Sinonimo di utter waste


Unwanted or unusable material, substances, or by-products
refuse rubbish debris litter scrap dross garbage trash junk dregs leavings offal offscourings effluvium sweepings chaff deadwood detritus dreck drek dust effluvia leftovers offscouring raffle remains riffraff scraps spilth truck effluent sewage excess hogwash rubble ruins rummage slop swill draff residue mullock grot orts sediment discarded matter gash odds and ends raff muck lumber flotsam and jetsam debitage cultch slag fragments flotsam wreckage scum remnants ashes lees scourings waste matter filth wreck waste material slops oddments spoilage pieces deposit residuum sludge sewerage clutter slush grounds tripe crapola sleaze scoria jetsam bits impurity gubbins remainder cheese crust recrement rejects cast-offs scrapings shavings collateral driftwood dirt bits and pieces shell precipitate settlings salvage accumulation odds and sods castoffs deposition gunk sublimate grouts alluvium silt excrement husks hulls shreds landfill sullage carrion leaving poop poo faeces glumes domestic refuse runoff discharge wastewater pod shard scattering rash rejectamenta dump compost grains scree bric-a-brac stuff dunghill brash surplus scobs sinter useless things discarded things cinders cargo sea-drift spoil droppings white elephants miscellany space junk balance legacy off cuts offcuts solid waste feces relics waste paper bilge precipitation matter solids ground powder settling gook shambles grime wastage ruin crackup mincemeat skids deposits drainage smut soil drain water waste water crud miscellanea remnant rest bits and bobs overage jumble sundries things knick-knacks extra clobber part leftover remaining part parings heel residual filtrate stub end oddment crumbs relic pickings leftover fag end unused supplies uneaten food tail ends


An act or instance of using or expending something carelessly, extravagantly, or to no purpose
wastefulness squandering extravagance dissipation prodigality expenditure improvidence misapplication squander lavishness misemployment misspending unthriftiness exhaustion fritter loss misuse spending abuse disuse overdoing frittering away overindulgence profligacy exorbitance profusion excess overspending unthrift extravagancy immoderation recklessness unrestraint unreasonableness profuseness wastage folly outrageousness preposterousness frittering spillage wasting depletion draining thriftlessness consumption dissipating wildness intemperance bounteousness indulgence wantonness abandon lavishing outlay disbursement irresponsibility irregularity lack of thrift overspend free-spending ways spendthrift behaviour leakage lack of restraint imprudence carelessness blowing paying out doling out negligence short-sightedness losing superfluity wild spending neglect heedlessness shortsightedness plethora overabundance inordinateness extravagantness superfluousness superabundance excessiveness surfeit overplus throwing away spoilage utilization use usage utilisation drain expending exploitation consuming burning slick spill puddle decadence exaggeration profligateness absurdity burning up using up debauchery self-indulgence dissoluteness dissolution self-gratification intemperateness overconsumption depravity licentiousness pleasure-seeking insobriety immoderacy nimiety hedonism sybaritism degeneracy immoderateness perversion corruption lack of self-control libertinage corruptness degenerateness decadency rakishness libertinism pervertedness abjection debasement dissipatedness degeneration turpitude demoralization degradation sensualism epicureanism luxury lotus-eating demoralisation voluptuousness pursuit of pleasure high living pleasure lack of self-restraint high life vice immorality sinfulness high-living evil lewdness injustice unfairness exorbitantness intoxication inebriation riotousness crapulence greed gluttony lack of control sensuality money down the drain money down the toilet baseness epicurism gratification carnality luxuriousness wickedness vileness sin abandonment enjoyment self-satisfaction iniquity flagitiousness criminality nefariousness improbity viciousness drunkenness dolce vita iniquitousness lechery lecherousness promiscuity lustfulness impurity libidinousness la dolce vita to hell in handbasket free-living life in the fast lane licence incontinence waste of money immoral behaviour extremity saturnalia extreme behaviour extreme


A large area of barren, typically uninhabited land
desert wasteland expanse breadth wilds length spread wilderness barren desolation distance extent field heath reach stretch barrenness emptiness expansion plain solitude vastness void badlands bog brush brushland bush fen jungle marsh marshland moor quagmire swamp tundra wild dust bowl no-man's-land sheet area sweep space barren land range span radius extension scope barrens moonscape tract region belt badland blanket width orbit amplitude compass malpais covering bounds limits line purview Sahara flats parameters confines horizons gap interval separation swathe spacing way lead depth remove interspace sea sphere carpet territory bit size horizon sand dunes barren region lava bed arid region immensity margin domain latitude good ways country mile far piece section remoteness room large space uninterrupted space bridge wing wastes out-of-doors outdoors open nature bundu uninhabited region boondocks sticks backwoods outback forest hinterland open air boonies inhospitable region uncultivated region rough country no-man's land back country primeval forest measure dimensions dimension realm limit ambit capacity scale acreage volume spectrum magnitude gamut proportions diameter mileage spaciousness measurement amount ken swing wideness height thickness elbowroom proportion play leeway diapason journey coverage arm's length rate remit capaciousness space of time measurements footprint full extent longitude square footage bore ordering placing arranging positioning winning margin distance lengthwise linearity ranginess extent lengthwise longness linear measure continuance calibre spreading out spacing out traveling distance broadness beam slack headroom clearance place start edge province module caliber gauge legroom elbow room berth window accommodation flying start breathing space time interval breathing room wiggle room zone gage weight perspective ratio linear perspective circle neighbourhood vicinity register neighborhood pale quantity earshot extensity panorama mass bulk value run of tonnage footage determination analysis valuation density metage frequency degree time pitch judgement calibration judgment survey altitude


Liquid waste or sewage discharged into a river or the sea
effluent sewage discharge emission effluvium flow outflow pollutant emanation exhalation issue outpouring effluence efflux pollution overflow runoff seepage liquid waste bilge water drainage effusion leakage escape welling gush secretion deluge stream cascade jet rush torrent outpour outflowing flood outrush flux outflux drain debouchment sewerage spurt exudation emergence outburst bilge effluxion exodus spate hemorrhage haemorrhage expression storm outbreak eruption surge explosion spasm paroxysm inundation exuding disgorgement excretion well up venting ejection trickle swill silt mud sludge drain water waste water ebb radiation spout excrement outfall diffusion loss streaming depletion gushing proceeding rubbish leavings slops excess junk wastewater garbage trash slop arising leak origination derivation egress emerging issuing springing flowing oozing beginning origin ejaculation issuance burst upsurge current blaze fit wave gale flurry flare-up flash ebullition run flush tide gust squirt fountain flare attack boutade spill course blast access sweep hurricane swell splurt shedding fury welling up ooze spray succession string spring rash spritz blow-up agony flicker flutter motion drift transmission avalanche drip release dribble bout river seizure series production tideway drop chain uprush giving off bleeding epidemic billow thunder passion blow convulsion inrush heave volley upwelling seeping away blowup bursting detonation break plague commotion frenzy dart rapid loss voidance onset barrage exudate pouring movement turn case spell battery charge trail siege shower dash passage geyser flowing out roll swirl circulation increase percolation progression column sequence draught progress continuation continuity continuance draft wind undertow stab downpour throes breakout cataract alluvion cataclysm rise train hysterics agitation furore fuming violence furor rage anger frothing excitement recrudescence scene upheaval rapture cluster utterance crash crack breaking effervescence sundering rending roar sudden appearance brawl irruption occurrence sally disorder disruption tumult sortie outcry welter freshet bomb leaking groundswell feeling


The state or quality of being solitary
solitariness isolation seclusion solitude privacy aloneness segregation sequestration insulation secludedness retirement separateness loneliness detachment quarantine withdrawal lonesomeness reclusiveness confinement silence desert emptiness wasteland wilderness singleness loneness peace and quiet separation remoteness privateness reclusion concealment desolation retreat shelter inaccessibility seclusiveness unapproachability distance friendlessness protection peace hiding shielding closeting unreachability secrecy exile setting apart aloofness quiet self-sufficiency purdah exclusion partitioning disconnection peacefulness quietness insularity keeping apart beleaguerment freedom from interference lack of interruption lack of disturbance defence defense screen safeguarding shield cushion monkhood confidentiality clandestineness safe keeping penetralia space discretion blockade lack of company time alone one's space ivory tower an ivory tower sense of exile lack of contact apartheid division partition discrimination dissociation forlornness ghettoization disunion sorting out exlusion unpopularity abandonment forsakenness rejection dreariness desertedness sadness unhappiness despondency splitting up heartache alienation lack of friends lack of companions distinctiveness individuality uniqueness character distinction originality particularity peculiarity singularity selfhood individualism difference identity oneness discreteness oddity dissimilarity humor idiosyncrasy temper ipseity air singularness humour eccentricity disposition temperament makeup disconnectedness manner independence selfdom habit seity unlikeness selfness rarity unity nature complexion way


