の同義語 very determine


To fix or shape the form or character of
dictate influence decide govern impact shape affect control impact on form mold mould sway act on alter exert influence on forecast have an effect on have an impact on work on guide modify transform touch bias condition change direct regulate fashion rule inspire strike model lead agitate reach impress move prevail manipulate infect design attack hit bear upon strike at take hold of constrain steer jockey have a bearing on master discipline underlie predispose directionalize dispose shepherd hold in check be a factor in style get the better of abate reshape order work exert influence make an impression have an effect have an influence motivate afflict pattern categorise upset interact with prompt decorate copy emulate imitate categorize follow disturb overwhelm stir perturb trouble touch on bear on win over arouse grieve concern hurt distress damage involve sadden pain devastate shake hit hard channel define faze throw weigh into instigate have a part in rouse talk into bring to bear carry weight train pull strings argue into get at act upon be recognized seduce relate induce impinge overcome bowl over tell on emotionally move regard shake up interest mark knock back get to impress on knock for six prevail over impinge upon develop turn someone's head make an impression on go to your head tug at your heartstrings produce create frame adapt make construct devise remodel build convert grow chart choreograph become map out lay out persuade stimulate prevail on leave a mark on excite convince bend carry get taint prejudice impassion grab slant draw strike down sell colour incline crack color conduct suck in put across talk round get through to bring round register with make an impact on make an impact animate soften melt nag into cajole prevail upon coax into disquiet impel capture promote get around bring around shift amend adjust spur cut a figure urge injure vitiate corrupt carry weight with destroy cripple quicken bring in get through ruin spoil mar contaminate stick in someone's mind impose turn annihilate impair ravage demolish distort compromise meddle interrupt warp twist harm jaundice break garble angle touch a chord strike a chord sabotage nobble hook brainwash stretch doctor defile occur pollute poison crush skew flavour flavor leave an impression on cross blight debase weaken exploit wear away make ill lay low spread to shock traumatize interfere with wreak havoc on do damage to play havoc with engineer negotiate spring to mind come to the mind of enter one's head occur to cross your mind come into one's consciousness come to mind dawn on come to present itself emerge to twist one's arm turn one's head lead by the nose soften up affect badly maneuver manoeuvre machinate finesse use traumatise disadvantage make someone suffer exert an influence on impinge on knock sideways mastermind orchestrate tinge leave a mark use to advantage twist round one's little finger turn to one's advantage play upon


To come to a judgment
finalise finalize resolve confirm specify agree to conclude decree designate rule on adjudge adjudicate arbitrate decide on deem judge settle on agree on assign authorise authorize call the shots on cinch clinch come to a decision about figure out fix upon nail down name ordain pin down prescribe set work out take a decision on square off square up decide settle establish fix arrange choose referee select umpire appoint nail figure stipulate pick close allot seal complete arrive at mediate sort out pass judgement on sit in judgement on pass judgment sit in judgment give a verdict on make a ruling on answer schedule hear try declare examine agree achieve ref resolve on announce make a decision rule come to a decision come to an agreement lay down pronounce on come to a conclusion pull off bring off shake hands on sew up button up settle upon tie up reach an agreement give a ruling on set the seal on define clear up limit prearrange run pronounce judgement on work solve make a judgement on allocate call the shots impose negotiate effect accomplish dispose of moderate supervise instruct dictate make be in control of set a date for pronounce bring to a conclusion decide upon fix up fix on assess oversee stand call broker issue deliver bargain engineer officiate agree upon attend to state indicate hypothecate assert affirm proclaim take care of pronounce judgement pass judgement concert reach terms on carry out swing come to terms on bring about hammer out opt thrash out pass sit in judgement secure make a ruling give a verdict lay down the law set forth transact string nominate elect wrap up identify install delegate handpick commission employ peg brand place denote recognise constitute recognize propose detail instal tab tag classify slot mark opt for vote in single out put down for sign up point to put one's finger on cherry-pick take on formally judge


