の同義語 utter disillusion


To feel, or cause to feel, disheartened after learning the truth about something
disappoint dishearten embitter dissatisfy disenchant underwhelm let down throw cold water on pour cold water on dismay upset discourage dispirit sadden disconcert chagrin vex frustrate depress disgruntle dash hopes displease bring down to earth fail fail to satisfy break one's promise to fall short of expectations break your word fall short disoblige bum out dash the hopes of cast down dampen the spirits of burst bubble shatter the illusions of take the wind out of your sails alarm distress horrify scare frighten daunt appal unnerve shock bother shake perturb startle discompose concern confound discomfit disturb unsettle unman surprise faze panic discountenance take aback shake up dash rattle trouble ail exercise flurry fuss hagride disquiet chill spook alarum frazzle worry paralyse distemper distract terrify demoralize undo psych agitate unhinge discomfort derail affright pother appall fluster throw off balance abash snafu weird out freak out throw nonplus paralyze demoralise embarrass perplex mystify flummox terrorise dumbfound bewilder puzzle terrorize knock sideways get to give a turn throw into a tizzy put off mess up knock for six foul up put the wind up screw up fill with consternation louse up muck up deject ruffle confuse afflict intimidate annoy irk discombobulate cow bug oppress deter crush petrify mortify dampen irritate awe torment weigh down psych out fret burden aggrieve grieve make anxious astound stun floor try pester make uneasy subdue desolate provoke harass pain plague sicken hassle offend astonish overwhelm jolt sap bring down put someone off their stroke enervate harrow baffle hurt repel fright stagger knock the stuffing out of damp scarify stir up scandalize muddle stress stupefy daze amaze get down browbeat gnaw at scare to death put a damper on outrage overawe humble exasperate anger flabbergast agonize scandalise debilitate consternate work up gall torture chafe strike terror into bully beat down agonise weaken scare stiff disgust make despondent set someone back on their heels burn up revolt give someone the blues scare the bejesus out of scare the living daylights out of make sad make someone scratch their head stop someone in their tracks undermine bowl over make one's hair stand on end devitalize discommode peeve nauseate make downhearted indispose disorient aggravate disarrange wound miff rack gravel needle beset bedevil make someone's hair stand on end weigh heavily on nark harry buffalo move rock traumatize strain pick on make waves scare witless bring low dumfound catch off balance fill with fear hack off put down jar break one's heart traumatise thunderstrike scare the pants off lie heavy on give someone goose pimples scare someone out of their wits put the fear of God into take by surprise electrify give a hard time throw into a blue funk dampen spirits make unhappy cause to be at a stand make miserable make one's blood run cold blow away make gloomy leave open-mouthed throw a curve strike dumb do someone's head in leave aghast emasculate bulldoze humiliate bustle excite enfeeble hector bemuse nettle break make dejected disincline derange badger disempower disparage curse addle cloud rouse befuddle unbalance disorder unstring weary affect abase impress disburb stiff overcome make a scene craze devastate chasten get at dull stump beat despair wind up tick off deflate egg on make fretful tantalize tantalise shatter scare away make someone fed up turn on beleaguer nag sting put out of countenance cause anguish to frighten to death give someone the heebie-jeebies give someone grief make jump throw off curdle the blood chill to the bone persecute get reduce to tears scare off pull the rug from under benumb pull the rug out from under put someone off their stride knock for a loop make wretched hurt somebody's feelings make teeth chatter gross out cause anxiety to cause suffering to take your breath away make someone jump out of their skin frighten someone out of their wits send into a cold sweat make someone's blood run cold make someone shake in their shoes frighten the life out of scare the life out of scare the hell out of frighten the living daylights out of throw into a panic make blue drag down put into a funk cast a gloom upon push buttons cut to the quick make one's flesh creep give one the creeps turn off bring tears to your eyes mess with someone's head knock out make one's heart bleed blow your mind boggle the mind put out thwart pique make uncomfortable lower suppress subjugate infuriate hurry destabilize distress greatly incite inflame flutter hustle dement preoccupy quicken incommode cast a shadow frenzy madden scare silly silly blind destabilise cause disquiet to defeat occupy put into a flap unquiet cause anxiety stimulate sour tangle castrate tax throw into a tizz freeze make restless down press deplore bamboozle boggle geld bear down on damp down rile break the heart of ferment arouse cause someone to lose their composure besiege antagonize blind someone with something hinder paralyse with fear scare the daylights out of mess with one's head put off one's stroke tease undermine one's confidence balk ventilate examine numb antagonise insult baulk prey on your mind occupy thoughts test importune disengage unfasten separate unhitch disconnect uncouple detach knock props out fuddle strike with awe spring on cause wonder dazzle render speechless cast a pall over inconvenience anguish hound strike fear into fill with terror frighten out of your wits scare the pants off of lobotomize drive crazy make discontented drive mad cast a gloom on give offence to dun tear goad knock the wind out of fox injure desiccate make dispirited make crestfallen completely surprise raise someone's eyebrows shake out of your complacency hit like ton of bricks harsh one's mellow dump on do in inflict trauma deeply upset disorganize snarl unglue cripple jumble unzip make flip bug up set back sap the confidence of dehydrate strap dog nit-pick prick push martyr befog maze deaden sweat out be a great weight on turn incapacitate flip cramp give someone the hump muddy weigh heavily on one's mind send up blow out blow up take apart pose blackjack drive insane fire up flip out upset the applecart drain haunt fog eat at cut up obfuscate dragoon wilder get someone get across lay up key up take steam out send over the edge bullyrag arouse anxiety in weigh on metagrobolize rock the boat do a number on be on one's case make it tough for drag darken mix up be all Greek to set someone thinking bogart blanket make afraid chill someone's blood make fearful give someone a fright make someone's hair curl make nervous run down railroad carp cavil niggle tyrannize fear sweat stew quibble bludgeon squash get on your wick repress prostrate droop nitpick bear down harsh someone's mellow make someone's heart bleed keep under make desolate hang over break someone's spirit break someone's heart stamp out flap fidget flatten be agitated take pains tyrannise be in a tizzy be worried strong-arm labour over mau-mau be in a flap get worked up get in a stew be in a stew lean on cause to lose heart make a big thing out of make a big thing of debunk belittle snub destroy quash dampen someone's hopes make a meal of make a mountain out of a molehill chill to the marrow push around make a thing of cause to lose hope freeze your blood get the wind up turn on the heat surprize strike throw into a fright knock down let wind out of sails puncture balloon take down kick in the teeth take down a peg or two shoot down cut down to size let down easy touch scare someone half to death put one away


