の同義語 acting timid


Easily anxious or frightened
cowardly scared afraid fearful frightened nervous timorous pusillanimous quaking weak-kneed apprehensive easily frightened faint-hearted gutless lacking courage mousy shrinking lily-livered meek anxious chicken cowering craven cringey fainthearted irresolute jittery mousey panicky pigeonhearted pigeon-hearted sissy skittish spineless trembling tremulous unheroic wimpish wimpy yellow yellow-bellied browbeaten bullied capricious cowed daunted dismayed feeble gentle hesitant intimidated Milquetoast poor-spirited recreant shaky soft spiritless submissive tentative unassured unnerved vacillating wavering weak wet having cold feet shy chicken-livered dastardly jumpy chickenhearted chicken-hearted milk-livered diffident poltroon sissified nervy weakling characterless candy-assed scary nerveless fearsome pathetic retiring effete frail wishy-washy namby-pamby insecure limp-wristed uneasy bashful boneless unassertive weakened weak-willed invertebrate worried antsy spooked skittery milk-and-water tense unconfident unmanly bothered wussy agitated uptight abject uncertain feart unsettled restless base troubled passive perturbed lacking confidence tame self-conscious impotent faltering sheepish overwrought squeamish fidgety wary concerned flurried coy alarmed fretful edgy twitchy dithery fluttery terrified disquieted toey startled spookish squirrelly skitterish upset ineffectual discomposed white-livered hysterical caitiff disturbed half-hearted uncomfortable very nervous petrified inept ineffective high-strung highly strung feckless lacking self-confidence lame milksoppish unsure lacking assurance lacking in confidence not self-assured not confident self-doubting running scared on edge excited easily scared agog self-effacing coward funky mouselike declining debilitated enervated mean-spirited niddering stammering stuttering stumbling modest poltroonish emasculated graceless weedy indecisive ignoble afraid of one's own shadow like a lamb to the slaughter fickle dishonourable dishonorable cringing daft nerdy dithering useless approval-seeking forceless pithless powerless undetermined indeterminate fallible sookie cowhearted backward worthless embarrassed corruptible supine hemming and hawing waffling yielding unreliable undependable reserved introverted easily led without a will of your own paper tiger no guts afraid of one's shadow having the willies rabbity quivery withdrawn strained unrelaxed unquiet awkward discomforted discomfited lacking social skills tongue-tied ill at ease unconvincing unenthusiastic taut excitable queazy angsty unsubstantial meager fragile overstrung trepidatious distressed stressed neurotic flighty horrified frantic moderate mild flimsy faint tenuous meagre shaken rattled aghast brittle spasmodic terrorized affrighted afeared hysteric shocked unglued careful frozen stunned frit terrorised low-key apprehensive about intimidated by in a flap alarmed at beside oneself terror-stricken scared to death panic-stricken in a fluster scared stiff shivery in a state in a tizzy scared witless in a tizz in a funk in a cold sweat horror-struck in a blue funk horror-stricken terror-struck queasy in awe shaking in one's shoes with your heart in your mouth frightened out of your wits scared out of your wits shaking like a leaf easily agitated frightened to death windy appalled in a panic stupefied worked up worried sick abashed flustered wired frenzied overwhelmed overawed bricking oneself stressy numb phobic numb with fear paralyzed with fear hung up paralysed with fear in fear and trepidation have cold feet in a sweat dumbfounded dazed pushing the panic button having butterflies in the stomach panic-struck awed creeped out aroused panicked butterflies jellyfish traumatized quivering spooky reluctant aflutter awestruck shell-shocked in a frenzy having kittens very scared awe-struck overcome traumatised astonished goose-bumpy exercised shuddering in a flat spin scared rigid overanxious deterred disillusioned discouraged amazed frozen with fear surprised paralyzed speechless paralysed disconcerted suspicious foreboding mistrustful doubtful benumbed transfixed dispirited demoralized downcast stiff immobilised immobilized tied up in knots on pins and needles in a stew biting one's nails angst-ridden in a dither gun-shy having a funny feeling having stage fright on tenterhooks biting nails put off demoralised ruffled annoyed irritable adrenalized sensitive febrile strung out strung up


