同义词 undertaking something


A task or enterprise
task effort enterprise operation project business venture affair endeavour activity assignment campaign job plan pursuit scheme attempt charge exploit game mission procedure proceeding process expedition exploration quest transaction adventure commission deal duty endeavor engagement essay experiment happening hassle hazard move outfit play proposition responsibility shop striving struggle thing trial try work what one is into exercise occupation function action act deed concern brief errand crusade feat role calling post labour labor detail employment office obligation goal fling manoeuvre maneuver shot vocation chore performance objective matter stab province programme program trade go caper doing position crack experience bid burden situation whack stunt bash onus whirl purpose aim event step movement service assay risk field pass push exertion measure craft industry course of action piece of work occurrence line incident profession accomplishment drive baby offer commitment sphere gamble speculation escapade implementation case racket problem appointment achievement art cause episode romp toil part stint contract interest travail setup capacity career pigeon gig place drill pet project coordination métier piece of business line of work hard work flier initiative big idea course antic flutter trip time trust issue handiwork circumstance devoir worry emprise gest ground plan game plan care battle bag stroke niche bailiwick do lifework speciality system specialty one's all one's level best dodge day job walk of life bandwagon execution proposal directive plunge lesson idea stake business enterprise proceedings chance crapshoot investment flyer gesture jeopardy voyage journey instruction conception arrangement question tryout imperative incumbency preserve hunt challenge juggernaut lookout lark strategy grind occasion toiling pains delivery headache geste number trick attainment behavior ballgame coup behaviour test use practice phenomenon hap eventuality interlude department station plan of action area bother intention lay ambition follow through target leap in the dark throes berth billet avocation trouble living dry run area of interest tour de force line of country all one's got best shot involvement goings-on chosen work rat race slot handicraft set of circumstances line of employment line of business blitz survey secondment entrada right productivity progress message pursual requirement agenda foray conduct beat design prerogative contingency contribution tilt suggestion wheeze committal need pledge custody remit briefing seeking go-down departure workout lick privilege scene endangerment dealings deployment maneuvering shopping run collection hobby pastime taskwork area of activity blueprint workflow resolve application determination end preoccupation triumph spree life's work nine-to-five life work subject happenin' bit byplay winning securing dealing fun and games entanglement slog slap jab pop dab moral obligation try-on manoeuvring long row to hoe topic resolution one's darnedest blow pet road map outline master plan field of expertise wish aspiration hope pretension ideal holy grail desire intent path route mechanics technique mechanism motion person's task chores tour of duty steadfastness doggedness tenacity resoluteness earnestness heroic act daring act expertise competency competence skillset job description crash project something done point funeral drudgery negotiation graft servitude focus participation rôle item sector form machination style way employ skill forte livelihood bargain utility pain moil domain channels development lobby faculty connection biz realm world walk discipline element circle arena front thing to do enactment approach workings routine fashion method inconvenience diligence gruntwork elbow grease value donkeywork point at issue object raison d'être meaning mark power terrain demesne territory jurisdiction zone training progression agreement demonstration throw peril wager turf fief barony bubble precinct sport fiefdom section gauntlet load albatross difficult task hardship blood, swear, and tears appeal organization mobilization sale pact bond compact treaty spec artistry manner realization evolution growth firmament orbit area of study kingdom dedication settlement promotion fight war impetus complication carrying out rendering realisation purchasing disposal intercourse covenant buying selling convention purchase organisation mobilisation conundrum dilemma knot perplexity solution designation business deal puzzle difficulty quandary nut predicament set of tactics consignment legation embassy command try on puzzlement formal order matter of contention point of contention


A formal pledge or promise to do something
pledge commitment promise word vow agreement assurance bond covenant oath compact contract guarantee warrant solemn word word of honour pact deal warranty stipulation affirmation troth word of honor guaranty avowal arrangement obligation engagement understanding asseveration profession settlement treaty decision swearing assertion attestation surety resolve resolution swear bargain espousal declaration security parole promissory note deed sacred word certificate accord charter indenture handshake determination intention pawn affiance committal binder convention concordat sworn statement disposition entente testament transaction betrothal token earnest insurance consent marriage plight lease conclusion document instrument solemn oath gage proclamation bail avouchment affidavit task alliance protocol certification adjuration trust written promise testimony aim intent dicker papers gauge deposition statement commission objective plan aspiration purpose sworn declaration record account protestation design paper lock reassurance support shoo-in averment rain or shine sure thing lock on choice solemn promise solemn declaration acknowledgment concord concordance acceptance health toast acknowledgement gentlemen's agreement meeting of minds gentleman's agreement meeting of the minds negotiation insistence claim compromise verbal agreement disclosure pronouncement announcement confirmation maintenance pactum tacit agreement unspoken agreement unwritten agreement collateral debenture escrow faith ratification truce terms accommodation testimonial okay verification writ adjudication league reconciliation sanction armistice cartel prearrangement concession accordance common view harmony concurrence assent approval codicil recognition green light stamp of approval quid pro quo note piece of paper the nod international agreement business nonformal agreement revelation manifestation proof validation explanation advertisement expression answer speech information story bomb presentation enunciation notice allegation pitch utterance broadcast exposition publication admission remark spiel saying say so hot air two cents' worth


