同义词 complete form


The visible shape or configuration of something
configuration shape formation conformation construction pattern structure arrangement appearance cut design fashion cast format outline profile silhouette composition constellation constitution contours disposition exterior figure geometry getup layout lines makeup model mould ordonnance articulation characteristics contour essentials look mode mold outward appearance outward form plan scheme organization organisation framework style build frame delineation line setup type make-up shadow system architecture make fabric order anatomy presentation image motif blueprint figuration set-up draft representation physique diagram motive dimensions character features draught drawing map lineament sketch content geography chart device depiction likeness kind body ordering prototype weave habit treatment curves setout lineation quality illustration picture ornamentation decoration contents portrait components constituents nature parts idea lineaments sort description notion assembly emblem symmetry archetype paradigm stamp surface alignment array patterning feel face method trim fiber finish ornament countenance project physiognomy visage consistency being texture balance matrix tracing cliche cliché woof warp rough concept schema phiz distinctive features theme fibre feeling leitmotif truism distinguishing characteristics trope touch lay scale drawing fineness nap template guise habitus fit tailoring phenotype spread proportions sequence brand mechanisms context size manner sorting ranging grouping marshalling positioning pile variety repetition orderliness building complex edifice erection impression formula chassis circumscription simulacrum display rendering purpose marshaling Gestalt etching shade portraiture summary synopsis report side view tessellation physical arrangement program programme logo unifying idea recurrent image contexture sense foundation web symbolism view effigy monogram blob mien looks curve relief mug shot mock-up rough sketch preliminary sketch mug keynote architectural plan blurred outline warp and woof graphic facial features facial characteristics schematic plat perspective meaning prospectus projection platform rough draft road map floor plan time line ground plan traits trait hallmarks properties tracery conception dummy comp study doodle strategy anvil schemat grain image of a person human representation skeleton circumference paste-up embellishment game plan last perimeter visual vignette hobbing boot hobbing foot decorative design geometric design preliminary form thumbnail sketch outline sketch stiffness essence roughness intermixture essentiality flexibility coarseness smoothness


The customary or correct method or procedure
etiquette procedure custom ritual convention protocol usage use ceremony fashion method rule style way behaviour formality habit manner system wont conduct manners rules tradition approach ceremonial decency decorum formula how methodology mores observance pattern policy proprieties propriety recipe regimen rite routine social practice solemnity strategy tack tactics technique praxis behavior canon channels convenance law mode practice precept proceeding process regulation ropes setup modus operandi right practice set formula done thing by the book by the numbers kawa tikanga do's and don'ts plan means course liturgy line ordinance scheme celebration politesse office service formalities prescription order design sacrament rubric politeness course of action programme program habitude good form red tape institution performance seemliness social graces norm courtesy matter of course trick mechanism attitude dignity act worship modus code civility tactic blueprint consuetude punctilio precedent accepted behaviour MO Sacrament p's and q's vein heritage conventionality stratagem good manners route rules of conduct characteristic groove grind mystery customs into beaten path hang-up daily grind thing to do respectability line of action deportment line of attack correctness appropriateness modesty breeding refinement habits demeanor niceties practise gentility demeanour normality demureness move morals decorousness formal procedure normalcy ethics couth action customariness arrangement steps operation good behaviour pomp nuts and bolts conformity proper behavior second nature plan of attack good behavior communion game plan way of doing things ceremoniousness formal courtesy ploy condition maneuver manoeuvre conventions morality rote vogue appropriacy type amenities principles standards civilities conventionalities tone road delicacy conventionalism moeurs guise convenances path good taste measures code of behavior genre direction tenue treatment tenor method of working tact code of behaviour how-to acceptable behaviour angle rules of behaviour step shot addiction theory social norm transaction drill touch set of principles plan of action the book plot way of life the done thing ground plan master plan p ordinariness prevalence festival occasion habitualness tenet courteousness rituality pageantry movement courtesies fitness campaigning manoeuvres generalship rectitude agency services strictness formalism nicety preciseness sobriety solemnities commemoration show formulation barometer benchmark organisation methods organization devices planning diplomacy defence maneuvers disposition device defense campaign maneuvering virtue option alternative proceedings becomingness orthodoxy discretion variation yardstick parade function mass regime wholesomeness suitability set shift probity guideline covenance principle percept social niceties social conventions social grace technic capacity locution activity stages purity usefulness utility usual procedure social convention maxim organizing system standard par model mind-set point of view game operating procedure attack acceptance management control currency project layout instrumentation formation instructions directions ingredients receipt polish idea actions business ado rigmarole framework regularity fittingness tendency phraseology medium comportment acts deeds religious ceremony church service accepted conduct discipline guidelines source of compound way of achieving means of achieving way of ensuring means of ensuring manoeuvring artifice palaver festivity modality schema bearing punctiliousness dictates form of worship set of procedures fixed order attention to detail wrinkle address geste activities delivery gest mould folkways shibboleth order of things logical order logical process frame of reference systematic process orderly process set of guidelines set of channels code of conduct practices likely cause of character mold observation dealings correct behaviour correct behavior properness traditions ways ways and means trend expression mien moral principles set of standards set of customs thing swim state kaupapa sacred cow lockstep quality measure schedule cultus mannerisms talk savoir-faire taste speech presence posture wise sort book kind unwritten rule unwritten law exercise usance agenda fad established way courtliness agendum series of steps correctitude orderliness sedateness restraint gravity craze standard operating procedure the numbers road map SOP set of tactics grand design what's done procedures usages rage good grace appropriate behavior practises routines patterns rites codes policies scruples values rituals mania look custom and practice established ways social conduct traditional customs punctilios suavities polite behaviour customary behaviour proper behaviour decorums etiquettes politenesses dignities protocols seemlinesses correctnesses politesses decencies respectabilities refinements ceremonies propernesses forms breedings decorousnesses gentilities modesties fitnesses couths tacts rightnesses courteousnesses polishes graces fittingnesses urbanities felicity virtues courtlinesses suitabilities elegances styles conducts delicacies graciousnesses honesties aptnesses righteousnesses sophistications decentness done things cultures appositenesses respectableness moralities mannerliness suitablenesses felicitousness classes respects happinesses considerations orders ceremonials diplomacies discretions tastes deportments conformities sobrieties integrities demurenesses poise statelinesses majesties cultivations nobilities affabilities comelinesses conventionalisms tactfulnesses gentlemanliness grandeur formalisms demeanors behaviours respectfulnesses stiffnesses fashions suaveness behaviors honours honors gracefulnesses primnesses smoothnesses goodnesses purities symmetries pomps regulations distinctions modi operandi charms elegancies gallantries genteelnesses restraints nicenesses thoughtfulness poshness systems prescriptions comportments observances tastefulness bearings precisenesses strictnesses canons sensitivities praxises appropriacies tenues miens orthodoxies precepts laws belief imperatives ethea ideals criteria natures consciences cordialities worldlinesses modes civilizations excellences stylishness sublimities ethicalness ethicalities discernments gravities orderlinesses correctitudes rhythms severities comities classiness finenesses handsomenesses worthinesses magnificences smartnesses rightfulness splendors staidnesses exquisitenesses natural law moral codes hauteurs stuffinesses splendours paperwork self-possession noblesses starches fusses wholesomenesses thoughts subtleties chivalrousness uprightnesses mummeries confidences aplombs reputability honorableness bon ton chivalries pleasurableness delightfulness attitudes rubrics heritages norms bureaucracy social norms pruderies okayness agreements genialities pleasantnesses covenants obligations rules and regulations official procedure codes of conduct complaisances amiabilities gests addresses deliveries sumptuousnesses carriages percepts coynesses discreetness obligation covenant compliances finesses luxuries expressions plushness flairs opulences panaches dashes liturgics starchiness speeches courses guises presences talks tones attentivenesses classicalisms rationalisms balances simplicities Hellenisms lucidities objectivities clarities proportions finishes neoclassicisms eligibilities competences organizations swankiness sacraments mysteries worships capabilities qualifiedness capacities deferences compassions reverences venerations benevolences gentlenesses ornatenesses modishnesses chics lushnesses what it takes institutions celebrations offices performances ladylikeness conformisms traditionalisms mindfulnesses heedfulness friendlinesses kindlinesses considerateness forbearances solicitudes Ciceronianisms Atticisms ranks commemorations shows ways of life regularities uses rectitudes conservatisms functions parades ordinances cool wonts plans arrangements harmonies loftinesses noblenesses classicisms recipes tacks hows methodologies strategies regimina formulas techniques approaches regalness impressiveness royalness regalities composures regards unoriginality doctrinalisms inflexibilities uniformities exaltedness lordlinesses augustnesses gravitas processes setups standings states renown honourabilities soft skills probities reserves characters qualities stations received wisdom organisations worths cachets seriousnesses statures merits perfections consequences significances


