の同義語 single trauma


Emotional shock following a stressful event or a physical injury, which may lead to long-term neurosis
shock stress distress pain suffering strain upheaval upset anguish disturbance misery torture worry agony jolt ordeal grief heartache sorrow disorder heartbreak trial tribulation trouble adversity anxiety burden hardship nightmare blow collapse confusion derangement outburst traumatization affliction torment woe wretchedness hurt sadness unhappiness misfortune difficulty tragedy travail hassle vexation dolor problem hell injury desolation despair straits bitterness angst disappointment misadventure disquiet excruciation bummer damage discomfort mishap ill fortune setback dejection albatross hell on earth ache pang cross horror tension travails rack Gehenna dolour desperation bad luck stroke of bad luck harm despondency pressure trials and tribulations reverse grievance rue disquietude irritation regret headache blues heartsickness issue crucible malaise bereavement mourning downer murder drag heavy heart painfulness broken heart calamity visitation care letdown unpleasantness passion martyrdom cross to bear cruelty ill melancholy depression loss agitation devastation lamentation sorrowfulness infelicity grieving gloom annoyance worriment fire hardness lamenting bewailing bemoaning mournfulness test curse oppression dispiritedness cheerlessness funk listlessness gloominess moodiness disconsolateness gauntlet disaster gantlet emotional suffering mental suffering embarrassment catastrophe dolefulness pangs calvary mopes purgatory rigor mischance hurting nervous tension crucifixion throe hard time rigour twinge knock hard times ill luck discord awfulness unrest dissatisfaction nastiness disagreeableness turmoil strife throes wrong tumult sorriness labor labour deprivation mischief remorse bale scourge poignancy destruction evil toil baptism of fire plague bane harshness discouragement fiasco nuisance perturbation malice hangover scar aftereffect effect legacy terror sarcasm grievousness cynicism concern uneasiness perplexity mortification stew unconsolability pest privation dispossession death painful experience shame comedown debacle drama toughness unkindness severity grimness relentlessness laceration cruciation impalement unpleasant experience down failure dud inconvenience detriment ruin disability bother load sad event living hell third degree insult complication bad experience slight offence body blow kick in the teeth aggravation sprain severe test trying time nervousness tenseness affront twist offense wound dread trepidation restlessness ferment wrench mistrust flutter urgency overextension misgiving fear apprehensiveness distention heat alarm fearfulness intensity accident reversal crisis vicissitude asperity buffet sense of loss crick pull rick expectancy impatience danger jam contretemps crunch clutch poison nakba jinx skids tough luck ill-luck pain in the backside hard knocks pain in the rear evil eye the worst can of worms pain in the neck stroke of ill luck pain in the bum kiss of death harsh conditions dire straits tough situation deep water bad break reversal of fortune ill-fortune jerk stretch bruise constriction persecution wronging rainy day double whammy hard knock struggle penalty disadvantage cost punishment drudgery sweat rotten luck poverty melancholia austerity grind snag dole unease ruination sacrifice apprehension menace price exertion toll millstone blight disbenefit anxiousness nervosity concernment agita victimization low spirits undesirable consequence uphill battle killing disease execution destitution drawback want effort need pains downside hard luck penury forfeit expense beggary broken-heartedness deploring minus drain encumbrance lack fatigue hazard lament forfeiture bad news doldrums slog canker battle endeavor nemesis cancer dumps victimisation hot water ill-treatment bitter pill heaviness of heart pestilence glumness endeavour downheartedness solicitude weight suspense infliction tough break fretfulness foreboding doubt butterflies thorn in the flesh hard work uncertainty willies watchfulness jumps shakes jitters creeps shivers ants in pants nail-biting uphill struggle cold sweat tough grind difficult task tall order goose bumps botheration flap fuss heebie-jeebies tough assignment fidgets all-overs abjection discontent death in life ills paroxysm pining impairment condition crux plight abyss hellhole indigence repining handicap ruth spasms difficulties heartbrokenness wounding disablement disfigurement incapacity cumber impoverishment moroseness dark night of the soul pickle pinch exigency fit stabs convulsions inclemency intolerance obduracy roughness challenge stitch squalor scrape long haul despite disfavor cataclysm mishappening hitch commotion disconsolation dismalness hopelessness anvil chorus weeping repentance uphill difficult time consternation holy mess unholy mess ticklish spot living death boo-boo prejudice disservice tormentor disheartenment self-sacrifice martyrization contamination disfavour resignation forlornness edginess nerves extreme upset pollution despondence dismay thorn in your side jitteriness suspicion conflict devotion unpleasant aspect demoralization resignedness miserableness dreariness Joe Blakes yips dubiety screaming abdabs twitchiness jim-jams abdabs collywobbles butterflies in the stomach bête noire neediness corruption joylessness pessimism defeatism despond impecuniousness impecuniosity bête noir downfall mildew contagion fungus demoralisation blue devils dashed hopes trials slavery result peril responsibility infestation undoing work consequence eyesore withering dump sight deaths inroad undesirable consequences adverse effects losses casualties adverse effect drudge tears moil donkeywork burdens fatal attraction industry striving consequences blot on the landscape graft financial distress Herculean task tyranny panic needles sense of foreboding pins and needles abuse mistreatment maltreatment discrimination tyrannization red-baiting pogrom ill treatment bashing witch hunt provoking expulsion pursuit galling massacre pestering discrimination against banishment subjection intimidation ill usage imprisonment exile