A business, firm or enterprise
concern company business firm enterprise organisation organization operation corporation establishment venture industry agency bureau office practice franchise partnership consortium conglomerate cooperative shop group house combine syndicate outfit set-up megacorp multinational interest institution association setup store chain cartel startup foundation market trust start-up affair society service emporium institute multiple mob crowd ring gang bunch crew commercial undertaking business enterprise affairs transnational monopoly mill factory project proceedings fly-by-night operation shoestring operation private corporation family business program programme origination Mom and Pop creation start-up business show federation department administration branch division outlet dealing contract business matter unit wing ministry activity matter subdivision station commission microenterprise assignment dealer board league guild club body fellowship union order fraternity alliance brotherhood council chamber sodality congress circle clique coterie gild college band sorority coalition team set network lodge affiliation clan sisterhood confederation combination troupe pool faction community confraternity party squad class gathering troop confederacy empire formation merger congregation parent company profession trade arm desk collective consociation centre center corporate body tribe charity committee kinship family rat pack private club conglomeration manufacturer platoon corps commando brigade army cadre cabinet detachment patrol squadron agent employer professional association trade union interest group octopus shell hookup jungle zoo camaraderie world frat movement legal entity large company business organization crème de la crème social club social organization pack collection co-op representative concord machine camp section cluster amalgamation brand management posse name line assemblage combo batch block axis bloc troops compact authority multiple store multiple shop trademark marque logo tie-in style product hallmark make grouping government department salt mines front office zaibatsu variety type mark merged businesses merged companies joint concern merged firms grade tradename kind trade name brand name workplace proprietary name trusteeship charitable body base workroom label studio headquarters source of funds established institution funding agency endowed institution building plant foundry precinct workstation working area place of business place of work conservatory seminary


A strategy worked out in advance to achieve a goal
plan method idea intention procedure deal strategy suggestion proposal disposition initiative proposition action angle approach course expedient formula maneuver manoeuvre means measure plot ploy policy recipe ruse shift tack tactic tactics thought way wile animus arrangement gimmick machination methodology purpose scenario submission contrivance projection stratagem system treatment trick game pattern big picture course of action game plan master plan plan of action option alternative choice route avenue enterprise modus operandi mission business plan programme move process practice manner program path technique step blueprint style scheme routine design mechanism regimen agenda conduct setup operation mode protocol praxis line exercise possibility behaviour maneuvering proceeding racket behavior drill manoeuvring line of action method of working mode of behaviour mode of conduct grand design road map MO red tape project artifice device dodge subterfuge gambit ground plan stunt venture form intrigue fashion wheeze outline activity exploit recommendation fetch jig motion play direction act presentation line of attack effort tender how shenanigan feint bid brainchild sleight deception campaign wangle pursuit schedule conspiracy draft offer thing draught order deed caper proffer affair lurk juggle endeavour flimflam knack overture scam feat adventure channels road application custom endeavor invention big idea aim task wrinkle cabal solution layout business attempt con try refuge instructions creation work modus quest engagement resort assignment charge manifesto innovation planning recourse shenanigans coinage medium finesse conception manipulation resource guidelines concoction request pitch expediency job sequence slant position stopgap rules steps set of tactics evasion theory hoax expedition pretext concern covin guideline exploration fraud transaction experiment essay performance cunning plan fix hazard plan of attack crusade map secret plan bit commission nuts and bolts plans function instrument demarche shuffle curveball advance code entry substitute series terms twist sketch formation measures craft agency tool collusion viewpoint perspective machinations regime spec baby trap makeshift proposed action stance vein tenor trickery loophole chicanery brain child schema outfit compound matter struggle framework frame-up escapade plunge complot stake flutter deceit trial striving blind fling fastie investment gamble speculation how-to series of measures romp risk grift sham duty sharp practice sleight of hand accomplishment deviousness responsibility do cheat cause ballgame doing set-up point of view little game stab pet project follow through the book booby trap leap in the dark development wiles démarche campaigning manoeuvres generalship standard procedure argument devices diplomacy defence maneuvers defense stages joke prank concept variation apparatus diet contraption appliance story pretence onus productivity progress fabrication switch model equivocation subversion set roadmap instrumentation principle prescription preliminary design prototype touch definite plan bluff attitude gamesmanship agendum series of steps tactical plan working plan strategic plan masquerade smokescreen shot intentions scene secret scheme crafty designs attack happening shop hassle flier flyer experience bunco swindle canard rubric cunningness improvisation craftiness fake groove directions ingredients receipt notions regularity duplicity mind-set practise detailed plan five-year plan throw peril chance wager jeopardy crapshoot voyage workflow rort flanker habit achievement course of therapy standard operating procedure the numbers SOP management dogma administration test plotting scheming advice mixture organizing system organisation preparation methods organization pretense excuse con trick discovery source of way of achieving means of achieving way of ensuring means of ensuring bait and switch one-upmanship whack clever move business enterprise conniving cycle commendation what one is into set of procedures set of principles fixed order inspiration number condition state ways and means occupation unscrupulousness underhandedness rut brew logical order frame of reference systematic process orderly process set of guidelines set of channels counsel parameters guiding principle likely cause of dealing knavery logical process tone phraseology quality locution attainment pet rote lockstep exhortation interface conditions details provisions requirements double-dealing dirty tricks palace intrigue product obligation goal happenin' tour de force byplay winning securing potion tip hint instrumentality stipulations interest breakthrough genre posture wise status sort situation book rule type kind errand objective prompting beaten path specification blend combination usual procedure advancement clue instruction opinion confederacy wish ambition aspiration burden hope pretension ideal piece of business brief holy grail chore target contract desire gig intent bag trade pick selection chosen league fit-up piece of advice tip-off drink medley sedition perfidy frame treachery hookup countermine counterplot treacherousness put-up job disloyalty script synopsis screenplay summary golden circle bet API storyline aspect outlook standpoint side rundown structure -gate résumé diegesis precis workings M.O. hand shoes facet phase take light modus vivendi story line method of functioning method of operation manner of working rule of thumb method of operating mode of operation personal approach way of looking at something eye view vantage point way of doing things feeler