To ascertain through analysis or investigation
ascertain discern discover establish deduce detect figure out find out identify learn verify work out fathom figure find perceive uncover add up conceive confirm contrive intuit notice observe pick up realise realize recognise recognize see sense spot unearth catch on come upon descry diagnose divine get get to know have a hunch read size up come to know fathom out make out locate distinguish ferret out track down turn up hit upon nose out dredge up root out dig up pinpoint run down scare up scout up hit on dig out hunt down rout out hunt up know rummage suss out pick out place pin down finger catch catch on to tumble to get a fix on comprehend differentiate grasp name understand reveal apprehend twig discriminate disclose pick up on appreciate decide diagnosticate separate isolate determinate judge ID bring to light expose encounter put one's finger on cognize savvy sniff out single out get on to stumble on select difference secern hear substantiate validate tell apart assimilate tag register smell out flag demarcate wise up to come across get the picture dig get wise to make certain point out button down espy contrast unlock search out tell between note tell suss hunt out label behold describe dope out have an aha moment run to earth analyze get wind of light upon specify smoke out cotton on to make sense of wise up take in put a name to peg puzzle out meet with get the drift of check mark remember decide on make certain of tab achieve acquire attain gain obtain settle on analyse rumble set apart make elicit interpret extract follow glean sight tell the difference between decide between make a distinction between think of look up reckon get wind of the fact get wise to the fact come up with get the message make a distinction conceive of become aware unmask latch on to compass strike trace grok apperceive chance on piece together happen upon get to the bottom of cotton to get the hang of become cognizant of learn of trip over make head or tail of figure something out zero in on corroborate fix disinter list mention check out scent out put the finger on know by sight mark out retrieve double-check make up your mind on check up on make sure edge out run to ground penetrate estimate extricate signalize characterize collate divide singularize sift individuate qualify classify part categorize recall clinch be sure keep up with recollect take notice follow the scent of become acquainted with define distinguish between call to mind trace back decipher tell from set off mark off sort out localise hook localize nail down pierce be certain take notice of construe get one's head around get the point of get it infer get the idea of draw a distinction between discern a difference between stumble across light on decode home in on bring into the open tumble into bring to mind choose lay hands on get at stumble upon look for know for certain be on to set at variance nominate seize differentialize designate categorise individualise signalise characterise individualize antithesize discrepate antithesise indicate be aware of become aware of become conscious of see through associate set in context strike on pronounce tell the difference set off discern a difference see a difference draw a distinction peach glimpse investigate tap exhibit delve spark see the light spotlight show root root up take the wraps off fish out uproot ferret know what's what split hairs debunk explore identify problem gather make a diagnosis tell which is which receive be told of be advised find out about be made aware be informed of be told be informed get wind be given to understand be notified of be made aware of be led to believe have tumble hear tell get word have on good authority track get the drift get wise catch on to the fact arrive at brainstorm ponder think up problem-solve conjure up dream up rack brains find an answer to think through think out find a solution to absorb digest accept take on board take cotton on acknowledge unravel be conscious of envisage master get the idea latch onto latch on soak up be cognizant of take to mean get your head round imbibe imagine be wise to translate crack process have knowledge of respect integrate see daylight get the point regard admit familiarize oneself with drink in absorb mentally get into make of grant concede allow confess conclude own feature think untangle disentangle be aware explain envision figure it to be get the message about get the picture about take up soak in celebrate proclaim break witness believe declare picture view incorporate get one's mind around tap into ingest catch the drift get the gist parse ken take meaning take on have a handle on click with wrap one's mind round explicate image vision visualise fancy visualize identify with empathize with sympathise with relate to agree with sympathize with empathise with pick up what someone is putting down see the light about wrap one's mind around be familiar with be au fait with be with it have information see the point of become conscious of the fact that become aware of the fact that be aware of the fact that be conscious of the fact that unriddle read between the lines see into have knowledge be conscious accept the validity of acknowledge the validity of commiserate with be able to see admit the validity of understand what's what understand the situation work out what's going on unscramble unfold become conscious make sense get a grip get clued up about perceive the meaning of throw light on break down have experience of clear up make heads or tails of be schooled feel certain be read be learned be versed get through one's head settle have down pat feel flash copy pin look-see get down pat get down cold feel in one's bones get vibrations profess affirm agree yield acquiesce accede cooperate with fess up acquiesce in avow bow to agree to approve of certify concur with accede to attest to own up to 'fess up defer to let on come clean open up subscribe to take an oath cop a plea come out of closet own up go along with


To measure the quantitative amount of something


To find out through making an inquiry


To fix the scope or boundaries of
delimit demarcate fix define bound set set out specify circumscribe mark off mark out pinpoint identify indicate limit establish detail prescribe particularize delineate demark mark lay down particularise stipulate state designate postulate describe require ordain order agree condition specificate specificize spell out terminate insist on delimitate lay out restrict measure instruct demand impose set the limits contract guarantee promise arrange insist upon decree pledge underwrite provide ensure have as a condition make it a condition portray depict characterize represent present outline paint render distinguish explain picture confine characterise image figure encircle envelop encompass border compass enclose map out set forth curb rim belt surround verge edge flank gird girdle stake out wall in fence in set the limits of set the boundaries of set bounds to mention name cite quote note enumerate instance itemize list catalogue notice drop give tag settle individualize individuate slot make finger inventory peg frame command specialize tab explicitize precise blueprint catalog explicitise specialise itemise individualise refer to point out touch on advert to touch upon tick off set down pin down draw up be specific about put one's finger on get down to brass tacks button down be specific put down show clearly get to the point come to the point draw a picture go into detail restrain control constrain cap regulate check mark the boundaries of mark the limits of sketch trace inhibit keep within bounds hold down measure out draw contain hinder silhouette hamper constrict plot bridle draft draught keep a tight rein on draw the lines of sketch out chart prelimit impede obstruct fetter etch straiten trammel limn hold govern set limits on impose limits on keep within limits put a ceiling on cork keep under control bottle up measure something off contour set a limit on interfere with nail down set off stand out clarify line concentrate stymie plan block out pencil copy map fence off chalk out encumber slow hamstring hobble tie handicap bar draw round freeze arrest thwart sketch in draw over make a rough draft rough out suppress isolate cramp not allow to go beyond keep within the limits of narrow down focus narrow localize centre localise center quell repress stifle rein in hem in hold in check place a limit on tie down stop subdue tame stop from spreading put a brake on draw the line on smother cool keep the lid on keep lid on hog-tie hold in put half nelson on pull in hold back gain mastery over gain control over keep in check simmer down keep back tether allocate block in


