Sinônimo de complete lack


The state of being deficient in something
deficiency shortage dearth scarcity shortfall deficit insufficiency scarceness paucity meagreness scantiness shortness sparseness undersupply inadequacy insufficience scantness skimpiness sparsity want decline decrease deprivation exiguity leanness meagerness tightness absenteeism curtailment debilitation exiguousness inaccessibility infrequency loss needfulness rareness rarity reduction slim pickings stringency uncommonness abridgment abridgement crunch drouth inadequateness pinch shrinkage shrinking slightness retrenchment poverty drought failure famine lacuna absence need unavailability default defalcation defect underage lapse shortcoming limitedness weakness privation restrictedness destitution non-existence void nonexistence aridity omission arrears neglect paltriness red ink in the hole in the red barrenness bareness starvation penury exclusion fewness smallness slenderness inefficiency ineffectuality unfitness short supply dehydration parchedness rainlessness desiccation inherence depletion withdrawal debt debit indebtedness underperformance gap removal slippage discrepancy dues vacancy exigency dead horse due bill negative amount in hock minus amount being after missing out on falling short in being able to do with being short of being without being deficient in inexistence negligence oversight dereliction delinquency misprision nonfeasance disregard overlooking inaction failure to act vacuum emptiness food shortage vacuity bankruptcy diminution forfeiture squandering decrement abatement drop fall diminishment falloff dissipation depression dent drain impoverishment waste erosion impairment drop-off step down retardation


An urgent need for something


A defect or failing
failing defect flaw deficiency failure frailty fault foible lapse shortcoming weakness imperfection infirmity weak point drawback weak spot inadequacy vice limitation blemish want sin snag fallibility disadvantage dereliction pitfall demerit Achilles heel chink in your armour catch downside difficulty trouble liability problem insufficiency incompleteness debility defectiveness impairment handicap impediment hindrance obstacle hurdle minus hitch obstruction complication disbenefit faultiness hiccup nuisance inconvenience shortfall blight detriment negative debit strike incommodity disability fragility instability unsoundness stumbling block gap fly in the ointment spanner in the works monkey wrench in the works sore point chink in the armor glitch blind spot kink hole deformity injury scarcity shortage penalty burden restriction hardship constraint privation crimp cramp affliction fetter encumbrance trammel albatross con afterdeal hangup bug feet of clay vulnerability impotence enervation invalidity feebleness irresolution decrepitude vitiation languor powerlessness faintness inconstancy soft spot weakest link barrier deterrent check issue curb discouragement ill damper evil bar block drag stop holdback restraint setback inhibition manacle interference hazard chain balk clog embarrassment baulk cumber shackles let catch-22 facer delay millstone dilemma stoppage brake joker headache impedance holdup hamper blockage ball and chain monkey wrench predicament hampering baggage pickle uphill hassle sticking point harm rub hang-up booby trap road block gotcha misfortune prevention gimmick adversity quandary interruption straitjacket barricade retardation hold-up land mine consequence downfall disfavour disfavor loss blockade scrape disservice puzzler lock inhibitor mishap cumbrance blocking prob flip side gridlock negative aspect excess baggage cross error worry plight preventive bottleneck load mess dispute tight spot jam-up can of worms disputed point shackle retardment prohibition stricture point at issue wall stone in one's path millstone around your neck thorn in one's side complaint bond bad rein slowing aggravation handicapping entanglement congestion fetters bonds tribulation weak link vulnerable point weak area weak side fatal flaw stumbling stone other side of the coin bump traverse small difficulty occlusion pale jinx disincentive pinch circumvention roadblock psychological baggage millstone round someone's neck snafu idiosyncrasy quirk trap tangle cost miscarriage cross to bear tie disablement disorder mountain to climb despite bad news disaster area trick inability to hack it knot millstone round one's neck hurt damage expense price snare spot conundrum ploy puzzle dodge wile dead weight red tape saddle debt guilt duty blank wall monkey on back suppression unseen problem the rub bridling curbing checking repression prejudice shackling fettering holding back frustration baulking cramping stifling smothering arrest unpleasant aspect discredit impasse upset blow blunder grievance bother halting thwarting stopping quashing foiling defeat slip joker in the pack uphill battle mark against one bad mark loss of credit loss of points interdict mix-up hot potato thorn in the flesh vexed question question mark vexation gremlin source of difficulty hornets' nest source of trouble muddle difficult situation bummer reversal knock inefficacy question perplexity botheration mischief miscalculation mistake disappointment whammy mischance bafflement balking embargo sublimation sacrifice worriment habit count squeeze bugbear doubt crunch disagreement body blow wrong hot water bitter pill putting an end to putting an stop to nipping in the bud undesirable consequence adverse effect box teething trouble marring spoiling illfare stroke of bad luck knock-back piece of bad luck reversal of fortune one in the eye bit of trouble kick in the teeth sabotage intervention foot dragging deal-breaker


