の同義語 acting unfairly


In a manner that is unfair
illegally unreasonably below the belt dishonestly immorally uncleanly unjustly unjustifiedly unwarrantedly unnecessarily unjustifiably undeservedly inappropriately improperly excessively unmeritedly disproportionately immoderately unsuitably needlessly inordinately unacceptably wrongly unwarrantably indecorously extremely ill-advisedly superfluously underhandedly gratuitously overly unbecomingly unseemlily too indefensibly overmuch inexcusably devilishly exorbitantly intolerably monstrously unduly unforgivably unprovokedly extravagantly immensely ever over overfull out of proportion irregularly incorrectly inaptly groundlessly unfittingly unpardonably ineptly unseasonably unaptly unconscionably bottomlessly fulsomely sinisterly inessentially unwelcomely unessentially optionally wantonly uninvitedly avoidably futilely unwantedly fortuitously accidentally uselessly intemperately too much out of all proportion to death to a fault with a vengeance outrageously wrongfully steeply unlawfully illogically irrationally stiffly preposterously criminally senselessly extortionately inconceivably poshly unrightfully arbitrarily peremptorily unsatisfactorily inequitably dearly illegitimately insultingly iniquitously injudiciously unfoundedly baselessly absurdly culpably inexpiably blameworthily remissly regrettably unworthily insupportably nonsensically ludicrously lavishly insanely baroquely plethorically unmercifully fancily toweringly overweeningly prosecutably tortiously ridiculously unthinkably wickedly knavishly ungodlily barbarously appallingly shockingly consciencelessly unholily reprehensibly sneakily horrifyingly actionably troublesomely incredibly thickly


In an inconsistent manner
inconsistently differently eccentrically erratically randomly unpredictably contradictorily illogically inequably unequally variably unevenly volatilely changeably inconstantly unstably fickly capriciously unsteadily mercurially temperamentally mutably fluidly uncertainly unsettledly changefully irregularly skittishly unreliably waveringly vacillatingly proteanly flightily impulsively fitfully kaleidoscopically whimsically waywardly excitably flakily movably moodily chameleonically irrepressibly haphazardly bipolarly turbulently flukily elastically actively giddily vagariously episodically arbitrarily spasmodically patchily irresolutely untrustworthily accidentally casually unanticipatedly intermittently faithlessly unexpectedly fortuitously incidentally sporadically freakishly floatingly flexibly oddly desultorily iffily contingently variationally peakily occasionally recklessly spottily periodically untruely unforeseeably disreputably discontinuously indefinitely alternatingly versatilely movingly impermanently incalculably chancily rovingly adaptably alterably tempestuously wanderingly ramblingly dubiously shiftily inexplicably dynamically variedly quirkily nonuniformly possibly multiformly polymorphously jerkily fierily slipperily inexactly ungovernably faddishly wildly infrequently irrationally passionately emotionally intensely growingly unmethodically scarcely aperiodically rarely scatteredly crotchetily uncommonly doubtfully suspectly ambiguously unsoundly ephemerally transitorily isolatedly adjustably choppily explosively unknowably likelily probably reliantly provisionally frivolously vicissitudinously seldomly catchily momentarily fleetingly transiently unfrequently vagrantly agitatedly transitionally restlessly indecisively reversibly irresponsibly commutatively revocably semioccasionally inadvertently unintentionally unpremeditatedly unintendedly serendipitously luckily coincidentally unwittingly meanderingly directionlessly nomadically undirectedly


In an immoral or evil manner
badly immorally unethically wickedly improperly reprehensibly shamefully evilly unjustly wrongly criminally biasedly inequitably unwarrantedly discriminatorily one-sidedly wrongfully unjustifiedly partially partisanly indefensibly iniquitously groundlessly preferentially prejudicially undeservedly unequally unjustifiably gratuitously unlawfully inexcusably inappropriately unreasonably unmeritedly bigotedly unforgivably unevenly fixedly arbitrarily dishonestly dishonorably blameworthily dishonourably undemocratically randomly crookedly illegally illicitly disproportionately unpardonably unacceptably outrageously offensively illegitimately deleteriously detrimentally objectionably needlessly unwarrantably insultingly injudiciously unfoundedly baselessly shabbily unrighteously excessively underhandly unnecessarily lawlessly feloniously invidiously discriminatingly unprincipledly intolerantly deviously cheatingly discreditably fraudulently grievously viciously culpably falsely unrightfully deceitfully vilely injuriously lowly pettily basely cruelly shamelessly unscrupulously sinfully corruptly unconscionably nefariously villainously indecently depravedly foully shadily rottenly darkly obscenely unsavorily naughtily unsavourily degenerately lewdly blackly dissolutely smuttily debauchedly pornographically amorally dissipatedly profligately wantonly salaciously ungodlily delinquently condemnably despicably profanely blasphemously censurably blamably unholily sacrilegiously heinously abominably atrociously infamously execrably dreadfully odiously maliciously egregiously intolerably shockingly scandalously monstrously accursedly perversely flagitiously dirtily indelicately suggestively earthily bluely filthily rudely ribaldly vulgarly steamily raunchily crudely saucily fruitily unconventionally malodorously roughly underhandedly disreputably pervertedly surreptitiously impurely decadently dodgily abandonedly loosely ill rakishly unchastely licentiously uncleanly fastly lustfully promiscuously unvirtuously gracelessly whorishly bawdily


