition spoil undersign believe in be in agreement with yes ditto signature cosign come round subscribe obey pass be in corner hold a brief for ride shotgun get on bandwagon tip privilege submit mention present exalt invite accord validate greenlight show partiality towards put in a good word for offer a suggestion put up big up look with favour on hold up give a tip speak highly of speak well of speak favourably of big something up put in a good word tip off front for warrant homologate formalize accredit finalize clear licence license finalise give permission concede empower shake on buy say yes give consent to charter enable give someone leave let pass give the green light say yes to sign assent to give the thumbs up concur with sanctify formalise oblige treat with partiality give pull strings for agitate for work for smile upon lend support to give the go ahead to give the okay to admit of give green light give the thumbs up to nod at


To work to the advantage of
benefit help advance aid assist abet favour succor succour accommodate oblige promote facilitate serve be advantageous to be of service to be to the advantage of meet the needs of do a kindness to lend a hand to do someone a favour further encourage back forward support foster champion contribute to boost nurture endorse uphold expedite cultivate incubate nourish prop up give backing to develop profit hasten sustain nurse strengthen accelerate patronize sanction sponsor subsidize patronise speed up backstop subsidise lend a hand pave the way for give a push to back up bail out give a boost to avail stimulate advantage espouse push advocate foment bankroll progress second finance advise side with invest in speed work for relieve spur on stand by step up contribute lend support to go with open doors give a donation to give money to take care of be beneficial to be of advantage to produce pursue court establish enrich fund feed hurry teach proselytize hurry along bolster proselytise instruct speak for be conducive to conduce to make for favorise smooth the path of assist the progress of clear the way for give a lift to smooth the way for benefact mitigate minister alleviate mentor indorse cooperate further the interests of launch reenforce reinforce give deliver buttress endow give assistance to give support to give a leg up to go to bat for straighten out open doors for stick up for come to the aid of improve better pay enhance protect ameliorate build welcome guide be advantageous be worthwhile to be worthwhile be of benefit to be profitable to make friends with do good to suit be good for befit look after befriend be of assistance to drive please pay off for be useful to be of use to power be helpful to gratify bless be of help to satisfy urge incite condone prompt get in with lend a helping hand to cotton to hit it off get chummy with take under one's wing come on to keep an eye on make a friend of case out take up with buddy up cooperate with collude with spur connive with collaborate with work with countenance connive goad prod go along with be in collusion with participate in connive at set on put up to be hand in glove with egg on propel fast-track plug help along extend ballyhoo broaden generate engender propagate expand spread oil the wheels of give a boost give a lift give a leg up motivate propagandize fuel raise rear propagandise breed attend wait on present preach suggest proclaim gestate propound peddle inspire grow tend keep arouse invigorate envigorate fortify perk up increase approve give a shot in the arm to instigate drum up be of advantage be of value to do someone good recommend ease mother add value augment supplement add to sweeten precipitate push for give someone a flying start kick-start give assistance lend a helping hand help in get behind campaign for aid in attend to safeguard stump hype make easy thump puff jack up hike up run interference for get stuck in with get someone out of a tight spot muck in with make a pitch for go down the line for stand up for open the door for ride shotgun grease the wheels help out do someone a service pitch in with clear a path for put on the map do for be a tower of strength to give a hand root for bail someone out be a factor in sit cradle father nursemaid care for minister to bring up administer to watch over see to baby-sit keep alive take charge of watch out for keep tabs on