Something that is wished for, or considered desirable
desideratum hope need want dream essential wish ideal objective prerequisite requirement aim goal necessary requisite aspiration desired thing indispensable thing missing thing needed thing sine qua non heart's desire desire ambition end design target plan purpose intention intent idea object resolve mark pretension direction bourne bourn thing desired result holy grail Holy Grail raison d'être demand point mission longing scheme yearning hankering vision urge inclination focus use eagerness craving passion expectation meaning object of the exercise course grail request where one is heading reason principle function motive duty why and wherefore end purpose view end in view whole idea the why and wherefore claim concern ask fancy dearth lustfulness propensity pining drive needfulness scarcity cry out imperative deficit strong interest thirst call predilection scarceness covetousness exigence lust scantiness hunger market fervor exigency fervour support necessity occasion absence urgency proclivity necessitude drought appetite endeavor resolution pursuit push endeavour calling ambitiousness itch vocation destination yen object of desire fire in the belly go-getting motivation determination liking ache infatuation ardor fascination ardour greed appetency love letch burning attraction zeal relish thirstiness craze jones will fondness whim preference enthusiasm impetus cupidity devotion prurience disposition mania hungering avidity obsession concupiscence initiative eroticism commitment libido lechery lasciviousness emulation enterprise admiration amativeness salacity erotism penchant compulsion libidinousness pruriency frenzy solicitude voracity rapture ravenousness rapaciousness cause interest doting impulse action name of the game thinking vigour vitality energy thought basis verve vigor grounds mind notion spirit dynamism conviction weakness tenacity fixation dash doggedness zest gusto predisposition pep appetition prospect project undertaking vim spunk persuasion aggressiveness ulterior motive catalyst go zip activity punch keenness get-up-and-go consideration preoccupation inspiration pie in the sky end goal fire in belly driving force daydream horniness greediness salaciousness hots prayer lustihood planning lech appetence spot drift coveting envy rivalry competition decision bullseye aching justification bull's-eye addiction strength butt cacoethes want-to hurting pledge significance rationality prize stamina liveliness application vibrance where one's heading premeditation scope proposal restlessness hang-up excitement castles in the air aphrodisia yearn promise nirvana plot terminus exuberance forcefulness vivaciousness zealousness intensity virility bucket list impulsion bull's eye whyfor big idea vivacity spiritedness pizzazz fanaticism system programme strategy program utility sense appeal value advantage vow strength of character single-mindedness strength of mind pzazz activeness crush charm road map ground plan game plan master plan captivation impact usefulness validity validness cogency choice oath rationale incentive spur instigation incitement inducement enchantment besottedness central theme nuts and bolts stimulant stimulation determinant enticement carrot deep affection endearment idolization puppy love amorousness care partiality agenda veneration eros vested interest score to settle reason why hidden motive hidden agenda special interest end game taste affection bent optimism leaning affinity anticipation attachment stomach druthers task pleasure venture responsibility commission charge business stunt exploit errand act deed burden feat matter accomplishment obligation piece of business racket brief chore engagement doing work contract exercise affair job gig process assignment like shine impression velleity favour favor list humour humor expectancy soft spot cup of tea dedication striving expectance idée fixe hypothesis deliberation opinion fire warmth encouragement hustle fervency understanding conception visualization image rationalization rationalisation inkling regard visualisation perception postulation sentiment abstraction worry reflection conclusion reasoning contrivance contemplation supposition conceptualisation estimation conceptualization gumption aggression moxie zing esprit earnestness self-motivation entrepreneurial spirit will power get up and go right stuff what it takes a sense of purpose


