反义词 acting timid


Opposite of easily anxious or frightened
brave fearless bold confident resolute undaunted unfazed unfearful unfearing valiant assertive assured collected firm frightless gallant nervy plucky resilient sure temerarious unafraid undauntable unflinching unruffled unshrinking daring doughty intrepid forward mettlesome adventuresome adventurous aggressive audacious dashing fierce forceful gutsy hardy self-confident self-possessed shameless spartan spirited stalwart stout stouthearted strong-willed unabashed venturesome venturous able ballsy bellicose brazen calm conceited courageous daredevil dauntless egotistical extroverted forthcoming loud presumptuous proud reckless self-assertive self-assured strong defiant game gutty manful sure of oneself lionhearted heroic valorous heroical greathearted outgoing immodest brash extraverted determined backboned unwavering unreserved tough hard feisty certain decisive uninhibited sociable gritty friendly pushy poised unflappable cool composed brassy arrogant open forthright steadfast enterprising unfaltering unworried positive unshakable relaxed talkative impudent chatty unguarded unshy unscared rash unfrightened tenacious ardent cheeky extrovert direct macho agitated overbearing incautious heedless imperturbable unhesitating loquacious eager categorical happy unashamed communicative impertinent convincing pert unperturbed overconfident natural outspoken garrulous brass-necked blatant sassy demonstrative secure staunch powerful gregarious uncompromising excited upset driven resolved dedicated frank cocky honest boldfaced assuming disconcerted bold-faced self-asserting unflagging stout-hearted candid strong-minded tough-minded firm in spirit virile dominating domineering inapprehensive wilful undismayed imaginative indifferent stable impavid undeterred bossy uncoy herolike saucy flip unrestrained ferocious buoyant flaunting pretentious commanding dominant ambitious spunky foolhardy enthusiastic definite dogmatic keen can-do clear beautiful fancy unbendable not scared lion-hearted true unreticent unselfconscious insistent authoritative settled nonplussed orped decided absolute pushful emphatic earnest iron-willed unyielding principled passionate expressive emboldened risk-taking rock-ribbed free conclusive final fanatical unshaky unbending seen known visible spontaneous nonchalant willing believing unhesitant ready boisterous lively vivacious equable unequivocal hard-nosed controlled level-headed cool-headed self-respecting self-reliant unmindful unsafe unwary careless undisturbed sure of yourself believing in oneself levelheaded presuming articulate brassbound implicit unembarrassed at ease consummate motormouthed mouthy gabby blabby talky conversational rude egoistic cocksure optimistic unshaken brazen-faced smart-alecky in-your-face bold as brass coming on strong sanguine doubtless calmed blunt irrepressible self-composed warm resistant wordy effusive transparent easy content unself-conscious comfortable graceful barefaced indefatigable sturdy indomitable headstrong enduring durable toughened clamorous offered given disturbed noisy troubled straightforward verbose voluble rough uncareful persistent hardened straight capable prominent noticeable eye-catching high-profile conspicuous obtrusive ironclad robust plainspoken rugged inured undissembled quick to recover difficult to keep down quick to bounce back getting in the way


Opposite of cowardly or weak in character


Opposite of supporting or relating to the political views or policies of the right

同义词 acting timid

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Copyright: Proverb ©

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