の同義語 complete circuit


A regular journey made, typically as part of one's job
peregrination rounds tour beat bounds journey perambulation trip regular journey tour of duty jaunt walk stroll saunter constitutional promenade ramble range patrol amble hike outing drive spin ride round march excursion tramp expedition wander junket sally sortie wandering run safari airing traipse mosey tootle pootle meander turn parade prowl gallop spree jog schlepp hurl tread cruise sashay awayday hop pleasure trip day trip round trip day out adventure campaign voyage venture pilgrimage course quest odyssey journeying traveling crossing exodus progress scramble exploration travel wayfaring roving transfer globetrotting travels shift approach procession emigration commutation route walkabout flight movement passage errand retreat departure commute slog migration visit lift itinerary vagabondage roaming transmigration trek traverse caravan vagrancy transit grand tour period of travelling travelling moving relocation advance progression advancement expatriation passing voyaging motion transition immigration defection transportation process weekend trekking joyride traversal crusade flow headway sail sailing move transport hegira onrush resettlement forward movement overnight resettling transplanting leaving withdrawal touring diaspora displacement swing arrival encroachment vacation spread going long journey promotion expansion movement forward onward movement rise onward motion forward motion navigation traversing conveyance holiday evacuation shifting frolic sojourn whirl settling colonization exile getaway uprooting homesteading reestablishment break tool colonisation hitch moving abroad long haul unfolding transporting transference mystery tour growth proceeding away day day away nearing coming buildup furtherance evolvement momentum Sunday drive itineration sweep pilgrimmage survey hiking wanderings recce reconnaissance foray removal distance drifting mission transferal escapade discovery pickup trips journeys expeditions minibreak hajj cavalcade sea change leg step yomp picnic roundabout short journey safaris voyages cruising odysseys sightseeing excursions jaunts pilgrimages tours treks trail transferral repositioning moving forward car ride moving overseas backpacking jet-setting go yatra short trip long weekend cycle joy ride settlement period of traveling pass entry whistle-stop road trip peregrinations gallivanting plane trip religious journey holy expedition mini holiday advent circle tour short break posting carriage guided tour boat trip stride drift stepping forward gain stream flux increase schlep wanderlust globe-trotting flying seafaring biking driving riding elevation touristry shipment sailing trip sea trip transhumance climb Völkerwanderung marathon search hunt haulage change freightage resorting changeover portage conversion alteration hunting expedition breakthrough aggrandizement aggrandisement upgrading exit carrying osmosis infiltration penetration permeation jaunting tourism field trip preferment emanation outpour outflow outpouring retirement gush vacation industry leisure industry holiday business service sector escape egression egress exiting offgoing fleeing development mass departure order succession sequence going out chicken run continuity emergence spreading operation evolution flourishing metamorphosis transformation evolving advancing maturation unraveling blossoming maturing upgrowth forwarding burgeoning extension flowering chain growing scheme escalation fruition consecution string unravelling globalisation globalization step forward steps forward


The outside or furthest limit or extremity of an object, area or surface
boundary border edge margin rim perimeter fringe periphery verge bound circumference skirt brim borderline confines end extremity brink edging limits skirting compass side hem bounds frame marge bourn fringes extremities edges march margins terminus pale barrier purlieus borderland circumscription delimitation horizon mark radius terminal outer limits outer limit ambit outline outskirts frontier limit enclosure lip covering outside sideline outer edge outer reaches outer regions boundaries borders perimeters rims peripheries verges circumferences borderlines skirts ends brims skirtings edgings compasses frames hems brinks frontiers marges lines bourns termination sides thresholds extents termini outlines ceilings limitation extremes ambits flanges caps marches circuits demarcation pales dividing lines banks curbs outsides tops sidelines selvage barriers divides division terms apices trimmings maxima depth terminals flanks borderlands radii dividers trims constraints tips height peaks rings end points precincts partition climaxes culmination nadirs distinction apogees points utmost pinnacles embankments zeniths uttermost confinement mouths crests surrounds acmes marks horizons watersheds delimitations line approaches tail ends levees parameters precipices feet head bands ledges strip ridges precinct marchlands hands mounts mantles butts fine lines contours finality conclusions fences absolutes excess epitomes bitter ends ultimates consummation optima poles crowns reaches scopes orbits ranges sweeps brakes trammels fetters restraint dampers restriction curfews containment restrainers strictures bridles curtailments cramps hindrances reins checks repression constriction upper limits inhibition control regulation splits isolation separation discrimination segregation discreteness differentiation definition


