の同義語 to be in vogue


In fashion or current
fashionable trendy stylish modish chic voguish in cool popular modern hip now happening trendsetting current mod snazzy big natty swank tony kicky swinging nifty ritzy desired flash prevalent in fashion with it all the rage up to date up to the minute in style a la mode ultra-modern sought-after bang up to date in demand avant-garde latest thing in favor in favour last word le dernier cri chi-chi dernier cri latest fad latest fashion latest wrinkle in with it in the latest style on the cutting edge smart latest hot contemporary fly sharp up-to-the-minute new au courant spiffy up-to-date designer chichi sassy fresh newfangled dashing groovy elegant snappy swish faddy kicking red-hot favored favoured classy supercool faddish swanky upscale on fleek all the go du jour exclusive in-thing swell schmick dapper funky popularized well-liked state-of-the-art rakish popularised crowd-pleasing in thing culty with-it favorite favourite dressy vogue trig posh de rigueur a go-go newest prevailing usual genteel modernistic new-fashioned recent customary attractive ultramodern sophisticated present-day pop high-class debonair swagger space-age new age large advanced glamorous high-toned hep turned-on def wanted leading-edge leading edge tasteful fancy slick showy well turned-out uptown progressive contemporaneous downtown massive cutting edge liked innovative trim brand-new neoteric novel approved spruce celebrated desirable flashy cutting-edge present extant jazzy fine beautiful hot off press sleek à la mode just out topical dressed to kill well liked sexy forward-looking expensive styleworthy leading high-tech hi-tech modern-day modernised modernized latter-day updated nouvelle plugged-in flattering high-fashion understated welcome the new polished good well dressed down coveted well turned out smartly dressed cosmopolitan stunning jaunty preferred appealing requested well-groomed well-dressed dap gnarly up in the mainstream ostentatious bling contempo abreast well received instant to die for as if one had just stepped out of a bandbox pleasing fancy-pants today existent well-heeled couturial youthful party young smartest nice finest formal Sunday nicest on trend last-word impressive timely exciting bang up-to-date passing immediate urbane pretentious steezy dressed to the teeth clean unique gimmicky ongoing present-time twenty-first-century shiny hottest well put together legendary well-known neat must-see fab dope spivvy dandy spiffing fashionably dressed sporty suave smooth spiff admired crisp glorious well loved super accepted commercially successful successful widespread well groomed lovely awake savvy knowledgeable perceptive familiar versed observant knowing alive informed apprehensive conscious aware gorgeous agreeable excellent wantable enviable looked-for covetable valuable sought after pleasant eligible longed-for dicty plush upmarket superior select stately refined courtly majestic plushy graceful handsome splashy pizazzy pizzazzy on to plugged in turned on tuned in up on in on switched on hep to wise to hip to lovable prominent beloved likable notorious sought colourful flamboyant gay bright loud colorful trending fave famous in the know concurrent likeable coincident synchronous coexistent simultaneous coexisting go-ahead coincidental coetaneous merchantable coeval stylin' newly discovered ground-breaking groundbreaking innovatory pioneering recently developed never-before-seen marketable coterminous vendible like gold dust required salable in great demand at a premium merchandisable synchronic coextensive luxurious grand opulent sumptuous exquisite ornate deluxe charming artistic cultivated lavish comely distinguished rich discerning fetching upper-class elaborate presentable glitzy delicate aesthetic dainty esthetic offbeat pretty cute futuristic unconventional clean-cut dressed up dignified dressed to the nines drop-dead gorgeous five-star cultured dress classic groomed dandified alluring besuited bewitching fascinating noble seductive revolutionary foppish captivating beguiling personable clever irresistible magnetic tantalizing dazzling engaging foxy trailblazing elite well-turned-out ingenious well-presented striking tantalising splendid presidential radical spruced up good-looking fanciable sightly fit beauteous ravishing seemly taking fair nice-looking executive pulchritudinous well-favored well-formed dolled up far-out earthy comfortable par excellence high undercool wicked flippant poised swishy fashion-conscious quality swaggy high-quality notable renowned high-society well-off distinctive first-class coffee-table gracious acceptable high fashion respectable full-dress arty with good taste swankish class peacocky leafy jet-setting crucial prim surrealistic snobby glossy well produced haute avant forefront looking sharp spick and span well-tailored soigné spiffed-up with style in good taste becoming complex 21st-century landmark forward future breakthrough in high feather breezy raffish salubrious longed for high-style saucy confident to-die-for highly developed SOTA prosperous-looking wealthy-looking casual luxury high class high-status overdressed sprauncy plummy larney dandyish devil-may-care up-market la-di-da top-drawer vain preening decorous choice existing latter rare ornamented affected resplendent angelic dollish beddable smashing enticing divine symmetrical telegenic statuesque ideal adorable showstopping tempting willowy wonderful aesthetically pleasing voluptuous aesthetically appealing easy on the eye sensual eye-catching shapely prepossessing curvaceous superb winsome sublime physically attractive camera-friendly delightful fine-looking glamourous photogenic radiant prettyish sheen overdone august recherche aristocratic stylized in full dress in one's best bib and tucker gussied up creative original well-designed posturing entrancing nowadays prompt being commenced already started begun innovational inspired unprecedented imaginative inventive strange unheard-of far out modernist different unaccustomed way out unfamiliar unexplored visionary out-of-the-box unhackneyed experimental unknown unexampled pathbreaking nontraditional knockout dishy charismatic enchanting well-bred prinking self-obsessed for the time being in duration going on ad hoc at this moment just now even now in process under consideration likely hunky intriguing virile lovesome spunky luring elfin glam coxcombical strong bonnie robust drop-dead tasty well-proportioned bonny athletic good looking siren righteous prestigious looking like a million most recent


