의 반의어 a sharp


Opposite of able to pierce or cut with relative ease


Opposite of having or showing a reasonable or high level of intellect
slow stupid dull dim dumb simpleminded airheaded birdbrained boneheaded brain-dead brainless bubbleheaded chuckleheaded delicate dense dim-witted doltish dopey dopy dorky dunderheaded empty-headed fatuous foolish gormless gullible half-witted idiotic imbecilic knuckleheaded lamebrain lamebrained lunkheaded mindless naïve obtuse opaque pinheaded senseless simple slow-witted soft softheaded thick thickheaded thick-witted thoughtless unbrilliant uninformed unintelligent unknowing unsmart unwise vacuous weak-minded witless blockheaded chowderheaded dimwitted dull-witted glaikit imperceptive limited moronic muttonheaded oafish unperceptive unresponsive wooden-headed benevolent boring calm clumsy dark flat forthright frank ignorant indefinite lazy low moderate nice normal old-fashioned tasteless typical unaware undefined unobservant slow on the uptake naive ingenuous inept artless guileless innocent blunt imbecile uneducated honest undesigning unclever simple-minded undiscerning imprudent daft vapid straightforward careless open unskilled awkward trusting credulous silly asinine reckless rash shallow incautious undiscriminating indifferent ethical kind inexperienced dunce-like deficient useless addle-brained untalented unadept illiterate insensitive unacademic nonintellectual unintellectual inane unreasoning indiscriminate cretinous unthinking bonehead apathetic uncomprehending disregardful overlooking neglectful negligent unstylish rough coarse straight candid sincere impolitic injudicious trustful inadvisable gauche inexpert incompetent maladroit unsophisticated heedless believing inattentive indiscreet irrational nescient wet behind the ears as green as grass accepting incorrect incapable disinclined unsound unreasonable foolhardy unknowledgeable naif deceivable dupable shy unsuspicious susceptible unsuspecting unsceptical unskeptical irresponsible impercipient inappropriate misguided brash jejune bumbling lumpen callow absurd crazy undesirable exploitable unacquainted naïf cuckoo fool featherheaded harebrained impressionable uncareful hasty aboveboard kooky loony looney insane nonsensical nutty mad short-sighted ill-advised ill-judged ill-considered half-baked


Opposite of having or producing a sudden and intense piercing sensation


Opposite of using one's wits to solve a problem


Opposite of alert and vigilant


Opposite of marked by or given to using irony in order to mock or convey contempt


Opposite of exactly or as stated without any margin for error


Opposite of exactly as stated or indicated


(slang, dated) Opposite of a highly skilled person in a particular skill or knowledge


Opposite of to cheat, deceive or defraud someone for personal gain

의 동의어 a sharp

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Copyright: Proverb ©

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