The absence or opposite of something actual or positive


Severe suffering, difficulty or privation
hardship suffering adversity difficulty trouble austerity misery misfortune affliction calamity destitution privation tribulation burden grievance oppression persecution torment want deprivation discomfort need neediness penury trial beggary hassle impecuniosity impecuniousness pain asperity disaster distress hardness hazard poverty rigour rigor ruin ruination trials wretchedness accident catastrophe curse danger drudgery grief injury labor labour mischance peril sorrow toil travail travails vicissitude worry fatigue dire straits hard knocks trials and tribulations rotten luck tough break tough luck uphill battle financial distress rainy day Herculean task indigence difficulties straits bad luck impoverishment jam drag downer exigency crunch pickle pinch throe scrape bummer hot water hard time ticklish spot holy mess unholy mess hard times can of worms ill-fortune ill-luck ill luck strain stress anxiety weight albatross load pressure encumbrance drain liability problem millstone punishment thorn in one's side tension heat demands urgency pressure cooker onus obligation duty pains awkwardness problems cumber aggravation laboriousness struggling struggle strenuousness arduousness strife unwanted responsibility concern deadweight cross to bear ball and chain responsibility accountability chain charge dead weight hindrance mental weight task blame shackle cross setback frustration bother ado painfulness hangup dolour imbroglio annoyance inconvenience bafflement irritation puzzle mental burden to-do yoke


Lack of interest, concern, or sympathy
indifference detachment aloofness apathy coldness coolness disregard insouciance callousness impassiveness impassivity nonchalance disinterestedness dispassionateness negligence unconcern apathy about apathy towards carelessness casualness complacence disregard for distance emotionlessness equity heedlessness of incuriosity incuriousness nonchalance about objectivity obliviousness to passionlessness torpor unconcern about uninvolvement in uninvolvement with unresponsiveness boredom with carelessness of dismissiveness of dispassion heedlessness impartiality inattention lack of concern about mindlessness of neutrality poco-curantism unresponsiveness to weariness of alienation cold-bloodedness disdain disinterest immunity inertia insensitivity isolationism lack of interest lack of interest in lethargy listlessness noninterference stoicism uninterest unmindfulness lack of enthusiasm about lack of feeling absence of feeling cold shoulder lack of sympathy phlegm passivity insensibility lassitude passiveness dullness stolidity inactivity stolidness halfheartedness remoteness insensibleness frostiness reserve inaction neglect lack of concern indolence numbness calmness unfeelingness unfriendliness sluggishness cool equanimity forgetfulness inadvertence lack of enthusiasm affectlessness languidness inertness unapproachability standoffishness idleness languor uninterestedness composure stupor formality laziness slowness drowsiness thoughtlessness imperturbability stiffness iciness oversight neglectfulness withdrawnness coma torpidity hebetude sloth frigidity resignation docility nonparticipation preoccupation nonpartisanship leadenness inactiveness woolgathering ease slackness cold-heartedness laxness snootiness calm remissness sangfroid hardheartedness stoniness distantness laxity unflappability oblivion omission self-possession taciturnity torpidness inconsideration impersonality unconsciousness inanition uncaring attitude lack of care fairness airiness reverie dreaminess submissiveness independence fortitude endurance boredom aplomb patience poise justice inadvertency collectedness impassibility objectiveness brown study inattentiveness unsociability equilibrium neutralism lack of involvement evenhandedness sang-froid lack of motivation fair-mindedness ignoring oscitation obliviousness equitability sloppiness overlooking inhospitality chill unkindness frigidness open-mindedness disrespect slight half-heartedness Lethe even-handedness chilliness self-control scorn slighting level-headedness self-assurance amnesia supineness lack of commitment lack of bias lack of warmth diffidence demotivation cool-headedness gradualness leisureliness unwillingness deliberateness absent-mindedness daydreaming sleepiness feebleness inobservance carefreeness lack of curiosity relaxedness sleep slumber light-heartedness ennui loftiness proudness separateness restraint accidie frivolousness happiness jauntiness breeziness hostility austerity anesthesia stupefaction narcoma trance carus analgesia narcosis insusceptibility acedia mopery equitableness haughtiness hauteur reticence easy-going attitude dispiritedness droopiness complacency lifelessness uninvolvement justness lack of understanding unawareness presence of mind leniency expressionlessness lack of emotion equality anaesthesia wintriness ignorance stand-offishness blankness absence of bias absence of prejudice nirvana darkness disdaining lack of response touch-me-not attitude waters of Lethe unselfishness default spurning scorning disregardance rebuff contempt forbearance unbiasedness indifference to desertion failure to pay attention to inattention to disfavor forgetting disesteem neglecting disfavour omitting lack of prejudice longanimity lack of attention acceptance lack of heed lack of notice non-observance brush-off philosophicalness fatalism sobriety serenity facility tranquillity long-suffering lack of protest lack of complaint placidity acceptance of the inevitable Dunkirk spirit countenance composedness dereliction repose tranquility failure tranquilness assurance shortcoming irresponsibility control easiness ability culpa incautiousness barratry incaution disregardfulness delinquency nerve placidness sedateness dereliction of duty non-performance of duty contributory negligence abandonment non-fulfilment of duty unpreparedness self-composedness self-discipline lack of proper care and attention


