Synonym des a release


The action or process of releasing or being released
liberation emancipation freedom liberty deliverance discharge delivery exemption exoneration freeing relief absolution acquittal acquittance alleviation clemency dispensation manumission ransom spring walkout comfort ease quietus quittance let-off reprieve extrication amnesty immunity rescue pardon exception salvation remission impunity setting free redemption exculpation enfranchisement exclusion pardoning indulgence unchaining unshackling unfettering forgiveness derogation saving clearing letting off liberating indemnity privilege licence license mercy escape clearance remittal untying releasing salvage disimprisonment disentanglement condonation disenthralment vindication allowance special treatment independence free pass disconnection special consideration parole detachment dismissal rescuing discharging unbinding loosing respite disengagement favouritism oblivion permission protection favoritism general pardon get out of jail free card relaxation excuse deconfinement loosening restoration unlocking disentangling raising purgation shriving disembarrassment acquitting dismissing non-liability for condoning unloosing free pardon non-confinement declaration of innocence sovereignty autonomy compurgation shrift means of escape condonance deinstitutionalization relief from sovranty independency disinthrallment extriction granting freedom unconstraint laissez-aller remittance probation range scope prerogative latitude right asylum resistance room droit resilience immunization inoculation invulnerability charter immunisation insusceptibility franchise legal exemption imperviousness unyoking uncaging unbridling separation carte blanche play suspension let-up letting loose uncoupling letting out mitigation palliation continuance abatement abeyance deferment setting loose free rein withdrawal unfastening lifeboat postponement suspension of punishment official pardon stay anchor cancellation of punishment stay of execution commute truce lifesaver postponement of punishment severing break breaking away


A published statement or the act of revealing something
announcement reporting broadcast disclosing news publicising publicizing airing breaking broadcasting bulletin circulation disclosure dissemination divulgation exposition publicity publishing revealing revelation story distribution divulging exposé proclamation propaganda publication transmission announcing communication declaration imparting issue issuing notice notification posting printing purveying spreading statement advertisement briefing dispatch newsflash offering propagation ad advert flash leak handout putting out divulgence uncovering exposure promulgation circulating delivery diffusion transmittal impartation transfer report intimation conveying annunciation edict expression recitation prediction advice narration presenting communiqué relay exposing unveiling conveyance exchange betrayal presentation making known granting utterance distributing dispensing furnishing conferring supplying handing out giving out telecast transmitting telecasting decree endorsement pronouncement explanation message testimony breaking news admission unearthing confession giveaway passing on handing on dispersion sending transferring spread supply issuance transfer of funds remittance discharge transference assigning dispensation allotment allocation discovery provision division apportioning administration dispersal alloting apportionment yielding passing out movement deliverance passage doling out dissipation remitting telling giving mention assertion elucidation notifying leakage partition sending out rationing partitioning enlightenment ventilation revealment exposal picture acknowledgement tip blow-by-blow squeal rundown snitch make unveilment self-disclosure impartance tip-off acknowledgment articulation voicing venting asseveration pronunciamento verbalization commentary programme program uttering enunciation scattering order command vent rule ruling manifesto proposal setting forth unfolding emergence public statement conduction conductance gearbox proliferation relaying appearance advertising transmittance discussion display submission writing ordinance debate mooting raising divergence polarization divarication diffraction ramification public relations brain dump mouthing vocalization formal statement interpretation formulation diction vociferation cry leaking definition writ argument remark speaking words exclamation language pronunciation exhibition elocution tabling wording recital example declaring vouchsafing divulgement break verbalism talking speech talk phrasing vocalisation voice becoming known coming to light becoming evident becoming apparent letting out letting slip making public giving away letting drop bringing to public attention bringing to public notice blow by blow means of expression polarisation radiation dispersing disseminating expansion bruiting webcast show feed livestream putting about flow rescript canon live stream policy memorandum constitution memo advisory document article credo creed policy statement public notice ipse dixit