Widespread destruction
havoc devastation destruction damage desolation ruin ruination despoliation annihilation catastrophe decimation demolishment demolition depredation disaster extermination extinction loss mincemeat obliteration ravages slaughter wastage wreck wreckage carnage ravagement calamity cataclysm despoiling dilapidation plunder vandalism rack and ruin spoliation pillage ruins defoliation violation confusion ravage leftovers excess surplus ravaging sacking plundering ransacking looting robbery raiding liquidation eradication rape elimination massacre extirpation marauding robbing pillaging rapine sack laying waste abolition overthrow reaving end ravin wrecking extinguishing shattering subversion crash death collapse extinguishment murder slaying wiping out downfall harrying theft genocide disintegrating dissolving disintegration abolishing subverting bloodbath butchery termination holocaust excision subjugation crashing invalidating invalidation crushing disrupting assassinating dissolution undoing mass murder decline ethnic cleansing pogrom rooting out sinking acts of destruction stripping despoilment perdition wrack raid raping ravishing piracy depredations appropriation nullification utter destruction. erasure mince hamburger isolation bleakness wildness ground beef ground meat minced meat minced beef smashup dying out dispatch barrenness loneliness solitude oblivion disappearance vanishing shipwreck smashing total destruction obsolescence solitariness bareness shipwrecking sterility starkness grimness aridity dismalness killing zapping no life inferno thing of the past end of life bane conflagration crack-up forlornness remoteness desolateness bloodletting fire persecution dereliction emptiness mass killing witch-hunt victimization immolation Shoah bankruptcy mass execution bloodshed internecion wholesale slaughter assassination mass slaughter megadeath mass homicide insolvency closure victimisation raids breakdown folding flop failing demise night of the long knives decay disrepair wasting attack stealing crime burglary desecration decrepitude deterioration closing foundering atrophy degeneracy downgrade degeneration labefaction crumbling comedown topple drop tumble shutting down failure close-down going under checkmate winding up break-up falling to pieces


The state of being dilapidated, reduced to decay, partially ruined
dilapidation disrepair ruin collapse decay destruction demolition desolation deterioration disintegration downfall neglect seediness decrepitude dereliction dissolution shabbiness wear and tear degeneration breakdown decline rot atrophy ruination withering corrosion decomposition crumbling fading degeneracy corruption extinction decadence blight putrefaction rotting adulteration wasting impairment depreciation perishing rust wasting away mortification failing gangrene putrescence spoilation senescence dying decrease consumption putridity spoilage putridness degradation damage abandonment rottenness caries rack and ruin festering disuse weakening descent decaying ebbing enfeeblement debilitation declension ricketiness downgrade ropiness poorliness devastation debasement spoliation drop roughness devolution fall failure obliteration decimation demolishment erosion annihilation wastage extermination mould break-up havoc wear mold falling to pieces desuetude mildew desertion forsaking aggravation worsening slipping waning must oxidation shrinking lapse ebb relinquishment rejection renunciation downturn devaluation spoiling abasement slump vitiation lessening retrogression dwindling falloff falling-off breaking down ruining slide slip destroying harm unrepair disorder tarnishing poor order poor shape bad shape bad condition falling apart falling down demise attrition sickness illness sickliness abrasion crash detrition despoliation death end labefaction subversion overthrow slaughter wreck loss ravages depredation disaster catastrophe wreckage mincemeat comedown topple tumble diminution scuffing friction battering carnage ravagement despoiling cataclysm vandalism calamity plunder a few knocks declination eclipse sinking regression abatement undermining shrinkage recession diminishment wane meltdown reduction fragmenting decrement dissolving slackening decadency depletion dent dégringolade relapse breaking up drop-off falling off dissipation destabilisation destabilization falling breaking apart breakup stagnation shrivelling tainting perversion dislocation degringolade depravation emaciation receding step down depression falling away disgregation bound entropy anergy deteriorating wilting declining degenerating impoverishment contraction senility maturation retrenchment alleviation deduction down flameout entropy drying up shrivelling up shriveling cadence downcome dip plummet dive downward spiral plunge aging growing old ageing downtrend downswing lowering subsiding flagging de-escalation easing backsliding diminishing subsidence petering out fading away nosedive weathering wearing sweep withdrawal dying down refluence reflux backflow retroflux dying away dying out wearing away sapping corroding gnawing away eating away scraping away corrasion chipping away grinding down desedimentation low water low tide outward flow wearing down washing away


The process by which a liquid leaks through a porous substance
seepage leak leakage percolation dribble drip exudation issuance oozing seeping trickle trickling bleeding discharge drainage escape excretion filtration flow leaching sweating welling extravasation infiltration ooze outflow secretion transudation outpouring emission issue gush emanation drain efflux stream spurt leaking jet effusion emptying rush flood loss hemorrhage haemorrhage drop effluence deluge spout flux depletion voiding ejection current voidance course cascade torrent outpour motion release squirt elimination tide outflowing movement spate outrush outburst seeping away suppuration effluvium surge effluent river rapid loss dripping slip drift production ebb passage sewage exuding outflux exodus emergence roll sweep run swirl circulation sending out giving off debouchment outfall progression disemboguing streaming effluxion gushing progress continuance continuation continuity pollutant wind tideway undertow runnel rivulet shower vent spill exhalation ejaculation evacuation spewing pollution draining disgorgement passing bilge water liquid waste runoff overflow thin stream expulsion storm inundation emptying out wave advance transit upsurge process burst flurry transfer moving onrush charge draught fountain draft swell outbreak onslaught rash explosion gust eruption blaze blast march flush procession spritz trend direction avalanche series epidemic advancement tendency flowing flash eddy breeze dart chain heave sequence string crossing succession spray shift blood loss upwelling dash leaning puff flow of blood traverse gale headway going spell barrage influx undercurrent diffusion uprush inrush billow push volley relocation battery trail blow emerging issuing egress springing transition travelling duration spring turn journey period span round term groundswell rise transferral zephyr time waft breath traversal tenor flare-up uprising upswing traveling spasm paroxysm interval train furtherance expression life path patch bout migration transference stretch bleed escalation prolongation fit swing hæmatorrhœa hæmorrhœa bubble ebb and flow nosebleed welling up current of air hail fluidity quiver tail shedding flowing out pull radiation onset stampede blitz way travel exudate pouring streak air mobility riptide vortex whirlpool commotion increase tingle locomotion move transporting squeeze shot stint airflow pass proceeding line array traversing season cycle while ambulation splash transmittance transmittal transmission traject trajection origination arising derivation breath of wind whiff persistence field transportation session snap undulation moving on lapping race drag conveyance beginning origin tour of duty bit frenzy spree breakout ebullition transferal transplanting flare blowup bursting start agony detonation building up build-up wash swishing murmur surging gravitation plague rush of air rotation circling recrudescence boutade inflammation sally shifting cluster access blow-up sudden appearance vomiting welter stab length journeying displacement repositioning airstream circumvolution gyre revolution circuit whirl twirl gyration wheel rise and fall lapse flight withdrawal voyaging extent lifetime thermal fullness backdraught backdraft updraft updraught elapsing timeline perpetuation full length life span slipstream steady flow time span length of time time frame


