の同義語 a combo


A combination or blend of various elements or things
stew blend amalgam fusion amalgamation mix mixture meld synthesis compound composite alloy combination admixture cocktail conflation emulsion intermixture union conglomeration aggregate conglomerate patchwork pastiche hybrid commixture immixture medley mishmash mash-up soup merger concoction mingling composition olio coalescence marriage weave miscellany brew incorporation complex compost goulash pasteup consolidation variety assortment jumble fusing pooling integration conjunction coalition melange assemblage hotchpotch selection mixed bag hodgepodge salmagundi pot-pourri diversity mélange combine collection mess grouping collage hash farrago confusion potpourri ragbag blending arrangement recipe everything but kitchen sink gallimaufry motley collection association cross heterogeneous mixture dough batter crossing infiltration grab bag muddle confection hybridization adulteration omnium gatherum transfusion interfusion saturation package mosaic mash assimilation merging unification commingling uniting alliance joining agglomeration federation melding coadunation combining welding homogenization homogenisation marrying amalgamating intermingling whole structure aggregation agglomerate junction confederation organisation organization accumulation agglutination assembly group balance cream reduction preparation infusion mixing binding bonding miscegenation smelting compounding liquefaction interflow reconciliation interweaving weaving heating soldering liquification mutt mule creation making organism production forming entirety manufacture unit construction network system half-breed cross-breed nexus web league bloc connection linking connecting coupling meeting confluence concatenation cluster mass compilation confederacy correlation joint centralisation conciliation symbiosis congregation juncture abutment centralization seam affiliation tie-in joining together coming together lump pile macédoine partnership total heap tissue caucus sum quantity convolution mesh consortium alignment block entente compact axis syndicate clump build-up bundle body amount concentration circuitry scheme interconnection hub labyrinth wiring maze scissors-and-paste job summation full bulk totality entanglement interconnected structure ecosystem interconnected scheme interconnected system mergence ring anschluss conspiracy strategic partnership allied group sum total all whole shooting match whole schmear whole enchilada whole ball of wax the works


A collection containing a variety of miscellaneous things
hodge-podge medley assortment jumble mishmash mixture miscellany confusion hodgepodge hotchpotch melange mess mix pastiche patchwork potpourri variety assemblage collage collection combination farrago hash montage array blend conglomeration motley ragbag selection agglomeration clutter composition mélange menagerie miscellanea muddle smorgasbord stew agglomerate botch brew chaos diversity gumbo jambalaya litter mashup rummage salad scramble tumble welter gallimaufry jungle mass mingling oddments olio pasticcio ragout salmagundi shuffle colluvies shambles mixed bag grab bag mash-up motley collection pot-pourri alphabet soup crazy quilt odds and ends omnium-gatherum patchwork quilt random collection random selection mingle-mangle olla podrida scissors-and-paste job omnium gatherum hotch-potch choice group accumulation aggregation range cumulation conglomerate assembly goulash Whitman's sampler garbage soup anthology multiplicity line-up hotchpot grouping melee series bunch pick `n' mix kind sort wide range all shapes and sizes all sorts sundries intermixture discrepancy disparateness fluctuation cross section variability incongruity variance cluster composite gathering amassment package hoard trove aggregate accretion everything but the kitchen sink maze tangle convolution mesh skein bundle disarray heap snarl disorder macédoine labyrinth cat's cradle mix-up web entanglement disarrangement derangement net ataxia huddle scatter plaid tartan check mosaic spectrum disorganization untidy heap confused heap diversification rainbow untidiness turmoil disorganisation mishmosh compound compilation congeries melting pot pig's breakfast intricacy morass imbroglio knot network complexity puzzle twist perplexity mire weave


A collection of people, countries, or groups that combine for mutual protection or cooperation
association league club group society union alliance coalition company corporation organisation organization band federation network order partnership syndicate circle fraternity guild class confederation consortium cooperative affiliation collection confederacy fellowship pack troop board camp institution ring sodality amalgamation body brotherhood bunch chamber clan clique cluster conglomerate congregation congress coterie council faction formation institute merger outfit set sisterhood trust cartel combination community consociation crew gathering posse sorority unit assemblage axis batch bloc block college gang kinship team tribe troupe combine compact confraternity crowd family gild house mob pool troops private club rat pack tie-in party cell knot horde lot herd throng klatch firm coven drove fold mass klatsch multitude swarm load assembly gaggle lineup zoo workers section division sector side contingent lobby caucus wing cabal minority grouping schism branch junta arm sect pressure group fringe movement concern conspiracy public-interest group intrigue splinter group minority group insiders conclave ginger group design entente offshoot machine squad school denomination camarilla faith nucleus creed in-crowd following persuasion religion cult interest group in-group church Mafia junto movement corps connection push cadre platoon lodge belief crush meeting rally convention communion convocation audience religious group brigade get-together foregathering conference followers credo aggregation detachment force element subdivision cooperation government core galère operation legislative body religious order faith community establishment agency forum school of thought battalion regiment hauhau subgroup squadron monopoly elite army small group turnout huddle flock hookup complement powwow moiety meet synod muster ingathering inner circle hui social organization runanga coming together coffee klatch confab sit-in department segment supporters cohorts concordat mafia racket social set social circle synergy unification lads shower clubhouse business race group of friends triad ingroup set-up industry task force political party circuit loop gens sept accumulation crème de la crème social club cause interest allied group component concord profession trade cronies comrades intimates companions ainga ngai views opinion front contestant combatant rival electorate conviction relatives relations clambake phalanx devotees disciples tenet chapter ism doctrine subculture folks culture aircrew covey bevy bevvy retinue philosophy certitude collaboration personnel pupils adherents demonstration patrol mobilisation mobilization political group relationship prejudice predilection bias partiality liaison votaries apostles proponents students admirers line-up staff officers march evolution firm belief fixed opinion companionship relation legislature representatives selection array key group epigones imitators emulators copiers linkup copartnership tribunal committee dictatorship leadership cabinet regime action group hard core togetherness conjunction chumminess friendship participation enterprise trio panel working party stable dream team partners foursome string players religious cult detail legion co-partnership tie-up cahoots garrison strategic partnership joint venture schismatic group heretical movement schismatic church schismatic religion military government people system total one thing entirety totality roundup symposium concourse building block jamboree conventicle function confluence intersection session assembled group parley tweetup reunion rendezvous junction meetup summit stockpile social function affair tryst convergence concentration

の反対語 a combo

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