A type or variety of something
kind sort type order variety class style species way brand category classification family genre genus method practice system breed denomination description generation manner phylum stamp strain make mode rank ilk set group stripe cast nature design grade bracket model division kidney feather like quality pattern mold grain mould vintage tier shape calibre caliber cut lot league version character race line fashion ranks condition range variant rubric mark grouping likes status school categorization subdivision standard persuasion section number likes of branch specimen hue configuration vein derivation tribe tenor element suite collection listing heading list head personality type label grading compartment field department circle lineup repute marque level approach expression spirit kin isotope tendency fiber gender temperament makeup habit caste bunch fibre designation sample stock pedigree extraction lineage origin subclass progeny ancestry batch pigeonhole subspecies descent hierarchy parentage blood conformation rating taxon suit series color colour birth background origins bloodline genealogy taxonomic group disposition source heritage breeding stirps filiation roots specialty speciality family tree subgroup specification string subfamily kingdom standing figure anatomy framework structure state domain frame rate course pick province selection sect name value sector sphere scope degree make-up limits cohort parameters span house band people clan folks kinfolk kinfolks kindred kinsfolk beginnings forebears folk line of descent ranking graduation analysis sizing ordering consignment gradation coordination alloting pigeonholing cataloguing allocation typecasting echelon cataloging ordination tabulating collocation distribution disposal assortment arrangement distributing allotment assignment apportionment regulation parent progenitor seed root base germ


Style, design, and arrangement in an artistic work as distinct from its content
structure format organisation organization arrangement construction framework order proportion orderliness plan symmetry design layout planning system harmony placement scheme regularity pattern classification purpose systematization balance method systematisation configuration congruity correspondence consistency equilibrium coherence systemization codification categorization edifice shell symphony frame infrastructure skeleton consonancy unity composition cadre framing concinnity armature congruence compatibility congruency uniformity togetherness blending integration methodization blend make-up unison neatness constitution formation fabric shape grouping anatomy conformation agreement conformity architecture consonance foundation set-up standardization standardisation interrelation of parts attunement orchestration collation tidiness regulation logic building discipline routine superstructure synthesis precision homogeneousness interconnection stability chassis coordination steadiness coadunation combination accord body casing accordance conformance synchronization sequence concord parallelism scaffolding substructure bodywork support concordance ordering disposition scaffold succession formulation chemistry methodology integrity fitness suitability synchronisation articulation series array forming arranging making alignment stage hulk truss line-up whole situation standard organism distribution progression setup disposal line evenness procession chain assortment aligning lineup establishment adjustment management procedure computation equality make equivalence shapeliness centrality finish proportionality similarity rhythm mould morphology fabrication texture makeup mold interrelation network build


A particular way in which a thing exists or appears
appearance character manifestation semblance shape arrangement embodiment guise incarnation mode description design expression aspect mien look image air presence cast bearing likeness figure outward form impression face demeanour regard demeanor manner facade façade countenance pose outside attitude garb show front exterior disguise simulacrum outward veneer dress name aura deportment mannerism carriage seeming showing looks outline features condition fashion feature feeling mood outward aspect spectacle spectre specter identity style cut conformation metamorphosis make visage quality atmosphere vista effect conduct looks alone first impressions face value the exterior ambience flavour flavor comportment behavior behaviour etiquette property attribute trait piece part habits idiosyncrasy actions peculiarity address affectation pretence social behaviour social habit playacting airs charade act masquerade pretense approximation mask presentation way of behaving resemblance characteristic similitude veil affinity alikeness feel similarity stamp screen outward appearance put-on false front outer shell disguisement external appearance cloak cover simulation smokescreen camouflage posture dissimulation deception sham display illusion false display false appearance pretension window dressing posturing gloss false show make-believe pretext cover-up feigning fakery fake artifice imitation faking bluff misrepresentation smoke screen fabrication trick subterfuge false colors impersonation hoax con schtick falsification fig leaf false pretense color shroud window-dressing colour parody coloring public image snivel smoke and mirrors travesty stall posing acting role colouring blind dumb act pretentiousness covering ruse pageant counterfeit beard performance curtain feint trickery play-acting deceit red herring invention routine shuffling stunt ostentation insincerity evasion hokum double-dealing falsehood portrayal masking shamming claim layer false colours outward show suggestion person surface farce pantomime mockery excuse outward display whitewash mimicry lie exaggeration misstatement hypocrisy personality pretending attractive appearance shell shade dissembling profession assumption shield mere façade attitudinizing self stand mantle blanket imposture mummery scheme an act fallacy fancy misperception a scene personage phoniness personation revel costume disguising closeting stance fakeness frontage false impression coverture penumbra pall hood cope persona smoke-screen dissemblance chaser ploy hamming phoney phony dissimilation public face assumed role a put-on wraps sweet talk soft soap a put-up job shuck and jive deceptive appearance first blush first glance first impression first sight the face of it representation stint lead ingenue star walk-on part non-speaking part title walk-on bit protagonist starring role bit part personification hero extra player title role heroine


