Synonyme de pollute d


Contaminated to the point of insalubriousness or toxicity
contaminated insalubrious noxious pestilent unclean corrupt dirty feculent festy filthy foul impure infected insanitary unhygienic unsanitary unsanitized dirtied foetid fetid infested poisoned poisonous septic toxic unhealthy unwholesome diseased fouled rank sullied tainted soiled stained besmirched grubby grimy defiled smudged befouled mucky begrimed cruddy grotty grungy sooty bemired dingy uncleanly adulterated skanky muddy dusty tarnished squalid sordid smutty draggled debased messy nasty blackened bedraggled black vitiated yucky smeared sloppy unwashed scuzzy slimy spotted ruined degraded bogging scungy manky gungy alloyed crummy corrupted greasy disease-ridden unkempt mixed germy spoiled bastardized rotten sleazy adulterate scummy germ-ridden mud-caked disheveled dirt-encrusted dishevelled icky grimed spoilt bastardised gross deleterious besmeared devalued putrid deteriorated harmful smeary attenuated uncleaned muddied slovenly despoiled unfiltered blemished discolored marked grody detrimental discoloured decayed not clean putrefied depreciated impaired blended rancid dreggy murky unhealthful dungy spattered stinking unlaundered unswept undusted pigpen watered down stale putrescent diluted perverted vile lowered unrefined combined admixed cloudy bespattered dissolved blighted raunchy sticky untidy gloopy straggly slatternly disarrayed unsightly infectious plague-ridden catching dishabille mung yukky mucous muculent clammy viscous glutinous bug-ridden contagious desecrated trashed violated profaned abused ravished debauched raped cooked distorted mucked up deviant falsified doctored altered weakened smelly shabby decaying smoky miry faecal loathsome fecal repulsive horry yecchy revolting verminous slipshod soily mud-encrusted


Very disgusting, dirty or unpleasant
nasty foul unpleasant dirty distasteful disagreeable disgusting horrible sickening filthy nauseating odious offensive repellent repugnant vile loathsome obnoxious awful abominable dreadful objectionable repulsive revolting nauseous unappetizing appalling hideous horrendous noxious terrible unpalatable frightful grotty horrid malodorous noisome yucky atrocious gross icky rancid squalid stinking unsavoury evil-smelling foul-smelling lousy smelly uninviting acrid beastly diabolical foetid fetid ghastly grubby gruesome mephitic putrid rank skanky cruddy pongy stinky ugly whiffy abhorrent bad bedraggled befouled begrimed bemired besmirched bitter black blackened cheap contemptible deplorable despicable dingy disgustful displeasing draggled dusty evil fulsome funky grimy grungy harsh illegal lame loathly mean miasmal mucky muddy niffy obscene paltry pitiable pitiful ratty repellant rotten scabby scandalous scummy scurvy shocking smudged smutty sneaking soiled sordid sorry sour stained sullied unclean uncleanly uncongenial unfair unlovely unpleasing unsavory unsportsmanlike unwelcome wicked wretched yukky festy olid yucko bum hellish poison ungodly unholy off-putting God-awful sick-making on the nose reeking stale tainted reeky off musty strong-smelling decomposing gamy stenchful miasmic fusty decayed decomposed pungent stenchy high nidorous contaminated curdled mouldy putrescent soured carious moldy turned putrefied impure putrefactive spoiled decaying spoilt stagnant feculent rotted graveolent maggoty yecchy worm-eaten flyblown inedible unfit for human consumption mouldered fermented dank overripe corrupt moldering unfresh addled wormy moldered degenerated mouldering gangrenous putrefacient grody putrefying rotting old unhealthy strong pestilential frowsty frowzy frowsy niffing humming poisonous infested ripe stinking to high heaven ill-smelling hateful detestable bogging execrable grisly heinous gut-churning monstrous reprehensible vomitous intolerable unspeakable vomit-inducing stomach-turning stomach-churning rebarbative insufferable sick hellacious horrifying macabre beyond the pale horrific base grim fearful dire unacceptable distressing from hell invidious outrageous very unpleasant nightmarish dislikeable lurid terrific nightmare undesirable creepy cringe-making sleazy terrifying vulgar emetic grewsome egregious damnable exceptionable spine-chilling godawful pestiferous unbearable ornery upsetting brutal savage vicious low fiendish nefarious bloody villainous murderous dark low-down shameful unforgivable harrowing infamous forbidding grievous poor unsightly flagitious abysmal hateable immoral worthless biting embarrassing cutting rubbish annoying pesky off-color bloodthirsty violent gut-wrenching sickly catty blood-and-guts sanguinary blood-and-thunder shameless chunderous hated reviled discouraging harmful diseased insupportable eerie sanguine very disgusting offending opprobrious disconcerting repelling scabrous unpardonable inexcusable hurtful deleterious pernicious injurious mischievous tremendous abusive impertinent insolent irritating discourteous frightening morbid woozy brackish rocky censurable blood-stained baneful unwholesome weird daunting fierce gory dislikable unlikable tasteless galling dismaying serious alarming accursed uncool shuddersome resentful blasted cursed cussed confounded spine-tingling pill heel deadly insalutary dangerous squicky cloying surfeiting sleazeball scuzzy disgraceful raunchy godforsaken gnarly depressing perverted excruciating pigpen sinful depraved degenerate cruel barbaric debased iniquitous uncanny ghostly dim faint mortuary haggard wraithlike supernatural deathlike corpselike unnatural unearthly anemic ghoulish sepulchral funereal weak anaemic shabby dishonourable dissolute diabolic miserable reprobate humiliating debauched ruthless degrading abject ignoble coarse devilish contradictory inconsistent hostile opposed incompatible adverse barbarous inhuman snide unrighteous ignominious currish dishonorable unlawful wrong unethical low-minded inimical averse antipathetic antagonistic infernal brutish unfriendly extrinsic counter against extraneous unconformable different opposite revulsive unfitted alien foreign degraded abandoned merciless black-hearted flagrant in opposition mediocre substandard disastrous dismal inferior inhumane heartless butcherly brute truculent sadistic wanton unsatisfactory trashy crummy cut-rate garbage lamentable wanting low-grade third-rate under par low-quality pathetic less-than-stellar punk poor-quality second-class below par sub-par laughable deficient second-rate two-bit rubbishy sad cacodemonic facinorous desperate hairy