Having a shy or bashful nature
shy modest reserved retiring bashful diffident withdrawn coy reticent demure quiet introverted unassuming unassertive sheepish humble backward recessive self-effacing shrinking timorous meek unconfident insecure hesitant mousy nervous blushing restrained self-conscious apprehensive aw-shucks inhibited fearful embarrassed unsure unforthcoming reluctant silent shamefaced unobtrusive unpretentious introvert wary constrained unassured unsociable undemonstrative mild reclusive suspicious uncertain chary media-shy uncommunicative unpresuming lowly rabbity cold secretive ill at ease withdrawing private cool retired uneasy standoffish solitary offish anxious uncomfortable simple doubting passive fearsome skittish tremulous fainthearted plain ashamed abashed distrustful taciturn unpretending unostentatious inward-looking resigned aloof overmodest self-contained mim distant inconspicuous guarded close unresponsive subdued self-doubting remote close-mouthed nice blushful down-to-earth prim detached cautious stand-offish thoughtful eremitic nongregarious soft-spoken collected uncompanionable submissive ineffectual costive scary prudish colourless indeterminate pale colorless docile verecund recoiling apologetic faint-hearted worried low-key unaggressive discreet unboastful easily embarrassed temperate low-profile unnoticeable chaste proper uptight lacking confidence irresolute spiritless feeble seemly mousey lacking self-confidence unaffected repressed not self-assured moderate prudent frustrated socially inhibited awkward natural passionless humiliated unconcerned aseptic disinterested incurious retreated recluse uncurious casual uninterested indifferent formal seclusive secret edgy tongue-tied keeping a low profile ingenuous hung up tense ordinary hermitic anchoritic eremitical strained bottled up genuine artless unapproachable stiff unaffable unexpansive flushed discomfited unnatural self-restrained gauche stilted not forward unfriendly unambitious reddening flushing artificial mannered affected indrawn closemouthed unemotional frigid chilly tight-lipped laconic dumb ill-at-ease snobbish Olympian out of countenance unsure of yourself contemplative pensive self-absorbed self-interested like a fish out of water gentle serene misanthropic icy peaceful ceremonious noncommittal sedate composed placid conventional red-faced meditative reflective ruminative inner-directed self-centred turning red introspective self-centered unpoised antisocial frosty unbending unclubbable asocial standoff dry haughty dispassionate impersonal buttoned-up cold-eyed austere apathetic unwelcoming impassive unfeeling mom clammed up mum unsympathetic inhospitable lukewarm cold-blooded emotionless forbidding mute stolid unenthusiastic ascetic disdainful sequestered uppity speechless cloistered phlegmatic self-controlled uninvolved isolated brooding curt wooden muted supercilious laid-back hermit-like dark unexpressive affectless sententious untalkative clamlike offhand stuffy numb controlled unsocial close-lipped secluded annoyed offended impudent impertinent procacious insolent tight-mouthed sparing unpassioned abstract gelid staid non-communicative poker-faced dour rigid impartial buttoned up lone dried-up glacial unloving monkish enigmatic abstracted stony preoccupied monastic unmoved hermetic chill uncongenial stoic stoical impassible deep sober snooty hostile proud independent unspeaking off neutral cagey hermitical hushed zipped cold-hearted incommunicable starchy laid back uncordial stuck up calm stuck-up putting on airs clinical removed clammy thick-skinned spacey eremetic tightlipped uncaring pococurante hard-eyed brittle antiseptic dried up nonchalant on the QT incommunicative insensible complacent insouciant perfunctory spaced-out playing your cards close to your chest uncommunicable negative keeping people at arm's length out of it avoidant unaffectionate contained lonesome unamiable suppressed superior unneighbourly celibate unconversational half-hearted tepid short insociable arrogant wordless ungregarious insular uncivil rude mopey mopish unneighborly unwilling mumchance alienated mean-looking inaccessible inapproachable scowling evasive hush-hush put on airs outside inactive discharged immured unfrequented otiose cidevant unrevealing unenthused at a loss for words dummied up not talkative cynical disagreeable hermitlike antagonistic cenobitic conventual wouldn't say boo to a goose of few words bored monachal cloistral coenobitic self-denying self-sufficient ardorless impervious repellent cold-shoulder loveless insensitive impotent unromantic unkind callous hardhearted all alone stony-hearted frugal oblate Spartan exact precise just watching the clock not giving a damn unwilling to mix with other people lackadaisical correct businesslike inflexible starched mysterious uninquiring steady unsentimental official serious cryptic polite matter-of-fact straight arrow by the numbers strait-laced stiff-necked objective uncommitted unbiased unprejudiced reasonable bureaucratic inhuman soft inarticulate covert blank furtive featureless uncolored straight depersonalised faceless candid careful soulless depersonalized gray grey equal measured nondiscriminatory anonymous monolithic expressionless unexcessive in charge under wraps chilled in check inobtrusive on a leash under control nonaggressive not given to excesses in control of yourself corked up self-possessed cool, calm and collected unextreme sullen backstairs sly undercover feline secluse deadpan empty shut away vacant strictly business cold turkey camera-shy in private in chambers in privacy inexpressive in the background in the dark inert catatonic lofty hard-hearted hard-boiled on ice cold fish lone wolf