To become, or cause to become, bitter or disenchanted
embitter envenom alienate anger antagonise antagonize poison sour disaffect empoison frustrate jaundice make bitter make resentful vex aggravate discourage dissatisfy exacerbate exasperate rankle worsen acerbate acidulate annoy bitter bother estrange irritate make rancorous upset venom disgruntle disenchant alien turn off divide disunite make hostile disunify set at odds push away turn away drive away make unfriendly discontent displease disquiet prejudice influence injure bias twist warp mar prepossess impair distort separate part withdraw withhold lose distance drive apart split divert sever leave sunder wean isolate divorce keep apart set at variance drive a wedge between turn your back on break up burn your bridges set at odds with put on the outs sow dissension between set against destroy the affections of sever connections between make hostile to cause antagonism between put at a distance split up detach disengage set apart come between sow dissension segregate cut off disperse disconnect dissociate set against one another cause a rift cause disagreement between put at odds pit against one another set in opposition part company set as rivals turn against pit against end on a sour note break off make indifferent kick down the ladder destroy relationships withdraw the affections of pull apart disjoin quit ramify disjoint partition disband dissever dismantle uncouple resolve decouple disrupt unyoke disassociate unlink rive embroil dissolve break undo insulate sequester quarantine seclude break away cocoon dedomicile exclude cloister offend hassle repel gall distance oneself become estranged close off shut away be estranged cordon off seal off abstract confine rope off fence off island keep out screen off remove keep in solitude put a cordon sanitaire around form a ring around tape off block off shut off partition off curtain off go different ways reach a parting of the ways break it off get divorced go separate ways untie the knot stop living together get a divorce pull out hack off lose the affection of


Disappointment resulting from not having one's expectations met
disappointment disenchantment disillusionment disaffection dissatisfaction rude awakening a rude awakening unhappiness distress regret dismay discontent discontentedness dejection cynicism despondency mortification sadness sorrow disconsolation despair discomposure glumness melancholy disconsolateness lamentation dispiritedness gloominess depression discouragement letdown anguish fretfulness upset misery downheartedness gloom woe weariness desolation malaise torment heavy-heartedness low spirits heaviness of heart ill-humor chagrin bitterness embitterment world-weariness unfulfilment discomfort enlightenment lost innocence disquiet disturbance vexation worry trouble bother displeasure annoyance anger irritation frustration disgruntlement discontentment agitation aggravation resentment perturbation fluster malcontentment turmoil uneasiness harassment derangement malcontent alarm grievance grief disruption disarray hurt queasiness unfulfillment blues heartache wretchedness mournfulness sorrowfulness agony pain heartbreak dolor heartsickness dolefulness cheerlessness mopes suffering desperation anxiety angst affliction rue mourning shock demoralization dumps demoralisation hopelessness grieving torture despondence disheartenment forlornness lamenting miserableness doldrums pessimism joylessness dreariness funk despond oppression trauma blue devils embarrassment unease bereavement infelicity disquietude moodiness melancholia tribulation heavy heart mental suffering travail straits defeatism dolour the hump misgiving confusion bewailing bemoaning listlessness worriment emotional suffering broken heart sorriness shame nervousness fright weeping horror surprise discomfiture concern defeat hassle cold feet excruciation dismalness ordeal trial cross the blues blue funk discord unrest stress qualm scruple strife strain tumult resignation ache inconvenience down broken-heartedness resignedness lament shake-up burden hardship rack remorse repentance aching throe perplexity stew unconsolability pang extreme upset affront commotion dislocation dashed hopes visitation care twinge headache tizzy turn-up mopery fear sullenness somberness catatonia dysphoria desperateness woefulness foreboding bleakness saturninity consternation dismals dullness moroseness morbidity mope dourness pensiveness anhedonia heaviness sulks abashment panic trepidation mulligrubs mubblefubbles blahs apprehension dread terror the dismals low-spiritedness being bummed blue Johnnies the mopes lack of confidence lack of enthusiasm awkwardness humiliation disconcertment downer bummer beating ruin failure disconcertion flusteredness disorientation loss of confidence the blahs discombobulation undoing nonplus rout overthrow comedown descent conquest vanquishment defeasance martyrdom