Exhibiting or relating to crapulence
boozed drunk buzzed faced inebriated intoxicated loaded pickled plastered sloshed smashed soused tanked trashed wasted besotted drunk as a skunk drunken half-seas over in one's cups three sheets to the wind tipsy sottish high hammered stoned bombed blitzed sozzled inebriate blotto canned stewed fried crocked ripped squiffy tiddly blasted juiced gassed tight impaired lit squiffed stinking oiled blind cockeyed looped stiff slang wet potted boozy pie-eyed lit up wiped out crapulous crapulent in the bag three sheets in the wind under the weather under the influence zonked intemperate bibulous gin-sodden tippling beery hard-drinking red-nosed flying totaled drinking half in the bag schnockered groggy flushed dead drunk gone sauced bashed feeling good under the table hooched up half-crocked boozed up woozy feeling no pain dead to the world seeing double liquored up befuddled fuddled wrecked legless out of it steaming merry bladdered paralytic bevvied blind drunk rat-arsed soaked gin-soaked Brahms and Liszt roaring drunk rolling drunk drunk as a lord mullered ratted lashed trolleyed slaughtered worse for drink tanked up worse for wear well oiled foxed sotted screwed ebriate half cut well away cut ebrious reeling fou maudlin incapable tired and emotional toping half seas over monged two sheets to the wind wired guttered stinko monged out steamed off your face cock-eyed full shickered steamboats shot out to it munted inked lekker pixilated ebriose having had a skinful muddled grogged up laced glazed having had one over the eight strung out as full as a goog as tight as a tick mashed high as a kite lush sodden tanked-up kaylied langered dronkverdriet boozed-up broken ossified stukkend in crock swacked zoned elephants blatted sat babalas stupefied happy tripping well-oiled dazed doped spaced drugged spaced-out one over the eight on a trip snockered Adrian Quist jacked bacchic irrigated unsteady the worse for drink narcotized comatose dopey zonked-out benumbed floating unconscious coked slightly drunk drugged up under the influence of intoxicating liquor spaced out on drugs junked-up hopped-up out of one's head out of one's skull out of one's box blown away boozing blazed demolished unsober sloppy cooked obliterated tied one on dead-drunk elevated mellow addled drunked up geeked out off one's head half-cut blown-up out of one's gourd burned-out euphoric delirious hallucinating insensible anaesthetized anesthetized baked hyped up knocked out charged up freaked out out of your mind


Past tense for to tarnish with something undesirable
contaminated poisoned fouled tainted befouled dirtied soiled adulterated infected marred blighted defiled spoiled spoilt stained smirched alloyed damaged debased demoralised demoralized dishonoured dishonored impaired infested littered profaned toxified made filthy sullied besmirched tarnished corrupted muddied begrimed smudged grimed blackened spotted smeared mired bemired daubed mucked gaumed distained discoloured discolored tarred blemished ruined marked vitiated injured made dirty blotted made impure spattered darkened splashed messed up debauched denigrated splattered blotched spread among perverted depraved bespattered besoiled afflicted radioactivated degraded desecrated touched vilified mucked up run through disgraced clouded spread to encrusted coated draggled smutched got filthy made unclean watered down made dusty made black made darker laced plagued harmed doped besmeared festered undermined bloodied diseased destroyed spiked moved doctored enthused overwhelmed tinged riled roiled murked got dirty gotten dirty ran through beclouded blacked mussed violated prejudiced bedraggled messed devalued maculated shamed brutalized weakened brutalised crumbed made murky shaded made mucky made cloudy ebonized inked mussed up clouded up made blacker made dark made smoky made sooty bedaubed disfigured scarred defaced streaked splotched cut dotted splodged dented bastardized bastardised animalized bestialized flawed trashed deformed mutilated imprinted anointed scuzzed up made foul pitted impressed bruised maimed notched chipped mangled scratched gashed scraped nicked scored flecked striped blobbed checked blazed detracted from specked chalked stroked slushed covered blurred distorted slopped plastered pockmarked