Readily conforming to the authority or will of others
submissive compliant yielding malleable acquiescent accommodating amenable tractable manageable unassertive non-resisting passive obedient biddable dutiful duteous docile ductile pliant meek mild patient resigned forbearing subdued humble self-effacing spiritless deferential obsequious servile slavish self-abasing spineless groveling grovelling lamblike supine bootlicking subservient resistless longanimous abject bowing down comformable complying domesticated giving-in ingratiating nonresistant nonresisting obeisant obeying pliable tame uncomplaining unresisting agreeable amiable conformable fawning kowtowing law-abiding lowly menial obliging placable soft subordinate surrendering controllable disciplinable governable handleable teachable trainable under one's thumb under the thumb sycophantic cringing downtrodden cowering subject craven truckling snivelling dancing sniveling in one's power in one's clutches in one's pocket at one's mercy a slave to at beck and call unobtrusive demure shy cowed unprotesting cringey gentle reverential polite sheepish supplicatory hesitant timorous quiet unambitious tentative apprehensive fearful mim self-conscious dominated subjugated browbeaten bullied oppressed intimidated repressed nagged constrained uxorious henpecked led by the nose ground down treated like dirt tied to someone's apron strings subjected to nagging without a mind of one's own wife-ridden in fear of one's partner under someone's heel complaisant persuadable cooperative willing persuasible impressionable respectful toadying easy manipulable tolerant adaptable suggestible toadyish unctuous brown-nosing reverent workable susceptible Uriah Heepish slimy low regardful unresistant sucky mean well-behaved good tolerating disciplined attentive ass-kissing oily smarmy orderly influenceable easily influenced courteous gullible soapy indulgent arse-licking base easy-going flexible lenient milky accepting deferent peaceable sycophantish oleaginous considerate easily handled brownnosing trusting easygoing mannerly long-suffering restrained susceptive weak-kneed enduring ignoble unassuming forgiving moldable crawling flattering creeping devoted civil weak loyal faithful well-mannered easily led like putty in your hands go-with-the-flow supple transformable bendy assenting cowardly docious stoical greasy thoughtful non-resistant receptive credulous under control cool inferior peaceful well disciplined game venerating solicitous proletarian plebeian well trained naive common civilized stoic lowborn forelock-tugging excessively deferential apple-polishing parasitic calm lumpen baseborn low-life vulgar prole lower-class suasible well behaved charitable civilised suckholing despicable easily swayed responsive obscure weak-willed poor ordinary simple unwashed modest mealy-mouthed tranquil good-natured mundane withdrawing prosaic everyday retiring feeble-minded well mannered rolls with punches putty in one's hands cast down with the patience of Job humiliating administrable conformist consenting assentient accordant consentient prostrate domestic tameable quiescent acceding awed tamable agreeing conforming approving convincible adulatory trained untroublesome convenient amendable ingratiatory controlled acquiescing assentive conscientious gracious ready rulable dedicated easily persuaded encourageable bowing spongy seemly responsible decorous decent wormlike courtly admiring chivalrous gallant conciliatory crouching submitting punctilious average declassed unpretentious commonplace filial non-violent obligatory binding arse-kissing bowing and scraping mellow appreciative beggarly nonviolent ruly selfless childlike usable complacent observant incumbent on sheeplike hearsome honoring unquestioning honouring at peace laid-back eating crow well-trained generous friendly easily manipulated permissive eating humble pie wrapped around finger on a string understanding composed ingenuous unsuspecting good-tempered parasitical unflappable good-humored good-humoured compliable pusillanimous honey-tongued insincere smooth-tongued slick silver-tongued smooth-talking smooth exploitable pushover prone imperturbable serene even-tempered unexcitable innocent tender open persistent persevering philosophical kind weak-minded changeable saccharine nauseating slippery endearing cloying insinuating wheedling cajoling winsome winning sickening disarming compassionate deceivable impressible equanimous untiring mild-tempered unruffled self-possessed inexcitable dupable clement insinuative timeserving creepy charming serving silken merciful pampering liberal unsuspicious mollycoddling deludable lax unoppressive pardoning moderate benign temperate unburdensome humoring spoiling excusing light condoning sympathetic fleeceable impassive philosophic fortitudinous wide-eyed humouring self-controlled self-restrained over-trustful over-trusting yellow-bellied without guts easily deceived able to be influenced easily taken in easily taken advantage of readily taken advantage of low-born low-bred plain peasant low-ranking deprived