(rare, usually used in simple past form "determined") To impel and direct towards an object or action
drive impel induce inspire motivate cause coerce compel encourage force goad influence instigate lead mobilise mobilize move oblige persuade press prompt propel push spur condition direct embolden enthuse galvanise galvanize incline envigorate invigorate predispose prod provoke rouse spark trigger urge actuate impose on incite make spur on stimulate orient sway bias dispose make willing tempt adapt convince affect bring give bring round get entice impress on prevail on effectuate enkindle draw prevail occasion brainwash precipitate stir up evoke bring about effect work up engender generate whip up elicit inveigle produce invoke promote work set off prevail upon spark off manipulate coax activate create foster render beget start enact cajole proselytize stir excite kindle yield spawn impress breed catalyze propagandize convert trigger off touch off talk round give rise to bring on lead to result in translate into propagandise proselytise draw on talk into catalyse win over fire up hypnotize incentivize program introduce inculcate train instill indoctrinate fire incentivise advance lure foment initiate arouse counsel steer cultivate exhort muster advise inspirit develop pressurize institute establish sell do order prick agitate hatch inflame twist someone's arm pressurise begin contribute to bring to pass be at the bottom of gain confidence of call forth instil bring to senses teach make happen hypnotise work over lead to believe be the cause of programme argue into bring around prove to egg on catechize inflict wreak launch end in kickoff electrify open inaugurate hound originate start off set in motion cook up put in motion start the ball rolling bring up get things rolling cause to be cause to become send get going fire the enthusiasm of get someone going fire the imagination of whip light a fire under raise abet awaken predetermine waken rally impassion nudge pressure whet quicken energize steel set afoot give incentive to give incentive set astir wake hearten animate uplift impact empower vitalize exhilarate bring into being drum up set on call into being bring out draw forth set going whomp up refresh energise strike help necessitate incentify assure reassure exploit jockey play bribe finagle beguile control cheer on hint to pep up boost up pump up suggest to secure put mind at ease demonstrate to argue bring round to the idea of cause to feel certain dispel someone's doubts reason someone into believing gain dispel doubt make certain put someone's mind at rest bring home to impress to put across sell to satisfy make a believer dragoon intimidate be conducive to make for work upon lean on pull strings with browbeat prejudice turn suborn colour cut any ice with bring pressure to bear on make yourself felt with carry weight with touch bring pressure to bear upon color reason procure enlist proselyte plead with wheedle into win argument sell one on cause to believe get round pressurize into reason someone into prod into press someone into turn somebody on to pressure someone into convert to lead to do wear down break the ice break in make up


(archaic, obsolete) To bring or come to an end
end cease halt discontinue finish terminate close complete lapse pass stop wind up wrap up expire ultimate conclude elapse quit dead-end let up break off wink out break up leave off go die come to an end drop suspend bring to an end be over desist cut off lay off round off pack in draw to a close disappear dissolve vanish break can adjourn pause belay desist from give up cut out knock off close out round out sew up put an end to bring to a close give over pack up axe cancel abolish ax settle abate bite the dust run out put a stop to come to a stop die away come to a halt shut off call a halt to wind down call it a day come to a standstill pull the plug on fade away abandon scrub fade abort evaporate scrap interrupt annul withdraw recess dwindle surcease wrap finalize become invalid evanish consummate finalise become obsolete become void call off refrain from melt away pass away lay off of knock something on the head blow over end up cease to exist cut short shut down give the chop finish off die out bring to a conclusion fizzle out pack it in run its course call it quits peter out disrupt relent be at an end be no longer valid ebb resolve transpire be no more slip away fly by relinquish sunder subside evanesce culminate cap pull the plug get done get shot of put paid to dispose of crown get shut of nip in the bud put the lid on switch off top off polish off put the finishing touches to tie up scratch wane prorogue clear eliminate extinguish liquidate depart do go by trail off tail off forgo die down go dead renounce avoid cut loose fold up button up button down be put to bed put a lid on eschew kick the habit quit cold cut it out abstain from not continue get on the wagon hang it up take the cure do without forbear from kick over close down tie up loose ends come to the end finish up clean up be through with bring to an untimely end be abandoned come to a close be suspended be broken off kick kill cut intermit intervene disconnect separate interpose disunite disjoin dissever part get rid of do away with bag it dispense with bring to a halt blow off phase out call a halt forsake check forswear arrest swear off hold back jack in withhold abstain reject forbear refrain curb steer clear of have done with shun refuse withdraw from abjure put the kibosh on resign from leave sever pull out of bring to a stop take a break retire from give a wide berth to ditch rest resist desert keep from go without keep withhold from inhibit take a breather delay bring to a standstill stop dead cry off drop out of run down get out of have nothing to do with wait hang back chuck ignore pass up shelve suppress block exit curtail hold off check out from rescind repeal freeze revoke shake stay pull up bail stifle prevent restrain take five break with stop short stop oneself put on hold have a breather move from have a break leave alone take ten bow out of step aside from resist the temptation to finish with back out of say goodbye to not do go away from put a period to stop oneself from give a rest restrain oneself from throw up depart from stand down from put a stop to something decline give something up spurn nullify come off disturb obstruct bring call recall skip preclude suspend proceedings subdue quell quash stay away from bypass set aside lay aside back off from restrain from shrink from rein in forlet cinch kibosh surcease from call it quits on be put on hold spell steer clear do for hold back from fail draw to a halt come to rest renege back out ease off ease up interfere with cut into break into discharge accomplish get off stop trying stop midstream fight shy of not touch cool it stop in your tracks collapse reach a standstill rise retreat drop out bring down curtain draw to close put to bed play out throw in the towel throw in the sponge immobilize stem turn back carve isolate exclude extirpate usurp remove delete snub exsect marginalize extract overlook oust excise knock it off hold stand deactivate immobilise put the stopper on take time out take time off close off bring to end hold up shutter clinch stop doing lie by yield sit out avoid doing something take the pledge be temperate give notice go on the wagon detain retain fold resign hang up carry out bring to fruition come to a conclusion round up carry through set the seal on take out marginalise cut dead take away back off quit cold turkey postpone keep back deny constrain remit forfeit forego divorce jilt sacrifice repudiate hold off on stall vacillate procrastinate step down from bag secede from call a stop to stop cold break short avert refuse to pay put on ice stop in full flow leave unfinished bring to a premature end hold on break away from split with delink from sever relations with part with part from dust off forget about turn your back on eighty-six write off wipe out prevent oneself from not give in to cease to indulge in keep off hesitate disaffiliate oneself from dissociate oneself from thwart foil dump escape vacate discard sit tight hang about hang fire hang around break free from take leave from have nothing more to do with waver obviate intercept be gone from be done with forfend stonewall falter deliberate brush off bail from break off with walk out of walk out on clear out from disappear from run along from cast aside take off from abscond from escape from cast off exit from set out from absent oneself from adopt Fabian tactics defend against stave off ward off shut out save turn aside head off fend off keep from happening mark time sideline linger take a breath reflect tarry stop briefly call time think twice come to standstill catch one's breath break it up stop what you're doing


