Đồng nghĩa của most rumpty

Tính từ

Superlative for in a derelict or dilapidated state
shabbiest seediest squalidest dingiest slummiest grottiest crummiest shackiest ricketiest tattiest oldest shakiest dumpiest mangiest scruffiest meanest grungiest miserablest tackiest rattiest sleaziest scrubbiest grubbiest slovenliest scungiest mankiest messiest droopiest poorest dodgiest frowziest sickliest untidiest wildest faultiest duffest crumbliest raunchiest scuzziest sordidest shoddiest wretchedest sorriest raggediest skankiest filthiest yuckiest seamiest cheapest dirtiest basest paltriest sloppiest unpleasantest nastiest slimiest trashiest lowest roughest tawdriest muckiest skeeziest limpest gungiest baddest cruddiest commonest lousiest rottenest dowdiest grimiest crudest muddiest uncleanest gaudiest dustiest smuttiest frumpiest blackest ickiest scummiest junkiest daggiest terriblest scabbiest foulest slobbiest frowsiest blowsiest blowziest schlockiest bummest coarsest cheesiest schlumpiest vulgarest kitschest showiest gunkiest stickiest rankest sickest saddest sootiest worst off scroungiest loudest naffest flashiest straggliest stodgiest pokiest neediest grodiest tinniest awfullest ropiest abjectest punkest miriest smelliest lamest horriblest crumbiest suckiest beastliest disgustingest woefullest scurviest flimsiest ghastliest pitifullest grossest wackest shlockiest weakest most dilapidated most tumbledown most neglected most ramshackle most decrepit most derelict most unmaintained most shambly most insalubrious most ruinous most depressed most broken-down most uncared-for most tatterdemalion most bedraggled most damaged most beat-up most unsound most timeworn most threadbare most dog-eared most moth-eaten most bombed-out most worn out most ruined most decayed most untended most wrecked most tottering most unkempt most battered most faded most overgrown most beat up most weather-beaten most withering most antiquated most superannuated most worn most unweeded most uncultivated most sagging most ailing most used up most tired most drooping most wilted most weedgrown most defective most broken most finished most busted most knackered most clapped out most deteriorating most marred most beat most unimproved most worn-out most ragged most disheveled most dishevelled most dismal most second-rate most impoverished most poverty-stricken most unprepossessing most mediocre most low-class most low-grade most substandard most slatternly most soiled most stained most sullied most disreputable most ragtag most slumlike most blackened most uncleanly most draggled most feculent most slobbish most rubbishy most cheapjack most execrable most draggle-tailed most frayed most disordered most overcrowded most unsavory most unsavoury most crooked most dishonest most tasteless most penurious most ordinary most garish most indigent most middling most menial most spotted most unsanitary most unhygienic most hard up most bogging most insanitary most flash most festy most impure most deprived most disadvantaged most mussy most tousled most waxy most outmoded most out-of-date most ostentatious most unsuitable most unbecoming most distressed most messed up most uncombed most matted most windblown most rumpled most slipshod most cheapo most underprivileged most atrocious most ill-groomed most rubbish most unsatisfactory most defiled most makeshift most inglorious most pretentious most plastic most low-down most pathetic most unspeakable most dreadful most putrid most fetid most muddied most shanty most ghetto most wrong most deplorable most lamentable most abominable most wanting most deficient most unacceptable most bush most dissatisfactory most pants most off most unsightly most calamitous most disastrous most inadequate most repulsive most God-awful most godforsaken most bush-league

Tính từ

Superlative for likely to collapse because of poor construction or upkeep
ricketiest shakiest wobbliest unsteadiest flimsiest fragilest rockiest weakest frailest feeblest infirmest shackiest rottenest wonkiest dodgiest trembliest wiggliest slightest lightest brittlest shoddiest slipperiest loosest trickiest cheapest spindliest riskiest dizziest sickliest tenderest unsurest crumbliest wispiest shiftiest sickest weakliest groggiest wooziest waviest iffiest giddiest highest-risk hairiest gravest seriousest unhealthiest harmfullest chanciest touchiest most unstable most precarious most insecure most tottery most tottering most ramshackle most unsafe most unbalanced most unsound most decrepit most dilapidated most broken most derelict most wavering most tumbledown most shambly most broken-down most defective most unreliable most insubstantial most damaged most dangerous most delicate most breakable most vulnerable most makeshift most movable most frangible most tremulous most wabbly most quivery most wayward most unwell most ticklish most staggering most shuddery most perilous most hazardous most quavery most suspect most moving most mobile most ill most sensitive most unprotected most defenceless most defenseless most parlous most touch-and-go most rocking most flaccid most uneven most worm-eaten most tenuous most friable most smashable most splintery most rootless most inconstant most doubtful most destroyable most destructible most fitful most ailing most crook most unsettled most doddery most vacillating most fluctuant most helpless most awry most lubricious most unguarded most unsubstantial most superficial most threatening most treacherous most menacing most life-threatening most destructive most injurious most threatened most venturesome most uncertain most grievous most malignant most toxic most erratic most explosive most alarming most undependable most untrustworthy most fearsome

Trái nghĩa của most rumpty

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