A test of the performance, qualities, or suitability of someone or something
trial test examination analysis investigation tryout assessment experiment experimentation evaluation appraisal rehearsal check practice testing probation practise proof workout shakedown effort pilot showcase dry run try-out trial run dummy run pilot study trial and error trial period test run test-run screen test research and development test period try on R and D study demonstration observation research probe inspection exploration enquiry scrutiny inquiry review venture essay breakdown dissection interrogation probing procedure substantiation inquisition inquest assay fling deconstruction verification work examen try try-on legwork delving enterprise exercise scrutinization disquisition groundwork analyzation operation scientific test fact-finding fact finding run-through test drive try out R & D survey audition preparation going-over run drill road test run through field test controlled test scan questioning training perusal walk-through dress rehearsal cross-examination look-see audit checkup feeler quizzing checking view measurement once-over field trial practice session practical test practice run bench test trying out trial balloon test flight apprenticeship novitiate taste sample noviciate traineeship initiation ordeal screening attempt paper experimental period vetting casting approval anatomizing anatomy consideration tech rehearsal technical run gypsy rehearsal final dress tech run full rehearsal scanning hearing drive spin trials straw vote check-up grilling recce acid test quest case postmortem autopsy development valuation rating estimation demo catechism cross-questioning pumping monitoring anatomization poll third degree spot check taste test giving someone the third degree examining proving experimenting measuring repetition field work R&D blue book final questionnaire canvass make-up the eye reconnaissance diagnosis perlustration discipline routine work-out shootaround warm-up seasoning drilling tune-up prepping background iteration maneuvers rehearsing maneuver kriegspiel manoeuvre prep manoeuvres sing-through trial performance test performance practice exercise war game combat rehearsal


The successful resolution of a task, goal or quest
successful completion achievement accomplishment consummation fulfillment fulfilment realisation realization actualization completion effectuation fruition attainment commission enactment engineering execution implementation prosecution triumph acquirement actuality close closing concluding conclusion conquest discharge effecting feat finishing fulfilling masterpiece perpetration procurement pursuance reaching reification success completing coup gaining performance production winning act deed effort exploit maneuver manoeuvre carrying out carrying through master stroke polishing off sewing up successful resolution winding up successful conclusion successful fulfillment positive result successful consummation successful execution successful finalization tour de force work enterprise handiwork creation stroke of genius result pursuit job opus product conducting doing conduct dispatch pursuing enforcement following action operation victory hit feather in cap acquisition contrivance stroke administration employment practice application exercise use putting into practice exertion play utilization performing appliance applying usage praxis utilisation putting into operation effect transaction imposition usance exercising observance committal committing accomplishing redemption achieving purpose crowning maturity active responsibility law perfection satisfaction negotiation settling handling self-realization self-actualization gratification self-fulfillment organization management acting playing clinching portrayal staging agreement settlement personation representation depiction appearance personification working out organisation hammering out play-acting impersonation playacting presentation thrashing out rendering acting out carrying off bringing about bringing off nuts and bolts