An agency or means of doing something
medium channel means vehicle instrument method organ agency way agent avenue instrumentality mechanism platform approach forum ministry mode outlet tool apparatus implement venue voice intermediate machinery soapbox factor measure means of communication means of expression mode of expression technique system route process course procedure expedient power force structure manner ways and means intermediary path tactic road operation modus operandi organization aid auspices fashion catalyst machine scheme instrumentation influence organisation arrangement effect workings institution gimmick equipment trick paraphernalia step help cause assistance engine mouthpiece stepping-stone release vent stage conduit methodology cogs mechanisms release mechanism channels safety valve means of release set-up way of harnessing instruments dashboard instrument panel controls dials console control panel action activity dodge work pathway device framework pipeline service springboard support setup wherewithal material complex movement stepping stone administration setting vector way in means of access marketplace showcase public square accouterment motor measures nitty-gritty practice plan routine tack style recipe formula line strategy programme tactics spokeswoman spokesperson spokesman frontman representative modality rubric program modus proceeding schema method of working custom messenger ambassador course of action tenor wrinkle nuts and bolts how-to the book red tape speaker mouth talker delegate propagandist intermediator point man point person PR person spin doctor


Agreement in direction, tendency, or character
parallelism similarity correspondence likeness resemblance sameness agreement similitude equivalence uniformity comparability alikeness conformity analogy affinity identicalness equality comparison semblance community identity comparableness analogousness simile counterpart image Xerox facsimile carbon clone double copy ditto effigy model photocopy reproduction lookalike appearance delineation depiction guise photograph picture portrait replica representation study uniformness knock-off dead ringer duplicate twin spit ringer look-alike doppelganger match duplication fetch equivalent reflection equal living image chip off the old block carbon copy chip off old block exact likeness very spit spitting image Doppelgänger simulacrum carved figure simulacre mirror image dead spit alter ego congruity closeness parity consistency homogeneity correlation symmetry parallel compatibility congruence nearness interchangeability harmony evenness equalness similar nature concurrence commonality indistinguishability homogeneousness kinship consonance accord coequality coincidence coordinateness equivalency concord par commensurateness oneness relationship adequation relatedness common denominator smoothness regularity rendering coherence congruency balance accordance conformance equilibrium mapping levelness matching equatability tune relation coordination equipoise concordance link mutuality interrelation synonymy interchangeableness likening interrelationship connection association approximation exchangeability synonym interchange interconnection point of comparison tie-in realism like of birds of a feather two of a kind peas in a pod verisimilitude representationalism lifelikeness truth authenticity literalism fidelity faithfulness reality


(grammar) A change in the form of a word that reflects a change in grammatical function


The use of one's talents
mojo class touch game skill talent technique ability chops craft expertise finesse flair genius magic mastery panache pzazz pizzazz prowess virtuosity artistry dexterity efficiency competency deftness masterfulness polish proficiency skillfulness competence aptitude adroitness adeptness craftsmanship gift knack know-how capability refinement sophistication strength nous skills command savvy workmanship expertness calibre caliber poise style grace elegance bent aptness skilfulness skillset professionalism potency nimbleness what it takes gracefulness artistic ability right stuff puissance agility savoir faire facility capacity potential ease forte endowment power wherewithal potentiality qualification art masterliness makings means promise fitness smarts effectiveness the right stuff the goods stuff handiness green thumb savoir-faire clout faculty energy force mind for accomplishment might resources effectualness parts brilliance qualities head cleverness inventiveness the formula nose strong point knowledge grasp expertism grip sharpness ableness mastership capableness dodge excellence artfulness moxie goods resourcefulness ingenuity hard skill experience intelligence understanding cunning artifice efficacy value suitability acumen creativity dexterousness worth virtue productiveness quality distinction instinct imagination familiarity efficaciousness perception wisdom quickness comprehension authority potence métier giftedness performance influence feel merit propensity attainment efficacity adequacy education astuteness qualifications wizardry specialty smartness erudition speciality effect intellect strong suit learning control awareness method readiness shrewdness invention discernment handiwork edge inspiration ingeniousness disposition trick advantage inclination address worthiness mind brain effectuality enlightenment insight metier vigor enterprise weight attribute appreciation eligibility vigour credentials originality cognition sense success achievement judgement judgment usefulness use qualifiedness stature accomplishments long suit successfulness eminence niftiness acquaintance leaning wit intuition finish standard brains scholarship learnedness culture thing asset IQ apprehension conception cultivation training gumption schooling bag sinew muscle cognizance profession horsepower endowments thoroughness firepower approach robustness execution steadiness sagacity toughness determination suitableness practicality character way pith acceptability reach edification superiority savviness assets sleight imaginativeness initiative fruitfulness versatility fluency secret worldliness acquirement knowingness creativeness powerfulness benefit constructiveness study background feeling eloquence natural ability taste turn set attainments craftship license licence forcefulness acquaintanceship braininess progress essence gifts strengths constitution habilitation sufficiency impact punch credit predilection proclivity perceptiveness aplomb acuity practice artisanship ken pre-eminence calling brightness sapience medium niche quick-wittedness pro department letters ferocity heartiness urgency hardiness sharp-wittedness plus point claim to fame science cup of tea lustiness action animation thewiness special ability thew staying power redeeming feature welly dignity canniness mental powers delivery greatness skillage manner docility civility rectitude respectability hope timing faculties facilities éclat trademark numen encouragement light innovativeness innovation probity tendency coordination specialization productivity superability musicianship utility bona fides advance advancement oil headway formula specialisation appropriateness creative power line knowing inside out proneness neatness function cutting it hacking it work intuitiveness predisposition nippiness dedication willingness polished skill reliability slickness temperament grounding great ability making the grade cutting the mustard organisation organization precision swiftness litheness innate knowledge perceptivity penchant delicacy smoothness spryness legerdemain record attributes balance sixth sense effortlessness thinking outside the box abilities development handling sleight of hand progression agency maturity admissibility entitlement intimacy conversance perspicacity employability deeds certificate hang of something instrumentality activity operation life skills practical knowledge stunt exploit feat hand-eye coordination concept evenness curriculum vitae hang of it lore clue eye-hand coordination steadfastness stability composure hang number device effectivity goodness preparedness literacy consciousness scope range carrying on diploma document degree conduct fluency in ability in book-learning prudence foresight doctrine acquirements omniscience sageness mindfulness warrant good level mentality I.Q. intellectuality reason headpiece academic study instruction book learning intellectual attainment research philosophy academic achievement cogency resource domain hold area realm field sphere racket discipline province mission arena realization percipience expressiveness desert grade excellency attentiveness heedfulness assimilation attention sweep compass sensibility sensitivity interpretation poetry deservingness integrity meritoriousness account limits creative skill acknowledgement cognisance validity persuasiveness take ability to understand aha apperception slow take realisation double take prehension urbanity native wit importance honor arete honour high quality perfection significance upper hand wire burden in succor succour body tier intestinal fortitude gist connection core security purport meat discrimination brainpower gray matter capabilities familiarity with insight into sensitivity to acknowledgment acquaintance with conclusiveness soundness eminency couth breeding civilization sway academic attainment impressiveness bite brawn extent artistic awareness belles-lettres gentility intellectual awareness urbaneness intellectual power mental capacity mental acuity mental ability intellectual capacity handcraft craftwork trade logicality logic credibility convincingness foundation dominance persuasion mightiness core competency plus attraction improvement kindness nobility elevation politeness civilisation courtesy aestheticism fashion manners dress good taste tact coherence reasonableness point stamina muscularity valour sturdiness stoutness result vocation production product design creation artifact artwork forcibleness domination jurisdiction arm valor steam beauty recommendation validness suasiveness emphasis artefact handicraft strong arm good point positive feature hard power attractive feature selling point ace up your sleeve compensating feature ace in the hole