To form an understanding or conclusion from something
deduce infer suppose conclude gather reckon surmise assume conjecture judge presume understand imagine consider reason figure fancy deem derive presuppose glean decide divine extrapolate conceive construe make intuit regard draw comprehend collect analyse analyze realise realize ratiocinate cogitate deduct extract work out dare say draw the inference come to the conclusion have a hunch make out figure out be afraid take to mean add up come to understand suss out boil down read into draw a conclusion estimate guess expect suspect predict speculate think believe calculate anticipate forecast gage gauge foretell foresee call postulate hypothesize evaluate hypothesise dope out hazard a guess esteem prophesy ascertain theorize prognosticate fathom project apprehend sense see appraise read theorise foreknow be of the opinion soothsay think likely take for granted size up get take discern augur adjudge trust perceive presage vaticinate approximate count on assess envisage envision opine venture feel sum up forewarn portend suggest guesstimate posit previse take it auspicate spae adumbrate predetermine see something coming solve compute premise hazard daresay prevision discover grasp visualise visualize forefeel predicate place savvy recognize cognize forebode pick appreciate tumble to contemplate plan bank on say twig detect recognise philosophise notice foreshadow put telegraph be given to understand philosophize catch on to cotton on to count go out on a limb take a shot at weigh up form an opinion of take a stab at make a guess at see it coming psych out make an estimate of jump to a conclusion resolve syllogize establish draw conclusions be of the view imply suss dare-say accept call the turn demonstrate latch on to get the picture take a stab cook up have a sneaking suspicion of pick out take a shot dream up see it calculate roughly count up number put a figure on concede learn hear omen picture obtain foreshow tip plan for see handwriting on wall signify forespell tell in advance warn of announce crystal-ball divine bode forespeak halsen rationalize valuate rationalise contextualise gain grok decipher register dig observe view know assimilate decode ween note contextualize be informed be led to believe feel for hear tell stumble on take something on board see the light differentiate see through tell procure acquire receive hold elicit attain rate excogitate evolve develop arrive elaborate reach educe formulate trace follow select survey chance happen upon take it as read have a sneaking suspicion put together espy entertain foretaste preknow pre-empt count upon figure on crystal ball regard as likely bargain on have sneaking suspicion reckon on have a hunch of be prepared for allow for see in the cards be inclined to think bargain for contemplate the possibility of call it get the idea plan on watch for take it as given be hopeful of count chickens wait for prepare for think it likely be afraid of hope for look for take as read suspicion find pretend grant take something read take something as given take something for granted interpret look upon compass give risk assuming venture a guess formulate a theory form a theory take as a hypothesis brainstorm spark admit dream fall for bet be convinced be confident be certain be sure take in be aware of become aware of be conscious of fathom out become conscious of get a fix on see daylight become conscious of the fact that become cognizant of image vision be cognizant of become aware of the fact that find out catch wise up have an aha moment feature get through one's head get the message pick up catch on become conscious get on to be aware of the fact that get it be conscious of the fact that


To declare, determine or deem to be (a certain way)
adjudge judge reckon consider deem think rate hold suppose count find rule pronounce decide conclude decree declare proclaim perceive announce charge regard as see as view as believe to be estimate evaluate assess surmise gather regard esteem figure adjudicate appraise resolve gauge calculate deduce call rank class believe gage view guesstimate establish reason settle infer say guess set conjecture fix value place weigh discern appreciate size up sum up arbitrate budget order direct dictate ordain expect asseverate suspect postulate prescribe theorise command theorize dare say calculate roughly roughly calculate make an estimate of lay down make a judgement lay down the law pass upon grade classify valuate account peg stand measure position categorize categorise compute tab tag assay price pigeonhole typecast judge to be put a value on weigh up put down for think of set down button down reckon to be look upon put down as guess at deem to be set at mark down as hold to be find to be make of look on think to be consider to be ascertain distinguish derive see draw tell imagine extrapolate conceive make maintain put understand approximate feel allow come to the conclusion look on as make out take to be look at class as rank as rate as form the opinion interpret as take for think of as assume presume sense credit opine set store by be of the opinion explain impute figure out swear treat interpret buy aver take contemplate admire take the view number revere entertain the idea have a hunch lap up respect cast take stock in swear by subscribe to the opinion bet one's bottom dollar lay money on take as gospel truth swear up and down have sneaking suspicion provide for factor into allow for factor in see as being set a figure on think of as being form an opinion of regard as being class as being view as being look on as being form an impression of form opinion cross heart divine daresay know be afraid estimate as calculate to be feel to be imagine to be conceive to be