The official power to make legal decisions and judgements
jurisdiction authority rule administration command control dominion power influence say sway area field range sovereignty bounds district governance government hegemony leadership province regime regimen scope zone ascendancy compass mana mastery orbit prerogative sphere arbitration bailiwick commission confines discretion domination empire extent inquisition judicature limits magistracy might precinct purview reach reign right slot state supervision turf stomping grounds extent of power oyer and terminer supremacy dominance hold management clout grip predominance ascendency direction arm upper hand force pull ascendance clutch ascendence strength superiority reins say-so charge death grip whip hand prepotency prepotence weight preeminence imperium primacy leverage sovranty hand grasp regiment prepollency predominancy licence edge license tyranny authorization ability muscle teeth authorisation strong arm strings predomination regimentation suzerainty guidance raj paramountcy ministry tenure organization superintendence presidency rulership pre-eminence prestige eminence council privilege advantage incumbency regency organisation capacity dynasty permit warrant responsibility might and main subjection despotism governing body steam house polity triumph victory regnancy dictatorship keeping oppression suppression strong influence kingship rangatiratanga conquest word stewardship ascendant custody headship authorities time in power guardianship possession subjugation intimidation repression hands thrall establishment supreme power coercion generalship superintendency directorship period of influence impact effect ownership jump drag proprietorship occupation helm spell subordination what it takes clasp captaincy premiership governorship collaring commandeering retention leg up permission agency entitlement federation kingdom territory preponderancy rank standing stature ranking reputation position station esteem prominence birthright law domain commonwealth realm system of government vantage diadem inside track connection prestidigitation voice orchestration initiative executive access mark juice monopoly pecking order grease conveyance conduction foresight cabinet directorate system significance notoriety confederation procedure pilotage skill routine process social position superpower program programme schedule treatment diet union people menu powers-that-be top brass powers that be course of therapy res publica world power parliament legislature congress potency energy puissance senate admin vigour presidium consulate powers bureau feds praesidium embassy upstairs capability forcefulness efficiency powerfulness potence prowess sinew brawn lordship vigor mightiness efficacy overlordship chargé d'affaires President toughness valour stamina horsepower robustness muscularity sturdiness stoutness seniority valor moxie forcibleness punch competence firepower hard power regulation oversight conduct intendance running handling care operation overseeing preponderance transcendence managing distinction prestigiousness noteworthiness clutches governing controlling coordination evil embrace execution omnipotence era monarchy term leading bureaucracy guiding patronage stay surveillance ruling manipulation masterminding period in office absolute rule prevalence auspices claws mastery power junta jaws stranglehold period of dominance period of domination forefront crown supervising regulating directing maintenance ownage leading place pwnage principality first place primary position commanding conducting administering orchestrating first position top spot head place duty precedence supreme authority total domination driver's seat personal power prosecution commitment carrying out policy red tape plan transaction tactics wielding strategy obligation royalty head start lead throne dignity trust policing sovereign power monitoring statecraft steering politics moderation inspection reorganisation systematisation standardisation organizing organising political practice age period seat of power ordering the feds standardization classification time years times reorganization settlement codification systematization responsibility for epoch stint span occupancy stretch eon managership tenancy Uncle Sam period of office period as champion point in history aeon term of office time in office


