Синоним a reliable

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(of a person) Able to be trusted due to having integrity or principles
dependable trustworthy faithful good staunch steady trusty honest responsible devoted steadfast unfailing conscientious constant loyal unswerving calculable committed decent dedicated infallible predictable solid trustable unwavering upright decisive determined firm high-principled honorable honourable impeccable reputable respectable righteous truthful unimpeachable careful incorrupt positive sincere unequivocal veracious true-blue true-hearted tried and tested tried and true true sure tried-and-true tried safe stable secure scrupulous straight virtuous resolute principled ethical sound moral trusted certain fast upstanding dutiful established just enduring allegiant incorruptible devout stalwart tested genuine right-minded ardent proved worthy unfaltering never-failing noble certified proper fair pious unchanging right fail-safe down-the-line fixed stand-up proven foolproof high-minded strong sure-fire stanch consistent immovable guaranteed effective correct exact close patriotic straightforward creditable persistent sensible admirable unerring stout excellent conscionable laudable pure credible respected law-abiding venerable rigid authentic surefire confirmed candid on the level estimable blameless dyed-in-the-wool abiding liege nice sturdy undeviating square invariable orderly above suspicion efficacious efficient morally correct assured approved settled durable competent can't-miss precise even frank unfeigned full of integrity up front valid irreproachable level-headed definite open unquestionable go-to unvarying main favorite important principal verifiable lawful supportive accurate loving forthright uniform regular legitimate attached same unshakable unhesitating real wholehearted vigorous demonstrable unflagging all right well-built well-balanced strict hard-working failsafe kosher always there rational on the up-and-up true to life veritable anti-corruption fair-minded of good repute well-founded fastidious unpretentious lasting adult helpful unshakeable on the up and up intimate immutable punctual effectual equitable capable favourite impartial long-standing long-lasting fanatical creditworthy praiseworthy right-hand reasonable mature useful equable capable of being trusted deep-rooted earnest zealous obdurate balanced above reproach commendable inexorable confidential meticulous meritorious boon demonstrated sovereign absolute able upfront unflinching chivalrous familiar attested accepted passionate recognized diligent conclusive punctilious actual unfluctuating fine ensured knightly stubborn unrelenting assiduous unstained uncompromising homogeneous veridical persevering unbending undoubted rigorous exemplary unqualified intent realistic insured decided sustained sedulous recognised single-minded intense unquestioning stiff to be counted on literal tried and trusted authoritative believable official unvarnished honest-to-goodness for real indomitable hard-core inflexible tough thorough fussy rock solid set symmetrical systematic legit nailed down equal methodical guileless behind one in the bag time-tested religious true blue safe as houses well-engineered well-tried complete consonant heedful well-grounded high-quality well engineered tested and proved humble uncontrived sane clutch impervious deserving innocent fervent emphatic dear inseparable unmistakable discreet redoubtable unbribable card-carrying orthodox impassioned qualified self-reliant seemly smart obedient esteemed valuable cherished special treasured valued bosom inculpable hardened having clean hands sinless guiltless confident quality glorious deep-dyed fervid perfervid distinguished civilized unchangeable unflappable confiding circumspect affectionate powerful worthwhile potent die-hard peaceful duteous adamant bound truehearted unmovable changeless undistorted immobile pedantic notable uncorrupted self-righteous above-board sanguine hopeful model applaudable verified outstanding practical productive no lie well-favoured well favoured finical nitpicking finicky factual in good faith great keen extremely careful thinking twice critical likely to perform permanent unbiased unprejudiced checked eminent shoo-in string along with concluded stipulated warranted stated easy heartfelt known undesigning artless unpretended unaffected natural well-established simple hearty objective unelaborated unembellished naturalistic respectful prestigious peaceable straight-arrow above board perpetual inextinguishable immortal undestroyable untouchable undaunted saintly establishable upheld supported well behaved classic locked on bulletproof perdurable beyond suspicion used right-thinking long-lived neutral open-minded even-handed non-partisan straight-up endless boundless civilised bulldog tenacious sealed fly right boy scout as good as one's word to be trusted worthy of trust down home honored on one's side accredited aboveboard straight-shooting sanctioned authorized well balanced anti-discrimination disinterested non-discriminatory rocklike inexhaustible squeaky clean bona fide strong-minded dogged spirited brave strong-willed direct indefatigable unyielding evenhanded