To endow with a quality, ability, or asset
endow bless gift award bequeath bestow grace grant confer endue furnish indue invest present provide favour give accord donate vouchsafe supply contribute confer on leave entrust offer lavish on fill dower pledge will afford give to provide for bestow to turn over make over hand over enable empower hand equip arm begift purvey enhance bestow on yield to cede to concede yield favour with permit commit volunteer lavish accord to apportion award to allot impart present to devote afford to impart to bequeath to commit to allot to distribute to come through honor with donate to kick in consign to assign to entrust to give away hand out render to invest in honour with put out vest in heap on apportion to deliver proffer transfer assign transmit consign render pass extend vest dispense put up pass on cede lend give out lay on present with come up with chip in convey endow with tender advance relinquish trust allow fork out shell out stump up hand on hand down pony up devolve gift with furnish with provision sign over delegate pay serve surrender cough up pitch in dish out make available provide with produce issue give over feed bear intrust ante up share throw in allocate part with give up let someone have grant to dole out distribute bequest accredit commend designate cater bring subscribe subsidize sacrifice recommend repose get rid of subsidise accommodate inject give a donation of make a donation of fix up sweeten the pot sweeten the kitty stake lay confide relegate invest with supply with decorate with put in someone's hands allocate to hand out to avail put forth put at someone's disposal treat show make something over to someone loan venture do arrange fund sponsor credit reward shower abdicate decree spare accede replenish put forward bless with contribute to organize charge acquiesce crown let oneself in for bring forward kit out add submit place lodge sub pay in advance supply on credit pay out deliver up give out to extend to giving honor vouchsafe to authorize commission appoint nominate name install as devise demise entrust with accommodate someone with entitle sanction qualify licence license impart with trot out place at disposal legate warrant certify prepare put in the hands of settle pertain belong create depute authorise charter organise leave to endow in line up let lend-lease oblige shark offload dump leave in one's will leave to by will do your part get it up make a contribution of feed the kitty pass the hat make a gift of give of get in the act put oneself down for alienate foist attribute decentralise decentralize ascribe loan shark give and take leave with provide use of be generous with allow use of give authority pass to let go of hand to pass down fob off be handed down palm off lay on one impute connect apply associate reattribute put earmark slip attach place on put on lay out


(dialectal, Southern US) To resemble or look like, especially a parent or relative
resemble follow match simulate echo mirror feature take after be similar to look like remind one of appear like be the image of be the picture of have the look of bear resemblance to bear semblance to be like be the spit of look a lot like put one in mind of smack of be a dead ringer for bear a resemblance to be not unlike be the spitting image of come near correspond to have a look of be the very picture of favour make one think of have all the hallmarks of have the hallmarks of look similar to have the appearance of duplicate parallel approximate relate mimic double coincide approximate to come close to have signs of sound like seem like remind you of put you in mind of have earmarks of bring to mind pass for be not dissimilar to recall suggest ditto rival evoke call up be a chip off the old block conjure up cause one to remember imitate parrot reflect repeat copy reproduce ape remind of emulate quote impersonate style oneself on model yourself on reiterate be consistent with adopt the style of model after pattern after take as an example take as a model take as a pattern coincide with take a leaf out of someone's book make like follow in the footsteps of follow the example of pattern yourself after second reecho redouble summon up take imply put someone in mind of draw inspiration smack be reminiscent of hint at borrow be influenced be inspired be sparked be driven be guided be affected be impressed be impacted be motivated be dictated replicate clone restate recapitulate have on the appearance of take on the appearance of recite parody reaffirm recap reprise rehearse do an impression of iterate ingeminate regurgitate say again re-echo trot out ring react do like rebound vibrate rubber-stamp go like respond parallelize recreate complement tally with correlate with correlate to compare with equate with be comparable to be alike be commensurate with keep pace with keep pace be analogous to be in harmony with coordinate with chime with chime in with equate to conform to measure up to