To demonstrate to be true based on facts
establish prove demonstrate show indicate signify signal display exhibit manifest denote ascertain attest to corroborate evidence substantiate validate confirm verify certify affirm ratify settle reveal show to be true show beyond doubt sustain testify to uphold authenticate bespeak evince justify expose express illustrate proclaim support bear out bear witness to be evidence of constitute evidence of constitute proof of declare make clear make evident present show clearly spell out vouch for back up clear up document espouse expound get across ostend showcase show once and for all attest testify assert argue vouch circumstantiate register point out witness explain flag up make known make plain submit proof establish evidence produce evidence submit evidence produce proof give substance to the fact that demonstrate the truth witness to the fact that feature communicate constitute evidence constitute proof bear witness project predicate reinforce prescribe note point elucidate endorse clarify lay bare lay out make out adduce discover find warrant check back fix develop convince result give substance to add up witness to have a case demonstrate the truth of vindicate give credence to lend weight to betoken guarantee disclose imply give proof of be a sign of approve suggest betray avow buttress rubber-stamp point to avouch mark okay reflect give away announce give weight to bolster accredit point toward maintain tell of intimate swear check out aver profess mean divulge connote designate impart swear to stand by symbolize be proof of insinuate test stand up for swear up and down hint at point at symbolise pin down acknowledge asseverate legitimize advocate second defend state claim legitimise reenforce infer convey answer for strengthen contend assure rationalize check up unveil be responsible for represent rationalise make manifest make obvious cross heart import shore up pinpoint bear testimony act as a witness get behind make flash spill say so signpost peg let the cat out of the bag be symptomatic of give the game away give force to add up to refer to allude to be a symptom of underpin go to show qualify shew back something up constitute underscore spell allude recognize sanction formalize authorize be an indication of objectify realise actualize realize debunk complete reify try depose enforce pledge notify authorise promise pronounce ground reassert reaffirm subscribe sign off on account for evoke give proof provide evidence try on try out make sure of speak for give assurance of show the truth of reassure result from allege prove to be genuine mount appear sing token insist provide evidence of recognise formalise give evidence be a monument to speak propose argue for stand bail for be liable for go bail for assert under oath stick up for smack of serve as evidence of gesture towards make certain of suss out hold up double-check extenuate give facts point in direction of excuse give one's word vow rehabilitate refute disculpate confute whitewash shield guard disprove protect lead to believe typify swear on bible record offer grounds for read characterize equal plead for augur sign agree sponsor distinguish stand for identify do justice to avert cosign be symptomatic button down be a mark of symbol put one's finger on correspond to substitute for put down for equate with characterise finger tab tag hang sign on put forth give an affidavit sign for give nod check on declare true double check unmask publicize publish broadcast uncover unearth release disseminate air out strut exteriorize parade publicise report sport bare brandish vent voice utter crack bewray let cat out of bag let out let drop spill the beans on blow the whistle on put on view nake smoke out let on about denude take the wraps off bring out into the open trot out find out leak blow wide open let slip show up unbosom catch out pull the plug on tip off come out with give the show away wave around show and tell give out set forth make public let it all hang out


To make arrangements or preparations for
arrange plan organise organize schedule devise fix prepare decide set settle blueprint chart choreograph construct design frame project shape tailor adjust budget calculate draught draft establish resolve scheme contrive coordinate direct manage quarterback lay out map out scheme out fix up pencil in prepare for settle on strategize about agree on get ready work out agree to jack up make plans for set up make arrangements for make preparations for set stage shape up iron out come to an agreement come to terms make plans come to terms about pull things together formulate orchestrate engineer negotiate put together outline conceive form concoct mastermind conclude develop decide on produce sort out confirm plot make set out choose concert draw up appoint programme program achieve hatch arrive at thrash out swing bargain sketch run designate map name block out conduct create select ready pull off lay craft hammer out maneuver figure wangle manoeuvre effect see about see to build cook up brew fashion do specify administrate delineate clinch make ready be responsible for plan out equip accomplish ordain look after reach an agreement bring off cast assemble fit be in charge of decree agree get together succeed in take care of represent stage perform carry out make up bring about get compose edit reach terms itemize fit out deal with list think out accept contract finalize broker stipulate find a way strategize estimate compromise prep manipulate order furnish attend to compass line up administer covenant groom sketch out mount prescribe succeed itemise finalise execute think up provide dictate plot out stage-manage authorize make a deal strike a bargain shake hands lay on conspire turn out authorise draw invent describe engineer a way deliver detail model figure out depict trace launch work it constitute machinate finesse supply acquire outfit think ahead originate finagle close complete obtain adapt seal accoutre resolve on rough out marshal allot marshall make arrangements prearrange solve work pick pass declare fulfill fulfil dream up assign decide upon lay down build up get up get going settle upon proclaim reach terms on rule on come to a decision about make a decision come to a conclusion hash out plan ahead come to a decision handle propose intend illustrate preplan graph transact undertake forge take on investigate tabulate spread rank think through pull strings cut diagram record register document rule define preset initiate structure configure dispose of opt look into draw plans of nail cinch limit elaborate cogitate angle wrangle shift jockey lay plans dope out finish accede acquiesce give structure to cost style sew up come to terms on tie up put in motion set in motion put in place find out about take responsibility for rig out swing it account meet finish off prioritise prioritize nail down fabricate make a chart of make a diagram of shake hands on button up set the seal on compute predict end call the shots perfect play games hit upon excogitate premeditate slate place in order list in order legislate enact set a date for mobilize make provisions make financial arrangements cost out arbitrate adjudicate adjudge brainstorm contemplate present play endow anticipate fix it take out forecast mold prime poise show unveil work up indicate hypothecate institute found start train brace provision begin timetable mobilise secure attain qualify fortify season advance implement ratify sanction wage pursue follow through with carry off carry through engage in put through approve array exhibit preview trace out arm meditate steer intrigue chalk out smooth the way fill in forearm gird net win earn portray demo bargain for figure on fix to rough in lay in provisions reckon on accouter stock make provision gear rustle up mould start up lay the foundations of put up put on view warm up arm oneself gird up one's loins pave the way get set bag hook land grab capture knock up knock together bring together prepare hastily whip up put in order get off the ground straighten out put on allocate kit lick into shape budget for nab collar impose rig put on display put on show put before the public kit up fit up slap together kit out instruct roll out show off knock off pull down get hold of command fix on commission mandate demand request require announce requisition agree upon call exact come to an understanding see eye to eye make an arrangement elect for arrange a date for arrange a time for bid for