Past tense for defile or corrupt
defiled corrupted depraved debauched sullied violated besmirched blighted debased desecrated perverted poisoned profaned warped dishonored dishonoured degraded vitiated subverted cheapened demeaned deteriorated lessened prostituted demoralized abased bastardized cankered bastardised demoralised contaminated tainted spoilt spoiled bestialized abused ruined seduced depreciated impaired brutalized brutalised despoiled made degenerate raped adulterated devalued ravished fouled diluted misused deflowered disgraced infected hurt led astray befouled harmed put double whammy on soiled rotted alloyed assaulted inflicted rusted consumed shamed distorted influenced undermined marred reduced in value worsened forced damaged weakened corroded envenomed embittered misemployed misapplied reduced in quality betrayed lowered injured blemished viced molested voodooed cursed sweared tarred reviled flamed trashed scorned mocked cussed darned hoodooed blasphemed sored stained scourged animalized exploited mishandled treated with disrespect lived in the gutter disfigured deformed wasted mongrelized ravaged defaced manipulated bedded talked dirty committed sin wasted away dragged down sexually assaulted committed sacrilege interfered with forced yourself on ill-used had your way with taken advantage of outraged pulled down indecently assaulted took advantage of sexually abused ulcered swore sworn went bad gone bad gone to hell went to hell did wrong done wrong cast down smirched chastened humbled dehumanized bemeant bemeaned dehumanised tarnished humiliated demoted reduced discredited blackened mortified belittled disparaged diminished lowered the status of put down cut down cut down to size sunken sank sunk taken down took down coloured biassed biased prejudiced twisted turned jaundiced soured descended stooped colored squandered crippled confounded sold sacrificed touched darkened bended bent skewed depressed downgraded sold out debilitated devaluated denigrated lured crawled blotted smeared desensitized dumped on dragged through the mud reduced the status of subjugated slammed destroyed desensitised derogated panned detracted decried brought down brought shame to brought low run down shot down torn down ran down taken down a peg took down a peg tore down


Past tense for to spoil or be the one bad feature of
marred damaged harmed spoiled spoilt hurt blighted impaired tainted tarnished vitiated stained ruined sullied wrecked blemished bloodied broke brake broken compromised crabbed crippled defaced disfigured endamaged flawed injured upset blotted bent bended bruised crossed up detracted dinged fouled up maimed mangled queered scratched tweaked warped loused up messed up roughed up shook up shaken up put a damper on split mutilated devastated smashed defiled crushed vandalized desecrated gutted weakened trashed shattered demolished totalled sabotaged ravaged destroyed totaled annihilated disrupted wound wounded disfeatured razed incapacitated smirched disintegrated rotted burnt maltreated teared discoloured gnawed knocked lacerated scathed burned infected discolored scorched dirtied abused battered dented dismantled corrupted rusted cracked wronged undermined vandalised corroded bleached stabbed contaminated faded tampered with smashed up banged up caused injury played havoc with wreaked havoc on played merry hell with undone undid gnawn torn tore wore away worn away done damage to wrought havoc wrought havoc on did damage to drove a nail into the coffin of driven a nail into the coffin of put the kibosh on screwed up mucked up debased dashed besmirched scotched scuppered put an end to afflicted poisoned torpedoed blasted banjaxed nixed put a stop to dished touched put paid to euchred cruelled sapped shocked made a mess of put the lid on cast a shadow over cast a pall over caused detriment to brought to naught put out of commission put out of action degraded frustrated destabilized worsened befouled soiled subverted jeopardized ended distorted blotched speckled perverted prevented quashed quelled hindered deteriorated impoverished debilitated diminished stymied scarred disabled devitalized depressed impeded enervated darkened nullified dilapidated soured colored coloured withered inconvenienced enfeebled decayed disappointed brought to an end clouded made a hash of interfered with jeopardised destabilised detracted from prejudiced nicked glitched up wrenched mullered blew a hole in blown a hole in handled roughly ballsed up thrown a spanner in the works of threw a spanner in the works of thrown a monkey wrench in the works of threw a monkey wrench in the works of dumped on did in done in gnew taken out took out done harm to did harm to thrown a monkey wrench into threw a monkey wrench into did mischief to done mischief to done for did for taken the shine off took the edge off took the shine off taken the edge off taken the enjoyment out of took the pleasure out of took the enjoyment out of taken the pleasure out of

Antonym de pollute d

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