An legal or formal agreeing to the action, proposals, or terms of another
acceptance admission agreement compliance consent acknowledgement acknowledgment approval assumption permission recognition assent avowal tackling nod taking on green light go-ahead okay O.K. seal of approval stamp of approval sanction endorsement authorization ratification authorisation OK confirmation acquiescence approbation blessing concurrence support licence leave thumbs up imprimatur warrant validation say-so allowance rubber stamp clearance permit favour yes authority favor license dispensation backing mandate affirmation sufferance granting encouragement concession accord commendation legalization respect legalisation passage esteem regard liberty enactment accreditation adoption passing carte blanche appreciation acclaim affirmative recommendation right power applause liking acclamation countenance the nod empowerment freedom toleration nihil obstat pat on the back say so authentication yea verification testimonial subscription certification praise admiration congratulations laudation signature consensus fiat harmony credentials endorsation good wishes indulgence tolerance high regard privilege condonance blank cheque condonation sanctification pat on back brownie points good opinion pumping up welcome benediction establishment satisfaction legislation no complaints stamp legitimization decriminalization no objection decriminalisation commission strength ability delegation word understanding aye okaying preferment goodwill advocacy OK'ing letting right on blank check a blank cheque grace accession promotion championing positive response championship upholding assenting acceding ratifying patronage superscription comment espousal countersignature qualification upvote vote up like consideration estimation hubba-hubba commercial stroke account congratulation stroking puff veneration kudos adulation ovation access subscription to pat on the head high opinion positive reception entitlement unison bells plaudits salutes accolades exemption prerogative discretion gratitude impunity pass latitude run charter order decree seal admittance command honour honor rapport accordance concurrency concord unanimity unity all clear tribute thanks credit green-light free hand free rein union homage reward agreeing sympathy salute accolade attention handling managing clean bill of health notice rave shouldering like-mindedness mention bouquet meeting of the minds hat tip round of applause puffing up pat on head acquisition embracing taking up putting on evidence proof attestation substantiation corroboration embarkation on entering on entering upon setting about testimony testament witness documentation voucher demonstration sanctioning proving validating justification affirming accepting verifying corroborating visa supporting authorizing authenticating authorising go ahead extolment celebration salutation eulogy citation eulogium reverence compliment panegyric encomium remembrance commemoration adoration deference memorial greeting laurels love glorification reaction worship awe plaudit glory distinction paean exaltation props affection hymn dithyramb bays memory compliments obeisance thankfulness bouquets appreciativeness devotion response observance kudo indebtedness gratefulness flattery popularity honoring gift hailing laud honouring cheering sun great respect rave review address a pat on the back hello reception award honourable mention prize hail obligation memorialization repute service cheer court loyalty thanksgiving reminiscence idolization good word fealty points opinion astonishment amazement genuflection gramercy valuing prizing cheers fondness mark of respect cherishing strong praise treatment monument toast merit namecheck big hand allegiance fidelity reference offering present note fame clapping courtesy sentiment faithfulness duty troth reputation salvo care plume decoration premium ceremony eulogizing high esteem dulia kneeling thank you note surprise wonder value PR eulogising strokes treasuring enjoyment pleasure delight heed answer reply receipt commemorative blarney cajolery blandishment title palm symbol statement token plug apotheosis obsequiousness fear piety devoutness bow religiousness prostration deification tributes wonderment photo credit flattering remark byline heading keeping magnification marking marveling idolatry marvelling blue ribbon acknowledgement of celebration of recognition of comeback saluting answering warm fuzzy honeyed word buttering up trade last special mention honorable mention strap line expression of gratitude a round of applause expression of appreciation shot in the arm monumentalization red-letter day kiss salaam wave pats on the back signal gesture memorial service hallo gesture of respect death anniversary raves sign of respect recollection positive feedback thought recall requital anamnesis retrospect flash afterthought hindsight flashback mental image reconstruction echo from the past sense of obligation