dispassionate nonpartisan indifferent clinched honoured copper-bottomed of good report salt of the earth poised on an even keel in accordance with the facts expected unbeatable ceaseless continuous plain-spoken tried out time-honoured untainted unadulterated bonafide unspoiled full convincing original unspoilt mettlesome plucky strenuous stout-hearted gritty bold courageous irrefutable faultless indubitable nailed-on put to the test carrying the load unmannered uncolored nondiscriminatory good as one's word right as rain telling the truth authorised fair and square unlimited unfading undying continual racked pronounced clear-cut cinched untiring rock-ribbed free-spoken round bottomless handy agreeable watertight acceptable always effective apodictic incontrovertible inerrable satisfying satisfactory inerrant undeceivable omniscient never failing true to type nailed on plainspoken truth-telling outspoken unreserved ingenuous delivering there come-through continuing eternal beyond doubt made certain absolutely certain sewed up on ice rhythmic meaning what one says like it is regulated systematized repeated periodical periodic recurring counted on painstaking standardized patterned measured static similar industrious equivalent identical unvaried matching invariant congruous arranged mechanical harmonious successive accordant systematised standardised alternating cyclic in order serial attentive particular monotonous laborious ordered fated unbroken irreversible unmodifiable level undiversified incorrigible fateful well-proportioned of a piece habitual ossified normal compatible plumb unalterable smooth monolithic searching ultra-careful studious minute walking on eggs minding p's and q's hanging in heart and soul into hanging tough playing safe exacting clean gallant considerate magnanimous gracious irreprehensible moralistic immaculate benevolent sterling elevated lofty squeaky-clean greathearted wholesome charitable courteous generous chaste angelic dignified beneficent thoughtful unblemished hospitable kind polite humane gentlemanly meritable altruistic noble-minded mannerly courtly big-hearted big clean-living beyond reproach unselfish unblamable sportsmanlike kindly lily-white refined philanthropic cultivated kindhearted pure as the driven snow sportsmanly great-hearted modest exceptional worthy of admiration well-mannered bounteous valiant liberal free lordly munificent high whiter than white praisable legal urbane well mannered sporting decorous civil bountiful thankworthy undefiled not bad fitting proud heroic giving noteworthy benign batting a thousand not too shabby paradigmatic quintessential holy tolerant philanthropical bighearted bueno neato prototypical classical unsullied representative typical illustrative characteristic sympathetic pleasant worthy of commendation genteel obliging lavish gentle godly saintlike stainless spotless stellar unsparing suave choice sublime stately ladylike amiable understanding clear mild affable accommodating select super compassionate gentlemanlike irreprovable genial loose soft-touch moderate spiritual unstinting ace humanitarian prim first-class first-rate kind-hearted tender beyond criticism large-hearted self-sacrificing wonderful superb virginal profuse warm-hearted prudish soft-hearted delicate marvelous boss sanctimonious intrepid splendid polished rightful prissy ungrudging prodigal open-handed slick joyous celibate pleasing cultured valorous strait-laced reverent virgin willing untarnished marvellous exquisite flawless rad neat gnarly lenient savory superior unobjectionable white prime friendly vestal congenial indulgent amicable grand capital fulsome openhanded freehearted freehanded uncorrupt savoury sociable comely precious attractive couth A1 benignant reproachless wicked smashing impressive clean-cut G-rated well-bred fab supercalifragilisticexpialidocious copacetic good-hearted unprofaned of principle splendiferous reputed suitable selfless champion merciful well bred brill beaut without fault highly respectable tip-top in the clear caring bully goodhearted top-notch Christian top-hole princely palmary public-spirited well-thought-of peacekeeping complying disciplined compliant protective revered palatable idealistic rectitudinous eleemosynary almsgiving apple-pie of note professional incorrupted favoring inspiring distinctive individual chivalric God-fearing tractable well-behaved pernickety terrific mean daring perfect maidenly godlike matchless peerless inoffensive on up and up unassailable kin favouring saving dinkum self-respecting highbrow composed morally right morally acceptable sweet goodish time-honored squeamish sophisticated crimeless up to the mark ideal swell non-erotic non-violent illustrious independent regal self-sufficient classy dapper alright goody-goody unmarred highly regarded manly quixotic copybook according to the rules sporty according to Hoyle full-figured well-rounded plump portly womanly gone consummate fearless dauntless continent inviolate unspotted unblighted extraordinary remarkable debonair acquitted picture-book cleanhanded picture-perfect letter-perfect indefectible seamless abundant ample beyond question formal name deserving congratulations lily white wide-eyed stylish