To acquire new information or skill
learn attain grasp master receive absorb acquire gain get imbibe assimilate comprehend digest pursue calculate note observe perceive take enrol enroll pick up read review swot understand acquire a knowledge of acquire skill in apply oneself to apprentice become competent in become expert in become proficient in become skilled at con cram familiarize oneself with familiarize yourself with gain an understanding of gather get across get clued up about get the point of glean grind have lessons in hit the books know backwards know inside out mug up peruse prepare read up on work at become able become versed be taught be trained brush up on burn midnight oil check crack the books drink in get down pat get the hang of get the knack of improve mind major in minor in pore over soak up specialize in take course take in train in wade through watch larn ascertain apprehend discern be informed of have knowledge of register cognize sense seize see know intuit decipher savvy compass appreciate recognize realize excel in realise recognise become proficient at learn the ropes get to grips with get down cold catch decode twig behold dig make out tumble to cotton on to cotton to catch on to gain mastery of chalk up become versed in become familiar with conceive process study incorporate learn thoroughly gain mastery in ingest grok make bone up bury oneself in take up absorb mentally soak in get off by heart fathom follow distinguish identify get the picture make sense of get the point work out figure out catch on get it infer get the idea deduce tap into interpret cotton on find out ken take meaning translate take on divine crack wrap one's mind around puzzle out make head or tail of see into keep up with latch on to get to the bottom of pierce get your head round pick up what someone is putting down get the message get a grip be aware of suss out be aware suss unravel see daylight be familiar with be au fait with get the drift of get to know get one's head around get the drift make sense see the light about envisage latch on be with it conceive of


(a particular topic or subject) To provide insight into
discuss examine cover explore study analyse go into scrutinise scrutinize review analyze investigate observe research tackle identify probe treat consider concern itself with deal with delve into write about evaluate inspect question look at go over dig into pore over interpret ponder quest pick at go through work over open up enquire into check out look into test have a look at inquire into chew over weigh up leave no stone unturned sort out try pick apart wade into take stock of look over sound out kick around dissect think about think through survey check scan search sift assess audit appraise inquire enquire case vet reconnoiter canvass scout eyeball reconnoitre check over view recce scrutinate subject to an examination prospect watch delve dig overlook query size up assay give the once-over spy search into check up on suss out scope oversee make enquiries into weigh go over with a fine-tooth comb interrogate make inquiries into verify look recon peruse nose around scope out contemplate conduct an enquiry into conduct an investigation into check up look at carefully feel out brainstorm excogitate conduct investigations into put to the test try out try to get to the bottom of seek screen patrol quiz look-see poke around eye find out con confirm parse pry into probe into check into take a look at follow up monitor give the once over penetrate experiment with enquire about make enquiries about inquisite catechize make inquiry experiment trial ask read frisk brood over mull over dive into anatomize scout out look out search for run down stake out cross-examine inquire about experimentalize take a dekko at make a recce of understand turn over put something through its paces try on carry out trials on try on for size shake down give a tryout make a trial run sound winnow regard fathom clock find out about pierce plumb notice ask questions about bug tap poke pry behold spot stare candle pursue discern perceive estimate make enquiries note spy out compare judge see conduct an enquiry sample make a reconnaissance of read into deliberate on listen in substantiate deconstruct see how the land lies examine closely pilot read up on do research put under a microscope validate demonstrate prove look for get a load of do research into put questions to ask questions of be all ears make inquiries about make a survey of make an observation of cut look see dive in give something a going-over play around with make inquiries sift the evidence concerning search the evidence concerning palpate give something a look-see sift through case the joint look around give something a once-over conduct an inquiry into test the waters follow a line of investigation take in take a shufti round seek an answer prove out break down set eyes on dig deep dig deeper stack up find out the lie of the land match up take apart ask about wiretap muckrake underseek get down to brass tacks track contextualize contextualise stag snoop eye up establish quarter talk about esteem sum up scour certify ascertain spy on keep an eye out turn ruminate deliberate cogitate meditate revolve perpend debate nitpick feel tell rake make enquiries as to look upon think of look on comprehend unravel unpack criticize roast knock grill hit request correct count ensure get the lie of the land run hands over think over wrestle with conduct research into figure entertain sweep undersee grasp criticise diagnose consult see how wind blows send up a balloon run something up the flagpole see how it flies run idea by someone run it up a flagpole put someone through their paces put to the proof go through with a fine-tooth comb sort through take stock make sure of test out keep account carry out an inquest into gauge know find fault look closely pick holes look round consult the archives look up put out a feeler resolve decompose decompound measure gage follow supervise do tests superintend put to trial fool with carry out tests mess around do tests on futz around carry out trials field-test road-test conduct experiments conduct research test drive practice with seek information of hit up request information request information of seek information conduct a survey of think out get to the bottom of subject to an inspection kick the tires take soundings ogle gaze at witness descry stare at espy peer at glimpse track down have a look-see run reconnaissance look out for scout around rustle up make a reconnaissance distinguish sight see over lay eyes on catch sight of be shown over gawp at catch spectate rubberneck at check something out rubberneck pipe gaze flash believe mark beam remark clap eyes on comb have a gander at have a dekko at have a look-see at have a squint at take a shufti at take a gander at eagle eye perlustrate chase up get back to make sure feast your eyes on peg smoke examine carefully burn up take the measure of drill down