A division or group of sporting teams that play each other regularly
conference division league subdivision association tier alliance coalition union federation consortium confederacy confederation guild band combine compact group partnership corporation order fellowship axis combination bloc society congress ring brotherhood affiliation syndicate cooperative sodality circle fraternity conglomerate college institution chamber club block council institute entente gild faction organization board coterie consociation lodge mob organisation outfit loop gang pool unit bunch crew company body clique set sorority community party camp cartel clan sisterhood cabal pack crowd network trust posse team confraternity grouping sect troupe caucus fold junta coven klatch klatsch troop lot establishment squad assembly camarilla cooperation conspiracy lobby wing concern concord alignment collaboration contingent connection amalgamation liaison foundation cadre hookup interest group gathering tribe agreement cell side section chain corps house unity assemblage junto cluster schism relationship push linkup link brigade gaggle concordat vocation business merger tie-up congregation conservatory monopoly accord class strategic partnership academy Mafia centre pact seminary relation tie bond family agency committee in-crowd center platoon conjunction copartnership rat pack trade union army co-partnership pressure group in-group cahoots collection firm operation government multinational anschluss harmony profession trade megacorp movement consensus detachment Bund cabinet unanimity accordance kinship unification treaty clubhouse concurrence horde throng private club consonance bevy collective allied group legislative body nucleus rapport unison school crush cohort ginger group membership tie-in insiders huddle ensemble social organization concert concordance collusion sympathy friendship inner circle bevvy attachment joint venture conglomeration department covenant denomination bund squadron regiment branch industry set-up racket colony battalion garrison synergy chapter machine knot legislature galère representatives social circle social set force sector campus crème de la crème social club professional association ranks federacy labour union formation political party conclave syndication group of friends triad service bracket companionship camaraderie world frat commission plunderbund combo batch bundle lineup holding company troops electorate public-interest group communication convention cronies cenacle comrades intimates companions ingroup elite enterprise ties fusion workers' association tune flock herd splinter group labor union joining array togetherness integration solidarity chorus meeting stream swarm banding together amalgam shower aggregation muster concourse turnout ruck retinue mergence merging melding coadunation consolidation fraternization communion mutuality fraternisation like-mindedness interrelation convocation tribunal regime forum dictatorship leadership close association cordial relations selection boodle consort crop patrol detail entente cordiale friendly relationship mutual attachment interest crowd of people covey menagerie arts school learned society military institute line-up working party military government special-interest group special interest single-interest group lobby group special interests political action committee concurrency consent reciprocity agreeance meeting of minds


Transmission path for data


A division of a large organization such as a government, university, or business, dealing with a specific area of activity
department branch division office bureau section unit agency arm subdivision sector desk ministry segment service station subsection wing compartment organ administration board commission commune constituency force quarter ward constituent part organization organisation company satellite offshoot business firm part subsidiary affiliate government department concern lodge setup building administrative agency detachment cell extension local chapter group council center establishment enterprise centre workplace outlet store shop outfit headquarters local office precinct workstation place of work element body front facility agent administrative department government office administrative office executive branch representative work charity society management operation block dependency peripheral derivative administrative center outpost venture undertaking committee authority subordinate company adjunct tributary appendage attachment market wholly owned company holding area office salt mines front office secretariat affair syndicate workroom base partnership business matter interest studio dealing activity matter chain dealer institution trust plant foundry factory ICU contract corporation microenterprise conglomerate cartel house assignment working area place of business intensive care unit intensive care consortium cooperative set-up combine association practice multinational industry franchise megacorp federation guild ring crew league confederation coalition institute gang club party network faction coterie circle clique congress fraternity fellowship clan multiple set alliance mob crowd bunch monopoly confederacy corporate body emporium startup foundation start-up commercial undertaking business enterprise amalgamation collective cadre mill transnational octopus shell hookup jungle zoo band gathering Mom and Pop private corporation shoestring operation family business fly-by-night operation sodality order movement legal entity large company business organization team union congregation brotherhood chamber concord affiliation squad sorority college profession machine combination troupe gild trade community pack fold sect bloc contingent side coven klatch klatsch


A given location, position, point, or area in space
place location site spot scene setting position area point region section part venue zone locus band ground plot sector situation sphere turf vicinity whereabouts locality locale emplacement territory district where neighbourhood neighborhood station domain space patch quarter home tract terrain bearings realm land province placement belt neck of the woods field demesne expanse stomping ground country environment post arena surroundings manor address precinct hangout haunt range kingdom dominion state environs barony stretch orientation stamping ground community division habitat seat estate enclave geography clime block colony bailiwick stage vicinage empire purlieu county fief backyard property slot jurisdiction joint area of land tract of land possie mise en scene corner fix topography parts latitude pitch ward specific location neck department world lands nabe holding constituency borough corridor purlieus dominions hang-out local compass walk fiefdom firmament milieu meeting place hidey-hole soil local area surrounds surrounding district surrounding area favourite spot medium neck of woods stomping grounds destination set thrust niche layout direction X longitude footing hiding place facility movements sweep tillage preserve parish hole geographical location wing reference stationing placing positioning period coordinate headquarters commune home park lodgment platform parcel gathering place abode natural home trysting place orbit stead geographical area administrative division wherever lodgement specialty discipline branch element circle business game line front time X marks the spot precincts electoral district setting up radius speciality dimension purview matter tune conditions circumstances window landscape surround putting in place resort hood ballpark around biome climate backdrop contexture den rendezvous retreat pretty near this neck of the woods geomorphology chorography atmosphere mise-en-scène dependency possession protectorate climatic zone landform countryside nation town township going profile contour land shape extent exclave mandate native environment familiar territory customary territory ghetto scope jungle shire clearing suburb favorite gathering place inner city