The mechanics of a movement or action
action execution maneuver manoeuvre mechanics mechanism motion performance technique act activity move movement process work exploit feat machination operation style approach deed enactment fashion gesture handiwork implementation method procedure routine workings art artistry manner realisation realization undertaking carrying out delivery doing rendering stroke maneuvers manoeuvres moves feats exploits operations machinations methods gestures deeds approaches enactments processes undertakings blows strokes doings actions effort enterprise venture exercise affair proceeding step campaign accomplishment project pursuit thing task achievement gesticulation stunt endeavor endeavour working play caper measure programme program adventure crusade scheme engagement functioning sign course of action signal initiative wave happening coup application job push event behaviour drive running behavior business attainment trick triumph kinesics development function transaction stratagem agency body language assignment episode occurrence mime pantomime experience plan cause nod blitz expedient fulfilment incident shift shifting fulfillment course signalling tour de force number locomotion employment circumstance creation antic escapade use phenomenon occasion mission indication exercising expression success bandwagon matter exertion juggernaut coordination expedition gest purpose plot signaling means control tactic high sign cue stirring conduct waving stir product maneuvering motioning deal setup usage design labour signing appeal attempt strategy interaction labor scene victory interplay production manoeuvring case handicraft fling hap baby consummation masterstroke output trade romp eventuality drill acquirement concern time fancy footwork result actualization proceedings contract battle struggle invention conception emprise brief demonstration conquest war yield fruit charge geste accident situation ambition fight duty fact successful manoeuvre convention sign language master stroke commission responsibility stroke of genius aspiration ground plan game plan storyline occupation démarche moving acrobatic manipulation swing surge communication stopgap resort device makeshift blow happenings mode of operation bit prompting advance detail post dealings deployment byplay something done manifestation incidence management influence body English complete success discharge act of genius fundraiser legal action performing operating fait accompli prosecution ploy works scoop coup de mâitre coup d'état offensive jihad lark spree contingency utilization upset dodge tack effectiveness path route march evangelism holy war machinery pursuance capability practice capabilities power capacity perpetration adoption onboarding sweep sweeping chance lobby efficiency putting into practice habit custom tradition ritual discipline enjoyment gesturing signs signals gambit ruse efficacy obligation goal exploitation using appliance usance successful stroke heroic act daring act pass juncture condition transpiration state exigency innards potential milestone progress handling end product errand objective channels curtsy wink arm-waving salute reminder bow intimation shrug beckoning token genuflection organization mobilization utilisation disposition brainchild go-down masterpiece fruition dedication commitment racket gig wheels guts negotiation innovation training evolution progression lesson growth actuality promotion impetus using something putting into operation bargain article origination concoction formulation genesis hand movement wish burden hope pretension aim ideal piece of business holy grail chore intention target desire intent acquisition contrivance hit organisation mobilisation finished product end result outgrowth final product aftereffect outcome consequence by-product corollary upshot final result aftermath derivative conclusion offshoot offspring display positive result agreement proposition feather in cap produce outfit proposal interest sale arrangement pact bond compact treaty set of tactics handwork artefact craftwork craft plunge experiment suggestion essay stake quest flutter idea wheeze exploration settlement bag investment do gamble try risk striving hazard speculation ballgame game artifact workmanship purchasing disposal intercourse covenant buying selling purchase plan of action pet project follow through big idea business deal personal work leap in the dark


An official report or statement submitted in response to a formal demand


A piece of paper that entitles the holder to something (commercially)
voucher coupon token chit chitty document card carnet certificate deed licence license paper pass permit slip stub ticket check comp debenture docket ducat note notice IOU warrant credentials authorization certification documentation papers authorisation diploma testimonial charter attestation proof receipt authority confirmation passport testimony accreditation credential badge sanction record shingle sheepskin endorsement testament permission counterfoil firman order title warranty pasteboard recommendation instrument affidavit corroboration authentication substantiation documents laissez-passer imprimatur letter of introduction letter of recommendation recognition degree evidence stamp assurance commission honour honor award sticker tag validation witness rover raincheck invite board visa credit note advertisement detachable portion sales slip proof of purchase subpoena travel document clearance writ rain check citations records ID missive premium certificate order blank redeemable part credit slip box top redemption slip ration slip decree mandate references triptyque season ticket complimentary ticket patent statement bona fides identity papers ID card identification papers official document character identification identity card written order proof of qualifications proof of identity letters of credence letter of credence contract agreement compact indenture covenant sheet bargain lease guarantee stickie reference conveyance release transaction security verification page label testification affirmation good word deed of covenant good character title deed legal agreement letter of reference character reference legal document certificate of character Post-it note scrap of paper Post-it piece of paper