uninvolved free-handed ready ceremonious pristine pure as driven snow babe in woods wet behind ears characterful aristocratic snow white clement licit not to blame not guilty guilt-free plentiful pitying meritious winner meedful golden becoming befitting good-natured approachable cordial forthcoming bonhomous complaisant bland unctuous world-beating tender-hearted female motherly top drawer plenteous willingly given unstinted handsome prized admired meretorious appreciable major league in limelight big time big name high-powered august fit demure conventional sedate neighbourly matronly conforming done comradely puritanical priggish game meet de rigueur regardful companionable neighborly in line by the book comme il faut by the numbers without reproach of excellent character devil-may-care gamesome frolicsome larkish frisky kittenish mischievous sprightly merry impish antic lively rollicking roguish waggish coltish sportive gay jaunty playful wild well-disposed well-brought-up likable delightful appealing enjoyable magnificent straight shooting square shooting square dealing gorgeous exhilarating favorable elegant comforting beautiful enviable lovesome flashy pleasurable ravishing enchanting comfortable photogenic hunky stunning tasteful pretty tempting lovely euphoric glamorous fascinating seductive presentable sunny engaging supreme brilliant cracking cool resplendent dollish amusing glossy snazzy flamboyant fetching taking aesthetic well-favored showstopping OK cheery welcome drop-dead splashy good-looking beauteous glamourous intoxicating showy dishy radiant relief glad dainty knockout blessed pulchritudinous statuesque fun foxy hunky-dory cunning cute heavenly eye-catching zingy soothing rapturous spanking sightly arresting prettyish superlative peachy tiptop crackerjack passable delightsome telegenic charming paradisal paradisaic elating deluxe copasetic recherche esthetic paradisiacal super-eminent grateful shipshape darling dulcet super-excellent blest stupendous paradisaical calming splendorous recreative gratifying paradisiac ecstatic alluring relishable noted schmick dope rare dream phat masterly belting pearler sik unreal greatest likeable irie favourable exo barrie chillin' A-OK of the first water best ever super-duper out of sight of the highest order A-1 zero cool hunky dory world-class ka pai second to none of the first order out of this world cat's pajamas

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(of ideas, opinion or advice) Able to be trusted due to being valid or well-founded
definitive attested dependable sound authentic genuine good valid copper-bottomed true trustworthy certain definite stable sure well-founded well grounded from the horse's mouth credible authoritative convincing faithful accurate precise factual solid veritable compelling veracious kosher legit indisputable real conclusive legitimate cogent strong persuasive irrefutable forceful incontrovertible unquestionable proper certified creditable plausible incontestable unassailable truthful exact decisive correct authenticated proven safe believable undeniable actual original unadulterated official honest indubitable weighty bonafide uncounterfeited unfaked bona fide emphatic telling powerful thorough orthodox verifiable strict trusty supported circumstantiated validated verified faultless reputable potent legal errorless unerring infallible failsafe effective rational irresistible veridical reasonable satisfying unanswerable influential on the money without error fail-safe well-established up front sterling justified regular learned scholarly loyal conforming confirmed righteous respected documented unimpeachable straight from horse's mouth all right reasoned likely pure efficacious probable unalloyed undisputed unfeigned certifiable substantial echt lawful verisimilar assuasive suasive impressive fair compulsive insistent proved pucka pukka right colourable well reasoned astute moving true-to-life possible believeable acceptable hopeful presumable realistic satisfactory carrying conviction swaying sensible wise sagacious judicious intelligent fair dinkum true to life fact-based percipient shrewd perceptive based on facts on the nail recognized sanctioned fly straight from the horse's mouth the real McCoy for real canonical significant recognised tried-and-true categorical clear demonstrative unconditional unequivocal sober hard unarguable irrefragable absolute unmistakable resounding logical unambiguous serious beyond doubt beyond dispute beyond question one hundred per cent

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Strengthened or made secure against attack