Cautious or circumspect in style or approach
safe cautious circumspect prudent chary attentive calculating careful considerate gingerly heedful wary conservative unadventurous leery unenterprising hesitant reluctant delicate guarded alert suspicious fastidious dainty squeamish discreet cagey tentative unexciting traditional conventional timorous unimaginative stay-at-home stuffy narrow-minded limited straight boring square uncreative strait-laced restrained stick-in-the-mud shy uptight vigilant watchful observant canny politic mindful on guard thoughtful on the lookout aware judicious on the qui vive moderate reserved discriminating scrupulous apprehensive measured on the alert on your toes on the watch sly shrewd intelligent diplomatic wise tactful sagacious reticent temperate controlled unhurried noncommittal precautious frugal awake deliberate thrifty sparing perceptive provident softly-softly paying attention with reservations keeping a weather eye on walking on eggs playing safe watching one's step watching out all ears with eyes peeled thinking twice keeping on one's toes handling with kid gloves non-committal protective vague unrevealing sage wide-awake overcareful overcautious punctilious doubting unwasteful saving wide awake playing your cards close to your chest conscientious regardful taking notice cunning designing manipulative devious crafty scheming Machiavellian prepared ready uneasy keeping one's eyes peeled psyched up on the job on one's toes open-eyed wired tentie keeping a weather eye open fast on the draw switched on keeping one's eyes open hip tenty Argus-eyed suspecting forethoughtful loath distrustful sceptical dubious mistrustful doubtful disingenuous artful conniving slippery slick guileful sharp unscrupulous foxy contriving wily afraid nervous averse disinclined mean belt-and-braces walking on egg shells hedging your bets taking it slow parsimonious stingy iffy subtle premeditating slim inhibited miserly constrained skeptical economical particular sensible discerning reasonable strategic judgmatic judgmatical civil worldly-wise kid-glove having foresight on lookout not rash


Of, supporting, or pertaining to traditionalism
traditionalistic traditional conservative orthodox reactionary unprogressive ultraconservative hidebound brassbound paleoconservative standpat archconservative mossbacked conventional right traditionalist stable unimaginative illiberal inflexible Tory unchanging rightist guarded quiet sober bourgeois constant controlled fearful firm fogyish obstinate redneck steady unchangeable uncreative undaring old-school old-fashioned old-line die-hard buttoned-down button-down right-wing middle-of-the-road fuddy-duddy hard hat holding to not extreme old guard old line white bread in a rut right of center accepted established fundamentalist purist ethnocentric conformist rigid dyed-in-the-wool uncompromising diehard blimpish ultra-conservative intolerant obscurantist unadventurous parochial retrogressive intransigent outdated regressive counterrevolutionary strait-laced philistine moderate conventionalist stuffy boring devout observant set in one's ways stick in the mud strict convinced extremist immovable unreconstructed doctrinal true narrow prejudiced of the true faith true blue of the faith alt-right biased dogmatic right wing to the right right-leaning set counter-revolutionary Birchite fanatical puritan jaundiced intractable individualistic set in your ways set in one's opinions hard-line petty-minded small-minded narrow-minded close-minded fixed in one's views unreceptive mediaeval backward-looking medieval bigoted unreasonable prehistoric historical former ancestral middle-class past old ancient folk prior historic bygone familial family long-established from the past old-world lineal old-style oral outmoded of yore out-of-date unwritten handed-down provincial property-owning small-town suburban commonplace ordinary materialistic shopkeeping propertied Pooterish parish-pump predictable Victorian staid common