(a book) A product that's just been made available to the public


(of a film) A product that's just been made available to the public


The alleviation of a disease's symptoms without a cure
palliation alleviation abatement mitigation comfort mollification reprieve appeasement assuagement cure balm ease easement solace allayment softening amelioration lightening succour succor comforting remission palliative rest satisfaction deliverance refreshment respite assistance consolation support sustenance cheer extrication restfulness break breather contentment diversion fix hand happiness help letup lift maintenance load off one's mind quick fix relief remedy easing repose soothing dulling salving relaxation aid care relieving alleviating allaying secours calming mitigating assuaging reassurance calmness well-being lessening reduction moderation diminution slackening quelling quenching improvement slaking weakening decrease deadening modification extenuation ebb cushioning decline pacification waning placation attenuation contraction tempering qualification let-up blunting cutback pity compassion dwindling slowing allowance diminishing minimizing minimization curtailment modulation subsidence loosening dilution minimising easing off damping vindication justification tailing off stilling ebbing letting up encouragement peace condolence condolement sympathy retardation healing anodyne curative restorative commiseration dying down tranquilizer soother tranquillizer conciliation fortification fellow feeling concession propitiation accommodation moral support lenity something soothing acceding reconciliation quieting peace-mongering peacemaking acquiescence dovishness lulling compromise peace offering tranquillization sweetening restoration settlement amends reparation adjustment accession tranquilization grant loss shrinking depletion dent wane failing fall diminishment falloff decrement shrinkage receding fading drop-off drop step down depression decay impoverishment erosion retrenchment deduction falling off


The act of ordering or allowing someone to leave a place or position
dismissal discharge expulsion removal sacking ousting firing redundancy axe furlough notice ax banishment boot eviction push displacement sack layoff exile ouster expatriation suspension bounce cashiering deportation defenestration chop elbow congé relegation dislodgment deposition deposal dispossession ostracism heave-ho the sack the boot the old heave-ho marching orders the push kiss-off the door pink slip your books turfing out the bum's rush laying off the order of the boot permission to go demobilization demobilisation retirement disbandment demob ejection axing bullet old heave ho walking papers bum's rush exclusion throwing out one's cards unseating overthrow dethronement dethroning debarment lay-off dislodgement transportation extrusion disbarment purge proscription termination unemployment the heave-ho ejecting drumming out forcing out driving out the axe job loss the elbow termination of employment upheaval coup replacement ejectment loss of right blackballing blacklisting rejection repatriation purging refoulement the bullet banishing deportment rush the bounce ending of employment discharge notice walking ticket kicking out joblessness redundance severance laying-off downfall barring toppling supplanting excommunicating disfellowshipment disfellowshipping damnation debarring overturning excommunication cutback downsizing respite rationalization rationalisation streamlining demotion expelling impeachment unfrocking removal from office reduction in force letting go early retirement


The reporting of news, especially by an eyewitness


The process of declassifying, process of making non-restricted


Release, unveiling


The giving out of information about a product, person, or company for advertising or promotional purposes
publicity hype advertising ballyhoo boost promotion puffery build-up plug propaganda puff fanfare press push boosterism razzmatazz réclame announcement announcing attention billing blurb broadcasting clout commercial currency distribution handout hoopla ink noise pitch PR press-agentry promo promulgation pushing report scratch spotlight spread write-up big noise media hype public relations marketing plugging advertisement buildup exposure hard sell brouhaha praise boosting presentation spiel publicizing broadcast publicization airplay airtime publicising advertising campaign publicity campaign playing time PR campaign hoo-ha P.R. extravagant commendation touting splash promotional advertizing ad proclamation promoting exposition exhibiting blasting displaying screamer squib exhibition posting advert promotions outreach song and dance propaganda campaign mention patter line campaign selling marketing campaign offer recommendation puffing e-marketing advertising promotion pizzazz pzazz notice image management laudation newspeak agitprop disinformation information brainwashing excitement hysteria racket flimflam sales talk hot air good word indoctrination spin counter-information advocacy favourable mention publicity stunt profile-raiser photo-shoot piece of publicity extensive publicity bumf hogwash misinformation doctrine literature implantation presstitution cant proselytism publication info evangelism inculcation coverage reports consideration commentary treatment fuss reportage reporting articles big lie half truths party line pieces reviews limelight stories storeys write-ups media interest media attention press reporting press reviews press treatment press coverage press write-ups press articles


A handle to release a parachute from its sack


The action of formally ending or dismissing an assembly, partnership, or official body
dissolution end conclusion finish cessation discontinuation ending disbandment termination disbanding dispersal dismissal expiration scattering expiry suspension curtains closure separation disestablishment disunion adjournment prorogation recess defunction disappearance evaporation silence solution wind-up break-up winding up split-up winding down stopping breaking off close stoppage halt closing arrest finale cutoff completion finis windup wrap-up desistance period cutting short outcome terminus dissipation dispersion disbarment concluding discontinuing resolution denouement consummation homestretch mop-up culmination capper endgame summing-up closing stages summing up summation grand finale swan song upshot epilogue omega wane last part epilog final scene catastrophe last act coup de grace stop discontinuance lapse surcease offset check shutoff cancellation shutdown arrestment closedown stay cease abortion cesser issue ballgame breakup effect cut-off result cancelation kiss-off consequence payoff cut-off point end of the line fulfilment fulfillment climax accomplishment execution achievement coda curtain realization determination retirement perfection peroration realisation sign-off wrap bitter end bottom line last word finalization fruition attainment death desuetude finalisation winding-up end result last final act stopping point final curtain sewing up polishing off limit target final word final point last stop dénouement liquidation eventuality outro afterpiece closer chaser blow-off button last stage clarification unravelling final part final stage final thoughts to a finish doing it to a T cleanup end piece run-in end of the road unraveling crowning glory standstill breakdown freeze crumbling collapse finishing break disruption pause destruction crackup blockage screaming halt occlusion grinding halt dead stop time-out deadlock screeching halt interruption dead end brick wall letup roadblock lull integration completeness success hips disintegration full stop finishing point