To settle or come to terms on a particular arrangement
agree settle decide accept arrange compromise contract accede acquiesce arrive at confirm decide on negotiate establish meet bargain covenant end set hammer out shake hands thrash out work out make a deal reach terms strike a bargain come to terms about reach an agreement clinch complete seal conclude finalize fix close finalise shake hands on set the seal on resolve broker achieve secure choose figure name tie up pull off bring about bring off sew up reach terms on wrap up come to terms on agree on guarantee transact perfect consummate finish polish designate bring to a conclusion cinch nail appoint polish off wind up put the icing on the cake put the finishing touches to firm up complete the arrangements for select pick assign nail down come to a conclusion come to a decision about make a decision come to a decision call the shots come to an agreement effect accomplish engineer rule concert opt swing settle on carry out settle upon button up specify arbitrate adjudicate rule on decree judge adjudge ordain prescribe hash out stipulate sit in judgment pass judgement on pass judgment give a ruling on sit in judgement on make a ruling on reach schedule solve allot agree to authorize resolve on lay down come to terms give a verdict on authorise indicate hypothecate referee umpire allocate hear try impose examine decide upon instruct agree upon fix up fix on dictate make mediate formally judge pronounce on declare sort out come to a decision on come to a satisfactory conclusion on form a resolution about pronounce issue define deliver state limit announce assert affirm proclaim prearrange attain pass lay down the law set forth fix upon take a decision on square up figure out square off deem pin down call the shots on gain strike work deliver judgment set a date for hit ratify sanction put together sign come to arrive endorse draw up


To perform or execute an action
do perform execute undertake carry out work make commit implement prosecute compass engineer negotiate occasion transact bring on carry off draw on operate put through result in translate into engage in make ready effect fulfil fulfill accomplish complete achieve effectuate bring off pull off perpetrate discharge finish apply observe follow through with realize bring about conduct realise enact practice put into practice practise act out exercise carry through follow put into effect enforce administer conclude dispatch bring to fruition pursue make happen deliver deal with put into action take care of take care of business attain dispose of ply meet act upon have cause produce survive render live out inflict go through acquit oneself of carry to completion deliver the goods impose exact wreak deliver on follow through on get through carry on bring into play live up to make it through serve out see through put in force deal out go through with put into operation undergo acquit settle affect act on end take initiate act actionize tackle follow up on sort out exhibit give turn work on transgress stand by abide by get done start in on action take action on secure win land gain procure obtain annex be responsible for be to blame for be guilty of annexe serve engage exert process create authorize authorise unleash instigate wage devote oneself to go on with proceed with fight bring to bear bring into effect work at specialize in consummate stage vent cut swing hit present engender score hack administrate express bestow indulge visit play out gratify make it put on use come through polish off put over do the job sail through do the trick get there lay on wreck give free rein to force force upon give vent to mete out earn one's wings do to a T utilize employ utilise put to use make use of satisfy tick be engaged in wind up do justice to go that route run with the ball do to a turn


To enact or establish legally or legislatively
enact pass ordain order authorise authorize decree legislate ratify sanction approve validate accept command establish constitute implement impose lay down legalise legalize make proclaim rule make law OK accomplish appoint dictate effect effectuate endorse execute fix formulate institute railroad set steamroll transact bring into effect bring to bear put into practice bring about carry through give the go-ahead to jam through make laws put through railroad through vote favorably vote in get the floor give the OK to give the seal of approval to make into law put in force give the green light to give the thumbs up to prescribe permit put into effect license licence declare pronounce legitimate demand adopt decriminalize promulgate legitimize legitimatize regulate agree to decriminalise legitimatise legitimise enforce clean up lay down the law draft introduce direct advance pursue warrant enjoin call mandate carry out commission certify organise draught support administer organize sign adjudge draw up require oblige arrange normalize codify launder normalise confirm pronounce lawful put your foot down give the stamp of approval to requisition allow conduct admit initiate regularize countenance induct usher in set up install inaugurate come up with form make legal foresay deal elect nominate set down delegate bless practise instal regularise practice say the word enact laws carry clear walk heavy deal with fulfill wage engage in fulfil back establish laws constitutionalize undertake engage carry off pull off negotiate compass authenticate pass laws codify laws legislate for follow through with formulate laws ratify laws charge acknowledge decide levy vouch for vote for make provision put laws in force enforce laws exact lay rubber-stamp give approval to give the green light say yes to give the thumbs up give the go-ahead give the OK clinch lay down laws put apply agree fine compel announce force constrain underwrite strike slap gather assess tax collect wreck wreak clap saddle place condone sustain settle on shake on agree on sign on come to an agreement on read the riot act declare legal lay on