To have a need for something
need require crave desire want long for pine for wish for yearn for be in need of be wanting cry out for feel the want of have need of stand in need of want for miss hunger for be without be short of be crying out for grieve for feel the loss of regret the loss of longingly remember ache for feel nostalgic for regret the absence of long to see wish necessitate ask have need for have use for feel a dearth of have to have feel the necessity for hanker for thirst for have occasion for wish to have have need hurting for depend upon be needy of be deficient of be desperate for be deprived of be poor in be in want of yen for have occasion to feel necessity for find oneself in need of stand in need covet hanker after fancy itch for have a yen for sigh for feel like desiderate lust after be dying for like be bent on die for set one's heart on care for hope for lust for feel in need of hunger after yearn ache hunger spoil for hanker pine be partial to relish have a fancy for jones for pine after long aspire to dream of thirst lust pant sigh pant after repine for salivate for have a need for have one's heart set on prefer incline toward have an urge for suspire suspire for be desirous of be athirst for be dying be eager itch be desperate have a yen burn have an inclination for seek thirst after have the inclination for feel up to choose have eyes for could do with feel the need for feel a need for eat one's heart out over would give one's eyeteeth for favour favor love be greedy be hungry partial to drool be thirsty be athirst yen endorse cream for want badly be burning lick one's chops take to have a hankering approve of be itching would like obsess have a longing be eating one's heart out be consumed with a desire be consumed with the desire be aching take a liking to be desirous crave for have in mind drool over feel the urge to be unable to wait for will repine jones pant for feen dream pray for have as one's aim beg envy look forward to ask for have as one's goal languish carry a torch for desire intensely give eyeteeth for eat your heart out be unable to wait be gagging have a fancy be impatient hope be consumed with desire rejoice in revel in adore dig have a craving for get off on be crazy about sanction be enamored of delight in enjoy savor be mad for savour be wild for fall for have a yearning for aspire aim be greedy for be consumed with desire for be hungry for be thirsty for welcome lean towards lean toward elect feel inclined toward go for have a preference for would sooner opt for rather select take a shine to be turned on to suggest would rather be inclined toward take a fancy to feel inclined to burn for have a passion for

Antonym de complete lack

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