A biological agent that risks humans or the environment


The amount or degree by which something is reduced
loss deprivation diminution privation abatement decline decrease decrement depletion drop forfeiture reduction squandering depression diminishment dissipation fall falloff shortfall dent shrinkage drain erosion impairment impoverishment failure retardation want drop-off step down lessening lowering cut ebb dwindling cutback contraction deterioration curtailment waning deduction downturn weakening falling off slump degeneration degradation descent wane tumble wastage downgrade expenditure decay diminishing plunge devaluation dive downfall collapse slide crash lapse nosedive declining regression dip slackening attrition exhaustion discount consumption degeneracy decadence draining minimizing downtick depreciation sinking devolution spending deficiency downswing minimising dying down spillage cutting shrinking use failing withering fading misspending slowdown easing plummet minimization slash retrenchment expending subtraction ebbing declension recession declination retrogression comedown sag downtrend squander dilution worsening backsliding attenuation misuse using up slip let-up dropping off fall-off relapse frittering away difference ruination corrosion receding markdown downsize minus alleviation undermining down mitigation rollback lightening eclipse precipitation declivity downslide landslide disappearance downhill trend nose dive leakage reversion recidivism stagnation standstill subsiding inactivity pruning trimming slimming falling slowing paralysis trough shakeout milking emptying sapping chopping debasement limiting axing slipping relaxation moderation bleeding fade cessation dying away subdual subjugation pullback slimming down return falling away fall from grace bottom-out utilization subsidence easing off desisting relenting dropping away dying out bottom out blowing utilisation frittering usage scaling down wastefulness de-escalation compression striction decrescence condensation constriction cooling off petering out saving tailing off running down tapering off losing wasting exploitation extravagance spoilage letting up prodigality consuming dissipating burning misapplication improvidence wild spending lavishness unthriftiness misemployment fritter burning up throwing away spill puddle slick abuse disuse overdoing atrophy falling-off pitch header flop topple stumble cropper trip slant slope belly flop skid roll gradient deflation nose-dive hang sinkage cant jump duck flip wipeout sweep incline droop bad times slack hill sink concavity basin plummeting inclination list tailspin tilt skydive downhill swoop hanging plump downslope free fall false step rainy days loss of value high dive bust stagflation economic decline credit squeeze hard times credit crunch slackness demolition settling hollow sinkhole distortion accident downshift misstep pounce rush toss rundown pratfall dropoff tip letup concession sale backslide clearance arrest downward bargain dunk rise and fall headlong fall sharp fall stoop lunge spiral meltdown reverse recidivation retrogradation scarp cave-in flagging stagger big trouble unemployment bankruptcy steep fall retreat downward spiral submersion submergence bellyflop allowance write-down devaluing cheapening downer rut blight funk letdown dumps low bottom adret versant bajada escarpment downgrading ducking economy fading away decrease in value lowering in value reduction in value withdrawal refluence reflux backflow retroflux accounting allowance trail bend track blue funk the skids blue devils bad period free-fall phasedown reversal belt-tightening special headlong jump salami slicing low water low tide outward flow Black Monday rainy day grade angle bank lean rake upgrade camber leaning plunging settlement downcome bevel going down heel coming down


A part of something that is left over when other parts have been completed, used, or dealt with
remainder balance residue rest remnant excess surplus remains residuum remnants butt leavings others trace difference extra leftovers overflow overspill relic remaining number remaining part remaining quantity rump stub superfluity vestiges dregs number left over oddment those left additional material additional people carry-over detritus fragment garbage hangover heel junk obverse overplus part left over quantity left over refuse ruins salvage stump tail end vestige wreck wreckage additional things extra material extra people extra things odds and ends number that is left over part that is left over quantity that is left over what's left bottom of barrel the rest of debris end fragments scraps flotsam pieces ashes leftover oddments rubble orts scrap piece lees fag end bit shred residual relics bits legacy rubbish litter miscellany survival bits and pieces dross traces shell crumbs part shambles ruin trash hull skeleton outstanding amount mélange end piece offcuts dog end jumble particles mishmash patchwork hodgepodge notions melee medley rags sundries assortment motley rummage novelties knickknacks etcetera olio potpourri mixed bag loose ends this and that sundry items miscellaneous paraphernalia bits and bobs inheritance crust offcut rest of remaining amount notion etceteras carryover hulk holdover mess heap portion particle strip frame scrapings sweepings odds and sods rejects cast-offs spoil wrack havoc last part sunken vessel sunken ship castoffs shards wastage crackup mincemeat skids segment tip projection base nubbin sediment grounds part leftover sublimate overage precipitate settlings scourings slag deposit parings silt sewage scum filtrate shavings leaving snippet sliver off cut end of a line


To use or expend carelessly, extravagantly, or to no purpose
lavish squander blow deplete dissipate drain exhaust misspend misuse consume lose sap spend splurge divert ebb empty misapply misemploy fritter away run through frivol away use up waste away burn up fiddle away gamble away go through throw away trifle away run dry be wasteful with spend recklessly spend like water throw around like confetti pour down the drain expend fritter use burn finish get through pass devour occupy suck dry blue absorb bleed idle away impoverish devote shell out draw down take up employ kill beguile milk lay out utilize be prodigal with while away make poor use of utilise eat up fill play out frivol splash out wash up spend money as if there were no tomorrow spend money as if it were going out of style trifle invest diminish draw disburse bankrupt spend unwisely be wasteful pay out throw down the drain pay wear out bleed dry spend money as if it grows on trees dry up swallow up give fork out diddle away abuse outlay dish out stump up ante up pony up scatter strain cough up spend freely dry eat burn through attenuate idle slash cast away fill up fill in run out play ducks and drakes with finish up take last of dig into put out spring for run down empty out spend money as if it were going out of fashion put in part with contribute spend foolishly fribble away throw donate wanton run-through fiddle while allocate laze liquidate lay something out loiter suffer the loss of dispense with void dump reduce disperse dispel make use of shirk kiss goodbye indulge oneself evacuate decrease gobble guzzle stop having discharge be deprived of lessen overspend spend as if there were no tomorrow spend as if it were going out of style spend as if it grows on trees disinherit sacrifice dispossess no longer have divest lower dally eat through fool away be wastefully extravagant with embezzle syphon siphon break bust pare down weaken cut back slim down undermine tap pour something down the drain chuck something down the drain catheterize draw off get rid of pump out free from get last drop burn out filter off let money slip through one's fingers spend money as if it grew on trees drop dole out exploit misappropriate prodigalize dispense use fraudulently foot the bill throw money at spend money like water throw money down the drain pour money down the drain throw money around put to wrong use run up put to use blow through have recourse to avail oneself of go to waste be wasted go down the drain exhaust one's supply of finish off go be finished lapse be exhausted be fresh out be out of be cleaned out be used up have no more peter out


(of a person or a part of the body) To become progressively weaker and more emaciated
atrophy decay wither decline shrink degenerate deteriorate fade flag languish molder moulder rot wane wilt become emaciated crumble grow weak perish shrivel up be abandoned disappear thin be disregarded be forgotten be neglected wear away weaken waste away dwindle sink diminish ebb droop fail sag lag go emaciate regress retrograde worsen devolve sicken disintegrate spoil become debilitated shrivel go downhill break down pine away become shrunken descend putrefy depreciate disimprove collapse dry up drop pine fall apart go bad faint lessen go to pieces fall to pieces go into a decline peak decompose become enfeebled lose strength go mouldy rot away go off die decrease become moribund have one foot in the grave be at death's door be on one's last legs be on one's deathbed be breathing one's last be giving up the ghost be slipping away be about to die be in extremis be approaching death evaporate retrogress stagnate fall into decay go to rack and ruin fall melt melt away lose courage grow less wizen mummify cave in give out succumb slide vitiate degrade debase debilitate slump slip lapse dilapidate impair go backwards become worse get worse grow worse lose quality go to pot break up be in decline hit the skids go into decline be on your last legs fall apart at the seams go down the toilet tucker long hunger yearn hanker teeter ail brood despond wither away fade away fizzle out knock out conk out go soft die on vine fag out flop hang tire loll peter out falter abate subside taper off fall off tail off trail off fold recede hang down bend swag let up dangle die off bow lower lean die away lop pall give way fall down die out tumble slacken etiolate remit stoop trail away flap depress drape grow dim grow faint sling settle moderate yield buckle trail give totter slouch taper thin out founder crumple contract die down let down backslide topple implode hang loosely fall away go out erode nosedive weary become marcescent drift become fatigued go to the dogs grow tired grow weary lose energy distort warp go down the tubes blow over ease off cool off deform incline reduce dim vanish depend waver dissolve flatline fall through nod beetle drop off ease de-escalate relent hunch lounge sprawl evanesce bend forward bend downward plummet wind down disperse come to grief be loose be pendent let droop come to nothing elongate drain close rescind bate shape ratchet down slacken off drain away phase down dematerialize fly flee flutter flail whip beat suspend thin down phase out crouch loaf be lazy hush quiet deliquesce grow feeble evanish attenuate rarefy clear become limp become flaccid become unimportant tire out wear out hang limply toss fall limply jerk wave flounder wiggle stagger quiver shatter grind to a halt pass off fade out poop out tucker out slack off become less loud fall in break vanish into thin air ease up come apart topple over break apart give in go down come down relapse minimize halt relax lose minimise impoverish tremble limp cripple wear off lose spirit grow weaker slow down