Something invented through research and development
discovery breakthrough finding invention development find innovation advance creation design introduction leap pioneering conception construction contrivance formulation headway inception institution launch origination advancement coinage concoction devising inauguration induction initiation conclusion device discovering step forward leap forward quantum leap lucky strike brainchild progress improvement wrinkle revolution enhancement boost refinement rise success step in the right direction production foundation masterminding establishment constitution formation setting up contriving product inspiration plan idea opus novelty original baby progression augmentation beginning evolution amelioration start genesis maturation birth hike gain increase source evolvement melioration emergence transformation escalation upgrading expansion inroad elevation modernization furtherance step promotion commencement betterment scientific advancement enrichment coming-of-age break technological advancement dawn leap forwards new idea turn of events incubate nurse nourish dawning starting point origin opening root outset founding generation making forming onset basis nascency installation alpha incipience incipiency nascence manufacture building launching fabrication kickoff spring baseline day one infancy threshold composition instigation fountain wellspring starting provenance seed derivation organization morning shaping engendering well cause fashioning cradle kick-off get-go git-go opener organisation fountainhead fount birthplace preface presentation provenience assembly germ establishing square one manufacturing roots font unveiling creator fabricating seedbed debut laying down installment instalment causation etymology antecedent nativity opening ceremony takeoff radix prelude inaugural ceremony blastoff top rudiment leadoff set-up initiation ceremony putting together fons et origo point of departure coming into being propagation writing base originator actuation erection beginnings spawning begetter producing erecting producer appearance embryo modelling constructing mainspring occasioning authoring reproduction seat institute preparation endowment instituting initiating enactment head flotation settlement forging originating hatching egg principle authorship provision author early stages modeling imagination commencing place of origin embarkation getting going bearing parent determinant mass production horse's mouth background incorporation advent seeds unfolding arrival coming germination stem heart framing compilation ancestry well spring outstart causing maker descent genealogy word go etymon triggering kindling prompting creating making up thinking up extraction raising structure blossoming interpretation drafting moulding engineering rendering father pedigree history drawing up casting arrangement fancying planning designing molding performing constituting materializing baptism initiator architect inventor conglomeration graduation convocation proem startup countdown celebration tee off curtain-raiser admission bow whence it came bringing about architecture format figuration yielding direction breeding awakening acquaintance upwelling mother home starting place paternity maternity specialist rising complex causality putting up gestation materialising nucleus procreation activation progenitor agent ingress occasion outbreak entrance entry inducement motive connection baptism of fire generator begetting widening thickening unravelling well head putting in motion setting in motion getting under way site fathering early stage getting off the ground git go blast off unraveling engenderment siring multiplying fructifying bringing forth breeding place ultimate cause


To allow or enable to escape from confinement
discharge emancipate liberate extricate free unchain unleash untie unfetter unloose unbind unshackle disengage deliver disentangle manumit detach enfranchise set free unbridle uncage clear disenthral disenthrall expel rescue unmanacle untangle ransom spring unclick let loose let out set loose allow to leave bail out cast loose set at large set at liberty take out turn loose loose loosen enlarge save let go redeem disembarrass unfasten remove undo relieve unyoke disencumber extract cut loose disconnect separate disentwine unlock uncouple unclasp untether vent disimprison give rights to befree unhook acquit affranchise disembroil dismiss get out bring off pardon let off bail direct come to the aid of let off the hook disjoin express aim unhitch spare unstrap free up untwine salvage reprieve absolve sever cast off lift pull out come to the rescue of save the life of put on the street get out from under parole save one's neck get off the hook free from restraint allow to go free from restriction send away dig out unstick disinvolve unpeg unsnag dislodge exonerate demobilize withdraw solve demobilise restore to freedom get loose pull free get free exculpate exempt disembed spring loose snatch open the door for grant exit to unknot unlace retrieve recover turn out disburden discumber unmoor unpen unlash unwrap come to someone's rescue protect decouple unravel unpick unfix ease disunite save from danger set adrift explode go ape vociferate send home holler disarticulate unloosen release conditionally release on parole give terms uncork save someone's bacon get oneself off the hook get out of hock pull out of the fire save the day get someone out save life of bail someone out give a break finance uncheck wriggle out of help out aid help assist cut out let fly let go of allow to run free allow to run riot give a free rein to lend a helping hand to come to somebody's aid give a helping hand to extend widen broaden expand