(delight in) To take great pleasure in
delight adore fancy luxuriate relish revel enjoy favour love appreciate exult savor savour wallow indulge joy jubilate rejoice adulate cherish choose dig embrace exuberate glory revere treasure value venerate kvell triumph be partial to bask in crow about enjoy greatly go for really enjoy thoroughly enjoy care for drink in find enjoyable get off on have a thing about like to indulge in really like take great delight take great pleasure take pleasure in take to be passionate about derive great pleasure from find appealing find great pleasure find joy in find pleasure in get a bang out of get pleasure from have a fondness for have a great liking for have a liking for have regard for like very much revel in take a fancy to very much like be taken with find agreeable find satisfaction in get a buzz from get a buzz out of get a charge out of get a kick out of get a thrill from get a thrill out of go in for have an affection for have a penchant for have a predilection for have a preference for have a proclivity for have a taste for have a thing for immerse yourself in take an interest in take satisfaction in derive satisfaction from feel satisfaction with get a charge from of hanker for have a passion for have a soft spot for have a weakness for lap up partake of rate highly regard highly take a thrill to amuse oneself with be wild about be wild for take joy in drool over have fun with enjoy to the full take great pleasure in like be fond of be keen on cotton to be crazy about be mad about delight in get high on rejoice in be sweet on hold dear glory in nuts about be gratified by wallow in mad about exult in prize derive pleasure from be entertained by groove on be pleased by take delight in get a buzz from of find irresistible take great delight in go a bundle on get a kick from of think much of think the world of take a shine to have a high regard for think well of be smitten with hold in esteem be hooked on lean toward admire be nuts about be attached to esteem be attracted to be into approve of be mad for be gone on respect find attractive rate be serious about feel affection toward be stuck on have fun feast on stuck on live a little live it up be amused by luxuriate in have a ball amuse oneself have a good time be content have affection for indulge in eat up be entertained dote on be pleased with be pleased be enamoured of be mad on prefer be potty about be shook on be nutso about be nutso over be biased toward be nutty about be besotted with be infatuated with be devoted to feel affection for be in love with be enchanted by be addicted to put on pedestal be enamored of be fascinated with long for be captivated by worship be bowled over by be find attractive be find irresistible be bewitched by attract be love-struck by be consumed with desire for be enthralled by have it bad for be entranced by cannot resist be very fond of be very partial to be very keen on dote doting feel deep affection for hold very dear overindulge feel affection have a pash on care very much for carry a torch for leaning bewitched by thrive with entranced by carrying a torch for potty about fall head over heels in love with consumed with desire for crazy about twitterpated by besotted with doting on wild for bowled over by be swept off one's feet by enamoured of wild about passionate about smitten with give one's heart to develop a crush on become smitten with gone on love-struck by with a passion for become infatuated with infatuated with captivated by have it bad enthralled by devoted to lose one's heart to fall for enamored of wuv luv


To enhance the value of something, or to make more efficient
improve enhance embellish enrich aggrandize amplify boost lift ameliorate better uplift vitalize advantage aid endow favour inspirit envigorate invigorate optimise optimize promote stimulate titivate upgrade appreciate augment benefit brighten cultivate meliorate up add value to build up contribute to make better boost up brush up do up drive forward beef up build on add to step up bump up give a boost to spruce up encourage the growth of fine-tune polish up smarten up give a facelift to perk up give a lift to refine perfect help advance raise hone elevate amend increase correct polish rectify touch up further progress develop heighten work on adjust build supplement assist practice practise emend revamp reform update sharpen straighten out improve on foster smooth complement strengthen remediate suit reinforce sweeten add value forward give a boost revise rise remedy purify edit recuperate uprate support contribute burnish set right take off turn the corner make strides pick up make perfect modify shape up turn around polish up on facilitate work up ease explain slick sleek civilize civilise round mend excel fix up change for the better transcend harmonize with integrate with make easier go with smarten sharpen up make clear deepen set off intensify parlay exalt fix mitigate redress fortify be the perfect addition to be the perfect companion to spike pad pyramid assuage serve profit reenforce make richer soup up jazz up run up succor succour work for relieve jack up hike up hop up flesh out be good for befit do good to drive be beneficial to encourage be helpful to gratify bless be to the advantage of please be advantageous to pay off for satisfy be of service to be of assistance to be of use to power be of help to be of advantage to be useful to back nurture champion nourish incubate abet sponsor endorse nurse give backing to advocate expedite espouse accelerate prop up sustain proselytize speed up pave the way for bail out proselytise urge bankroll finance spread invest in subsidize hasten sanction push cooperate attend uphold patronize backstop plug patronise subsidise give a donation to give money to propagandize wait on further the interests of help along speed back up open doors lend support to lend a hand be conducive to lend a hand to take care of speak for propagandise oil the wheels of present preach suggest proclaim foment propound peddle pay grow fuel tend feed hurry be of benefit to do someone good hurry along be of value to keep be of advantage propel fast-track give a push to extend ballyhoo broaden generate engender spur on propagate expand rear protect mother recommend breed mentor indorse launch give deliver buttress advise safeguard push for sit cradle father baby-sit keep alive take charge of care for see to administer to keep an eye on watch over nursemaid minister to watch out for bring up keep tabs on help in get behind campaign for aid in fund bolster oblige accommodate precipitate work with second give assistance to cooperate with attend to collaborate with stump hype make easy thump puff do someone a favour do someone a service pitch in with bail someone out muck in with open the door for ride shotgun help out clear a path for do for open doors for root for be a factor in smooth the way for run interference for smooth the path of give a leg up get stuck in with assist the progress of lend a helping hand to give a lift get someone out of a tight spot make a pitch for go down the line for stand up for grease the wheels give a leg up to put on the map go to bat for be a tower of strength to give a hand