To physically debilitate or weaken
atrophy debilitate devitalize wither drain emaciate enervate exhaust sap shrivel consume deplete shrink weaken corrode enfeeble etiolate gnaw tire undermine sap the strength of eat away wear out prostrate soften incapacitate fatigue disable knacker knock out weary do in immobilize cripple paralyse shatter paralyze lay low immobilise indispose impair frazzle poop torpefy make weak make feeble wash out fag out attenuate tax overtire overtax diminish reduce whack jade blunt tire out destroy take it out of wear to a frazzle put out of action handicap erode unnerve emasculate bush vitiate depress ruin wreck eviscerate render infirm tucker out wear down lessen lower subvert unhinge disempower sicken disembowel exenterate sap your strength take it out of one sap one's strength encumber hamper injure hinder hurt mar harm extenuate unstrengthen rob from wear away confine to bed confine to a wheelchair wear harass break kill outwear bust fail fold burn out overwork faint strain overburden sink overstrain pain do up wilt ennui collapse grow weary poop out give out peter out put to sleep go stale fell floor drop level down hamstring disarm overthrow mow defeat knock down knock over mow down bowl over bowl down bring someone to their knees make powerless make weary make helpless make impotent bring low damage tucker spoil sabotage conk out lame maim compromise decrease threaten impede flag mutilate numb mangle impoverish disqualify take out deaden benumb disfigure dilute destabilize overexert overextend overfatigue deface droop languish succumb run ragged fizzle batter unfit total thwart foul up hock destabilise water down dull invalidate obtund deteriorate render powerless overdo draw bankrupt disrupt tarnish blemish blight bloody crab flaw endamage debase cross up devaluate suck dry deactivate bedraggle sag temper calm rough up mess up thin abate prejudice torpedo assuage inactivate shake palsy make tired halt soothe demolish kibosh unbrace muzzle pinion hogtie be detrimental to foil freeze disenable put out of commission shoot down render incapable put the kibosh on shag out take the edge off throw monkey wrench in drain of energy arrest use up wear someone out burden plague drowse bonk make sleepy oppress fade glut weigh sideline dismember dislimb stifle take wear on hit the wall hobble grow tired cause ennui have a bad effect on hog-tie clip wings lay up make lame jeopardize pull the rug out from under stop jam lose interest undo ravage be prejudicial to be deleterious to drive a nail into the coffin of be disadvantageous to root dampen clamp wheel-clamp afflict taint trash wound annihilate dismantle corrupt crush nearly kill wipe out contract tie prevent from moving bring to a standstill render inoperative make inoperative prevent from working action render inactive bring to a halt shock blast inconvenience scorch smash minimize undercut detract belittle make feebler minimise demean restrict make unfit spike wear oneself to a shadow run into the ground interfere with jeopardise screw up detract from shake up smash up louse up muck up cool chip away wear oneself to a frazzle allay moderate muffle botch cause detriment to do harm to wreak havoc on reduce the power of deprive of force whittle away mollify sate appease relieve slake damp alleviate cauterize ease mine dig demoralise frustrate tunnel demoralize dent sandbag challenge constrict adulterate deflate mitigate rarefy lighten dissipate offset tone down throw a monkey wrench into drag through the mud clip one's wings dig out chip away at knock the bottom out of throw a monkey wrench in the works of queer the pitch of poke full of holes hollow out throw a spanner in the works of reduce the powers of pull the teeth of remove the sting from hebetate desensitise cauterise desensitize put a damper on defuse appall transfix bemuse daze close stop dead stun anesthetize petrify astound anaesthetize stupefy make inert shut down make nerveless daunt bring to grinding halt nonplus appal bore worsen disband deescalate remove the fuse from skin subdue neutralise render defenseless strip make safe subjugate occupy make harmless neutralize unarm ding queer devalue cheapen tweak lose strength make useless


To kill or severely injure (someone)
kill assassinate liquidate murder butcher dispatch eliminate execute massacre slaughter terminate annihilate decimate destroy eradicate exterminate extirpate croak do away with finish off ice stiff top cut down do to death mow down off put to death shoot down slay smoke whack wipe out bump off do in knock off polish off take out cut to pieces rub out blow away neutralize neutralise snuff take the life of dispose of put away scrag get erase end the life of do for zap finish snuff out hit make away with cause the death of wax fell put down get rid of down give someone the works blot out terminate with extreme prejudice carry off put to sleep grease chill end obliterate shoot claim guillotine take someone's life stretch out hang lynch put an end to abolish take gun down wipe from the face of the earth put to the sword dust crucify blackball garrotte asphyxiate strangle garrote nix smite immolate behead silence electrocute decapitate extinguish expunge remove knock someone off defeat cancel take care of dust off blow someone's brains out send to the gas chambers wipe off the face of the earth deep-six stab blast rub someone out discard drop vaporise purge vaporize nuke efface murk see the back of stone smother garotte cool do knife suffocate sweep away stamp out ethnically cleanse send to kingdom come clean up root out black out sacrifice gas drag scratch sterilize sterilise exclude bring down send to the chair stone to death send to the gas chamber put before a firing squad send to the gibbet string up send to the electric chair send to the gallows take a life kill off clear away take down drag down mangle stick mutilate torture overwhelm maim beat vanquish put end to plug pump full of lead pot pump bag pick off put a bullet in open fire on fire pop let someone have it shell blaze away open fire let fly gun open fire at bombard kill in cold blood mass murder depopulate blast away discharge blaze shoot away fire away dispense with take away discontinue ruin overcome administer the coup de grâce give the coup de grâce worst put paid to drive to the wall move in for the kill take off overpower rout best devastate pull the trigger fire at snipe at fire on let go with snipe let fly at drill