old-womanish fussy prim prudish finicky niggly pernickety strait-laced timorous niminy-piminy old-maidish overcautious overparticular particular exacting fastidious dainty picky difficult choosy discriminating persnickety faddy punctilious faddish selective demanding finical squeamish over-particular nit-picking nice delicate choosey fussbudgety finicking nitpicking overnice nit-picky conscionable prissy overfastidious trivial pedantic obsessive fretful fuddy-duddy hard to please exact stickling heedful picky-picky old womanish assiduous inflexible old maidish punctual critical meticulous careful scrupulous discerning captious carping hypercritical perfectionist cavilling precise quibbling hair-splitting overcritical fault-finding hairsplitting caviling pass-remarkable pettifogging overscrupulous painstaking difficult to please refined over-exacting sensitive over-fastidious niggling faultfinding choicy rigorous tough strict censorious fine detailed dogmatic discriminative judgmental judgemental disapproving uncompromising perceptive conscientious eclectic select acute sticklerish over-censorious precisionist sharp stiff nagging over-rigorous over-strict impossible to please literalist literalistic opinionated formalist purist scholastic casuistical casuistic sophistical sophistic fiddly cautious astute anal tasteful fussbudget judicious overdelicate discriminatory rejective overexacting keen overprecise intractable obstinate trying stubborn harsh stringent overbearing unaccommodating unamenable puritanical methodical disparaging censuring cavillous unreasonable tiresome unmanageable troublesome unbending fractious hardheaded obdurate demeaning cynical importunate dictatorial negative querulous tyrannical rigid unflinching severe hard-line hard to satisfy excessively orderly complex complicated tricky rough impeccable mincing pure stuffy proper overexact unfavorable unfavourable scrutinising scrutinizing hard-to-please schoolmarmish on someone's back Victorian principled systematic extremely particular sedulous cultivated thorough queasy ordered controlled orderly scolding humbling diagnostic calumniatory belittling biting derogatory analytical lowering critic judgy exceptive reproachful trenchant sarcastic cutting penetrating contemptuous choleric condemning withering satirical stern honourable upstanding high-minded upright honorable mathematical well organized shrewd insightful perspicacious very careful easily disgusted fixed priggish scientific righteous moral ethical right-minded cultured discriminational differential artistic aesthetic individualising wise prudent with good taste individualizing esthetic clamorous insistent hard imperious exigent firm needy possessive unsparing serious high-maintenance unrelenting grim recalcitrant boorish hard-nosed argumentative pigheaded pitiless dissatisfied bearish perverse inexorable irascible resolute immovable oafish discontented obstreperous grumbly irritable set in one's ways testy refractory snappy temperamental irritating cantankerous impolite unyielding uptight quarrelsome disobliging strong-minded prickly single-minded rude crabby thrawn huffy stroppy bloody-minded froward vexed unpredictable hard to handle stiff-necked invidious bull-headed contrary steadfast fiendish intransigent oppressive ill-natured crotchety indomitable ornery contrarious uppity touchy wrong-headed opinionative disputatious chippy obstructive headstrong feisty balky bolshie disputative sour pertinacious cussed ungracious


Unable to express oneself clearly or fluently
tongue-tied dumb dumbstruck inarticulate mute speechless struck dumb mum silent voiceless wordless aghast amazed astounded awkward bashful dazed dumbfounded dumbstricken embarrassed garbled mom mumchance obmutescent shocked shy stammering uncommunicative lost for words at a loss for words bereft of speech choked up unable to speak unable to get a word out gobsmacked thunderstruck flabbergasted astonished shell-shocked surprised stunned goggle-eyed agape staggered stupefied open-mouthed staring nonplussed wide-eyed taken aback bowled over in shock bewildered confounded perplexed in amazement horrified enthralled poorly spoken unable to express oneself muted aphonic close-mouthed taciturn reserved tight-lipped cool unflappable knocked for six hit for six buttoned up clammed up cool as a cucumber not saying boo spellbound agog awe-stricken staring in amazement owly-eyed saucer-eyed moon-eyed overwhelmed startled floored flummoxed awestruck awestricken dumfounded bemused disconcerted confused awed overcome stumped openmouthed shaken blown away addled marveling marvelling wondering shaken up incredulous befuddled unnerved discomposed dismayed bedeviled befogged bushed puzzled bedevilled breathless addlepated dopey fogged dizzy dopy mixed-up overawed bamboozled thrown baffled mystified benumbed pixillated pixilated spacey muddleheaded spacy zonked wonderstruck silly slaphappy spaced muzzy punchy raddled muddled distracted fuddled at sea punch-drunk spaced-out thrown off balance filled with astonishment filled with amazement filled with wonder filled with awe at a loss caught on the hop caught on the wrong foot alarmed discombobulated flustered rattled disoriented jolted beat buffaloed lost wildered uncertain mazed in a dither at sixes and sevens perplex in awe unable to believe your eyes thunder-struck unable to believe one's ears shattered electrified abashed surd inaudible paralyzed paralysed addle zonked-out rendered speechless petrified completely surprised mimed nonverbal telepathic gestured frightened discomfited left speechless unarticulate frozen numb intoxicated knocked for a loop fazed rooted to the spot taken by surprise clueless troubled beaten vexed had their heads messed with uncomprehending besotted made to scratch their head confusticated foxed got caused to be at a stand gravelled graveled thrown off affected dazzled disorientated emotional giddy gaga hazy moved struck choky taken disturbed stricken off-balance awe-struck off balance buried blown-away verklempt swamped bowled-over defeated overthrown run-over swept off your feet unable to continue stuck nonplused licked knocked knocked out knocked sideways

の反対語 acting timid

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