To put the final touches to
finish complete finalise finalize fulfil fulfill accomplish achieve attain execute perfect realise realize do effect polish refine bag cap crown make reach be done with round off top off bring to fruition carry out polish off put the final touches to put the finishing touches to carry through make short work of follow through with get out of the way conclude perform consummate effectuate finish off bring off carry off pull off discharge bring about settle engineer implement perpetrate negotiate wrap up commit sew up conduct put through prosecute compass round out wind up sort out get through end actualize enact make happen nail enforce add the finishing touch to go through with produce clinch manage see through follow through complement terminate put to bed succeed in establish take care of bring to a conclusion act out deal with set the seal on add the final touch to administer bring to completion hit secure dispatch meet transact observe deliver on undertake follow through on make good bring to an end go whole hog go the limit put the last touches on call it a day make perfect make up put the finishing touches on bring to maturity do thoroughly take care of business contrive fix apply bring to the end administrate chalk up clock up climax render notch up initiate rack up score act upon work bring to pass get done set up satisfy work out put finishing touch on succeed make it get there put into effect carry to completion dispose of be a fitting climax to do justice to do the trick deliver the goods put the tin lid on put the finishing touch to put into practice make it through deliver survive acquit oneself of go the distance undergo have arrange idealise idealize take expedite get something done affect act on make work bring home the bacon close run with the ball go that route do to a turn tick be engaged in accelerate reach the summit of bring to perfection put into action actionize tackle follow up on pursue act practice practise engage in push through exercise follow stage bring to a close put the lid on top it off cut swing present operate work on hack culminate come through do to a T earn one's wings put over do the job sail through put on play out start in on action take action on ultimate decide put in force continue to the end cap off bring to a finish confirm resolve seal log ring up temper improve grasp honour conquer seize strike honor land earn broker agree tie up be the climax be the climax of be the culmination of wrest acquire gain net win procure snag hone add the finishing touches to agree on fine-tune arrive at reach terms on shake hands on shake hands thrash out hammer out edit revise elaborate copy-edit make good on get someplace live up to nail it latch onto put the icing on the cake come to terms on firm up complete the arrangements for reach an agreement launch keep faith with fulfill one's potential make hay be true to cultivate elevate polish up tweak do a bang-up job put it over do one proud organize touch up cause bring generate put in place provoke create arrange for call forth give rise to occasion originate engender start actuate precipitate cause to occur cause to happen wreak run kindle induce draw on breed prompt invoke bring on yield catalyze beget spawn turn the trick catalyse organise turn out begin result in translate into put across trigger lead to foster elicit instigate incite spark off promote enkindle stir up contribute to set off bring forth whip up develop set in motion put in motion be the cause of inspire introduce evoke bear hatch advance institute form make for trigger off spur construct work up stimulate kickoff end in touch off be at the bottom of arouse drive be conducive to give impose materialize muster spark culminate in foment build constitute compel materialise forge inaugurate make possible inflict found fashion contribute assemble bring to bear entail frame further concoct put together activate fabricate conduce to commence formulate shape manoeuvre maneuver lead plan rouse put into operation motivate devise pass be instrumental in scheme conceive design influence wangle force spell conduce exert employ amount to finish in sow the seeds of bring out authorize manufacture machinate make real craft add up to authorise cook up handle bring into being compose give birth to be responsible for invent abide by rig involve project bring into play erect plant knock together throw together open push forward return excite add to propagate help keep progenerate provide fetch reify multiply legislate bestow plot incarnate have a hand in afford exact decree draft have a part in supply engage obey ply manipulate mastermind orchestrate encourage start off heed concert ratify sanction use rule finagle play a part in tender conjure stage-manage finesse terminate in fill draw out serve out deal out approve instil instill prepare make concrete leave play a role in mean tap draw draught proclaim lay down move comply with adhere to keep to conform to process turn set in mold mould bring in jockey angle piece put to work put to use rake in pull in pay out go through be true be faithful set confect be guilty of come up with dictate play games be to blame for piece together put forth put up be faithful to fit together bring into effect cast capitalize on act in accordance with play on be as good as bring into existence make the most of cobble up stick to lay out hit upon be a source of acquit sway break in break the ice issue dispose pose be a factor in impel deposit find open the door for mediate get oil the wheels of be partly responsible for forward have the effect of get up obtain annex transgress wax equal imply annexe exhibit reorganize reorganise corporealize press redound to result pull be the origin of enable stand by necessitate grow into bring up invite serve fire up get things rolling start the ball rolling risk source regulate unleash have as a consequence have as a result fulfill your potential bear out make the grade gain fulfillment put screws to declare run into make a reality vent embark on set down redound assume cost follow out follow up provide the means for install instal blueprint inherit indulge visit express synthesize model put into place be successful score a success summon magic germinate knock up author engineer a way shift work it cogitate wrangle swing it find a way garner be behind gratify pay appear pioneer up and do knock out knock off whip out sculpture cobble together rig up patch together synthesise brew structure rustle up eke out churn out have an effect on accrue innovate carve out grind out arise wreck mete out reap capture furnish ordain order put into force improvise excogitate think up proffer chart dawn wield draw up wage dream up lay on kick off crystallize spring take over break conjure up make something appear produce as if by magic utilise exploit harness utilize blossom beam offer admit becast vamp up trump up vamp drum up validate sketch out set out strategize lay sketch lay plans diagram describe block out dope out delineate trace stir quicken prefabricate rear raise run up give vent to force upon accept command cast about come into possession of accede to be elevated to come into transpire legalize represent fudge together fix in position throw up symbolize haul in sell for gather in give off give free rein to deploy OK make law kick-start open up objectify legalise give the green light to get the floor give the thumbs up to endorse give the OK to railroad through vote in give the seal of approval to make laws make into law vote favorably appoint steamroll jam through give the go-ahead to railroad start up portray bargain crystallise control symbolise transform treat choose figure convert call upon name opt choreograph mobilize mount direct superintend bring to life give life call into play avail yourself of make use of avail oneself of make ready see to alter encompass coordinate approach set about devote oneself to go about occupy oneself with get on with get busy with attempt work at be employed settle upon settle on optimise optimize adapt act with attend to recondition redress transition adjust change vary metamorphose repair perform on con doctor supervise mobilise scam cook upstage button up fix up pull strings pull wires put one over


To design or plan an approach for a given task or project

の反対語 very determine

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