To enthusiastically applaud or approve of
applaud praise acclaim laud salute celebrate commend extol cheer hail admire accredit approve clap compliment encourage favour tout welcome eulogise eulogize magnify approve of boost congratulate glorify kudize plug rave recommend root support big up crack up express admiration for express approval of pay tribute to express respect for give ovation look on with favour pay homage to sing the praises of speak highly of give a hand give it up for hear it for show appreciation give a big hand give a standing ovation put your hands together give a round of applause honour honor exalt panegyrize emblazon lionize appreciate toast cry up ballyhoo aggrandize lionise revere rave about make much of hymn heap praise on commemorate venerate recognize hand it to worship recognise wax lyrical about take one's hat off to throw bouquets at flatter pat on the back reverence bless respect dignify esteem distinguish praise to the skies big something up adore proclaim idolize value stroke ennoble resound fete go into raptures about idolise puff up speak well of build up extoll carol sing credit acknowledge say nice things about sing paeans to give recognition to show appreciation of put on a pedestal vaunt look up to endorse rhapsodize over prize go into raptures over immortalize erect uprear sublime give a posy enthuse about crack someone up immortalise pay respects to promote adulate rhapsodize about push hero-worship hallow sanctify memorialize sanction decorate felicitate rave over praise enthusiastically observe sing praises apotheosize wax lyrical give a bouquet gush about enthuse over gush over signalize give accolades to give credit to gold star signalise memorialise go on about express delight over go wild about be mad about sound the praises of hats off to eat up show gratitude to be grateful for hold in high regard hold in high esteem pat on back lap up give glad hand think highly of give bouquet give key to city roll out red carpet herald countenance mention build rhapsodize hurrah hurray give approval blow horn give kudos affirm uphold rhapsodise mob show appreciation for advocate publicize solemnize notice celebritize give credit for bestow honour on pay respects deify root for cite solemnise publicise cherish reward sing praises of take off hat to make famous halo lift intensify transfigure give someone a pat on the back make a fuss of show respect make a fuss over hold in awe roll out the red carpet bring the house down set on pedestal set on a pedestal exaggerate regard consider enhance elevate rate highly be thankful for attach importance to have appreciation for give it up strike gently augment express admiration of flag applaud someone to the echo glamorize increase like drink in usher in drink to drink a toast to clap one's hands canonize romanticize idealize wish one well wish happy returns give regards give a big cigar wish joy to rejoice with brag boast overstate adorn add dignity to express approval for enshrine glamourize hold in respect raise glamour up lift up advance overvalue add distinction to heroize embrace hike romanticise glamorise idealise canonise add lustre to think well of belaud put up love hold in regard be in favour of take kindly to hold in esteem be pleased with regard highly be big on brag about give a boost to givea bouquet