The quality of having a firm determination to do something
resolve resolution determination resoluteness firmness purposefulness purpose steadfastness boldness courage indefatigability intentness manfulness perseverance persistence staunchness tenacity backbone commitment constancy dedication doggedness pertinacity strong-mindedness tenaciousness will power braveness bravery decision fortitude grit guts obstinacy pertinaciousness spiritedness courageousness decidedness decisiveness design earnestness objective pluck spunk will willpower determinedness obduracy obdurateness perseveration pluckiness stickability stubbornness conclusion granite inflexibility intension intention project purposiveness sticktoitiveness firmness of purpose single-mindedness Sitzfleisch strength of character strength of will fixed purpose fixity of purpose inner strength staying power stick-to-it-iveness stout-heartedness bulldog spirit stick-to-itiveness mettle spirit spine drive heart nerve dauntlessness moxie valour hardihood valor bottle strength intrepidity balls daring toughness gameness fearlessness stamina intestinal fortitude enthusiasm moral fibre gutsiness conviction ardor moral fiber ardour strength of mind energy application audacity vigour vigor enterprise zeal devotion force indomitability endurance character intransigence doughtiness passion obstinance gumption ballsiness sand gallantry heroism zest motivation intrepidness iron will eagerness vitality insistence diligence relentlessness verve virtue fiber seriousness forcefulness confidence steel assiduity fibre self-discipline keenness willfulness fervour patience fervor daringness stoutness resilience hardiness grittiness prowess greatheartedness intent ambition self-control stoutheartedness volition morale self-possession push cojones fire life assurance certainty sedulousness Dunkirk spirit gusto mulishness tirelessness self-mastery pigheadedness self-restraint vim restraint self-will bullheadedness mood effort aim self-command self-government stomach initiative starch discipline faith pecker temperament aggressiveness vivacity dash liveliness fight get-up-and-go plan opinionatedness hardheadedness toughness of spirit obstinateness assiduousness continence self-containment self-opinionatedness continuance industry fervency zip intensity control animation stoicism esprit temper disposition vivaciousness quality humor zealousness outlook hard work substance desire humour dynamism pep sense of purpose aspiration fire in the belly true grit wholeheartedness aggression what it takes incentive manliness certitude conclusiveness assertiveness emphaticalness labor labour punch resistance combativeness sparkle brio fixedness spirits élan appetite fixity striving competitiveness oomph exuberance surety attitude persistency mettlesomeness avidity bounce steadiness inexorability bravura lion-heartedness elan chutzpah immovability inexorableness warmth loyalty implacability integrity feeling honor honour fanaticism self-confidence will to win valiancy ruggedness valorousness essence tenor air breath jazz complexion psyche pertness state of mind vital spark life force prearrangement ardency frame of mind survival skills predetermination moral strength esprit de corps team spirit agreement arrangement effrontery poise aplomb self-belief self-trust sincerity genuineness mind perverseness reluctance perversity venturesomeness adventurousness adventuresomeness strictness sedulity vibrance dourness dogmatism virility pledge caliber calibre makeup strength of purpose conscientiousness competitivity pursuance valiance clock guttiness durability vehemence industriousness gut activity pizzazz stiff upper lip promise bouncebackability meticulousness militancy togetherness bravehood stuff positiveness go action pzazz activeness belligerence impetus sitzfleisch fervidness headstrongness right stuff thrust authoritativeness definiteness person's resolution obedience orderliness ability to bounce back vow endeavor endeavour avidness importunity depth pushiness pertinence ambitiousness urge pining power work ethic mental state singleness of purpose choice oath good behaviour controlled behaviour velleity liking craving yearning fancy longing toil engrossment deliberation stimulus bulldog tenacity militance scrappiness disputatiousness quarrelsomeness truculence assaultiveness pugnacity defiance bellicosity feistiness belligerency contentiousness militantness optimism hankering pursuit work power to resist turn hopefulness hope importunateness faithfulness allegiance fastness troth fidelity adhesion devotedness fealty piety attachment crusade exertion attack heart's desire battle toiling pains campaign self-esteem will to resist pleading clamour clamorousness begging honesty unfailingness abidingness principle love truthfulness adherence trustiness attempt travail movement forbearance graft struggle throes rigidness adamancy rigidity inflexibleness grimness implacableness contumacy clamor urgency pith intransigency long-suffering die-hardism temerity audaciousness face valiantness cheek recklessness rashness cockiness undauntedness impudence insolence brazenness brass cheekiness brashness sauciness gall crust impertinence presumptuousness rudeness shamelessness nerviness disrespect forwardness assumption incivility discourtesy familiarity sassiness overconfidence disrespectfulness impudency brassiness venturousness daredevilry daredeviltry derring-do front presumption sauce chutzpa tolerance robustness toleration zing temerariousness salt nobility sufferance bravado welly arrogance coolness lionheartedness relish resignation legs flippancy stalwartness zestfulness submission lustiness buoyancy neck effervescence high-spiritedness fizz indulgence cool lenience snash understanding sass capacity survival procacity malapertness ginger juice sap snap brass neck power of endurance clout overoptimism bullishness pride har gumph impishness mischief spunkiness uppityness uppishness lip foolhardiness willingness non-susceptibility immunity alacrity chivalry amenability cool-headedness self-assurance potency goodwill obligingness backchat wind fitness risk-taking heroic deed brave deed overboldness great courage daring action indomitableness invincibility civility deference address reverence savoir-faire urbanity gentility duty elegance tact iron enjoyment brass balls might sturdiness excitement joy delight irreverence impoliteness inappropriateness overfamiliarity inconsiderateness impropriety incorruptibility morality moral excellence moral virtue scruples good conscience moral rectitude moral courage strongmindedness nerves constancies peckers grits bottles being hard as nails mouth motive self-motivation fire in belly hustle impellent momentum bad manners hide bumptiousness haughtiness crust cynicism conceit pomposity overbearance self-importance interest perkiness jauntiness breeziness chirpiness a smart mouth fierceness delectation impact vividness vigorousness undergoing enduring forebearance continuing ability allowance standing suffering withstanding happiness ecstasy cheer satisfaction elation high spirits pleasure bliss broad-mindedness mental power zap stress full head of steam open-mindedness charity holding up vibrancy sympathy duration continuation spark lenity permissiveness magnanimity liberality liberalism vinegar gas beans leniency ceaselessness continuousness abidance subsistence continuity being buoyance pulse bang joie de vivre bloom steam clemency complaisance laxness hardness calmness composure equanimity serenity lack of bias opposition acceptance lack of prejudice imperturbability longanimity equilibrium tranquillity tranquility unexcitability consideration inexcitability kindness passivity nonresistance bearing placidity even-temperedness unflappability moderation even temper passiveness permanence longevity extension


