Đồng nghĩa của more unaffectionate

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Comparative for not given to showing emotion or feelings
colder stiffer stolider closer soberer chillier cooler frigider frostier number unfriendlier quieter calmer drier icier shier flatter placider primmer milder silenter blanker stonier timider austerer duller gentler peacefuller tranquiler dumber haughtier coyer uptighter heavier hollower deader blander emptier rigider sluggisher stuffier thicker-skinned starchier clammier brittler harder absenter meeker humbler drabber boringer groggier steadier unkinder softer weaker droopier wimpier lazier draggier moonier staider uppitier plainer prouder seriouser seemlier politer darker warier more undemonstrative more impassive more passionless more unemotional more dispassionate more aloof more cold-blooded more contained more distant more formal more reserved more restrained more reticent more self-contained more uncommunicative more unfeeling more unloving more unmoved more unresponsive more withdrawn more wooden more guarded more secretive more taciturn more unforthcoming more affectless more apathetic more detached more emotionless more impassible more offish more phlegmatic more remote more stoic more stoical more annoyed more chill more glacial more impertinent more impudent more incurious more indifferent more insolent more offhand more procacious more standoffish more unapproachable more unenthusiastic more uninterested more unsociable more unwelcoming more cold-hearted more uncaring more impotent more unconcerned more controlled more inhibited more diffident more bashful more self-controlled more introverted more composed more collected more unbending more antisocial more deadpan more demure more expressionless more modest more reclusive more impersonal more passive more private more serene more disinterested more sedate more unsympathetic more uncompanionable more unimpassioned more unclubbable more heartless more backward more asocial more unexcitable more callous more matter-of-fact more cautious more conventional more buttoned-up more vacant more ceremonious more eremitic more imperturbable more insensitive more forbidding more unflappable more toneless more laid-back more poker-faced more misanthropic more noncommittal more soft-spoken more unexpressive more inexpressive more listless more constrained more closemouthed more lifeless more discreet more laconic more timorous more lethargic more uninvolved more unassuming more insensible more blah more self-effacing more tight-lipped more retired more moderate more inhospitable more rational more unruffled more clinical more catatonic more half-hearted more inscrutable more temperate more hesitant more unassertive more nervous more immovable more unaffected more uncompassionate more off more Olympian more torpid more uncordial more straight-faced more loveless more insular more supine more inert more spiritless more thoughtful more snobbish more gelid more antiseptic more recessive more sheepish more unaffable more introvert more unexpansive more unsocial more unrevealing more laid back more hermitic more uncurious more negative more vacuous more indomitable more enduring more philosophic more unreceptive more unenthused more unfazed more fixed more inanimate more bovine more supercilious more disdainful more neutral more independent more insusceptible more unimpressible more isolated more impartial more monotonous more unintelligent more lymphatic more inactive more hardened more nonchalant more inexcitable more ungregarious more unromantic more impervious more repellent more hermitical more recluse more casual more lackadaisical more bored more languid more unvarying more unmodulated more tedious more hostile more hardhearted more seclusive more secret more pokerfaced more eremetic more self-sufficient more stony-hearted more unmotivated more unambitious more eremitical more reasonable more pococurante more Laodicean more rabbity more uninspiring more dispirited more untouched more exact more precise more correct more proper more unextreme more inobtrusive more chilled more inflexible more arrogant more insociable more starched more stilted more affected more official more stuck-up more equable more embarrassed more in charge more strait-laced more stiff-necked more businesslike more uneasy more unagitated more insecure more unsentimental more objective more unimpressionable more apprehensive more marble more coldhearted more obdurate more unconfident more uncomfortable more level-headed more reluctant more repressed more hard-boiled more frustrated more unspeaking more subdued more unwilling more self-conscious more tongue-tied more dried up

Trái nghĩa của more unaffectionate

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