To give off or expel
discharge cast diffuse emanate emit expel exude issue dispense expire irradiate radiate send vent eject leak shoot erupt exhale send out cast out give off give out let out throw out send forth excrete evolve spout spew ooze secrete spurt void disgorge gush evacuate spew out jet extrude pass squirt shed pour out pour effuse transmit ejaculate disembogue produce yield belch drip beam empty vomit reek spill extravasate perspire express throw off seep let off bleed eruct escape flow drain sweat output trickle percolate spread project spit breathe leach give vent to breathe out utter shoot out stream weep expend outsend dribble expectorate purge speak broadcast strain deposit transude scatter squirt out spurt out distribute force out spray spin out strew give forth pour forth sprinkle spit out press out put out squeeze out thrust out loose issue forth deliver burst sprout give pump out force egest throw up cough up drool steam dump distil well break out filter evaporate exsufflate remove churn out dispose relieve initiate rise birth exit egress distill vaporize vaporise flush out eliminate drop seep out ooze out gush out pinpoint throw hold train bend aim direct level head exudate filtrate set spatter emerge overflow overflow with bestow point emit liquid disseminate come out of spread out gleam glitter air voice convey circulate proliferate ramble afford illumine propagate expand well forth filter through verbalize reveal beam out flow out communicate ventilate assert articulate squeeze light up proclaim press evict thrust verbalise declare put come out with make public give free rein to give voice to bring into the open boot provide escape drive out find an outlet for give expression to find expression for take out on drum out show shine belch forth glow surge spritz rush relay exhibit puff out display manifest televise pump spew forth belch out demonstrate swoosh radio telecast put on the air reflect regorge upchuck blow out decant fountain make blow lunch hiccup gulp posset irrupt repeat spring course fan cable sloosh breathe forth pronounce blow splur ray rupture boil hurl be ejected explode burst out roll cascade let fall burst forth expel air put on the airwaves transmit signal touch off go bang go off flare fluoresce flame be full of be brimming with be bursting with let loose reek of emit light give off light glare luminesce blaze burn embody generate podcast be a picture of be the picture of incandesce publish videocast effectuate create wire live-stream pipe kick out put on air bring about bring on