A vigorous struggle or scuffle, typically in order to obtain or achieve something
tussle fight scuffle struggle scrap brawl fray fracas scrimmage skirmish scrum set-to battle conflict contest free-for-all punch-up scramble donnybrook fisticuffs shindig shindy affray competition disturbance dust-up melee rumpus afters bout bust-up clash combat contention ding-dong dustup hassle rammy roughhouse ruck ruckus run-in spat wrestling match bagarre biffo broil miff rough and tumble stoush swedge brush encounter grind jam rumble strife wrangle bit of argy-bargy power struggle tug of war row altercation riot ruction confrontation quarrel engagement feud commotion dispute battle royal argument war disagreement dogfight tumult barney brouhaha duel tiff exchange squabble falling-out rough-and-tumble collision tangle uproar warfare boilover hostilities difference of opinion hostility contretemps fighting match war of words misunderstanding dissension attack face-off shouting match joust brannigan rivalry argy-bargy grapple breach of the peace exchange of blows bunfight disputation armed conflict rencounter bickering slanging match stand-up action scrape bloodshed duke out sparring match tug-of-war head-to-head assault campaign scrabble fist fight knock-down-drag-out sweepstakes square go to-do rough house flap slugfest disorder discord sweep-stake showdown jostle tracasseries tracasserie stooshie incident division schism onslaught tournament bicker difference onset bangarang fistfight siege blitz wrangling fuss throes conflagration rift angry exchange rupture race rhubarb crusade passage of arms physical encounter words meet mix-up falling out nasty fight turf war tourney ball game shoot-out mill free fight yike passage at arms collieshangie threap breach controversy split stramash jump go shuffle wrestling bout hullabaloo confusion bovver outbreak of violence offensive lists alienation estrangement armed confrontation armed clash agitation game armed struggle friction event field separation imbroglio argle-bargle kickup vendetta hot war difficulty round matchup scene blowup cross fire blow-off trouble boxing match battle royale brush-off antagonism prize fight meeting tilt aggro jockeying knock-down drag-out opposition antipathy tension variance duking it out bare-knuckled boxing barehanded boxing hand-to-hand fight hand-to-hand combat bare-hand boxing bare-knuckle boxing blitzkreig sortie warring military action press carnage barrage inharmony discordance disunion disaccord dissonance dissent infighting disharmony discordancy disunity dissidence dissention embroilment spar cyberwar cold war kerfuffle stew ruffle push movement bombing vying striving spot of bother military fight mix up hustle ill feeling bad blood faction ill will animosity jostling significant contact divided loyalties rat race fixture counteraction challenge defiance check stand blocking obstruction trial intransigence rebuff hindrance impediment impedance impeding championship test shield protection screen safeguard striking back detention retardation cover watch support refusal holding warding off sport protecting halting parrying withstanding shootout derby go-round gunfight final blood feud tie family feud playdown resistance immunity heat play-off unsusceptibility crisis test match sporting competition prizefighting insusceptibility imperviousness enmity grudge feuding competitiveness series friendly prizefight shooting firefight beef candidacy renitency renitence stakes drive gun battle games cup tie athletic event local derby blow-up armed fighting armed hostilities bloodletting boxing bitterness high noon pageant throe pitched battle debate go-around revenge fist-fight mano-a-mano replay single combat duello quest rematch monomachy cup final sports meeting playoffs armed aggression impermeability watertightness invulnerability solidity field meeting fencing argumentation judicial duel affair of honour sword fight trials emulation culmination unfolding climax exposé back-and-forth gulf severance quarter-final semi-final affair of honor concours league playoff divergence chasm keeping up with the Joneses meeting for satisfaction of honour disaffection parting do or die one-upping pairing off horse race one on one one-upmanship scission sports matches break parting of the ways break-up clashes duels fight game haymaker fistic sport pugilism matchups cup contests deciding event moment of truth breaking point sporting event sports event bitter conflict


Present participle for to accept or commence a given responsibility or engagement
accepting assuming shouldering tackling handling approaching attempting bearing beginning commencing endeavoring endeavouring engaging managing starting contracting essaying trying hazarding initiating taking on taking up entering on launching into taking part in being responsible for dealing with devoting oneself to taking upon yourself becoming involved in carrying out committing to embarking on engaging in entering upon falling into going about taking on oneself taking responsibility for addressing oneself to concentrating on going into participating in taking upon oneself agreeing to committing oneself going for making a run at setting about with taking forward taking over venturing into venturing on addressing oneself answering for endeavoring to do endeavouring to do getting down to having a hand in moving into setting in motion getting cracking on getting to grips with going in for putting in motion having a crack at having a go at having a shot at having a stab at trying out giving something a whirl having a try at taking the plunge volunteering oneself to setting about setting to attacking adopting making a start on embracing getting going on entering sustaining getting to work on embarking upon carrying opening launching supporting kicking off buckling down to plunging into setting out taking to entering into meeting acquiring performing embarking doing taking agreeing to do knuckling down plunging jumping into tearing into turning one's hand to getting off getting to work attending to teeing off making a start developing starting off beginning undertaking facing avowing appropriating grabbing absorbing getting cracking with instituting upholding executing focussing getting on focusing concentrating espousing implementing donning taking in hand agreeing to take signing off on borrowing committing oneself to setting off getting under way focusing on starting out settling down to following through with beginning work on instigating commencing on considering starting the ball rolling on immersing yourself holding proceeding resuming renewing reopening continuing restarting recommencing taking responsibility setting upon going whole hog taking a flyer going the limit shooting the works having setting out with striking into starting on biting off starting up setting out on starting to starting out on occupying carrying on going on following through filling holding down working at getting busy with accomplishing occupying oneself with effecting transacting getting on with broaching forming taking responsibility of taking the reins of accessing gaining admittance getting involved with getting into going in stepping in cultivating picking up jumping off coming to power over assuming responsibility for taking up the baton for gaining control of taking control of taking command of assuming control of assuming responsibility of taking charge of getting cracking getting weaving breeding getting down to business getting the ball rolling getting things moving setting the ball rolling gaining discovering achieving learning nurturing attaining taking in assimilating reaching rolling up one's sleeves getting one's finger out putting one's shoulder to the wheel putting one's hand to the plough setting the wheels in motion putting the wheels in motion