Fashionable, prevailing


Used or accepted broadly
prevailing current prevalent usual common customary general popular established set widespread existing ordinary fashionable commonest mainstream rife accepted acknowledged conventional going predominating recognised recognized ruling standard stock dominant influential main operative preponderating principal all-embracing catholic comprehensive ecumenical familiar fundamental in circulation in style normal predominant preponderant rampant regnant regular steady sweeping universal worldwide in fashion by the numbers orthodox in force pervasive traditional wide public overall broad received accustomed habitual typical routine wonted extant modern latest contemporary present ubiquitous reigning extensive traditionalist approved agreed confirmed well established net majority authorized sanctioned acceptable mass settled expected endorsed understood admitted fixed average shared classic household global national collective joint communal overarching outright blanket touted prescribed regulation classical preferred everyday prescriptive plain legit unopposed okayed authorised passed natural nationwide societal wholesale epidemic commonplace total vulgar well-known time-honoured widely held long-established agreed upon time-honored well worn bog-standard all-round broad-spectrum all-around across-the-board broad-brush across the board middle-of-the-road tried and true tried and tested arrived at official legitimate valid proper allowed legal lawful certified licensed permitted kosher authoritative chronic licenced true permissible correct formal legalized accredited validated run-of-the-mill frequent allowable documented bona fide admissible legalised known undisputed genuine proven inveterate entrenched ratified sound rightful dyed-in-the-wool authentic generic ingrained deep-rooted declared tolerated seasoned staid tolerable proverbial renowned canonical okay predictable warranted ceremonial characteristic stereotyped hardened ritual proved reliable stereotypical confessed inured habituated unquestioned hard-shell firmly established deep-seated ineradicable affirmed professed endemic avowed permanent conformist appropriate just ceremonious right irradicable constant licit supported authenticated verified doctrinal rooted worn widely used representative credible methodical ritualistic sworn standard-issue undoubted well-established uncontested enduring straight famous notorious statutory backed lasting vanilla quotidian recognizable consented prosaic unforgettable OK'd proclaimed square fair reasonable unremarkable vouched for sincere unexceptional granted stipulated conceded recognisable above board traditionary OK pervading adopted sensible identified logical typic overt constitutional cogent self-confessed convincing verifiable commonly accepted generally accepted favourite favorite garden-variety good coherent all right solid stated in order unforbidden unprohibited within accepted bounds ongoing widely recognized explicit common or garden immemorial effective plausible rational congruous well known matter-of-course cleared omnipresent consistent formulaic real cut-and-dried systematic cut-and-dry unlimited pandemic on the up and up cosmopolitan whole signed and sealed multinational mundane indestructible within the law diffuse well-founded all-over undestroyable all-inclusive worldly unrestricted unremovable astronomical lamestream canonic central core welcome voted for determined self-proclaimed believed primary unobjectionable perceived done open uneventful humdrum garden realized remembered staple persistent statutable abiding realised legendary famed undistinguished strict tralatitious comfortable A-OK totally fine immortal ageless numerous acquired honored enrolled qualified seeded eligible nominated sop wont mutual regimented orderly express unadventurous historic stable carried timeless hackneyed derived widely believed empowered avowedly asserted val traditionalistic old old-fashioned old-style officially recognized in use in established usage cashable institutionalized institutionalised honoured archetypal self-evident axiomatic same old bonafide secure unshakable vested circulating embraced united like pro forma tried and trusted chartered chosen certain binding standard operating procedure playing it safe in a rut in the groove according to Hoyle memorable undying deathless ceremonialistic formalistic sanctioned by law by the book going by the rules noted taken for granted certifiable favoured favored let accorded reputed infamous superior made official celebrated intermutual commutual contractual veritable actual usable trusted signed sealed afoot workaday honest unexpired complete full notable indelible stubborn ineffaceable about international ex cathedra thorough exhaustive inclusive repeated periodical periodic bruited about making the rounds doing the rounds in general use going around in the air talked of compendious inherent symptomatic straightforward signed, sealed, and delivered true-blue legally acceptable in effect legally binding unheretical unoriginal derivative obvious published panoramic entire encyclopedic cyclopedic anticipated foreseeable indicative foreseen emblematic unsuspected daily simple on everyone's lips ex officio distinctive likely unsurprising idiosyncratic distinguishing short-listed permeating embracive returned answered publicized bien pensant repetitious practised practiced mechanical reiterative iterated automatic long-term addicting iterative disciplined perfunctory cyclic unchallenged straight arrow in line straight from the horse's mouth individualistic native clichéd cliched inescapable omnibus according to the book plastic grind trustworthy aboveboard straight-shooting honest-to-goodness truthful upfront for real publicised revealed patent manifest branded in keeping in character unanimous in-depth encyclopaedic wall-to-wall broad-gauge cover-all broad-gauged all-in one-size-fits-all true to form to be expected so-so publicly known widely known generally known firm inannihilable old hat only to be expected par for the course on the cards … all over true to type garden variety white-bread down pat right as rain telling the truth on the level fair and square on the up-and-up justifiable respected cosmic planetary celestial all empyrean terrestrial stellar excusable pardonable supportable tenable sustainable compelling reasoned defensible venial pragmatic lucid believable congruent warrantable viable workable grounded justified realistic bearable handed down long-standing weighty analytic analytical consequent prudent persuasive understandable dinkum telling satisfying sober thoughtful satisfactory pukka all there profound well-advised responsible got it together well grounded together intellectual commonsensical levelheaded advisable right-thinking well-grounded cool right-minded most frequent most usual

の反対語 to be in vogue

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