Sinônimo de acting appointment


A job or position
post situation job place position office berth employment station appointee billet candidate capacity connection function assignment delegate engagement nominee office-holder representative officeholder work occupation placement role profession day job business spot posting trade service opening vocation part niche employ career calling stint duty gig task mission grip vacancy hire responsibility charge living pursuit contract livelihood line racket purpose opportunity detail operation line of work province slot nine-to-five bit practice practise employment status settlement induction lifework pay sphere gap incumbency placing brief job opportunity vacant position workplace stationing relocation military posting craft field activity métier position of employment way faculty field of work handicraft means grind walk of life means of livelihood swindle line of business rat race daily grind means of earning a living thing game undertaking concern chosen work walk area enterprise speciality specialty art dodge avocation line of employment lay field of expertise biz specialization expertise competency competence experience skillset commitment obligation recruitment day gig hiring means of earning one's living specialisation contracting forte skill show performance concert recital industry sector domain appearance presentation production discipline element circle world arena department realm front terrain jurisdiction demesne zone territory barony turf bubble precinct bailiwick section fief fiefdom sport orbit proceeding firmament kingdom area of interest area of study


A meeting with an expert, such as a medical doctor, in order to seek advice
consultation discussion conference talk interview meeting colloquy confab hearing parley session audience confabulation council deliberation dialogue argument argumentation argy-bargy back-and-forth chat consult counsel debate dialog forum give-and-take heart-to-heart one-to-one palaver powwow reception engagement examination asking clambake groupthink huddle soundings buzz session second opinion convocation seminar symposium convention congress colloquium summit gabfest interchange ventilation conferring think-in conversation round robin round table round-robin panel discussion panel roundtable synod awayday conclave hui exchange meet rendezvous rap session date consideration call hearership audition get-together question and answer session assembly gathering caucus congregation talks rally negotiations negotiation assemblage diet runanga discourse discussions muster discussion group interlocution converse korero ingathering class reunion workshop communication mediation arbitration bargaining encounter consistory deliberations intercession conciliation disputation haggling concourse affair turnout rap exchange of views business meeting chapter wheeling and dealing diplomacy board meeting analysis speech conventicle parliament body chinwag webinar senate convergence brainstorming case moot committee sitting brainstorming session folkmoot ecclesia line of reasoning open discussion group discussion evening class con term plenary period show delegation eyeball-to-eyeball earful parlance visit summit meeting sederunt council of delegates council of representatives gam chitchat flap chinfest talkfest straight talk get together dispute press conference transaction parleying consultations statesmanship review dickering masterclass clinic quarrel statecraft agreement cooperation intervention convo contention wrangling altercation cabinet lecture practicum tutorial gab fest forgathering chit-chat bull session secret meeting skull session private meeting adda gang confrontation salon showdown company bunch study group conflict council of war cattle call one on one foreign policy international politics international negotiation international relations foreign affairs townhall meeting


The act or process of transferring someone or something to another, of sending by reference, or referring