A formal request submitted to an authority, institution, or organization
application appeal claim request demand petition requisition solicitation submission entreaty inquiry plea bid enquiry suit tender letter supplication approach paper presentation draught draft prayer imploration adjuration call desire invocation pleading cry suppliance conjuration importunity obsecration begging imprecation overture question orison impetration order ultimatum summons address recourse dun beseeching obtestation earnest request cry from the heart exhortation proposition urge requirement proposal indent behest litany bidding rogation purchase order wish urgent request cri de cœur memorial importuning enjoinment intercession begging request round robin de profundis query market pretension right pretence pretense dibs humble request soliciting asking requesting offer commercial beseech postulation invitation call to action lien reclamation imposition want insistence pressure mandate stipulation command devotion communion ave clamour hope supplications worship request for help grace holy rites contemplation answer adoration observances meditation devotions benediction need condition provision imploring prayers chant dictate service urging hest drive charge counterclaim arrogation pursuit big ask exaction must-have interest interrogation entreatment clamor instruction direction decree injunction prompting directive edict word say-so commandment fiat rule dictum ruling will imperative appetite rescript do suggestion instance invite instigation investigation ordinance precept canon subpoena statute pronouncement interrogatory diktat calls run on rush on persuasion task assignment dua ask calling bell feeler expressed desire run exigency incitement notice pressing resolution encouragement PO stress rush obligation prescript regulation petitioning insistency arm-twisting proclamation warrant ordering dictation briefing act interdiction writ notification law devoir purchase requisition determination perseverance persistence resolve doggedness firmness levy toll beck and call fee ukase payment pronunciamento promulgation examination contribution extortion prescription quiz quizzing inquest enquiring interrogative poll inquisition catechism questioning wringer inquiring third degree Q and A


The process or manifestation of objectifying (something)


The intrinsic nature or quality of something, especially abstract, which determines its character
essence nature core heart life soul crux kernel spirit principle quintessence substance being ethos gist lifeblood meat nucleus root basis pith significance base character essentiality fundamentals meaning point constitution stuff sum actuality backbone centrepiece centerpiece element fibre fiber grain marrow nub reality structure aspect center centre entity keynote quality quiddity vein attribute bottom burden caliber calibre esse essentia germ net pivot property timber virtuality basic quality central part fundamental nature basic characteristic bottom line essential part fundamental quality intrinsic nature nitty-gritty bull's-eye chief constituent main idea name of game be-all and end-all meat and potatoes sum and substance real meaning true intention true meaning foundation cornerstone keystone fundamental bedrock lynchpin underpinning nubbin crown infrastructure standard nexus matter premise nuts and bolts staple material making thrust groundwork quick footing essentials axiom grounding ground warp mainspring theme warp and woof topic idea linchpin guiding principle first principle fundamental point main ingredient fundamental principle principal constituent chief ingredient principal element basic idea heart of the matter essential element defining characteristic essential feature policy line salient point focus hub mood temper eye feeling omphalos navel atmosphere tenor midpoint seat mecca epicenter middle capital axis cynosure central locus source tendency theory rationale institution roots basics origin seed most important part spark ground zero embryo nerve center beginning bud focal point epicentre feather humor sense intention tone humour climate feel mode purpose morale cheer fount vehicle organization essential spring medium fountainhead carrier vibe ambience attitude belief flavour disposition flavor ethic key starting point organisation authority principal purport intent well head timbre prevailing tendency dominating characteristic primary element important part key component motivating force state of mind frame of mind animating principle


A symbol or word used to represent an operation, instruction, concept, or object
sign symbol character mark figure cypher cipher device representation badge emblem logo type code hieroglyph ideogram insignia letter numeral signifier arms crest diacritic glyph graph icon ikon logogram rune symbolization ensign hieroglyphics outline shape writing coat of arms stamp trademark seal hallmark motif token monogram design brand identification label colophon motto tag impresa shield image totem logotype signature earmark indication initials name star imprint brand name impression model portrait embodiment indicator medal illustration sort banner likeness exemplification colours hieroglyphic pattern regalia autograph colors rendering portraiture inscription sigil personification heraldic device marker grapheme adumbration moniker diacritical mark proprietary name signatory trade name subscription signet reference mark cryptograph cryptogram emoticon emoji signal number escutcheon heraldic design watermark written symbol asterisk favicon heading ribbon designation award metaphor identification mark medallion printer's mark decoration allegory hand gong pin paraphernalia marque alphabet fruit salad portrayal presentation depiction distinguishing mark accent variety kind line make ink tradename chop picture product heraldry welt John Hancock identifying mark accent mark distinctive label identification marker sketch reproduction drawing demonstration diagram painting flag majuscule minuscule uppercase capital uncial cap lowercase figurine resemblance effigy bust pennant alphabetical character standard simulacrum capital letter small letter facade statuette profile statue façade scepter impersonation copy duplicate imitation attribute impress reminder miniature memento sceptre


A situation, especially as it affects one's power to act
position condition situation state circumstances plight predicament case pass bearing ballgame deportment strait straits carriage habit manner mien state of affairs set of circumstances how things stack up the size of it like it is circumstance status picture setting scenario scene context standing station environment footing set-up background state of play phase story score outlook place posture capacity stage facts status quo surroundings event lay of the land lie of the land how things stand point deal conditions character rank lot prospect mode shape sphere setup crisis juncture times ball game episode order nick turn of events details how the land lies instance affairs dilemma time moment spot contingency means occurrence incident climate lifestyle cause happening quandary occasion choice instant set of conditions shoes essentials specifics statistics way basis going kilter station in life state of things health nature fettle detail fact truth of the matter true state of affairs element particular factor affair events surrounding occurrences particulars elements factors experience hap incidents happenings atmosphere ambience milieu goings-on habitat circs emergency option state of affair conjuncture exigency eventuality contingence contingent way of life extremity clutch tinderbox Dunkirk crossroads crunch head possibility function development scoop period crux selection operation standpoint zero hour moment in time crossroad interval turning point point in time breaking point boiling point crunch time flash point sitch preference way things are kettle of fish how things are way things shape up what's going on what's what how it goes where it's at bargain switch set up size of it