(archaic) Present participle for to promise or make a guarantee to do something
swearing vowing promising guaranteeing pledging affirming asserting assuring attesting covenanting declaring proclaiming pronouncing stating averring contracting engaging professing daring say giving an undertaking giving one's word binding oneself committing oneself giving an assurance swearing an oath taking an oath crossing heart crossing one's heart and hope to die vouching warranting avowing testifying committing agreeing plighting stipulating asseverating claiming ensuring avouching binding deposing securing swearing on the Bible making a deposition giving your word swearing up and down certifying maintaining endorsing guarantying confirming underwriting obligating solemnly promising swearing under oath standing behind stating under oath entering into an agreement saying so answering for giving your word of honour vouchsafing soaking reassuring bargaining witnessing submitting espousing assenting representing acceding subscribing wagering pledging oneself obliging proving cinching staking concurring betrothing affiancing signing for stating on oath giving assurances promising under oath trusting giving an undertaking to plighting oneself swearing on bible living up to giving your oath swearing blind laying down giving a pledge putting oneself down for giving witness relying on swearing by depending on swearing to the fact having confidence in swearing to God making an affidavit getting behind reaching an agreement negotiating a deal upholding contending alleging insuring purporting insisting defending backing supporting making a commitment protesting undertaking solemnly giving word of honor arguing sponsoring delegating vouching for backing up standing by bearing out bearing witness giving grounds for verifying announcing corroborating authenticating validating acknowledging substantiating predicating establishing showing giving evidence testifying to swearing to saying admitting evidencing demonstrating deponing ratifying appearing sustaining vindicating sealing icing okaying rubber-stamping clinching locking up nailing down documenting giving proof of bearing witness to providing evidence of holding justifying emphasising emphasizing notifying ascertaining confessing recognizing insisting on telling providing owning giving your assurance effecting granting conceding recognising allowing arranging setting out making safe setting the seal on sewing up locking on owning up giving testimony saying under oath standing for reasserting reaffirming setting repeating encouraging indicating bespeaking buttressing manifesting putting on ice revealing attesting to having a lock on invoking witnessing to singing evincing tokening mounting betokening adjuring rubber stamping notarizing registering signing and sealing countersigning making evident standing up for pointing to giving facts giving credence to sticking up for deposing to throwing your weight behind


Present participle for to apply oneself to, or start work on, a given task or issue
attacking addressing confronting tackling challenging engaging facing fighting handling managing contesting contending attending to concentrating on contending with coping with dealing with diving into embarking on engaging in focusing on grappling with having a stab at occupying oneself with setting to work on looking after plunging into seeing to setting about setting to taking on taking up wading into applying oneself to buckling down to starting in on taking care of getting cracking on getting started on getting stuck into getting weaving on devoting oneself to getting to work on going to work on having a crack at having a go at having a shot at trying to deal with trying to sort out directing attention to taking in hand negotiating turning to getting down to settling down to throwing yourself into fielding trying attending tearing into becoming involved in getting to grips with pitching into going for going at wading in knuckling down to plugging away at taking forward sorting out addressing oneself to turning one's hand to taking charge of doing settling manoeuvring maneuvering manipulating hacking playing swinging treating beginning to tackle turning one's attention to focusing turning adopting focussing digging concentrating getting involved in hammering away pegging away having at carrying out organizing orchestrating making arrangements for giving attention to taking responsibility for organising approaching essaying pursuing beginning attempting accepting giving something a try going for it pegging away at hammering away at starting the ball rolling trying to solve starting on taking the bit between your teeth stepping up to the plate having a go making a run at launching into giving something a go busying oneself with squaring off working on going about banging away at sinking your teeth into applying oneself taking a shot at trying to cope with getting to work at embarking upon giving something a whirl coming to grips with trying on for size taking measures about setting your hand to taking working controlling navigating coming to terms with surmounting overcoming answering operating getting over influencing mastering using employing responding to making do getting by utilizing wielding serving reacting to disciplining counseling counselling commanding exploiting dominating deploying replying to speaking in response to acting toward utilising behaving toward learning to live with getting a handle on covering withstanding resisting discussing bespeaking pitting oneself against pontificating on giving an oration on giving a dissertation on speaking to giving a discourse on preaching to giving a sermon on giving an address on sermonizing on speechifying to taking aim at delivering a sermon on preachifying to talking about droning on about giving a speech on speaking on making a speech on talking to giving a lecture on