To completely destroy or devastate
destroy devastate annihilate decimate ruin demolish wreck desecrate desolate extinguish pillage pulverise pulverize raze shatter smash wrack cream despoil nuke rape ravage reduce sack spoil total depredate devour spoliate vaporise vaporize tear down rub out do in lay waste to pull down wreak havoc on wipe out trash obliterate level lay waste crush exterminate torpedo erase eradicate break gut take out extirpate damage dismantle plunder remove liquidate flatten break up eliminate kill impair blight expunge wipe off the map abolish efface zap stamp out defeat snuff out bulldoze mar finish off raze to the ground slaughter wipe off the face of the earth crash ransack sink knock down deface undo root out blot out maraud blow up blow to bits unbuild take apart put paid to blast cancel injure bomb dilapidate loot dash nix do away with overthrow leave in ruins rob wipe from the face of the earth raid scourge delete overwhelm rifle quash terminate disfigure black out sweep away ravish clean up topple fell leave desolate scupper overturn blow to pieces squash bring down mess up write off strip dispatch blemish sabotage dynamite defile harm massacre scotch destruct butcher vandalize disrupt blow bust mangle break down excise finish undermine upset vitiate reave vandalise bring to ruin get rid of wrack up consume end blow away explode burn scar pollute degrade subvert havoc flaw crack fleece exhaust abate deplete ruinate beat obscure disassemble lower botch prang maim mutilate harry infect smite fracture fragment depopulate disfeature banjax dish disintegrate put a stop to trounce blow sky-high debase poison scratch scrub off batter wreak havoc knock to pieces forage cripple hurt ax axe put an end to bring to an end reduce to ruins smash up wipe off map throw down wash out strike out dash to pieces blow a hole in damage beyond repair put out of commission bring to naught reduce to rubble kill off screw up crack up shoot down tear up lay in ruins do for disgrace put the kibosh on wipe dispose of dust bankrupt cool quell purge suppress avenge torment rip down queer empty make desolate incinerate strike tumble take down let down stun neutralize nullify bring about the downfall of do one in tear apart execute annul abort take care of put out of action weed out neutralise warp chasten chastise spend burn away wolf wax check lay low shipwreck take engulf tear to pieces put in toilet gobble up put down put the lid on take away commit genocide cut a swath through cut down overcome unmake capsize spill scatter cheapen influence drain absorb envelop expend run onto the rocks pile up deteriorate mow down scratch out blow down cast down bloody crab compromise endamage crool depreciate lessen demean burst cross up make useless be a blot on the landscape prejudice put a damper on blot implode draw down use up play out dispossess deform corrupt shiver splinter prostrate trample overrun denude deprive profane split violate muller steal from freeboot reive cruel euchre bodge go through contaminate dishonour cover cut appropriate arrogate embezzle confiscate invade trespass splinterize fragmentalize blow out fragmentize scrunch disable smash to smithereens smatter crunch rive rend snap ink out knock out cross out blank out X-out wipe off face of earth blue pencil KO mark out score out knock off block out remove all traces of destroy root and branch rub off break into pieces make a mess of reduce to nothing foul up bring to nothing wreak havoc upon clean out louse up blaspheme pervert crush to smithereens blow apart befoul commit sacrilege benothing dishonor abuse outrage treat sacrilegiously prostitute insult treat with disrespect blaspheme against make lose face commit sacrilege against tarnish taint weaken stain sully besmirch thwart dirty soil smirch distort frustrate stymie foil hinder enfeeble sap diminish threaten blacken foul incapacitate discolor destabilize discolour play havoc with impede stop spot destabilise wound smear overpower subdue muck up unsettle afflict muddy throw a spanner in the works of debilitate impoverish throw a monkey wrench in the works of invalidate contort tar hamper interfere with bruise torture discredit rout conquer vanquish grime begrime smudge prevent enervate touch slay mark shake up attenuate denigrate twist depress clobber corrode scorch subjugate halt debauch dissolve obstruct blunt adulterate negate make impure jeopardize rough up attack wear away darken uglify bring someone to their knees blow out of the water disorganize disprove pop maul squelch hamstring worst undercut misshape scathe lick oppress mangulate disestablish paralyse best jeopardise master murder muck distain bemire gaum mire daub make a hash of wrench be detrimental to paralyze humble prevail over devalue outmaneuver outmanoeuvre skin upend floor vilify cause detriment to cancel out slam swamp spike render ineffective disturb shoot full of holes unfit affect drag through the mud roll back erode block disarrange disorder cramp buckle oust squinch stifle screw depose unseat malform eat away supplant dethrone put at risk emasculate bust up traumatize lacerate refute humiliate scuttle demoralize wither gnarl detract from tear deflate shake maltreat deprave do damage to worsen shock balls up wrong harass downgrade throw into disorder throw into confusion restrict knot skew spread to strike down defame shame demoralise bend hit stuff tank falsify do harm to reverse stab make unattractive knock cease dent slash thrash whip hammer prove wrong decrease wince blotch disempower stigmatize detract devaluate traumatise belittle tweak ding crucify paste skunk whack pound wallop steamroll drub be prejudicial to doctor make ugly immobilize marmalize overbear overmatch cane trim deck pommel whitewash get surmount play merry hell with rain on someone's parade bang up tamper with flog water down shellac edge outplay triumph over drop whomp tan handle roughly stigmatise reflect badly on bring into disrepute give the lie to entrap outjump outflank ambush route outrun outhit lambaste flax own disqualify inactivate nip in the bud win against drive a coach and horses through give someone a drubbing take to cleaners take it all throw monkey wrench in make mincemeat of unstrengthen edge out poke full of holes get around cut up get the better of give someone a hiding pip at the post run roughshod over pwn run rings round plow under hogtie hock handicap turn inside out bear down walk all over take down a peg work over drag through the mire kibosh run rings around unbrace immobilise nose out win a victory over do down make unclean wipe the floor with muzzle do mischief to take to the cleaners pinion render incapable pick apart bring shame on lead astray molest tag devitalize make of no use or value pauperize speckle mess endanger manipulate inconvenience wreak havoc with rattle cloud whittle imperil disfashion nick detonate slow retard delay hold up convulse derail be the ruination of disappoint decay bow derange slow down turn upside-down annoy cast a pall over cast a shadow over rupture bring to nought prohibit make destitute bleed dry cow set a bad example interrupt cause confusion in throw into disarray cause turmoil in take the edge off take the shine off burn out hack throw a monkey wrench into glitch up limit lame indispose put the skids under counteract dispirit take the enjoyment out of take the pleasure out of spray paint brand dampen be disadvantageous to knacker shrivel maraud over confuse torpefy be the ruin of seal the doom of displace dislocate cost make misshapen distort the shape of demote dump on play mischief with create chaos aggrieve grieve pain pique distress sting be deleterious to make unfit render powerless make powerless defenestrate inhibit smother curb restrain minimize minimise bend out of shape disrate rebel supersede invert lose strength crumple chop mildew tip remove from power remove from office bring low have craze overreach outsmart crimp outfox offset crack down on jumble be the end of draw blood hack up score pinch scrape cause the loss of cause the sacrifice of result in harm to strike at the foundations crud up knock off balance tame chip away color colour sour queer someone's pitch radioactivate result in damage to lead to the end of bollix work against make waves trouble contradict knock over repress impact hash slit slice carve cut about separate mash flay disease move enthuse overshadow maculate discourage silence whelm overmaster intrude on perturb confute taint with mildew chop up disillusion quelch strangle ice harsh counter force down snow under grind down bear down on slap down clamp down on cause instability scuzz up prevail occur torch run through spread among cast gloom over prick make foul controvert rebut disconfirm debunk belie mistreat manhandle dismiss throw out throw into chaos mix up turn topsy-turvy impinge rot gnaw rust puncture cut short mark down negative go against bleach fade impact on impinge upon cast a gloom upon bring a note of sadness to mishandle assassinate whittle away jam cause injury lace thin dilute suspend strike at confound plague curse knock props from under take wind out of sails blow sky high knock bottom out sandbag mine dig soften tunnel wear challenge embarrass write down deactivate disenable freeze combust scald take hold of disband discontinue bully down prove false cremate carbonise carbonize clamp wheel-clamp dig out hollow out have an effect on have an impact on exert influence on persecute brutalize assault victimize bump revert devalorize abase undervalue demerit set back declass bench adjourn bastardize mix slander clip one's wings chip away at queer the pitch of tie render inoperative prevent from working arrest disarm prevent from moving bring to a standstill make inoperative action render inactive bring to a halt drive a nail into the coffin of make a nonsense of put in a bad light bring shame to knock the bottom out of grimace destroy by fire burn up reduce to ashes burn to the ground burn down burn to a crisp disannul rescind void vacate prorogue avoid null repeal abrogate conclude extend sophisticate traduce roughhouse malign scrap wind up disunite dope knock about kick around knock around treat roughly be violent toward brutalise treat badly beat up do over victimise ill-treat mess over bung up bump off put away censure slur rubbish give a bad name to have a negative effect on have a negative impact on knock for six split up close close down loose collapse shoot fade out discharge resolve into postpone render void sever wind down reproach badmouth decry disparage calumniate take off carry off take someone's life mix with denature bastardise infiltrate phony up commingle irrigate doctor up plant transfuse amalgamate thin out blend intermix alloy shave cook mingle asperse besmear scandalize assail libel beset punish burden terrorize excoriate bedevil drive to the wall move in for the kill pan muckrake vilipend give the coup de grâce administer the coup de grâce bring shame upon rip up and down blackguard do a number on give a black eye rip disrespect speak ill of bring discredit to scandalise sling mud at do a hatchet job on breathe on poor-mouth give a bad name blister slag off deride tar and feather drag through mud drag someone's name through the mud cast a slur on spread scandal about bad-mouth fling mud at sling mud derogate run smear campaign knock the stuffing out of terrorise cause suffering to