Feelings of doubt or apprehension about something
cynicism scepticism disenchantment distrust pessimism doubt sardonicism mistrust disbelief suspicion doubtfulness incredulity negativity scoffing unbelief dubiety misanthropy sarcasm acrimony bitterness contempt disparagement misandry scorn skepticism world-weariness negative thinking jaundiced eye questioning uncertainty misgiving dubiousness wariness chariness incertitude reservation apprehension query dubitation mistrustfulness distrustfulness misdoubt qualm misbelief lack of trust leeriness hesitation lack of conviction lack of confidence misgivings confusion incredulousness nonbelief reservations hesitancy lack of faith indecision qualms question disappointment question mark vacillation disillusionment unsureness irresolution ambiguity uneasiness agnosticism bewilderment perplexity quandary suspicions disquiet umbrage wonder faithlessness lack of certainty dubiosity lack of credence lack of belief discredit rude awakening repudiation unbelievingness spurning rejection unfaith ambivalence caginess defeatism Pyrrhonism untrust atheism scepsis minimifidianism concern trust issues worry scruple shock surprise bafflement heathenism irreligion godlessness niggle dilemma anxiety trouble nihilism apostasy heresy non-belief thought sneaking suspicion guesswork bad vibes jealousy stupefaction a pinch of salt freethinking non-conviction paganism reclusiveness second thought inhumanity Timonism disdain malevolence letdown enlightenment discouragement wavering diffidence insecurity demurral difficulty unease inhibition hatred of mankind queries questions amazement astonishment faltering fear antisocial behaviour lost innocence reluctance dissatisfaction embitterment discontent discontentedness unhappiness equivocation indecisiveness irresoluteness hesitance pause delay tentativeness fluctuation timidity oscillation second thoughts shilly-shally unwillingness indisposition timidness averseness trepidation procrastination dawdling stumbling shilly-shallying nervousness fumbling stammering stuttering delaying hemming and hawing compunction to-and-fro dithering objection doubts stalling temporizing humming and hawing wabbling wobbling temporization inconclusiveness havering vagueness fence-sitting dilly-dallying temporising demur disquietude caution waiting blowing hot and cold indefiniteness swithering cunctation equivocacy hanging back scruples equivocality questionableness reserve presentiment twinge tergiversation timorousness teetering non-theism questionability indeterminateness unclearness qualification humility disinclination equivocalness self-consciousness unassertiveness pausing regret meekness problem self-doubt foreboding remonstrance shame irreverence ungodliness apprehensiveness reconsideration humbleness demurrer conscience backwardness profaneness reticence conjecture impiety issues uncertainties worries objections shillyshallying lack of resolution lack of self-confidence limbo difficulties sitting on the fence twinge of conscience pangs of conscience indeterminacy woolliness tension circumspection instability condition limitation dissent premonition prenotion presage ignorance demand interrogatory probe proviso issue inconstancy faint-heartedness half-heartedness changeableness weakness strain remorse swither unsteadiness squeamishness edginess suspense aversion dislike distaste puzzle reluctancy superego censor insecureness disrelish resistance loathing repentance perturbation agitation contrition forebodingness pang possessiveness repugnance suspiciousness rationalism debate controversy challenge spite sacrilege pang of conscience complaint protest argument shyness ill-will overprotectiveness resentment exception contention expostulation fuss dispute sinfulness prevarication modesty conflict contradiction opposition clash haziness muddle haze iffiness foot-dragging backwardness in coming forward lack of enthusiasm remonstration stink unrighteousness shuffling quibbling bashfulness inconsistency gingerliness incongruity unholiness immorality hedging sheepishness constraint wickedness vice sin quibble parrying fencing cavilling confusion dilemma modestness self-effacement infidelity apprehension about rivals profanity blasphemy disrespect iniquity defilement profanation desecration fudging pussyfooting evasion introversion restraint shuffle dodging humanism iconoclasm bone of contention embarrassment mousiness quietness badness caviling stalling for time fear of carrying out an activity weak knees faint heart chicken heart white feather backing out cold feet yellow streak

の反対語 utter disillusion

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