hardened toughened secure strengthened strong reinforced durable robust safe fortified firm sound stable indestructible sturdy armoured armored solid impenetrable unassailable steady impregnable enduring invulnerable imperishable inured unbreakable invincible bombproof immovable resilient inviolable unyielding thickened unattackable stormproof embastioned girded heavy-duty well-built well-made rock-solid hard as nails long-lasting well protected built to last storm-resistant strongly made well defended well fortified well-armed well-protected fortress-like dependable stout substantial tough lasting tried-and-true well-constructed hardy resistant hard-wearing infallible established steely airtight cast-iron well-founded resolute perdurable impervious made to last stalwart compelling staunch inexpugnable effective unshakable cogent indubitable foolproof flawless rugged flourishing everlasting heavy cohesive fast fixed concrete impassible seasoned hard-bitten knockabout hard well-defined well-established error-tolerant bulletproof perduring diuturnal tenacious long-continued wear-resistant vigorous indomitable unconquerable unbeatable protected healthy waterproof tight lusty hearty forceful iron fit windproof insurmountable insuperable unstoppable unshakeable immune indefatigable able-bodied hale insusceptible indurate rigid indurated steeled mighty weatherproof infrangible impassable repellent secured untouchable case-hardened riveted powerful set permanent hard-boiled bound adamantine hard-edged proof against safe and sound hulking husky thick shellproof thickset serviceable stark green galvanized tempered galvanised risk-free stiff inflexible brick-wall insensitive low-risk leathery vice-like riskless well-defended strapping brawny certain locked dense molded conditioned moulded utilitarian water-resistant unaffected withstanding shatterproof unsentimental non-breakable tough as nails nonbreakable brass-bound indissoluble incorruptible heavyweight unsusceptible to unaffected by repellent of impervious to invulnerable to immune to desensitized snug tightened clenched clinched whole capable callous hard-nosed unflagging hard-headed coarsened frozen intact benumbed world-weary desensitised imperviable to lacking sentiment clasped fitted lodged stuck wholesome bouncing well well-conditioned unimpaired undamaged toughened by experience hard-handed as hard as nails as tough as old boots hard-as-nails anchored nailed unflinching vibrant wide-ranging sane vital undecayed normal perfect rigorous unhurt unblemished unbending moored braced jammed rooted tied cemented taut undefeatable treated proofed rainproof imperviable fastened childproof soundproof fireproof tamper-proof leakproof supreme right as rain alive and kicking hanging together holding together up to snuff in the pink unsurmountable irresistible proof irrepressible damp-proof dauntless fixed firmly able to withstand done up buttoned down solid as a rock

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Persisting for an extended period of time
lasting enduring abiding permanent constant perpetual eternal continuing everlasting perennial undying unending immortal fixed durable endless imperishable continual steady ceaseless firm indestructible immutable timeless incessant stable persisting ageless established unceasing remaining uninterrupted unchanging ongoing steadfast unremitting unfading interminable irreversible dateless surviving unbroken indelible changeless fast unfaltering secure perdurable unwavering dependable indissoluble sempiternal lifelong inexhaustible ingrained forever old inexpungible longstanding never-ending long-lasting non-stop long-lived deep-rooted long-term long-standing never-changing in for the long haul till the cows come home persistent unvarying invariable uniform consistent regular undeviating unchangeable strong resilient unalterable prevailing traditional long-established immovable unchanged long-running time-honoured settled static stationary resolute indefinite standing even continuous on an even keel habitual unfluctuating rhythmic repeated invariant frequent predictable periodic nonstop periodical relentless round-the-clock steady-going nonrandom all-year-round sustained unrelenting unabating infinite deathless boundless continued unrelieved without end recurrent running amaranthine chronic unfailing limitless unlimited recurring monotonous immeasurable unbounded illimitable undivided measureless bottomless fathomless immensurable unfathomable horizonless unabated prolonged countless overlong unflagging no end to vast untold incalculable inestimable always-on indeterminate numberless no end of untiring dogged protracted persevering indefatigable neverending tireless unswerving consecutive immense cosmic successive without limit extensive solid unsurpassable self-perpetuating multitudinous unyielding unwearied inextinguishable equable stabile long undisturbed great day-and-night repetitive numerous many interminate unsleeping untroubled total round the clock common without respite profuse reiterated without interruption a great many without stopping very many on a treadmill unended unwaning never-dying immemorial always termless irrepressible inveterate returning annual yearlong yearly seasonal unquenchable staying year-round unwearying faithful immedicable never-ceasing incurable beyond measure lingering unsuppressible lengthy unintermitted unconstrained uncontrolled unchecked unrestrained without ceasing straight smooth unconditional absolute unrestricted unbridled around-the-clock oft-repeated without limits lavish extended closed ever-present regularized standardised full utter regularised world-without-end through straightforward direct in succession constantly recurring with no holds barred long-winded standardized set sound unfathomed abundant abounding rigid long-drawn-out wearisome drawn out drawn-out inflexible without number uncounted supertemporal huge extreme wide large million day and night all-embracing stupendous tremendous unruffled profound deep progressive stretched out boring dragging tedious seemingly endless same typical prevalent universal rambling laborious ponderous meandering not stopping having no end monolithic unbound looped strung out spun out dragged out dull usual natural quotidian day-to-day mundane everyday rampant wonted rife daily familiar manifold several lots of millions of loads of a good many heaps of masses of reiterative quite a lot of thick occurring often iterated dozens of intermittent hundreds of thousands of quite a few various more … than one can shake a stick at