To move in a circle around
encircle ring circle girdle compass orbit circumnavigate circumvent round gird encompass circumscribe surround enclose go round embrace environ inclose wreathe begird hem in go around loop revolve round travel round fence in move around confine bound envelop skirt circumambulate circulate enwreath belt cincture fly around travel around blockade beset besiege invest rim seal off lap form a ring round revolve coil circumduct contain ensphere tour ring round hedge in walk round wind about mill around move round rotate round pivot round turn round fly round sail around revolve around whirl round spin round circle round sail round border edge engird enfold fringe cover fence band enring wall in shut in close in lock in cut off form a barrier round form a ring around gird in ring in encase hem wrap pen hedge corral margin box in swathe frame coop bind include enwrap enshroud sheathe drape immure involve shroud embower mew up flank verge box up cocoon trap swaddle cloak girt girth coop up line cage house enwind impound veil encage engirdle closet beleaguer bower circumfuse mantle fold enswathe embosom outline pen in clothe pen up hold block off wrap up siege trim wall delimit kettle fix hurdle mure engulf case limit bosom mew bandage mask immerse envelope muffle roll pall close in on comprise obnubilate wind lay siege to set lock up incorporate fence off embody comprehend subsume rail in bundle up roll up consist of take in engross span be made up of be composed of tie pound be bounded by close restrict lace furl block enwreathe throng bottle up entrap straiten enclave inundate hinder constrain entwine coil around cordon off imprison close around form a barrier around intern leaguer mount writhe around put inside jail conceal gyrate go travel keep hold back frame in set in a frame gaol pave pack bundle inwrap package carry entail number shut up capture box press grab cinch clinch wheel constitute protect infold shut off mew in comprise of have amount to account for come at from all sides wall off gift-wrap bear hug demarcate establish determine cage in hold in specify delineate guard mob distinguish demark prescribe mark curb set the limits of set the boundaries of set out mark off lay down terminate stake out set bounds to define mark out crowd muster twine crowd round set upon swarm round throng round fall upon


To travel, usually with some measurable distance
journey travel voyage go fly sail traverse wayfare jaunt proceed cruise head jet roam wander pass peregrinate trek backpack barnstorm bus bustle cab coach depart escape exodus galavant gallivant globetrot junket migrate motor move navigate perambulate race road-trip take off tour traipse trundle wend rove hop ramble range safari fare hie globe trot go on an excursion go on an expedition go on a tour go on a trip go on safari go places make one's way meander push on take a trip wend your way trip pilgrimage process knock about hit the road drift hike cross progress walk stroll tramp stray drive prowl roll bat course pass over set out saunter pass through amble float cover maunder ride track transit advance mooch knock around straggle cut across circumambulate proceed along gad about kick around go walkabout steam itinerate do mosey transition explore stravaig scour swan coast set forth gad vagabond sweep streel glide go towards journey across travel over journey over go through make one's way towards make for set out for trudge transport shuttle venture travel about go on a journey go hither and thither go on a excursion be on the move be on the trail encompass search reconnoiter reconnoitre shift negotiate globe-trot make circuit hit the trail spread through follow one's nose emigrate tootle pootle run flow immigrate travel around leave transmigrate nomadize transfer voyage across sail across sail over voyage through travel across voyage over travel through cruise through go across stream bum make your way across put behind one tramp over range over trek through bum around struggle along stroke circumnavigate follow pass by run out move onwards run through drag run by crawl blow past move around move about potter breeze spin waltz trog transmit truck toddle automobile overnight go round move round dash off go riding make your way cover ground get through tool pick your way find your way wind one's way make a journey go into orbit canter gallop jockey trot sit cycle go to go by car travel on wheels travel by car ride by car make take a plane take a boat take a train be carried hitch a ride thumb a ride be borne be supported be conveyed set aim bear train commence make a beeline for start out for aim for be bound for set out in the direction of steer for go in the direction of move towards direct one's steps towards boat ferry travel along go boating go sailing travel by boat take a cruise go yachting set sail take a boat trip ship out take a sea trip ride the waves take a sailing trip

の反対語 complete circuit

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