To declare loudly, openly or publicly
publish issue announce publicise publicize disclose disseminate divulge break broadcast circulate post present promulgate propagate report reveal air bare communicate distribute enunciate expose impart proclaim purvey transmit unveil declare spill spread trumpet annunciate blare blazon flash herald placard print sound advertise advertize blaze make known make public put out give out bring to public attention bring to public notice tell leak display show state confess notify pass on shout from the rooftops pronounce betray utter give away promote exhibit let on go public with get out unfold uncover blab inform drum let slip spill the beans tout endorse advance admit convey out let out splash let drop blurt out bruit about blow the gaff set forth blow wide open come out with spill the beans about hype let the cat out of the bag about express plug market puff peddle ballyhoo spruik push flaunt flog sell pitch voice discover boost bill deliver flack apprise propagandize affirm vouchsafe sponsor huckster propound circularize relate open up call unmask merchandise bring out propagandise spot circularise lay bare come clean about hype up blow the lid off go public on pass the word come out noise abroad give notice of blazon abroad come out of the closet give a puff to call attention to spill your guts about crack up bang the drum for beat the drum for run with hard sell let the cat out of the bag spread around give publicity to put on the map shout out give a plug to feature telecast carry relay stream profess articulate unbosom pass raise cough assert indicate avow acknowledge blurt decree ventilate extol vent trail praise trailer advise preconize bruit squeal let on about let it be known spotlight acquaint alert blurb squeal about blast talk about give the game away dish the dirt get off your chest take the lid off put into words get on soapbox for beat the drum soft sell sound off build up spread abroad bring into the open make a pitch derestrict showcase project make available give up mention give notice moot celebrate open up on pass round shout splatter flourish renown gazette scream pump out declassify intimate produce slip run beat the drum about sound loudly declare one's preferences inscribe depict describe boast have printed put in print transpire trickle tweet put about send out bring to light signal intone uncloak spring package bruit abroad churn out put in circulation table issue a statement about say package as toot open unfurl overshare mouth own snitch preach submit put forward run off at mouth read out give utterance to detail outline clarify give expression to postulate give voice to speak of call out immortalise headline soft-sell skywrite immortalize press-agent billboard cry make official televise stage give screen come clean tell on reveal all give it up spill your guts speak up speak out tell all dish divulge information tell the facts reveal information ring out include spell out lay down make a pitch for write up play up babble offer explain concede let fall maintain protest blaze abroad give the show away ostend expound stump evidence mark spout evince illustrate spiel bring out into the open break the news give the low-down take the wraps off get out of your system bring out into open let cat out of the bag put cards on table shout from the housetops state publicly get on a soapbox spread it around shoot off one's mouth advocate champion popularize recommend back supply encourage aggrandize traffic in campaign for popularise deal in get behind puff up cry up talk up speak recite recount narrate verbalize verbalise suggest argue vocalize exclaim note remark talk cite asseverate propose vocalise opine attest testify render read set out give an account of put across rehearse aver specify signify point out avouch represent word denote declaim chronicle address enounce bespeak delineate get across claim let in on throw out reel off reflect allege summarize comment formulate phrase demonstrate put summarise frame designate fill in clue in witness interject interpose hint whisper discuss put forth betoken mutter adjudicate weigh in point to contend speak about judge enlighten be evidence of chart orate brief return portray purport keep posted swear couch confirm allow stipulate make stress editorialize reassert reaffirm repeat hand down observe quote tell of let know prove set down comment on editorialise insinuate introduce elucidate modulate wise up bring in sound out jaw lip document attest to pipe up with refer to give vent to testify to bear witness bear witness to ejaculate rule familiarize list itemize wire cable share catalogue provide details teach particularize hold instruct write burst out posit broach warn mean give the facts enumerate itemise inform of corroborate symbolize clear verse breathe hand on imply debate certify vouch decide familiarise mumble serve add emphasize depose lay down the law clothe elaborate soliloquize yak gab catch up establish substantiate emphasise apprise of import animadvert wisecrack commentate asservate allegate make known to catalog warrant explicate chirp pipe make clear murmur symbolise drawl identify particularise chime in bear out give facts give forth pop off be specific about touch on pass comment talk of put in words lay out vouch for make out be proof of be a sign of bring forward give testimony go into allude to put on the air mouth off pour out hawk bark espouse preview jabber bugle proliferate diffuse give details of cue telephone radio debrief come to insist chip in make plain let the cat ouf of the bag utter suddenly run off at the mouth cry out burst out with send interpret provide drop contribute throw in put in two cents have your say put on the airwaves speak coherently speak clearly arrive at vow guarantee move conduct transfer transfuse remark on bring up knell register record give blow-by-blow give rundown ring up get through chime chin give words to go authenticate bandy about spread about have a say validate disperse bear respond send word tip off pass out verify crack administer break silence give voice answer reply flap charge pin down point toward brandish point at look buzz unburden confide manifest pass down give advance notice paraphrase connote intonate inflect caution nail debunk undress spin paint cover be a monument to subscribe give evidence resolve figure out decipher clear up dope out solve show excerpts of yell roar show up retail sketch gossip level weave rap rejoin blabber predict say quickly make it known tabulate give advance notice of unload on spill to crack to pass comment on say something about restate alert to blow the whistle on unclothe unearth numerate adumbrate foretell spell open your heart lay it on share a confidence bend an ear lay the gaff give utterance get over put over give expression acclaim define say out loud give a recitation read aloud say aloud read out loud leave word put before call upon lay open put it on record circumstantiate epitomize embellish name recapitulate instance accost engage ask be an indication of arrange spit it out bring word communicate information give details bring word on account for analyse epitomise analyze individuate individualize individualise specialise give evidence of arbitrate draw up specialize give an account typify acquaint with send word of usher in see put in the picture determine get down to brass tacks fly speck quote chapter and verse report on sweat details tick off press ordain plead chatter predicate characterize equal retell yammer perorate regurgitate gas translate pontificate hail as stand for distinguish give a ruling on sit in judgement on rule on make a ruling on sit in judgment pass judgment decide on settle on give a verdict on pass judgement on peg correspond to substitute for equate with characterise put one's finger on put down for add up be a mark of symbol finger tab tag hang sign on stand up for swear to mount make evident give one's word cross heart witness to swear up and down appear sing token say so get off make familiar tell all about simulcast accustom to hip make conversant make aware of advise of prime on ground in beam instruct in teach in brief as to habituate intro keep up to date initiate into clue school in indoctrinate in educate in get up to date give information about fill in on knock down give the gen about fix up run by get together clue up about clue in on give a rundown of make aware gen up on give the low-down on make familiar with keep up to speed with be on the air go on the air put in the picture about put on air go on the airwaves put on television