An acute medical condition associated with a fall in blood pressure
shock collapse breakdown stupefaction stupor traumatism daze prostration a state of shock torpor inertia numbness insensibility coma unconsciousness trance lethargy blankness languor hebetude listlessness lassitude sopor blackout dwam oblivion amazement state of unconsciousness anesthesia sleep suspended animation swooning narcosis state of senselessness slumber state of stupefaction swoon somnolence paralysis bewilderment fainting apathy asphyxia hypnosis dream dullness limpness petrifaction vacancy anaesthesia inertness inactivity sluggishness idleness indolence torpidity sloth inaction slowness drowsiness sleepiness laziness indifference disinterest shiftlessness lifelessness languidness tiredness fatigue weariness stagnation inanition impassivity enervation slothfulness disregard passivity torpidness insouciance heedlessness passiveness unmindfulness unconcern dormancy heaviness senselessness pottering loafing hibernation trifling lazing otiosity leisure vegetating slouch truancy dawdling droning loitering laze joblessness phlegm exhaustion time-wasting dilly-dallying ennui supineness leadenness unemployment reverie inoperativeness obliviousness rapture daydream spell haze hypnotic state syncope half-conscious state catalepsy insentience doziness quiescence faint debility stagnancy weakness lack of sensation lack of feeling nonaction PVS accidie insensitivity frailty acedia narcoma carus analgesia callousness insusceptibility frazzle burnout feebleness faintness vegetation immobility oscitancy negligence remissness slackness sluggardliness dreaminess desuetude disuse skiving laxity grogginess dopiness persistent vegetative state jadedness dilatoriness heavy eyelids asleep sedentariness dolce far niente quietness fog put under muddle lala-land unawareness forgetfulness state of confusion state of shock knockout amnesia nirvana darkness state of unreality state of bewilderment state of befuddlement ignorance passiven state of perplexity state of disorientation state of puzzlement state of mystification state of bafflement Lethe insensibleness abeyance carelessness inadvertence woolgathering ecstasy study daydreaming revery muse abstraction fainting fit grayout vertigo swim dizziness loss of consciousness transfixion catatonia transfixture glaze waters of Lethe brown study


A period of turmoil in real life
drama dilemma turmoil crisis predicament adversity plight spectacle catastrophe disaster mess problem quandary trouble bind calamity commotion conundrum debacle difficulty distress fiasco fuss hardship havoc imbroglio incident mire quagmire setback tragedy tribulation upheaval adventure affair affliction blow business cataclysm circumstance complication disturbance emergency jam melodrama misfortune mishap occasion perplexity pickle pinch row scene tension entanglement excitement exigency fracas hell horror muddle sensation shambles thrill farce to-do dire straits hang-up tight spot spot of bother difficult situation hard times tight corner tight situation awkward situation bad news hot water problematic situation sorry condition sticky situation tricky situation unfortunate situation critical situation hell on earth sad state train wreck no-win situation tear-jerker extremity scrape fix strait hole tinderbox impasse meltdown pass misadventure pressure urgency depression danger accident crunch necessity clutch juncture Dunkirk conjuncture crossroads head chaos issue disorder disarray failure stew crash reversal collapse spot urgent situation stress reverse scourge ruin blight confusion devastation whammy shock monstrosity hassle situation desolation embarrassment holocaust apocalypse bomb woe trial shipwreck disorderliness messiness bust puzzle zero hour panic stations desperate straits push crossroad climax turning point breaking point squeeze boiling point crunch time flash point vicissitude compulsion unforeseen circumstances big trouble rabbit hole vicious circle deep water hot potato worst-case scenario reversal of fortune car crash double trouble heavy blow stroke of ill luck moment of truth point of no return corner contingency box condition critical moment need decisive moment crux asperity deadlock pretty kettle of fish fine kettle of fish stage critical point crisis point defining moment high noon rattrap swamp straits state jackpot rigor crucial moment drag rigour sticky wicket catch-22 pivotal moment critical mass hour of decision pivotal point do or die time climacteric contretemps want exigence Rubicon imperativeness threshold position crucial point how-do-you-do watershed kettle of fish peak uphill mix-up culmination misery hazard a jam a scrape a hole a fix crucial period critical period when push comes to shove turn of the tide critical juncture critical stage l trouble spot Dutch dreadful thing awful thing terrible thing indigence destitution infliction connection combination hot spot extreme suffering concurrence demand bother mass of problems test time constraint requirement equation moment point acuteness demandingness emergency situation potential crisis situational problem needfulness requisite essential wont criticalness pressingness bad thing tangle tight squeeze flashpoint end conclusion botched situation duress trying time diffict situation worst case uphill battle acme state of things state of affairs worst outcome loss worst possible outcome worst that could happen worst comes to worst struggle rubicon period phase deadline vital moment D-day H-hour countdown appointed hour target appointed time A-day terminus knife-edge watershed moment decisive point tipping point oppression frustration pain brink overextension breakpoint edge limit overstrain posture interval status instant point in time choice danger level high point the Rubicon irreversible momentum sink or swim time exertion painfulness knot pretty target day jumping-off point the time start time moment of decision dependency dependence match point when it came to it barricade discouragement sweat labor hardness labour a bad situation bottleneck a plight a mess a sorry condition bewilderment mystification a predicament a difficult situation moment in time wretchedness snapping point extreme tension a stew a spot harassment dead end a pickle a tight corner a bind spreading too thin verge of collapse point of decision ruination landmark choke point casualty buffet bale mischance milepost milestone mishanter stroke bane undoing grief harm upset abyss slip flood fall peripeteia transition hinge crossing change twist nexus shift pivot cusp axis development reverse of fortune shit show fell stroke rough situation act of God the worst bad luck hard luck ill luck crucial occurrence rising action kairotic moment race against time obligation soup responsibility call gravity duty commitment desperation rough go force majeure pressure of circumstance force of circumstance

の反対語 single trauma

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