To encourage or incite the development or occurrence of
spur encourage goad urge drive prod prompt incite motivate press inspire stimulate rouse push move impel propel induce exhort stir instigate prick goose galvanise galvanize animate provoke rally arouse sting dig trigger spark sic countenance awaken favour egg on spur on put up to fire up key up turn on work up give the incentive to root on act as a incentive to act as a stimulus to light a fire under excite stir up cause influence promote activate inflame compel foment force persuade generate whip up actuate inspirit invigorate occasion pique precipitate engender energize make envigorate quicken kindle coerce initiate bring about pressure nudge produce energise foster set off fire bring agitate spark off whet pressurize create effect enkindle elicit effectuate sway bring on lead incentivize pressurise give rise to set in motion enliven put in motion evoke beget affect incentivise result in hound vitalize be the cause of dragoon lead to call forth advance start catalyze bring to pass further catalyse impassion rev up trigger off touch off incline electrify oblige get going help impress pep up nag contribute to breed harass prevail on raise liven up badger admonish whip strengthen adjure support constrain refresh charge cultivate wake fan culminate in work abet instil tempt titillate kickoff instill invoke make happen be at the bottom of implore advise bring out ginger up strong-arm juice up jazz up set on amp up beseech lean on insist on use pressure on entreat put pressure on contribute thrill railroad end in exhilarate revitalize coax pester boost fortify intensify harry enjoin fuel launch insist needle vivify solicit spawn steel uplift waken embolden fillip be instrumental in mobilize draw procure yield necessitate brace introduce increase enthuse pump up spike mobilise direct conduce amount to forward revitalise try to persuade conduce to send translate into appeal to gee up railroad into jump-start set going buoy up perk up add up to call on bulldoze into zip up fire the imagination of put the heat on put the screws on get beg challenge be conducive to bully aid give incentive egg touch involve push forward assist kick-start browbeat hustle dynamize add to dispose expedite begin back buoy revive convince brew establish hatch ferment advocate commove pick empower have a hand in sanction command champion incentify play a part in require demand achieve put a bomb under entail speed up nurture uphold have a part in set drive on caution exact realise realize sustain play a role in innervate strike actualize contrive bear finish in dictate predispose press-gang originate get someone going taunt psych spell impose organise organize prevail upon spirit up push for draw out make possible cause to occur bring forth cause to happen bring off buck up bounce get to draw forth back up fire the enthusiasm of wake up bring into being fire with enthusiasm cheer on drum up call into being talk into call upon give a boost to win over have summon up catapult be a source of intrigue make for root remind chivvy reduce hook roust lash grab bring around wind up shock jolt startle motive elate institute render feed cajole plead deposit condition determine open enact inaugurate jog act upon predetermine craze juice whomp up set in redound to terminate in exacerbate muster develop hearten impact convert inveigle result build up give a lift to appeal request agitate for work into lather put into action ride herd on fluster upset spook activize ruffle intoxicate nourish power accomplish be a factor in muster up get up do resuscitate maneuver ask manoeuvre steamroller bludgeon bulldoze impose on orient leave root for give set afoot give incentive to set astir engineer open the door for attain propose wheedle steer reactivate reanimate fan the fire be responsible for oil the wheels of carry off carry through have the effect of pull off put in place be partly responsible for prime stun astonish zap frighten rationalize rationalise conjure commend reinvigorate revivify reach capture stoke up charge up suggest to grow dispatch spring vivificate shake up liven innerve entice make wild cause to be cause to become start off bring up fast-talk heat up hint to draw on get things rolling cook up start the ball rolling boost up twist someone's arm psych up give someone a kick commandeer extort carry make compulsory force upon wrest exert expect crack down enforce second give a shot in the arm impact on have an effect on bring in have an impact on succour endorse bother emphasize condone backstop inspan underline cement bolster stress cooperate with collaborate with work with lend a hand collude with connive with side with intimidate recommend hassle obligate succor prop up connive go along with enhance deepen heighten accelerate steamroll rejuvenate be in collusion with give a push to participate in connive at be hand in glove with counsel head corroborate buttress improve maintain underpin reward speed push around put the screws to order bid pour it on dragoon into reinforce broaden defend substantiate enrich highlight emphasise instruct tell steamroller into bestir ordain sharpen sow the seeds of decree invite fan the flames of bolster up front risk sell one on claim set up exert influence on pioneer boss captain prescribe go to town on shore up rule quest cost browbeat into bear down on warn appoint use strong-arm tactics on be in the van quarterback be in the vanguard of lead the way in trail-blaze spearhead be in the forefront of lay the first stone go out in front be in the front line of blaze the trail lead the way helm run things guide be in the van of be the driving force behind get the jump on shepherd lead the way for steam up get one started put new life in get smoking burn up call for give a new lease of life to act as a impetus to build a fire under act as a fillip to act as a spur to plead with boss around clamor for stipulate for give the order to give the command to press for