An agreement with someone to do something
arrangement agreement deal pact compact covenant settlement understanding compromise contract bargain engagement terms package deal modus vivendi gentleman's agreement accord treaty convention bond entente concordat pledge protocol disposition promise concord stipulation alliance transaction undertaking negotiation guarantee resolution indenture commitment decision accommodation warranty deed handshake truce charter adjustment warrant resolve oath guaranty surety acknowledgment armistice adjudication obligation concession acknowledgement prearrangement intent vow lease finding conclusion ruling assurance business word entente cordiale plan determination judgment intention account reconciliation judgement concordance meeting of minds gentlemen's agreement composition trade-off harmony acceptance piece of paper meeting of the minds happy medium predetermination document instrument certificate rapport consensus trust commission friendly agreement papers dicker record common view paper accordance quid pro quo good understanding writ league concurrence approval codicil recognition affidavit avowal affirmation sanction cartel note international agreement the nod consent assent mutual understanding balance committal binder task middle ground adaptation change fitting win-win situation neutral ground give-and-take transformation compliance fifty-fifty halfway house half measure half and half half measures modification alteration makeover conformity troth affair verdict fifty-fifty deal sentence toast health matter arbitration order decree proceeding sale action enterprise event trade word of honour recommendation pronouncement word of honor coup proceedings occurrence injunction result deliverance rule adjudgement diagnosis intercourse happening activity buying act selling purchasing purchase step play disposal establishment results arbitrament outcome findings completion termination confirmation business deal reimbursement working out expenditure pay showdown quietus compensation payoff remuneration disbursement evaluation declaration assessment end adjudicature opinion call deduction award mediation intercession inference choice preference selection conviction assumption sequitur option presumption eduction induction answer deciding conciliation mediatorship intervention peacemaking interceding interposition solemn word parole bail permit interpretation reasoning supposition licence collateral debenture security surmise conjecture prognosis franchise punishment illation ratiocination license refereeing judging umpiring finalisation finalization conveyance calculation discernment divination consequence solution verification grant patent adjudgment measurement ascertainment discovery perception fixing purpose pick visualization visualisation election way nomination discretion will volition check choosing bet vote druthers picking top of the list preferment thing fave first choice selecting priority favorite favourite favour appraisal say favor


A chance to take part or succeed in something


The fact of being pushed or advanced to a more favourable situation
preferment advancement elevation promotion upgrading rise advance ascent betterment creation preference upgrade aggrandisement aggrandizement dignity exaltation a rise being upgraded moving up a kick upstairs a step up a step up the ladder progress step up progression move up kick upstairs step up the ladder boost growth improvement gain amelioration augmentation career development ennoblement a move up leg-up prelation raise magnification immortalization apotheosis nobleness glorification lionisation deification exaltedness lionization increase expansion escalation upturn upsurge uptick increment hike inflation development accretion accrual enhancement jump appreciation accumulation proliferation uptrend spike swell swelling enlargement buildup burgeoning spread extension surge addition upswing amplification bump multiplication explosion mushrooming snowballing run-up intensification addendum creep accession plus leap breakthrough heightening supplement cumulation boom distension upward turn increasement climb spiralling furtherance distention intensifying elaboration accumulating quadrupling doubling lengthening tripling exacerbation waxing crescendo lift avalanche optimization top-up spiraling piling up stacking up optimisation upping build-up acceleration recovery high bounce regeneration enrichment melioration revival recuperation spurt up wax jack up expanse diffusion diversification buildout unfolding evolution evolvement embellishment growing maturation unfurling ballooning globalisation globalization maximization merger increase in size blow up spreading out opening out scaling up blowing up assemblage exaggeration appendix access more gathering incorporation complement collection continuation broadening dilation maximisation bulge amendment reform increase in efficiency large increase ascension raising stimulation soaring rising ascendance towering soar ramp up upward movement jump up


One's social rank or position
station rank status standing level place class position grade caste echelon footing order ranking reaches rung stratum degree occupation post situation sphere capacity estate state social class position in society stage classification gradation set tier group notch stature rating division slot point condition step caliber calibre category gentry folk mark grouping distinction reputation bracket standard quality prestige esteem circumstance grading repute role phase arrangement importance eminence league dignity stead pecking order social status peg nobility privilege relationship worth terms ordering measurement sorting honour honor reach estimation plane office sector line relations basis remove chapter walk purpose calibration tribe height dignification consequence lineage significance foundation cut inch influence race niche groove achievement kind background primacy hierarchy supremacy seniority stock paramountcy authority title pedigree varna standing in society character cachet degree of competence level of achievement social order point on the scale social division social group behalf lieu rung on the ladder cultural level placing brand rate ranks size pigeonhole degree of merit degree of proficiency degree of quality bank row layer file storey series deck floor story string landing evaluation designation score estimate assessment appraisal categorization valuation judgement judgment circle extraction descent sect clan clique origin moiety coterie connection genealogy club ancestry company derivation social hierarchy social stratum social rank societal group

Antonym de acting appointment

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