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Indisputable, beyond doubt
unassailable incontrovertible irrefutable indisputable incontestable undeniable conclusive unquestionable indubitable certain definite sure positive clear unequivocal unmistakable unambiguous sound absolute inarguable evident true watertight plain obvious proven undoubted patent manifest real demonstrable authoritative guaranteed genuine trustworthy infallible undisputable hard unerring firm set verifiable fixed ascertained confirmable destined determined establishable known predestined provable supreme beyond doubt beyond question beyond dispute sure thing beyond a shadow of a doubt on ice salted away having down pat in the bag irrefragable unchallengeable unarguable unanswerable accomplished categorical safe self-evident dependable definitive convincing clear-cut valid veritable well-founded authentic bona fide compelling airtight clinching undebatable emphatic decisive final apodictic ultimate not in doubt flawless faultless apparent nailed-on unimpeachable perfect accurate decided settled downright well-grounded flat established undoubtable sure-enough pat for certain without doubt down pat factual no ifs ands or buts beyond a shadow of doubt documented credible unembellished objective down-to-earth literal documentary matter-of-fact logical historical realistic actual cogent nonfictional unquestioned undoubting undisputed complete exhaustive uncontested exact precise pure sheer fair uncontradicted right persuasive unqualified unalloyed total tangible secure hands-down beyond a doubt as sure as eggs is eggs transparent open and shut express straightforward observable palpable acknowledged uncontroversial pronounced marked accepted as plain as a pikestaff confirmed staring one in the face assured concrete outright forceful double-checked no mistake not in question cold determinate unchallenged consummate inalienable immutable binding unshakable demonstrative unequivocable surefire uncontestable for sure no ifs and or buts telling well grounded unvarnished verified nailed down impregnable irresistible irrebuttable ironclad overwhelming invincible apodeictic well-proven recognized frozen sealed inexpugnable hard-and-fast stable bare open-and-shut no two ways about it odds-on nof ifs ands or buts can bet on it prominent determinative convinced confident sure-fire recognised beyond the shadow of a doubt unfaltering without question there are no two ways about it all sewn up doubtless satisfied unwavering persuaded implicit resolute self-conceited self-confident unhesitating self-assured unquestioning rank free from doubt affirmative out-and-out thorough cocksure explicit direct thoroughgoing forcible veridical unfabled

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Characterized by sound judgment
level-headed calm composed cool collected sensible unruffled rational serene reasonable imperturbable together sound unperturbed practical unflappable judicious relaxed equable sober realistic balanced sane unmoved pragmatic unworried commonsensical prudent unemotional wise mature stable steady grounded dependable confident circumspect businesslike dispassionate moderate coolheaded discreet farsighted deliberative self-possessed cool-headed even-tempered at ease well balanced cool, calm and collected no-nonsense full of common sense all there hard-headed poised levelheaded sedate well adjusted secure laid-back well-adjusted with both feet on the ground calmed unagitated controlled unbothered unfazed unflustered clearheaded undisturbed recollected untroubled straight placid level possessed tranquil limpid peaceful smooth equal assured unshaken self-confident assertive self-composed with one's feet on the ground self-assured well-balanced self-controlled settled calculable unswerving reserved down-to-earth stolid serious-minded good serious staid self-restrained having both feet on the ground responsible unexcitable temperate impassive quiet logical advisable politic equanimous phlegmatic undemonstrative detached unimpassioned well-grounded knowing commonsensible thoughtful steady-going emotionless unsentimental nonchalant indifferent cold nonpassionate unpassionate clinical unfeeling unexcited cold-fish cool cat tough uncaring unsympathetic abstract laid back poker-faced nonplussed analytical scientific cold-blooded iceberg couldn't care less non-emotional regular constant lucid even uniform consistent normal unchanging unvarying changeless coherent right clear-headed fair non-extreme compos mentis on an even keel in possession of all your faculties fit able to reason clearly playing with full deck having all marbles discerning mentally sound both oars in water fair-minded sapient sage sagacious oriented in one's right mind playing with a full deck able to think clearly abled of sound mind intelligent right in the head healthy well right-minded