To defeat, subdue or overcome with superior strength
overpower subdue conquer defeat beat vanquish subjugate trounce best master rout lick quash suppress overthrow thrash quell clobber worst repress drub cream stuff dominate murder own whip tank subject control smash break reduce pacify bury total hegemonize overturn subordinate overshadow throw upset trash wax prevail finish torpedo bulldoze stagger immobilise immobilize blank dumbfound overawe shellack stretch triumph over prevail over get the better of wipe the floor with make mincemeat of be victorious over bring someone to their knees knock out put away blow out of the water gain mastery over beat down bear down take out gain a victory over take care of gain control over render incapable bowl over render helpless render powerless roll over shut off lay one out get the upper hand over annihilate crush overwhelm flatten wallop overcome demolish whomp slaughter run rings around blow away blow out overbear outfight lambaste shoot down wipe out knock off humble take down edge out beat up put in the shade KO blast overmatch dispatch deck tan checkmate upend undo shut down floor pip at the post put someone in their place unseat win against paste skunk shellac hammer pound destroy whup smother smoke whop crucify whap pulverize trim massacre marmalize tromp dust bomb skin bash pommel win lather swamp bust give someone a drubbing walk over take to the cleaners cook one's goose win a resounding victory over defeat utterly defeat heavily beat hollow pulverise fix one's wagon give someone a pasting snow under turn inside out give someone a hiding wipe off the mat surmount stop walk all over kill get overrun take put down extinguish oppress outdo get around surpass do down stifle put an end to check curb outstrip better sink ruin silence excel strangle outclass trample squelch slam top transcend outplay tame triumph tyrannize restrain devastate cane subvert exceed submerge outshine down tyrannise put paid to squash bring down inhibit overload rule topple swallow zap drop muffle gain control of gain ascendancy over gag grind down quench hold back steamroll stamp out eclipse hold sway over force hold in knock over enslave be victorious choke back bring to ruin win over overburden demoralize engulf cow persecute eradicate slay abuse crack down on intimidate butcher frustrate maltreat terminate obliterate demoralise outmaneuver hurdle bring to heel abolish outmanoeuvre outrun contain bring under the yoke distress pocket shush outperform consume cap bog down keep under thumb snuff out slap down trump get over clamp down on outdistance trample on hold down overtop take it all mow down outmatch outgun keep down tower over keep back fight back go one better than do away with ride roughshod over cork up bottle up button up keep the lid on keep in check suffocate oust dispirit inundate depose besiege end sap weaken trouble flood humiliate dethrone whack get the upper hand govern coerce thwart whitewash direct occupy enthrall flog outwit deluge enthral edge rule over undermine command steamroller prostrate overmaster enervate domineer worry route shipwreck outhit decimate entrap outjump flax outflank ambush negotiate whelm cripple enfeeble conceal supplant deaden exterminate restrict chagrin devour wrong resist bottle level liquidate torment hound monopolize work over plow under rise above kick around cut to pieces beset aggrieve tyrranize hide choke quelch put out nose out run rings round bring to knees harass harry bully ill-treat beat back finish off win a victory over run roughshod over override drown pass keep inside keep in sit on get through monopolise damp down torture take to cleaners roll back treat harshly come out on top outrival cork be cruel to be brutal to cope with remove from power remove from office shame do in capsize weigh down bear down on put the lid on overtake do better than tyrannize over trample underfoot rein in knock spots off improve on deal with put a stop to pick on take over knock down push about rule with a rod of iron take control of put to shame wipe off map push around swallow up get rid of keep under control rule with an iron hand bite back pwn pick apart dismiss defeat easily outsmart bridle colonize muller astonish render speechless weather survive negate compel underyoke manage regulate shock stun render outlive knock for six fight wreck foil unthrone uncrown colonise settle circumvent discomfit confound knock socks off come out on top of turn over hamper impede hinder domineer over ice disable outrank unhorse hold sway endure make a fool of get one up on gain the advantage over prevent constrain outpace shake off overpass improve upon shoot ahead mop up run circles around take apart vault over climb crest leap succeed over seize annex dampen reel back in degrade get a grip on interfere with spank strike be unstoppable by demote discontinue depress mute halt arrest force down blot out hose snuff dwarf upstage incapacitate impair downgrade disrate execute bite one's lip simmer down hush up compose collect heap shower rein shroud cool clamp spike stem interrupt asphyxiate glut bombard leave tower above be better than remove garrote garrotte mistreat browbeat invade shoot ahead of impoverish drive underground slap about lower ail dishearten deject dismay be head and shoulders above be superior to be a cut above break the spirit displace scare menace assassinate cut off block out fell appropriate annexe capture put an stop to terrorize victimize manhandle threaten defenestrate disestablish dissolve raze put lid on put kibosh on bring to naught discourage shake sadden devitalize daunt diminish discompose nonplus vaporize misuse hector frighten take possession of tip purge tumble bring low extirpate drench gulf overflow submerse sweep queer mishandle brutalize victimise brutalise terrorise perturb bother weary abase debilitate trip waterlog chasten vaporise cause instability play the heavy with ill-use mess over tackle dispose of crowd snow overcrowd wash larrup make it past make it over bring about the downfall of bum out dull cast down carry the day get last laugh take the cake win through be the victor win out gain a victory take the prize prevail against be successful come first gain mastery of take the honours win hands down take the crown bowl down trip up set down throw down throw to the ground rugby-tackle knock to the ground bring to the ground rub out bump off wash over administer the coup de grâce drive to the wall carry off give the coup de grâce take someone's life move in for the kill take off preoccupy possess haunt absorb nip in the bud put the kibosh on cast a pall over put a damper on immerse gain the upper hand over take aback affect engross grip obsess plunge shut out drive off put to flight put to rout blow out of water clean up on throw back in confusion concern disturb exploit scourge distract eat up encumber plague saddle ride outrage annoy press despotize strain handicap vex tax put upon eat away at put screws to put the squeeze on weigh heavy upon block internalize influence internalise boss lead keep under wraps black out jam up sway dictate head overrule preponderate handle run preside over rule the roost head up have ascendancy over have the whip hand over exercise control over run the show boss around be in command of play first fiddle be the boss of keep under your thumb call the tune lead by the nose have the upper hand in have mastery over be in charge of be in control of have one's way have under one's thumb boss about call the shots wear the trousers have the upper hand over be at the helm have upper hand lay down the law rule the roost in be in the saddle sit on top of


To diminish to nothing
peter check contract curb decay decline degenerate drain droop drop ease ebb fade lower quiet rebate settle shrink sink slash slump taper wane abate calm down crumble curtail cut down depreciate deteriorate devaluate die down diminish drop off dry up dwindle evaporate fall off lessen let up lighten lose edge modify narrow down peter out quell reduce restrain run low shrivel slacken slack off slow down soften subside tail away tail off weaken wear away wear down wither decrease recede grow smaller become smaller fall away condense shorten fall relent deflate moderate remit pall de-escalate get smaller die out die away grow less ratchet down taper off drain away phase down plummet plunge decrement blur become less constrict compress compact collapse tighten squeeze constringe capsulize capsule lose ground scrimp take in narrow grow slim wrinkle downsize fail minimise telescope minimize disappear waste away fall short relax depress ease off flag mitigate temper impair ease up wind down slacken off limit deplete cut sag downscale erode attenuate cut back get less quieten roll back dent clip come to an end minify slake slack release become less intense knock down become weaker disengage rachet down take it easy go easy devalue inhibit draw to a close restrict bridle make less active devitalize sap wilt languish slow up drop away desist die off nosedive go down come down emaciate go tire lag take the bite out amputate close take the sting out thin crop slack up abridge soft-pedal melt away falter trail off become peaceful settle down become calm relapse give way totter halt faint debase vitiate grow dim wear off grow faint lose spirit lose impoverish tremble fizzle out grow weaker thin out break up limp cripple scale down dial down alleviate tone down axe pare couch bring down trim run down ax make cutbacks in trim down mark down take the edge off cast down extenuate dilute amortise take down make less trim back downgrade qualify amortize step down make smaller degrade


To completely bungle (an opportunity)
blow bungle botch muff bumble fluff fudge ruin spoil butcher flub fumble squander bobble bodge boggle boot dub fail flounder foozle goof lose mangle miscarry miss murder mess up foul up louse up screw up goof up muck up bollix up throw away make a hash of make a mess of blunder err mismanage mishandle make a muck of mar stumble balls up boob make a Horlicks of miscalculate trip slip up wreck bollix muddle gum up make a nonsense of drop the ball ball up make a pig's ear of confuse mess misjudge do badly make a mistake trip up jumble misdirect misconduct misgovern hash destroy miscompute distort misapply mend crool damage mutilate make a botch of snafu be mistaken fall down be wrong muddle up blow it be in error get something wrong drop a brick make a boo-boo be wide of the mark put your foot in it get it wrong veil muffle bramble foul-up bollox up bolix up bolix bollox bollocks up misfield louse queer make hash of mishit mix up stuff up do clumsily grapple choke slip patch misconjecture misconstrue make a dog's dinner of botch up careen drop a clanger make mistake lose the handle get wrong do something badly pull a boner maladminister misrule prostitute confound mismanager be inefficient pervert be incompetent exploit misemploy overlook deliver badly mistake be incorrect be inaccurate make a blunder go wrong misapprehend get the wrong end of the stick bark up the wrong tree fluff something boo-boo snarl up go astray make a hash of something nod deviate get things wrong make a bloomer blot your copybook make an error manage badly make a howler misuse error falter lapse cock something up muff something up miscue snarl make a false move make a boner make a faux pas be inattentive be negligent be careless make a slip misestimate misstep misunderstand misread scupper throw jack up foul put a spanner in the works make a mess hash up make a dog's breakfast make a pig's ear make a dog's dinner


To treat someone or something badly or unkindly
ill-treat abuse mishandle misuse harm ill-use maltreat damage injure mistreat harass harry manhandle oppress wrong brutalise brutalize bully knock about maul molest victimise victimize batter dissipate exhaust handle roughly hurt misemploy neglect overburden overtax overwork prostitute spoil squander taint torment dump on kick around mess over take apart treat badly knock around be cruel to beat persecute rough up beat up hit do over strike treat roughly roughhouse torture outrage wound mess up shake up do an injustice to assault bung up exploit insult violate dishonour paw attack dishonor bash total offend against take advantage of cut up put down slap around interfere with do the dirty on be violent toward push pull hustle jostle shove mar bang up ruin rip chop backbite trash wax roust mangle handle bundle push around do wrong be detrimental to do an injury to give black eye manipulate humiliate spite give the shaft work over bash up duff up beat up on beat the living daylights out of thrash profane pervert misapply antagonize provoke belittle mock taunt desecrate corrupt abase aggravate deride mismanage misappropriate blow harrow run through go through martyrize antagonise impose on martyr rape step on the toes of assail malign misrepresent grope ravish give no quarter go for jugular lay a bad trip on hit where one lives defame sexually abuse fondle sexually assault vilify slander cheat impugn denigrate libel discredit touch up feel up offend trespass aggrieve bloody do wrong to do injury to do a disservice to bad mouth do violence to anguish traumatise inflict suffering on inflict pain on disserve trample on traumatize cause injury to cause pain to agonise incommode pick on inconvenience lash out at discommode lay a finger on agonize cross up impose upon sin against kick in the teeth