An object for holding or transporting something
container receptacle vessel holder box canister case repository cartridge casing bag drum unit barrel crate cylinder packet tank basin bin bottle bowl bucket bunker caddy caisson can canteen capsule carafe carton cask casket cast cauldron chamber chest churn cistern coffer cover cradle crock crucible depot die dish ewer firkin flask folder frame hamper hod hopper humidor hutch jar jeroboam jug kettle magnum package pail pit pitcher pocket pod poke pot pottery reliquary scuttle shape silo stein storage store strongbox tin tub beaker vase vat vial urn trunk decanter pack flagon butt envelope locker reservoir basket covering sheath keg tun cassette shell reservatory cruet wrapping jacket parcel magazine wrapper cannister hogshead creamer husk jorum encasement hull pipe sheathing housing armor kist cocoon kilderkin tray puncheon rundlet runlet skin phial demijohn rack sack pouch bundle armour punnet boiler carrier sleeve crib safe ark amphora treasury etui enclosure pan billy ampoule ossuary storehouse warehouse carboy pannier coffin chalice wallet cardboard box flasket flacon glass file trough storage chamber integument coffret retort creel depository keeve kier kid billycan cooking pot storeroom archive thermos manger storage bin bank cache tin can stall vault jerry can exterior outside repertory pin water tank pyxis bassinet glass container tierce treasure house storage place storage tank underground tank feeding trough picnic basket fodder rack samovar pottle cabinet earthenware pot tankard mug earthenware tupperware sump pool piggin dustbin utensil vesicle seidel cup blank tube corrugated box carousel reactor ampule pillbox pall bier sarcophagus steeper ampul feeder portmanteau set packing kit exoskeleton carapace tabernacle greybeard lug brazier wastepaper basket garbage can circular file test tube vacutainer lid guard coalbin tea caddy cannikin canakin krater cruse soldier growler hooker baggage sheaf vatje bidon packing case cage wine bottle drawer chassis crating scabbard compact toby jug jardiniere plant pot padded envelope planter mailing tube olla jerrycan oilcan melting pot wardrobe crater barrique solera shrine burette hot water tank load bale luggage suitcase biddle tea chest cream jug milk jug wrappers wickerwork basket cylindrical container water butt laundry basket rain barrel bota storage box coal bunker strongroom dead soldier vacuum bottle sachet small feeding-box foot locker pinto wooden container pop top lock-up garner museum gallery godown arsenal Jiffy bag padded bag packaging jewel box jam jar hip flask wood overcoat pine box funerary box safety deposit safe deposit safe-deposit box plant stand window box earthenware container trug bud vase rose bowl water bottle tumbler crystal noggin vacuum flask goblet ampulla horn caster gourd alembic fiasco Thermos wickerwork box well cisterna sink pond flowerpot mailer keister kete Thermos flask veneer surface coat face exteriority in-tray out-tray shopping bag string bag bushel nacelle external surface wrap outward aspect outer surface coating façade superficies outer covering outside surface facade front carrier bag flax kit bunk woven container linen basket shopping basket wicker basket paper bag shuck trundle bed plastic bag mine fund storing place oracle emporium treasure trove stockroom storage area store room


Distinguishing characteristics
things characteristics aspects attributes details factors features traits facets points qualities bents calibre conditions demeanour dispositions distinction essence virtues caliber demeanor marks particularities parts peculiarities properties quirks slants streaks strong points temperament tendencies trademarks frills stripes tinges twists determinants components elements reasons consideration constituents bases pieces dynamics influences ingredients issues causes particulars circumstances items fundamentals instruments instrumentalities subcomponents building blocks essences means antecedents members strands property character quality particularity hallmarks affection stamps note markers touch fingerprints differentiae attribution diagnostics criteria specifics signs virtue idiosyncrasies indications specialties specialities symbols badges tokens earmarks individuality singularity detail casts oddities ways nature indicators complexions symptoms evidence savours manners sides habits savors lineaments manifestation emblems uniqueness proof niceties mannerism penchant differentials tones endowments customs foibles frames temper styles flavour eccentricity makes moods faculties makeup flavor distinctiveness individualism personality pledges constitutions notability kinds air highlights clues dimensions angles value identification merits ability power strain edges status symbols birthmarks denominators abnormality tricks signals prodromes testimony addition incidentals accessories subtlety finishes respect material articles labels tags signatures marking themes integrants gimmicks gags originality essentials inclination proclivities turns bags bearings thumbprints sorts geniuses grace affirmation charm predication parameters description crosses tenors spirits crases mentalities personas feels clay identities mettle humour moulds sets psyches veins feelings estimations ambiences mold mystique psychology shapes auras humor sense complexes make-up appearance selfhood grain frames of mind ethe keys kidneys omens demonstrations indicias presages expressions representation gestures warrants attestation recognition security reputations odor standing odours hints eminence repute prestige


A subject referred to in speech or writing
thing subject issue matter point topic aspect concern consideration idea question scenario theme account affair area argument article case concept field item material matter at hand motif problem report story subject matter thesis blurb detail discussion entity essence feature focus information news point in question principal object proposition state business gist part proposal body substance particular piece of information portion specific situation fact respect element particularity datum nicety circumstance point at issue event regard factor specification instance minutia specialty nitty-gritty speciality chapter and verse brass tacks nuts and bolts transaction undertaking component facet pointer deets circumstantial characteristic attribute ingredient side count unit accessory bone of contention proceeding contention goings-on dispute point of departure can of worms occasion matter of contention matter in question talking point controversy puzzle member technicality constituent peculiarity data point minor point fraction ABCs trait circumstantiality singularity structure dope schedule meat and potatoes fine point score cue picture lowdown scoop rundown clue gospel ABC's whole story what's what bottom line facts of life content text thread motive field of inquiry motion area under discussion difficulty object thought theorem core point of contention field of reference debate query challenge complication resolution enigma quandary predicament keynote conundrum dilemma title study puzzlement matter in hand hot potato direction chapter class meat reference mystery enquiry grievance inquiry bearing premise relation connection message thrust line stuff bother knot perplexity task incident evidence development determinant contents category football through-line nut focus of attention subject of thought minutiae trouble extent difference notion scope obstacle hurdle exigency interest beef sticking point knotty problem conflict tricky issue grounds for war live issue sore point sensitive issue apple of discord disagreement altercation tender spot tricky problem quagmire catch snag responsibility division hole mire crux stumper lookout leitmotif head worry moot point jam pickle catch-22 hitch pitfall province preserve obligation funeral baby bailiwick pigeon headache palaver beeswax personal concern