Adverb for behaving or prone to behave in an untrustworthy, deceitful, or insincere way
dishonestly deceitfully duplicitously crookedly fraudulently underhandly deceptively treacherously unscrupulously deviously shadily trickily falsely guilefully shiftily cunningly craftily untrustworthily wilily sneakily unprincipledly dishonorably dishonourably underhandedly insincerely slipperily dodgily unethically designingly perfidiously corruptly disreputably sharply dirtily untruthfully cheatingly illegally misleadingly traitorously subtly shonkily mendaciously criminally immorally fastly knavishly unlawfully unctuously unjustly villainously recreantly amorally slimly roguishly truthlessly elusively sinisterly backbitingly two-facedly hollow-heartedly false-heartedly slily schemingly calculatingly meanly artfully unsportingly basely nefariously nastily connivingly furtively insidiously clandestinely lowly surreptitiously ignobly inequitably despicably contemptibly dubiously snidely foully shamefully secretly obliquely cheaply shabbily vilely wickedly unpleasantly scurvily ignominiously indirectly covertly secretively shrewdly sordidly unsavourily evilly rottenly unworthily abjectly wretchedly badly shamelessly unjustifiably unreasonably unacceptably unjustifiedly unsatisfactorily degenerately sinfully detestably unnecessarily unwarrantedly disgracefully low-mindedly scummily unsavorily cruelly foxily unkindly fishily illicitly disingenuously cowardlily slickly stealthily improperly unconscionably corruptedly consciencelessly exploitatively sorrily reprehensibly ruthlessly discreditably squalidly disgustingly deplorably paltrily execrably scandalously currishly errantly mercenarily selfishly questionably odiously depravedly wrongly hatefully viciously heinously unrighteously feignedly uncandidly unfrankly hypocritically stinkily untruely counterfeitly spuriously fakely phonily venally hiddenly veiledly lubriciously murkily cutely beguilingly cagily conspiratorially evasively degradedly casuistically arrantly pettily wrongfully degradingly privately privily gimmickily distastefully lamentably vulgarly loathsomely uncharitably shoddily uglily stinkingly abhorrently indecently abominably tawdrily gracelessly crassly subversively shorthandedly slimily ungenerously worthlessly sleazily grubbily illegitimately lousily lamely scabbily rattily ingloriously disrespectfully nattily thoughtlessly inconsiderately stingily debauchedly brutally mercilessly pervertedly maliciously iniquitously inhumanly malevolently inhumanely callously spitefully bestially barbarously bloodthirstily sadistically heartlessly unfeelingly licentiously inexorably lawlessly brutishly forbiddingly savagely perniciously delinquently tyrannically feloniously incorrigibly scornfully pitilessly hard-heartedly ungodlily objectionably decadently despitefully demonically wantonly gruesomely wrathfully profligately disparagingly contemptuously monstrously scrofulously disdainfully vindictively infamously rancorously harshly vengefully grislily cold-bloodedly dissolutely darkly virulently