To die or cease living
perish die expire fall croak decease flatline be killed pass away be lost check out exit conk out decline demise depart drop end go part peg out succumb bite the dust collapse disappear give up the ghost go to glory kick the bucket vanish be destroyed buy it buy the farm cease kick in kick off OD pass pass on pop off snuff it step out cark it cross the great divide depart this life go bung hop the stick hop the twig bite the big one go the way of all flesh lose life lose your life shuffle off this mortal coil breathe your last go the way of the dinosaurs go under take your last breath go belly up be no more go the way of the flesh pop your clogs kick it peg it drop dead go belly-up go to the great beyond cease to exist meet one's end meet one's death pass over rest in peace meet one's maker cease living cash in one's chips relinquish life push up the daisies draw one's last breath go to one's last resting place be six feet under lose one's life turn up one's toes cross the Styx pop one's clogs kick in [slang] invalidate exterminate wane desist ruin abolish cave strike out meet your maker fold up up and die cash in chips be slain run through cash in be a fatality go to the wall go west wilt meet one's Maker shove off meet your end be a casualty fall dead run out call off all bets cool off buy a one-way ticket deep six die unexpectedly die suddenly faint meet waterloo go down give way give up pack it in conk suffocate drown swoon flake out sink down keel over fall unconscious fall down pass out lose consciousness go out black out be taken breathe one's last suck the kumara go to meet one's maker go way of all flesh drop off lay down one's life hand in one's dinner pail farm buy the plot buy the ranch punch one's ticket fall asleep slip away push up daisies die a death go to meet your maker stall fail hit swat straighten knock


(of a material, substance, or by-product) Rejected as being useless, unwanted, or worthless
unused unwanted useless excess superfluous worthless extra scrap unusable leftover supernumerary unproductive unprofitable discarded remaining spare surplus left over excessive uneaten unconsumed residual left additional surviving untouched in reserve redundant unneeded needless expendable supererogatory unnecessary uncalled-for undue dispensable residuary in excess disposable superabundant not required unrequired to spare pleonastic profuse overflowing superfluent unessential extreme nonessential unasked extraneous extravagant abounding lavish overmuch inordinate exorbitant on your hands surplus to requirements de trop inessential gratuitous unimportant irrelevant optional pointless uncalled for futile peripheral too much non-essential beside the point avoidable supplementary unwarranted incidental purposeless causeless extrinsic wanton insignificant over inconsequential casual replaceable reserve trivial undesirable more added further fresh supplemental accidental uncritical noncompulsory too many fortuitous haphazard going begging chance prodigal random odd available immaterial inapposite meaningless senseless impertinent cosmetic inapplicable minor fruitless unrelated irrelative still available aimless valueless outstanding hollow vestigial to no purpose not needed other collateral add-on not pertinent increased farther wide of the mark complementary off the subject bonus new without rhyme or reason not to the purpose left behind undesired supererogative groundless skippable removable free unmerited wasteful disproportionate in hand over the top net not essential consumable usable sacrificable inconsiderable nett remanent special top-up ancillary supporting auxiliary accompanying deadwood petty luxury vestigal balance continuing to play with beside the question wide of the point of no consequence not important nihil ad rem not at issue not significant left-over excess baggage able to be sacrificed unavailing inane nonsensical absurd hopeless ineffectual unfinished lingering over and above disliked unloved rejected goalless wasted in vain idle friendless forsaken shunned insane fatuous empty footling rest of in addition inappropriate uncherished objectless unconnected another contributory one more new-found alternative on the side purportless impotent nongermane ineffective unpopular outcast uncared-for drifting frivolous wandering inadmissible adventitious tangential inapt not germane adrift intrusive annoying neither here nor there not to the point nothing to do with it out of place uncared for more than enough


(of an area of land) Unsuitable for, or inconducive to, growing crops or vegetation
barren uncultivated bare desolate unproductive empty infertile wild arid boney bony dead desert devastated dismal hardscrabble impoverished lonely poor solitary stark unfertile unfruitful uninhabited dreary unpopulated void fallow sterile uncultivatable deserted unoccupied vacant depleted bleak untenanted fruitless abandoned dry exhausted unfrequented unpeopled inhospitable godforsaken vacated windswept forsaken depopulated isolated forgotten unvisited disused infecund lifeless secluded parched derelict unused remote evacuated free dry as dust exposed unyielding impotent unsettled lean unprolific nonreproductive virgin drained spent uncultivable unvegetated unmanaged unfarmed rugged rough trackless weakened harsh effete austere unbearing sapped reduced diminished enervated untouched neglected uncivilized clear denuded uncivilised sucked dry used up ruined rejected vacuous blank tenantless destitute clean devoid worn out played out deflated despoiled unfurnished destroyed wanting lacking toom waterless thirsty moistureless baked scorched desiccated dehydrated droughty sere sear non-fertile torrid torrefied dried up bone-dry bone dry as dry as a bone dry as a bone idle open dormant unwelcoming stagnant sequestered gaunt unprotected unsheltered quiet lonesome flat out of the way in the back of beyond off the beaten track in the middle of nowhere ineffectual marooned grim untended untilled windy colourless joyless characterless soulless lone not occupied colorless alone blowy forbidding unremunerative hard tough unprofitable windblown hostile forlorn uninhabitable uninviting without living things without life bad moneyless unfriended bereft inimical cheerless left in the lurch left discarded uncouth left stranded lorn cast off inactive severe spartan unfavorable unfavourable slow depressed inert raw treeless lunar defoliated forestless static weather-beaten unshielded unwooded poverty-stricken uncreative slow-moving slack stripped cleared without vegetation bombed burned deforested bulldozed blighted obscure private retired secret removed unhampered unimpeded unlimited passable unrestricted unstopped unclosed unencumbered unhindered unobstructed unclogged unfilled unblocked cut off out-of-the-way


Having no use, purpose or reason
inutile futile unproductive fruitless vain unavailing ineffective profitless ineffectual pointless unprofitable bootless worthless abortive valueless meaningless purposeless inept feckless hopeless counterproductive idle inoperative unpurposed weak nonfunctional unfunctional unusable impractical dysfunctional expendable scrap incompetent unavailable unworkable disadvantageous stupid impracticable good-for-nothing no good of no use trifling paltry inconsequential trivial insignificant useless nugatory inferior poor miserable trashy unimportant wretched unessential abandoned nothing sterile bogus barren ignoble mediocre measly no-account negligible petty piddling empty no-good abject drossy despicable contemptible cheap base ne'er-do-well niggling piddly picayune pimping inconsiderable piffling chicken nominal peanut slight footling minute de minimis Mickey Mouse no use defective unsatisfactory inadequate hollow senseless deficient insubstantial rubbishy null pathetic junky nickel-and-dime chaffy silly banal wanky poxy lame pants to no avail of no benefit unfructuous rubbish two a penny not much cop not worth a hill of beans a dime a dozen a dead loss otiose unsuccessful inefficacious inefficient unfruitful non-successful failed unable indecisive to no effect impotent feeble forceless withered defeasible neutralised spineless innocuous neutralized void limited anticlimactic bungled bungling emasculate slack-spined insufficient unimpressive uneconomic unrewarding not effective no go no way unremunerative unsuitable frustaneous unlucrative dry gainless unserviceable stillborn nonpractical broken unuseful inoperable hamstrung inexpedient in vain powerless invertebrate not useful to no purpose null and void Sisyphean aimless needless unnecessary goalless vacuous unreasonable nonsensical designless purportless mindless thoughtless witless illogical frivolous irrational wanton indiscriminate vapid desultory brainless random inane motiveless unhelpful undirected ridiculous floundering haphazard drifting wishy-washy uncalled for uncalled-for without rhyme or reason hit-or-miss