To discharge from a job or position
discharge dismiss fire remove retire sack terminate can ax axe bounce cashier move on muster out pink-slip let go turn off lay off boot out oust expel give someone the boot kick out send packing show the door give the heave-ho give someone the sack make redundant give someone their marching orders boot give someone the push throw out give someone the bullet give someone their cards get rid of displace give the elbow drop depose give someone their notice give notice give notice to give the old heave-ho turf turf out give walking papers unseat impeach suspend bump out pay off give someone the pink slip disqualify unfrock eject pension shelve recall deselect disfrock disemploy furlough depone defrock discard defenestrate evict supplant ship let out shut out wash out turn away give warning give the ax give the gate hand walking papers pink slip give a pink slip give the chop give marching orders cut throw drum out put away shed dehire unhire give someone his or her walking papers heave break cast out eighty-six give one's cards give pink slip give the sack to give bum's rush retire early give their cards give the axe excuse court martial nix supersede replace bust freeze out pension off run out of town relieve of duty declare redundant deprive of office lock out ride out on rail force to retire put out to grass sever connections force to give up work put out to pasture purge dislodge topple dethrone eliminate move relegate transfer reposition abolish shift expunge evacuate pull relocate detach abstract dislocate budge throw out on your ear give the bum's rush take down see the back of give someone his give someone the big E kiss off bin off give someone the air banish turn out transpose force out drive out chuck out disturb exile run off overturn exclude transplant deport bring down reject rout chase overthrow transport put out slang throw someone out on their ear remove from office expulse uncrown unthrone deprive unmake rearrange shuffle convey debar carry heave out push out thrust out ban usurp dispossess discrown ostracize fling out position change ostracise send away push take bring bar upset fetch degrade misplace subvert uproot change the position of chuck knock out of place knock out of position disestablish extrude force to leave bring about the downfall of sling out chase out show the door to throw out on the streets toss out send demote consign unsettle blackball downgrade disthrone disenthrone blacklist translate unhorse black expatriate get going set going undo yeet take over strip of rank carry over reshuffle reorganize redistribute alter put out of place dissolve fordrive expropriate give heave-ho put out in the street adjust redeploy reorder extricate knock over disentangle give the boot to give the bullet to ask to leave step into shoes of remove from power rusticate give the push to free bring low drive away move out of place redispose rejig readjust send home hand someone his hat chase off cart give the hook show you the door separate rummage perturb disunite divide unhinge disarticulate interrupt bear lug pack off give the 1-2-3 bundle off remove by force show out heave-ho toss out on ear dig out get out haul reallocate keep out knock loose reorganise move around unchurch move over repudiate denounce proscribe anathematize put somewhere else defeat disfellowship takfir curse triumph overwhelm clear toss ditch unloose irrupt dump excommunicate throw overboard kiss goodbye send off squeeze out drive off do away with give someone their P45 show the gate to withdraw take away move out remove from clear from send to a safe place


To express a thought, action or feeling, especially under rare circumstances
display manifest reveal show demonstrate divulge broadcast evince publish air unveil exhibit unfold bare expose uncover disclose unearth unmask uncloak bring to light let drop come out with show evidence of take the lid off present parade flash sport strut communicate lay bare make known make public flaunt produce declare disport express betray establish prove bespeak publicize impart launch introduce illustrate proclaim disseminate indicate signify spill publicise exteriorize suggest report showcase show off lay out put on display voice vent utter put on show make plain give away expose to view put on view bring out wave around show and tell give out set forth lay open give the show away give the game away let it all hang out let the cat out of the bag brandish advertize advertise flourish trot out feature roll out showboat stage vaunt set out draw attention to make a show of promulgate leak project unbosom put on offer arrange let on about flash about make manifest make obvious make an exhibition of display ostentatiously make a great show of make clear register tell confess discover wield transmit boast televise hype demo inform unfurl blurt plug convey brag supply promote swagger array swank crow let on dangle wave evidence gloat grandstand exult in model deal in bring to view hotdog streak aggrandize deliver put before the public hang relay ostend break out fan it relate intimate pass on give publicity to call attention to smack with whip out make a scene throw in one's face spring on show to the public parade one's wares put on a display put on public view strut stuff out crack bewray nake denude catch out let out show up tell of spill the beans on blow wide open let slip smoke out pull the plug on find out blow the whistle on tip off let cat out of bag bring out into the open take the wraps off


