の同義語 a clamp down


To strengthen or fasten (something) with battens
batten fasten fix secure bolt bind chain lock seal clamp clasp rivet tighten lash tether close tie fasten down make firm nail down batten down board up cover up fasten securely lock up make fast attach hitch moor screw pin stick anchor rope bond clip fetter pinion peg nail cement truss tie up join set link couple affix brace yoke connect strap glue unite add append weld annex fuse solder adhere subjoin tape cohere hook up annexe tack on tag on hitch on hook on slap on tack clap deadbolt latch restrain bridge shackle hook bar concatenate conjugate interlink catenate compound interconnect click wed span consociate tag interface ally leash manacle network with plug into tie in with tie in meld with join up with picket embed implant plant lodge catch settle establish imbed wedge infix hold jam freeze to bend prefix put together latch onto hitch up clinch splice berth knit pair place entwine unify install root deposit bed engrain knot dock entrench enroot instal bring together grip adjoin lasso buckle underjoin stay conjoin make port team hold together fasten together post band gird mount string assemble bracket juxtapose dovetail insert cinch knit together draw together yoke together paste mate hang sink thrust bury link up pin down peg down bind up hog-tie zero in match up land grasp squeeze make more secure screw up press clench fix firmly cable position come in disembark drop anchor situate consolidate emplace ingrain depose intrench put stabilize lay dispose locate solidify rigidify congeal stiffen station stabilise inculcate instil steady tie down instill set up graft stay put make permanent


To put an end to something, typically by the use of force
stifle suppress check repress crush end quash squash subdue curb quell overcome control extinguish squelch terminate abolish silence thwart stop conquer kill deaden torpedo put down crack down on put an end to get rid of nip in the bud put a stop to clamp down on wipe out stamp out snuff out put the lid on put the kibosh on slap down bring to screeching halt crack down shut down quench smother halt choke put out douse arrest block frustrate destroy clobber defeat beat inhibit restrain contain finish dowse annihilate impede hold back snuff curtail cut off hinder prevent blow out demolish eliminate bridle obstruct extirpate rout blanket scotch stymie close bring to a stop put paid to close up bring to an end choke off dampen down stem damp eradicate master suffocate vanquish restrict cripple plug clog slow lick bar barricade bring to a halt put a lid on overwhelm caulk beat out blockade dampen stall stopper close out bring to a standstill do for clog up block out weed out close off shut off stop up block up choke up put the stopper on block off plug up cut short blot out damp down censure overthrow scrunch trash squish exterminate expunge bank snow under extinguish fire remove staunch overpower queer subjugate banish dam seal tame best settle censor dumb jam fill up fill run down call a halt conclude wrap up discontinue complete wind up clam abate dull regulate throttle nix surmount negate vitiate preempt pack stay jam up intercept stuff hold off bung up stanch dispatch interfere with shut out occlude bung limit stonewall dominate sit on strangle at birth bring to a close bottle muzzle gag congest keep down gain control of prevail over gain mastery over get the better of get a grip on triumph over win against constrain stultify immobilize break shutdown govern crash render powerless moderate immobilise soften mellow lessen diminish put out of business dead-end bring to naught put out of action bring someone to their knees pull the plug on rein in cancel out render useless keep in check tone down keep the lid on keep a lid on quieten down hold in check get under control dout trample out drown turn off stub out switch off ruin waste wreck shatter take out neutralize dash disrupt nullify undo neutralise obliterate devastate assassinate slaughter decimate murder execute whack slay butcher spoil finish off do in rub out do away with mar knock off smash annul erase sabotage scupper dish liquidate massacre mess up screw up stiff top bump off interrupt damage impair overturn abort upset blight banjax crool cruel euchre foul up make a mess of louse up play havoc with wipe off the map croak make a hash of ice down off smoke blow a hole in wipe off the face of the earth take the life of put to death put away throw a monkey wrench in the works of throw a spanner in the works end the life of blow blast drop discard see the back of kill off derail take care of zap cow prohibit ax root out axe cease counteract pour cold water on throw cold water on gain control over spike clamp shush bury hamper trample on drive underground undermine keep inside hold in hold down keep in attack subvert scar put lid on put kibosh on beat down be the end of disfigure stain incapacitate ravage foil sweep aside decay injure afflict taint disappoint wipe from the face of the earth disable threaten glitch up harm bollix put a damper on break down break up intrude on muck up lynch immolate obscure make away with carry off blow away cause the death of take someone's life cut down dispose of blackball guillotine scrag pulverize vaporize wrack cream nuke desolate raze total pull down tear down take away pulverise vaporise

の反対語 a clamp down

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