To make or be made into a specific shape or form
fashion make manufacture model produce fabricate shape build construct create forge assemble cast found frame mould carve concoct contrive devise hew sculpt stamp put together complete consummate cut design erect finish fix invent mold outline pattern perfect plan plot project scheme set structure trace work block out cook up hammer out knock off throw together turn out develop set up formulate compose engineer establish sculpture craft organize arrange make up put up organise conceive hatch raise prepare draft confect draught bring about originate generate build up whittle chisel lay out mastermind brew work out piece together blueprint think up orchestrate knock together map out render dream up sketch draw up hammer chart constitute institute piece set out come up with choreograph initiate draw put in place scheme out effect strategize about adapt fit compile synthesize spawn fit together determine discover join engrave excogitate marshal whip up elevate synthesise order prefab influence knock out chip marshall execute sketch out affect style process guide trump up bring together map direct base pioneer lay the foundations of conspire beat drum up coin mobilize throw up introduce manipulate rear yield beget innovate plan out evolve reconstruct brainstorm prefabricate mass-produce derive ground imagine etch churn out accomplish procure begin vamp mobilise configure envision cobble up rough out delineate compound lay vamp up cobble together fudge together pound start up transform convert malleate portray control inaugurate steer depict lead gather sculp launch modify remodel intrigue cultivate grow write think out condition connect rough-hew knead collect levy mix systemize muster budget describe calculate slash inscribe figure out root recruit ready conduct represent line up adjust turn become sort out author fix up incise start tool propagate beat into shape mint predicate rustle up improvise make arrangements edify implement trim bear machinate compass beat out spark thrash out mount make a drawing of edit superstruct run up start to build hang supply bring into being realize get together furnish copy carve out gather together envisage grind out image picture advance call up realise get going jerry-build work up perform bang out call to arms strategize diagram jack up fulfill rig fulfil score sway ply lay plans for align throw harvest jockey carpenter weave collate systematize bring out actualize define balance architect conceive of mass produce anthologize accumulate combine get amass link connive patch together whip out eke out rig up comp mill machine cobble put out set in place adumbrate premeditate slate collude bring into existence rally enlist knock up contemplate sew weld systematise stage-manage wangle give structure to release ax hold stroke strike prune axe block tailor achieve lay plans dope out skeleton rough batch mature draw up a layout of make a map of draw up a plan of make a representation of detail forecast thumb finger die-cast issue conscript comprise roughhew pat crystallise smooth pull together think ahead settle crank out equip press mass bring translate into decide bring on conjure up stir up mix up slap together ad lib quarterback meditate chalk out cause to happen handle becast cast about move hit upon pump out outfit prep accoutre regulate engender bargain for figure on fix to rough in lay in provisions reckon on join up accommodate doctor conform crystallize suit trot out draw together groom endow appoint anticipate patch up change sew up be the inventor of get ready make ready present paint limn forgather sign up categorise parent instigate patent cause procreate make provision smooth the way put in order fill in get up settle on fit out run illustrate coordinate give birth to set in motion alter profile caricature pencil imitate decorate emulate follow ruminate visualize ponder speculate visualise start off open up put in motion usher in schedule rebuild refashion remake mutate fangle be the mother of be the father of do drawings graph mark out make a diagram crayon make a drawing make a diagram of mark give call together categorize administrate manage metamorphose spark off programme program toss off transpose transmute restyle refit transfigure provide hash out rest concert timetable net earn vary translate see to hack whomp up pay return reap gross make arrangements for deal with make over hinge summon see about look after afford gain bestow slice grave be responsible for take care of get off the ground straighten out fructify dissect sunder divide dissever indent insculpt scribe stipple cleave pare depend lick into shape be in charge of budget for round up plant center stem bring forth give forth bring in emanate stay prop centre pass carry out legislate declare enact spring decree cut in slices traced back to use as a basis have its origin in pursue ratify sanction authorise authorize wage administer proclaim dictate follow through with confirm carry off carry through pull off lay down engage in negotiate put through approve


To gradually appear or develop
materialise materialize appear develop crystallise crystallize grow acquire actualize arise begin break commence crystalize cultivate dawn emerge engender jell loom originate rise settle solidify spring start take shape accumulate show up become visible condense eventuate harden mature set set in shape up spring up come into being come into existence present itself reveal itself show itself come into view become a reality fall into place take on character take form transpire unfold happen arrive occur manifest erupt be born come forth crop up evolve kick in come to pass surface take place spawn catalyze gel become definite catalyse be created pop up burst out come about turn up come together emanate first see the light of day establish initiate become established issue proceed come out fare unravel progress come along become manifest befall take root launch begin life bear fruit become clear pace be set in motion be established come to light enter into the picture be realized get along be brought to pass be brought about kick off be brought into existence be forged go off be brought into being amalgamate combine unite incubate exist come up show come perform flourish stem continue coalesce ensue betide germinate arrive on the scene fall come on the scene gain chance become entrenched settle in get stand out stick out be developed make an appearance come to the fore enter the picture bob up result open have upspring head forthcome precipitate resolve itself become delineated obtain hang together spark incite occur suddenly break out come forth suddenly come off get under way come to stay sort itself out assume a pattern form into crystals kickoff enkindle invoke foster form crystals institute actuate sprout up advance occasion trigger activate be here to stay sprout shoot up appear suddenly manifest itself appear unexpectedly become apparent trigger off kick-start set off start up realize incarnate reify become tangible effect represent symbolize accomplish work out objectify produce portray effectuate engineer symbolise realise bring about make real make concrete make happen put into effect bring into being bring to life give life shoot reveal debut start to grow mushroom burst forth produce buds reappear resurface hover figure boil over push appear indistinctly come on be presented enter society push up make one's debut in society explode rocket increase ascend bloom flame skyrocket reemerge flash be seen be visible be in view expose be revealed feature present catch the eye flare up be apparent be evident come into sight be within view be obvious begin suddenly embark on start suddenly blaze up blow up go up float up burst into break the surface flower soar go through the ceiling go sky-high bud burgeon rematerialize blossom pullulate put forth shoots put forth new growth put forth buds come into bloom


To train or mold by instruction or example
develop train discipline mold mould school shape teach educate instruct guide coach drill groom tutor direct edify enlighten inculcate indoctrinate inform prepare prime verse better cultivate elevate improve rear uplift breed give character bring up upskill advise lesson advance show lead give instruction to show the ropes manage ground instill lecture illuminate initiate instil imbue sharpen nurture impart clarify communicate implant improve mind din something into give a grounding in equip with brainwash give the facts exercise pound into open eyes teach school brief give lessons to give lessons polish up put someone through their paces catechize break in counsel mentor acquaint ready familiarize familiarise condition drum into foster pilot hone update lick into shape illume inspire illumine rehearse explain shepherd equip habituate practise help steer break practice accustom walk through familiarize with let in on wise up make ready put through the grind make conversant with give hints give pointers give someone tips tell apprise inure clear introduce hip civilize orientate aid fit fill in clue clue in preach season tame socialize catch up tune up socialise lay it out for keep posted qualify make fit give instruction civilise put through the mill get into shape caution work out acquaint with give advice to give counsel to give counselling to care for give direction to put in the picture whip into shape be responsible for the education of give information to make suggestions to make recommendations to regiment demonstrate tailor tend promote support make familiar with mature arm homeschool give instructions expound describe explicate point out work over harden teach information disclose supervise raise sponsor base orient demonstrate to make something clear to show the way to explain things to work predicate rest parent nurse present show the way labor labour strain hang prime in train in instruct in make aware of teach about drill in school in coach in tutor in ground in refine influence take care of look after watch over nourish inform about polish soften fill in on notify clue in on clue up on give counsel give advice mellow sophisticate reclaim put through grind put through mill gen up on give counselling give guidance give direction put in the picture about give the gen about give the low-down on humanise temper rub the rough edges off acculturate humanize give directions offer opinions offer suggestions make recommendations relate tout post tip report to keep in the loop give a pointer blow the whistle on bring up-to-date send word clue up wise forewarn tattle sneak on give two cents warn give the low-down to let know give a tip send word to give someone to understand level with communicate to announce to leak leak to grass up impart to communicate knowledge tip off fill someone in