Having a somber or dismal atmosphere or nature
forlorn bleak desolate dreary godforsaken black cheerless chill Cimmerian cloudy cold comfortless dark darkening depressing depressive dire disconsolate dismal drear dreich elegiac elegiacal funereal gloomy glum gray grey lonely lonesome lugubrious miserable morbid morose murky plutonian saturnine sepulchral solemn somber sombre sullen sunless tenebrific tenebrous wretched abandoned deserted ruined sad joyless melancholy grim mournful unhappy doleful depressed sorrowful drab blue dejected despondent dolorous dour woeful dull melancholic woebegone disheartening dispiriting downcast crestfallen uninviting down in the dumps down unwelcoming oppressive down in the mouth dingy grave downhearted hopeless abject distressed discouraging dim austere humourless humorless pessimistic mourning dispirited in the dumps serious despairing in low spirits bare inhospitable stark pathetic sorry sober clinical impersonal moody teary heartrending saddening heartbreaking tearful institutional low-spirited cast down stern unpromising broken-hearted sedate inconsolable grief-stricken grieving drearisome devastated anguished spiritless mirthless severe dirgelike rueful bland long-faced hurting unsmiling dejecting draggy mopey uncomfortable wintery afflicted piteous wintry jarring moping low down-and-out forbidding earnest heartbroken sorrowing lamenting weighty heavy-hearted staid chap-fallen dirge-like foreboding ominous sourpuss muted subdued brooding stony-faced no-nonsense poker-faced taciturn sulky in the doldrums in a blue funk uncaring harsh solitary unimpassioned disheartened Eeyorish overcast poignant plaintive unmoved spartan nostalgic sinister in the pits unpropitious unfavorable unfavourable obscure deathly hollow Stygian threnodic threnodial defeatist adverse disadvantageous inauspicious horrible distressing maudlin moving touching portentous gaunt exequial funebrial deathlike sunk in gloom atrocious bad-tempered grumpy uncommunicative oppressed weary dragged crabbed mopish surly chapfallen broody ugly sick at heart phlegmatic ill-tempered unresponsive frowning glowering troubled hard given to looking on the black side blue funk having blue devils having the blahs singing the blues bereft crushed lorn upset companionless acheronian tragic cut up dreadful shocking horrific frightful horrid horrifying gruesome ghastly hideous grisly macabre frightening unearthly lurid eerie terrifying nightmarish unfortunate monstrous fearsome revolting bitter terrible grotesque gory loathsome shadowy appalling grewsome spookish offensive weird scary shady chilling sickening spooky downbeat cynical negative gloom-ridden fatalistic worrying demoralized poor lamentable regrettable pitiable pitiful demoralising upsetting demoralizing difficult distressful disappointing distrustful doubting unenthusiastic suspicious chilly demoralised alarmist excruciating traumatic troublesome crushing dolesome agonising harrowing vexatious agonizing painful unpleasant discomposing plangent lachrymose derisible mortifying pensive heart-wrenching grievous heart-rending tear-jerking horrendous ghostly pitiless terrific repulsive repugnant nightmare awful sick unhealthy God-awful death-obsessed


Not domesticated
undomesticated untamed wild feral savage unbroken uncultivated fierce ferocious natural native wilding uncivilised uncivilized barbaric barbarous primitive vicious barbarian rough free rude untouched overgrown overrun rampant uninhabited agrarian dense desert deserted desolate escaped indigenous lush luxuriant neglected bestial brutish beastly ferine animal untrained uncontrollable animalistic brutal fell truculent rugged nonliterate rabid wolfish unused to humans raging rapacious ignorant uncultured swinish harsh animalian not broken in brute bearish subhuman austere remote warrigal unsubdued virgin untameable predatory ravening unmanageable beastlike uncontrolled regressive tameless not house-trained not housebroken theriomorphic theroid non-literate zoomorphic zoic heathenish heathen uncivil uneducated goatish beast-like zoological zoologic jungli naive simple Neandertal Neanderthal unsophisticated undeveloped childlike innocent untutored simpleminded unpretentious dewy-eyed dewy wide-eyed unworldly naif artless unwary ingenuous uncritical unsuspecting untaught unsuspicious unaffected green unknowing aw-shucks unlearned raw vestigial underdeveloped atavistic violent cruel dangerous murderous aggressive menacing furious fiery grim threatening intimidating unruly ungentle merciless malevolent ruthless severe unmerciful malignant terrible forbidding fearsome steely gruff unrestrained stern bloodthirsty flinty convulsive heartless impetuous dour baleful frightening callous louring frightful delirious fiendish monstrous sadistic pitiless incessive remorseless inhuman raving enraged inhumane stark hard lowering fearful cutthroat horrible hellish angry frantic mad infuriated crazed butcherly biffo tigerish aggers venomous crude unrefined coarse uncouth unpolished vulgar boorish loutish philistine inexperienced backward unschooled gross crass oafish benighted lowbrow immature ill-bred credulous unenlightened insensible uninformed thuggish tasteless developing trusting backwards ill-mannered gullible impressionable rough-hewn illiterate provincial nescient unmannered naïf unstudied rudimentary yobbish born yesterday wet behind the ears as green as grass guileless rustic third world plain unacquainted unfamiliar unread common low churlish graceless roughneck lowbred raffish incult illiberal callow slobbish uncomplicated inelegant trustful unguarded unsceptical naïve confiding over-trusting youthful incomplete rough and ready easily deceived easily taken in embryonic basic non-functional ungodly unlettered obsolete abortive clumsy unholy impolite discourteous impertinent disrespectful indelicate awkward rookie uninitiated new unwitting fresh unskilled parochial unmindful unaware oblivious folksy unartificial clean unpractised easy clueless jejune unseasoned incognizant unpretending unconscious in a state of nature like a babe in the woods unqualified easily led bourgeois unfinished elementary commercial materialist ungraceful aboriginal masterful autocratic godforsaken domineering analphabetic unscholarly anti-intellectual inartistic pagan infidel idealistic uninstructed unfledged undeceitful idolatrous unadvanced earthy troglodytic accepting godless irreligious young country uncool corn-fed agnostic atheistic damp wet moist caveman mannerless outrageous unconscionable wicked amateur unquestioning non-believing unbelieving heretical faithless babe in woods beyond the pale fond exploitable gullable susceptible dew-covered heavy with dew unprogressive unwise archaic straightforward silly virginal bungling incompetent green as grass countrified uncorrupted cute starry-eyed shallow unjaded Panglossian quaint simple-minded medieval antiquated nullifidian inept maladroit down-to-earth gauche modest unassuming mediaeval dark feudal profane nonbeliever skeptic sceptic homespun uninvolved make-do unspecialized plebeian hooligan jerry-rigged jerry-built jury-rigged rough-and-tumble rough-and-ready bush-league corny homey unadulterated kid pure without airs cornball genuine authentic uncomplex ungenteel indecorous ungentlemanly ungainly ungallant unseemly clownish unmannerly disgracious backwoods unladylike offensive classless gawky cloddish hick hillbilly unversed inexpert untried clodhopping improper unconversant maturing unpracticed unskillful budding cobbled together raunchy loud bad-mannered imperfect foul-mouthed uncalled-for loud-mouthed heavy-handed


Dead or apparently dead
lifeless dead deceased cold defunct extinct departed late gone demised unconscious asleep breathless comatose exanimate fallen inanimate inert low perished stiff insensate insensible brute desert faint limp motionless no more passed away passed on unmoving unresponsive in a faint not living out cold out for the count dead as a doornail dead to the world as dead as a doornail lost expired lamented killed slaughtered slain murdered at peace with God pushing up daisies six feet under bygone nonextant under the sod insentient unanimated spiritless not breathing vanished bereft of life resting in peace checked out done bypast buried nonexistent bought the farm done for no longer extant having breathed one's last dead as a dodo bitten the dust casualty stone-dead disintegrated retired turned to dust in the grave laid to rest dear departed much lamented no longer living late lamented still wasted invalid outdated out-of-date redundant kaput cadaverous down mortified erased former finished offed silent reposing liquidated had it down the drain out of commission not existing at rest out of one's misery gone to meet maker cut off gone to reward kicked the bucket bit the dust pushing up the daisies gave up the ghost extinguished inactive exterminated destroyed obsolete quenched doused out died out wiped out passé abolished void terminated no longer existing archaic unknown snuffed out ended superseded dead and gone outmoded disappeared no longer known inexistent vanquished past forgotten earlier ancient olden long-ago foregone old-time gone by of old of yore dated concluded lapsed old primeval primordial prehistoric immemorial antediluvian primigenial primaeval no longer with us long gone irrelevant faded missing ruined over demolished effaced eradicated obliterated wrecked annihilated extirpated run devastated crushed frittered at an end dead and buried a thing of the past ancient history in the past over and done with remote pristine long past long ago long departed previous antiquated one-time completed erstwhile sometime quondam old-fashioned belated forepassed long-gone oldfangled past recall in oblivion out of date sunk in oblivion down memory lane water over the dam water under the bridge

Contrario di utter waste

Music ♫

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