Present participle for to make an effort at doing something
attempting trying endeavoring endeavouring essaying venturing striving tackling aiming pursuing seeking assaying attacking experimenting struggling bidding soliciting pushing embarking on making an effort making effort taking on trying out exerting oneself giving a fling giving it a burl giving something a whirl having a go at jumping through hoops knocking oneself out setting out taking it on oneself doing all one can doing level best doing your best to giving best shot giving it a fly giving it a go giving it a try giving it a whirl going all out going the limit having a crack having a go having a shot having a stab making an attempt making every effort pulling out all the stops taking a stab at taking best shot trying one's hand at busting a gut giving old college try having a crack at having a shot at having a stab at making a run at moving heaven and earth shooting the works sparing no effort taking a run at bending over backwards taking the bit between your teeth doing one's best doing your utmost giving your all breaking your neck giving it your best shot giving something a go giving something a try giving something the old college try taking a crack at laboring aspiring labouring working toiling going for broke trying hard applying oneself making a pass at going for it straining having a whack offering working hard leaning over backwards doing your best rupturing yourself making an all-out effort doing your damnedest giving it your all shooting for putting yourself out going for falling over backwards moiling driving hustling scrambling slogging drudging sweating pegging away leaving no stone unturned beavering away banging away exerting yourself bearing down driving for having a swing at going after vying for digging deep having a bash digging deeper giving something a stab taking pains slogging away working at entreating determining scrutinizing risking aspiring to battling grinding plugging away applying giving a shot scrutinising driving at lifting a finger making a bid taking a whack at having at it making an attempt at putting to the test slaving away knuckling down grafting pushing oneself chipping away at fronting up making a stab having a rip hammering away breaking one's back putting one's back into it keeping your head down making a great effort trying one's hardest having one's nose to grindstone working like a dog taking a shot at trying to obtain trying to get competing contending fighting jockeying travailing making a pitch for making a move plowing slaving ploughing making a bid for making a play for trying for doing all you can digging away going for the jugular plodding grubbing plugging tugging humping working like a Trojan killing oneself sweating blood keeping at it working your fingers to the bone keeping your nose to the grindstone buckling down persevering going for the doctor bullocking grinding away plodding away working day and night pouring it on trudging grubbing away persisting making a supreme effort putting one's back into something trying as hard as one can working oneself to the bone devoting exerting giving hammering lumbering staggering addressing overworking grappling showing dedication showing commitment studying hard pushing yourself digging skivvying buckling to soldiering on mucking schlepping devoting yourself committing oneself carrying on bending directing getting stuck in driving oneself working your guts out going hard burning the candle at both ends giving all one's got breaking sweat busting chops pegging along going ham plugging along sweating away dragging oneself going hammer and tongs using some elbow grease working like a slave ploughing through working one's socks off taking care taking great pains suffering banging on purposing searching tolling grafting away puttering tending cultivating enduring taxing campaigning withstanding overworking oneself working very hard grovelling groveling committing oppressing punishing overexerting overtaxing acquiting oneself moving mountains working hard to going all out for standing up to performing pounding dedicating pegging flogging working fingers to bone driving oneself to the limit trying very hard digging in pitching in plodding along grinding out putting up a fight against going to war concentrating pushing oneself to the limit straining every nerve trailing dragging hiking trampling keeping nose to grindstone setting going all-out for taking special pains trying your best making a special effort going out of the way studying applying oneself to pegging away at working one's butt off heading-down turning throwing pressing on keeping going emptying the tank going the whole nine yards going all-out paying attention pulling out all stops putting one's back in it hitting the ball putting one's shoulder to the wheel having designs having in view setting one's sights settling fixing diving in giving it all one has


Present participle for to give assent to and act on a suggestion by another
agreeing assenting consenting acceding complying subscribing approving accepting acquiescing coming round engaging recognising recognizing signing setting giving your blessing saying yes giving carte blanche giving the go-ahead giving the nod reaching a decision acquiescing in approving of complying with giving approval to going along with saying yes to granting allowing endorsing okaying permitting throwing in the towel giving the green light giving way to deferring to backing down to entering into backing down astipulating assenting to concurring with coming round to comprobating yielding to rolling over and play dead consenting to agreeing to cooperating with conceding to playing ball giving in to surrendering to acquiescing to relenting to caving in to relenting giving something the nod letting sanctioning empowering enabling authorizing licensing entitling tolerating suffering qualifying countenancing admitting OKing giving someone authorization warranting enduring giving someone leave legitimatizing legitimating brooking legalizing causing acceding to green-lighting licencing abetting humoring franchising shaking on having giving the OK to facilitating letting pass chartering privileging condoning blessing legalising concurring indulging granting the right giving permission clearing buying giving the green light to blinking at signing off on admitting of sanctifying winking at boosting going for leaving authorising giving the thumbs up to conceding humouring taking kindly to saying the word giving the go-ahead to passing


Present participle for to become involved or associated with


Present participle for to pass a resolution

反义词 undertaking something

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