To activate (a mechanism), especially by contact with a switch, catch, or other electrical device
trip activate trigger actuate fire flip generate initiate pull start throw discharge engage prompt spark set off switch on turn on start off touch off trigger off spark off set going operate move kick-start start up get going stimulate drive energize energise crank up set in motion switch put in motion run click mobilize flick propel animate hit initialize initialise crank mobilise call up make active toggle electrify power detonate pop press click on supply energy to supply power to galvanize motivate rouse impel prod arouse stir actify enable galvanise take out of mothballs provoke incite inspire kindle awaken excite enkindle waken stir up rally wake evoke engender promote fan induce call forth instigate draw forth bring out bring into being encourage call into being inflame spur revive enliven vivify awake foment fire up push whet shoot let off blast work up quicken egg on goad spur on urge pique agitate whip up key up let loose influence increase compel intensify ignite fuel impassion tempt make prick bestir sting prevail upon launch hurl put up to loose root on project fling shoot off let fly loose off enhance titillate apply strengthen breathe life into exacerbate light thrill augment challenge sharpen instill lead inspirit instil reignite rekindle exhort recall connect goose cause give rise to implement add fuel dig precipitate add fuel to the flames interact with sic countenance get smoking burn up incentivize favour favor oblige occasion act as a stimulus to give the incentive to act as a incentive to light a fire under bring predispose incentivise predetermine draw boot punt blaze push the button blaze away shoot away fire away set afoot give incentive to give incentive set astir bring about squeeze off persuade sway cast entice needle constrain procure catapult torpedo rev up drive on pump fire off send forth barrage shell explode open fire pull the trigger open up raise abet drum up set on whomp up


To become less serious or severe
ease abate diminish lessen decrease drop dwindle ebb moderate reduce subside wane fall relent decline downscale recede remit shrink taper weaken de-escalate downsize lower slacken deplete dent disengage pall quieten drop off die away die down die out fall away let up peter out slow down tail off taper off come to an end drain away knock down phase down ratchet down slacken off become weaker grow less fade sink relax contract ease off attenuate fall off curb temper curtail mitigate slump quell soften cut minimize alleviate plummet cut down minimise lighten cut back wind down slash tone down limit depreciate plunge check restrain scale down ease up drop away flag pare down droop slack off slow decrement go down grow smaller dull restrict nosedive wither devaluate depress narrow shrivel descend trim become smaller calm down dip clip dial down calm degenerate drain roll back fade away deteriorate bring down step down cease erode dry up prune subdue slack impair disappear rachet down take a nosedive make less die off minify tumble decay allay assuage dive settle crash trail waste dampen mollify relieve make cutbacks in waste away evaporate crumble nose-dive get smaller slim down go downhill slake terminate stop blunt dilute wear away wear down run low make smaller pare fail downgrade vanish regress collapse melt away shorten mark down quiet retrench modulate blur settle down get less close cool off whittle down palliate trail off become less cut back on phase out modify lose edge narrow down quieten down qualify degrade melt tame desist end decelerate take the edge off truncate abridge ration couch contain dissolve axe slope finish stifle control ax extenuate run down take down lapse shave trim down trim back deflate come to a stop devalue level off cheapen downturn bate crater damp down rebate scale back turn down cut down on go through the floor hit the floor fizzle out become lower fall short tail away soothe loosen appease peter lull sag still deaden revise dim untighten slip grow condense discount dock incline downwards slope down tilt downwards slant down thin out wilt wrinkle slim defuse abbreviate halt unlax coast cool atrophy fall down make fewer round down repress elongate rescind trail away shape loose constrict restraint become less intense telescope fade out break close out grow faint disintegrate chill out cool it drop down undermine sap give way evanesce give in become weak come down take the heat off undervalue demote thin down thin soft-pedal make reductions in retrench on salami-slice disempower make weaker play down be on the way out retire languish pass relapse draw to a close die away or out die away or down totter lose skid cause to fall write down go downwards write off get lower ease up on dissipate rationalize slack up drag buckle backslide blow over deduct economize flop rationalise economise bow out take the bite out take the sting out go into a tailspin lose value fold up hit the dirt decrease in value tip over break down be precipitated cave in take a header decline in price sink into oblivion disappear slowly pass away be forgotten constrain roll down budget cut trim away tune down inhibit govern bridle hold measure trammel intern confine rule keep regulate keep down pull in rein in hold back cast down amortise whittle tighten amortize retrogress slide hang worsen dangle retrograde debilitate devolve hang down bend bow get worse fall apart hit the skids stoop loll go down the toilet rot lean tire fizzle become worse flap swag nod put down disimprove stagnate sling lag founder go emaciate bomb drape lop hang loosely faint lower in price wear out shed go backwards go bad be in decline go down the tubes let down go to pot go to pieces succumb spoil exhaust bob suspend weary duck slouch enervate prostrate bust overtire poop crumple bush debase grow worse wear jade flounder incline set tire out disable knock out lose quality go to the dogs give out bore bedraggle tucker be the worse for wear rocket fall to pieces conk out go to rack and ruin poop out burn out go pear-shaped self-destruct sicken falter drift disperse vitiate become softer become quieter gutter perish get quieter get softer dilapidate putrefy free-fall devalorize lower in value suffer fall in sink back become debilitated be reduced wizen lose courage mummify keel over cut in price go away grow dim wear off be handicapped appear in a poor light be impaired be at disadvantage be damaged be shown to disadvantage bag undersell lower the price of make cheaper put on sale be on your last legs fall apart at the seams break up go into decline let fall dip below the horizon offer at a giveaway price reduce the price of subtract render worthless curve down place loosely discard cast off adulterate mar injure alloy corrode depend disgrade demerit drive down fall unevenly lose it fold beetle flump go to the pack frazzle whack flutter flail whip beat melt off jettison take off be worse for wear wash out overtax tax bend forward be pendent let droop bend downward be loose do in outwear knacker harass kill shatter make weary make sleepy miscarry lower oneself plonk oneself plump oneself plank oneself plop oneself shag out topple teeter jerk take fatigue wiggle stagger take it out of quiver toss tucker out wear on wave drain of energy wear to a frazzle do up deluge overwhelm submerge engulf drown flood swamp gulf inundate overflow hang limply be deficient fall limply become limp become flaccid go awry go amiss be wanting wreck ram drive force down excavate dig shipwreck overturn lay drill stick capsize stab run go to the bottom scuttle touch bottom demit submerse thrust be insufficient be neglected fall through be ruined strike out be lacking yawn be inadequate be found lacking reduce greatly get rid of not come to ripeness get tired lose strength grow tired grow weak become fatigued become tired