Adverb for narrow-minded
biasedly one-sidedly bigotedly partisanly intolerantly partially discriminatorily unjustly inequitably racistly sexistly unobjectively ageistly chauvinistically homophobically illiberally narrowly small-mindedly myopically opinionatedly parochially prepossessedly blindly closed-mindedly doctrinairely dogmatically extremely inclinedly intransigently xenophobically narrow-mindedly skewedly twistedly preferentially tendentiously fanatically lopsidedly misleadingly factionally interestedly inflexibly uncompromisingly unequally prejudicially uncharitably subjectively unevenly obstinately jingoistically invidiously discriminatively pervertedly inaccurately falsely zealously devotedly overzealously cliquishly limitedly conspiratorially exclusively unreasoningly accessorily denominationally sympathetically mindedly disposedly insularly provincially unsympathetically unforgivingly dictatorially rigidly individualistically irately stuffily antipathetically fractiously unwillingly aversely indignantly irritably contemptuously obdurately snappily disdainfully waspishly hatefully pettily Lilliputianly restrictedly picayunely short-sightedly close-mindedly conventionally littly blimpishly primly nationalistically moralistically starchily prudishly priggishly puritanically prissily conservatively reactionarily ethnocentrically discriminatingly severely schoolmarmishly properly stiffly austerely unsophisticatedly straitlacedly locally sectionally sternly selfishly meanly clannishly pigheadedly doubtfully provocatively argumentatively questionably schismatically introvertedly unimaginatively contractedly secludedly shallowly regionally ungenerously differentially discriminately dissidently religiously skeptically sceptically outmodedly pastorally unfashionably rudely bucolically simply nastily grudgingly ignobly vulgarly basely formally ascetically forbiddingly pietistically demurely overmodestly squeamishly inexorably stiltedly finickily scrupulously offishly uptightly affectedly fastidiously genteelly mincingly rigorously squarely artificially precisely pretentiously strictly sententiously spartanly censoriously abstinently abstemiously conformingly morally


Adverb for making use of a situation or treating others unfairly in order to gain an advantage or benefit


Adverb for very disgusting, dirty or unpleasant
nastily foully unpleasantly dirtily distastefully disagreeably disgustingly horribly sickeningly filthily nauseatingly odiously offensively repellently repugnantly vilely loathsomely obnoxiously awfully abominably dreadfully objectionably repulsively revoltingly nauseously unappetizingly appallingly hideously horrendously noxiously terribly unpalatably frightfully grottily horridly malodorously noisomely yuckily atrociously grossly ickily rancidly squalidly stinkingly unsavourily lousily smellily uninvitingly acridly diabolically fetidly ghastlily grubbily gruesomely mephitically pollutedly putridly rankly stinkily uglily abhorrently badly bedraggledly bitterly blackly cheaply contemptibly deplorably despicably dingily disgustfully displeasingly dustily evilly fulsomely funkily grimily grungily harshly illegally lamely meanly muckily muddily obscenely paltrily pitiably pitifully rattily repellantly rottenly scabbily scandalously scummily scurvily shockingly smuttily sordidly sorrily sourly uncleanly uncongenially unpleasingly unsavorily unwelcomely wickedly wretchedly hellishly ungodlily unholily off-puttingly hatefully detestably execrably grislily heinously vomitously monstrously reprehensibly unspeakably intolerably stomach-turningly stomach-churningly rebarbatively insufferably hellaciously macabrely horrifyingly horrifically sickly grimly fearfully direly unacceptably distressingly invidiously outrageously basely nightmarishly terrifically luridly undesirably sleazily creepily terrifyingly egregiously emetically poisonously exceptionably godawfully pestiferously upsettingly unbearably ornerily brutally savagely bloodily murderously unforgivably reekingly flagitiously harrowingly vulgarly grievously damnably infamously forbiddingly poorly worthlessly abysmally bitingly cuttingly embarrassingly annoyingly peskily bloodthirstily violently gut-wrenchingly sicklily shamefully shamelessly sanguinarily sanguinely miserably cattily insupportably scabrously discouragingly tremendously diseasedly frighteningly morbidly inexcusably unpardonably harmfully abjectly censurably disconcertingly opprobriously woozily brackishly rockily weirdly dauntingly mustily strongly fustily highly unhealthily hurtfully deleteriously injuriously mischievously perniciously discourteously abusively impertinently irritatingly insolently fiercely gorily alarmingly seriously coarsely gallingly tastelessly frowsily frowzily miasmically pestilentially banefully unwholesomely ripely scuzzily cloyingly raunchily depressingly godforsakenly barbarically cruelly viciously resentfully uncoolly cursedly blastedly confoundedly cussedly accursedly dangerously immorally excruciatingly sepulchrally unnaturally faintly anemically supernaturally haggardly anaemically uncannily ghostlily funereally ghoulishly dimly weakly ruthlessly fiendishly incompatibly inconsistently adversely hostilely contradictorily nefariously barbarously inhumanly villainously mediocrely inimically antipathetically aversely antagonistically infernally brutishly differently oppositely unfriendlily unconformably extrinsically extraneously foreignly alienly mercilessly substandardly inferiorly dismally disastrously darkly flagrantly lowly wantingly lamentably unsatisfactorily sadly deficiently laughably crummily pathetically trashily brutely sadistically truculently wantonly heartlessly inhumanely desperately hairily

の反対語 acting unfairly

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