To come or bring into existence
establish found launch devise start begin create float initiate institute organise organize contrive inaugurate invent set up get going bring into being put in place put together bring about lay the foundations of constitute introduce originate install enact develop instal build construct pioneer assemble start up plant incorporate make kick off effect produce open commence secure bring into existence instigate actualize set in motion materialize generate innovate open up effectuate start off set down catalyze shape engender materialise erect kick-start catalyse do bring to pass give rise to execute design craft engineer authorize legislate achieve accomplish machinate compose affect set fashion realize forge father realise mould induct cast rig author piece render fabricate base embark on put in motion lay foundation decree place mold germinate hatch knock together knock up invest authorise get something working get moving sow the seeds of structure lead put something in place come up with come out with conceive of crystallize kickoff transpire usher in exercise activate predicate ratify station crystallise throw together mastermind lay the first stone of lay the cornerstone of build up corroborate lodge commission set about make a start on get off the ground get something functioning implant domiciliate moor inculcate ordain pass empower charter designate delegate draft order depute draught cause lay down occasion spawn induce provoke beget precipitate prompt bring promote yield trigger inspire foster kindle bear invoke enkindle muster breed conjure bring on lead to result in multiply perform spark off stir up whip up touch off translate into work up get up draw on complete fulfill fulfil carry through bring off bring to fruition make happen make a reality


To give shape to or take shape, esp. a particular shape
arrange assemble dispose organise organize array deploy gather marshall marshal order range sort combine grade group line up place position rank draw up align systematize classify regulate methodize systematise put in order orient file adjust codify set sequence lay out set out muster class allineate tidy spruce police spread out straighten up even up spruce up bring into line systemize justify set in line place in order form up set forth fix up put in good shape police up whip into shape clear the decks put to rights exhibit coordinate situate present pose display triage categorize straighten even categorise fix stand sort out put together put out distribute put in rows arrange in line make straight put in columns make parallel make even seat prepare tailor shepherd set up tabulate catalogue catalog index standardize assort locate separate digest list standardise type rationalize plan establish design peg compartmentalize relegate distinguish compartment set in order compartmentalise put rationalise break down compile structure schematize devise institute frame contrive rate space settle chart alphabetize formulate orientate log pigeonhole regiment control line adapt turn face inventory straighten out put in line project shape up tighten up pull together make uniform clarify bracket put into position set into position posture tabularize register enumerate figure size designate divide suit graduate label place in formation bias station summarize collate condense collect space out place at intervals move apart set apart assign shape constitute prioritize summarise code collocate mould neaten pattern streamline gather together fit consolidate compose correlate normalise regularize manage regularise normalize formalise conduct harmonize fashion mold prioritise construct harmonise curate right formalize put straight knock into shape lick into shape draft outline put away draught dress aim get into rows fall in get into columns put into order slant direct angle pitch steer intend


To affect or exert an influence on
have an effect on affect influence touch sway strike decide determine control alter modify shape bias transform govern change guide condition infect hit attack impact on act on exert influence on work on have an impact on strike at take hold of interact with dictate mold mould regulate inspire direct rule impact prevail constrain forecast codetermine motivate prompt win over arouse master predispose discipline hold in check directionalize dispose be a factor in get the better of shepherd underlie channel instigate have a part in rouse talk into bring to bear carry weight train pull strings argue into get at act upon be recognized seduce upset disturb overwhelm stir perturb trouble grieve concern hurt distress damage involve sadden agitate pain devastate reach manipulate impress shake hit hard move faze throw get to relate impress on induce impinge overcome bowl over knock for six tell on bear upon emotionally move turn someone's head prevail over regard make an impression on impinge upon shake up interest go to your head tug at your heartstrings mark knock back stimulate taint carry get through to excite have a bearing on animate carry weight with get through register with touch a chord make an impression quicken grab leave an impression on impassion strike a chord get injure vitiate corrupt persuade afflict destroy cripple meddle interfere with impose leave a mark on make an impact on interrupt ruin spoil mar contaminate annihilate impair ravage demolish compromise harm urge prevail on bring in impel convince draw spur capture break distort slant warp color garble stretch colour bend skew prejudice angle steer exert an influence on twist doctor sabotage defile occur pollute poison crush belong to pertain to be pertinent to center upon be relevant to refer to bear on blight debase weaken wear away strike down wreak havoc on do damage to play havoc with spread to


To originate or stem (from)
derive arise issue spring stem emanate proceed flow originate emerge follow develop ensue rise evolve come transpire dawn eventuate descend pour come about be caused by be produced by be brought about by originate in have its origin in be rooted in be traceable to result appear materialize grow unfold materialise crop up come into being happen occur surface break actualize take place eventualize germinate come up take shape come into existence begin start commence manifest engender set in flourish crystallize culminate upspring erupt uprise sprout foment take form crystallise come forth turn up come to light be born be set in motion come from stem from come to pass come after be a consequence of be a result of attend supervene accompany turn out supervene on be consequent on pan out birth accrue have its origin befall arrive loom spring up hail from arise from become apparent manifest itself be the result of bob up pop up arise out of result from come out enter into the picture make an appearance launch catalyze propagate catalyse burst out fall out break out hap betide pass come off chance go down be present itself fall come down go on bechance take effect do intervene go action chance to happen see the light of day become a fact present cook overtake become befit presage show hit end up recur succeed pick up pass off extend head be a direct result see daylight be taken be brought on by be due to be had be got come next play out metamorphose shoot up roll up be the result be the consequence follow on be attended by have one's origin be subsequent to be a consequence be consequent ooze vent exude derive from well spread out pour forth be transmitted seep pour out seep forth flow out gush forth be emitted gush out seep out flow forth ooze forth ooze out overflow well up trickle


To form into a group or groups
group gather convene assemble congregate converge meet organise organize bunch cluster consort corral crowd huddle teem associate band together merge combine connect convoke flock get together hang out mingle unite brigade bunch up gang up join line up link rally rendezvous amass collate collect come together gather round herd hive meet up mobilise mobilize muster pack pile pile up pour in pull round up stack swarm throng compile concentrate gang around harmonise harmonize aggroup mass accumulate lump constellate gather together garner foregather marshal bring together marshall bulk up pick up conglomerate mob pull together forgather fuse blend coalesce call together link up ally agglomerate congress raise lump together crowd together join together flock together bundle mix join forces aggregate amalgamate pool summon jam conjoin unify press clump league cram collaborate cooperate concenter concentre draw together call up summon up cluster together work together make the scene collect together bond together act together deploy draw up mill drive crush consolidate throw gather like bees integrate put besiege deposit get up conjure up accrue stockpile scrape together form a group batch agglutinate roll up reunite bring in crowd around share bind arrange truss get hold of show up hang around put together bundle up gather up build up rack up fasten together couple squeeze cower hug scare up throw together attach correlate pair affiliate huddle together huddle up press close throng together snuggle up call recruit marry interfuse levy conjugate confederate affix cohere fasten yoke conscript draft enroll concord draught enrol call to arms group together call on sign on sign up


To form with right angles and straight lines, or flat surfaces

反义词 complete form

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