To make a false show or pretense of
simulate pretend feign affect sham act counterfeit fake assume bluff dissemble imitate profess put on reproduce fabricate ape borrow cheat concoct copy create crib deceive disguise do equivocate exaggerate favour feature fence invent lie lift mirror misrepresent parrot pass for phoney phony pirate play playact pose prevaricate resemble steal suggest act like act out conjure up do like gloss over knock off mock up take off do a take-off give the appearance of make believe go through the motions of put on an act mimic impersonate echo dissimulate masquerade make like posture follow play-act match put it on falsify look like emulate put on a front put up a front be like take after make a pretence of correspond to make out kid remind one of front mock mime adopt play possum make-believe be similar to make a show of reflect smack of put on a false front bear a resemblance to parallel make as if come near be the very picture of forge bear resemblance to look a lot like purport parody devise repeat duplicate represent ditto let on embody copycat play at pretend to be go like make up pass oneself off as bring to mind do an impression of follow the example of be not unlike have a look of put one in mind of bear semblance to appear like spoof caricature contrive claim mislead malinger cloak veil whitewash mask fib conceal hide approximate show travesty portray camouflage take on depict personate epitomize personify misstate typify epitomise double hatch pose as put on airs four-flush monkey pass off as masquerade as model yourself on dress up cover up do a bit fake it send up shuck and jive pass off trump up profess to be make out like take as a model put up a smoke screen go through the motions take as an example take as a pattern have earmarks of come close to follow suit tell untruth act as if pattern yourself after tell a white lie be the spitting image of let on like be the spit of be a dead ringer for have signs of follow in the footsteps of be the image of take a leaf out of someone's book have the look of play the part be the picture of create out of thin air hoax allege pull strike imagine pretend to have posture as seem to be delude swing the lead aspire to profess to have mimeo defraud suppose put up a front of scheme orchestrate replicate clone dream up exhibit construct manufacture design lay it on thick stage assume the role of affect the role of coincide relate style oneself on fool display ham play to the gallery put on a pretense approximate to be consistent with coincide with adopt the style of model after pattern after develop mess assume the role sound like seem like have the hallmarks of be not dissimilar to have all the hallmarks of remind you of put you in mind of make one think of reiterate image fudge become be hypocritical claim falsely fake out be deceitful act as though satirize lay on burlesque symbolise signify exemplify glass symbolize correspond illustrate come to have double as turn into phony up lampoon suppress obscure give appearance of put on act make show of put on a false display have on the appearance of take on the appearance of minimize veneer varnish downplay rip off pattern oneself on sugarcoat airbrush secrete extenuate screen follow in someone's steps take as a role model model minimise guy incarnate attitudinize hoke satirise de-emphasize keep quiet about hush up keep a lid on draw a veil over sweep under the carpet keep dark keep secret be dishonest about soft-pedal sweep under the rug disguise as follow example make like a disguise yourself pass as purport to be assume the character of represent oneself as disguise oneself as assume character pass yourself off act a part fake being take the part of play a role mask as behave like take leaf out of book stonewall shroud doublespeak cover pussyfoot be dishonest double-talk hide one's feelings


To delight, or to give pleasure or satisfaction to
gratify delight please gladden satisfy thrill content feast gas glad pleasure rejoice suit warm make happy agree with arride baby coddle delectate enchant favour fulfil fulfill make content oblige pamper recompense requite give pleasure to give someone pleasure buck up make someone feel good tickle pink do one proud do the trick fill the bill get one's kicks give a buzz give someone a kick hit the spot make a hit warm the cockles of the heart amuse entertain divert tickle cheer charm regale cheer up indulge enrapture humor humour enliven beguile wow fascinate captivate disport solace grab slay excite knock dead exhilarate titillate elate occupy interest recreate fracture crack up hearten uplift bewitch distract enthral kill absorb enthrall panic appeal to brighten up convulse engross buoy up comfort make laugh bring joy to turn on make someone glad bowl over give a lift relax be a hit with go over big make roll in the aisles break one up do someone's heart good make someone pleased hold the attention of brighten revitalize honour honor revitalise appease placate soothe mollify put away pacify warm the cockles of someone's heart flatter involve engage silence still quieten preoccupy immerse suffice reconcile make merry ecstasize pique inspire stimulate inspirit entrance enamor overjoy allure send ravish attract groove grip rivet please greatly refresh nurture party knock 'em dead put 'em away get one's jollies be agreeable to make a hit with tickle to death be the ticket laugh it up give a party treat to have a get-together toss a party crack someone up make smile crease up make somebody's day

Contrario di greatly favor

Music ♫

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