To pause or relax one's efforts
let up adjourn break break off desist do less rest abate cease hold back pause relax relent slacken stop take a break take a breath ease off ease up slow down take a breather relax your efforts halt discontinue have a breather take ten have a break take time out finish knock off come to a standstill shut down wind up finish off stay take time off hesitate delay wait waver interrupt falter deliberate shake put on hold reflect hang back stop briefly suspend break it up sideline tarry drop think twice mark time pull up come to standstill call time linger stop what you're doing take five catch one's breath vacillate dither stall shilly-shally stagger scruple sit tight dilly-dally be indecisive fluctuate teeter haver put your feet up wobble wabble hang fire hum and haw oscillate hold your horses hold off recess take a rest hem and haw hold on swither defer equivocate suspend proceedings demur tergiversate hover sway shillyshally hedge balance yo-yo be irresolute be undecided be uncertain pussyfoot around sit on the fence blow hot and cold bide your time temporize alternate dawdle pussyfoot seesaw doubt procrastinate dillydally postpone baulk dally hang on boggle balk reel temporise hold your fire change tremble be reluctant hang be unwilling be unsure get cold feet waffle be doubtful play a waiting game shy away be patient hold everything come up for air be unable to decide drag your heels change mind be unable to make up your mind run hot and cold tumble bobble lurch roll quaver hang about hang around break up flicker vary quiver be suspended end be put on hold trim shudder whiffle waffle palter swing straggle lag adopt Fabian tactics rise stay back drag your feet shrink back stay in the background be reluctant to come forward rock refuse shy jib hold your water keep your shirt on straddle whiffle express misgivings express reluctance express reservations hold the line wait a minute chop and change fence-straddle keep changing your mind refrain from wait and see be cagey put something off take no action avoid doing something unwind keep from doing something repose idle refresh chill shelve table kick back have a rest mothball await remit prorogue pigeonhole respite take it easy have time out abide prorogate look forward lie in wait lie low sweat it out hold the phone sit up for hold one's breath waste time stand by wait on kick your heels kill time cool your heels save it sweat it stay up for hang onto your hat pass the time wait patiently cool it twiddle thumbs wait in the wings put off lay on the table hold up put back put in cold storage take a rain check on put over call it a day take a recess put on ice take a rain check hold over put on the back burner hold in abeyance stumble flounder ponder mammer debate weigh be hesitant pull back think about sit on fence

Antonym des a release

Music ♫

Copyright: Proverb ©

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