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Bearing good value, worth or reliability
quality excellent valuable worthy good amazing awesome certified exceptional beautiful brilliant desirable divine elegant enviable exclusive exquisite extraordinary fantastic glorious illustrious impressive incredible invaluable magnificent marvellous outstanding perfect phenomenal premium sensational spectacular stunning super superb superior supreme wonderful accomplished admirable advanced applaudable attractive blue-ribbon bodacious bosting capital choice class classic commendable crowning deluxe distinguished dominant dynamite elite eminent estimable exemplary fabulous famous fancy fantastical fine first-class first-rate frontline grand great groovy heavenly high hot ideal immense incomparable laudable legit lofty lovely marvelous matchless mega meritorious mint neat nifty noble notable noted outrageous peerless phat praiseworthy preeminent pre-eminent priceless prime primo prizewinning rare ripping select smashing sovereign special splendid stellar sterling striking stupendous sublime superlative supernal swell terrific tiptop top top-level topnotch top-notch transcendent tremendous unparalleled unreal unrivalled unrivaled unsurpassed vintage wicked bang-up banner blue-chip boffo bonnie bonny boss brag brave bully bumper cool corking crackerjack cracking dandy dope down fab fantabulous first-string five-star four-star gangbuster gangbusters gilt-edge gone hype jim-dandy keen mean number one numero uno par excellence peachy peachy keen prize radical slick tip-top topflight topping wizard gilt-edged high-class high-grade high-quality of high quality of the highest quality of the highest standard out-of-sight really good top-of-the-line top-of-the-range top-shelf very good world-class righteous A-OK out of this world best ace champion brill finest too much premier supercalifragilisticexpialidocious top-hole rad magic schmick spiffing beaut top-quality leading top-drawer on fleek A-1 sik top-tier formidable bonzer top of the line top of the range top-class A1 consummate delightful luxurious classy remarkable of the first water exo belting chillin' greatest flawless highest breathtaking grade A gorgeous top-grade dazzling splendiferous crack winning amazeballs optimal pearler barrie plush nice def mind-blowing ritzy posh highest quality luxury upmarket expensive crucial fly sound awesomesauce bosker chic selected first classical too good to be true bad sumptuous of the first order prodigious swanky masterly unexcelled unique memorable unmatched precious costly upscale foremost peak dainty optimum dreamy spanking extreme quintessential tops pricey model beezer way-out state-of-the-art high-end second to none hunky-dory majestic the dog's bollocks top quality far out lavish opulent award-winning very best super-duper of the highest order skilful skillful fashionable distinctive choicest unforgettable standout unequalled swish flashy delectable lush cream star A-list rich lead sophisticated scrumptious surpassing flagship renowned showy enjoyable noteworthy extravagant major snazzy inspired faultless unbeatable flash uppermost marvy untouchable unusual delicate dear central fabby effusive goodly singular excessive far-out inflated lank unequaled exaggerated kif worthiest exalted spendy ultraexpensive pricy solid gold first-line high quality without equal fancy-pants prize-winning beyond compare the best of a high standard big-ticket in a class all by itself out of sight top-flight above and beyond of highest order superfine top-end high-ticket prominent paramount main chief commanding piked able refined competent colossal celebrated polished successful bestselling tophole blissful hand-picked elect pick fat unorthodox deep wild mighty gnarly idyllic rapturous gratifying pleasurable ravishing alluring entrancing radiant foxy juicy rocking red-letter creditable arresting enchanting really nice favored 10 popular preferred preferential definitive authoritative pleasing eclectic proper handpicked plum favorite paragon not too shabby virtuoso masterful moving eloquent master favoured favourite uncommon cherry-picked haute ka pai elevated august splendorous shipshape out-of-this-world high-test courtly solid proud carefully chosen sup rior all very well well and good grade-A best ever like wow cat's meow the very best a standout ambrosial superhuman yummy paradisal adorable spiritual paradisaic paradisic saintly 24-karat virtuous top drawer baller crash hot nang No. 1 five star of the highest type highest-quality top grade best-quality with it pretty cool zero cool stylish stately exciting congenial above average pleasant slap-up thrilling diverting not bad A-grade up to par up to standard up to snuff cordon bleu up to scratch modish graceful archetypal pure snappy sharp handsome smart essential traditional venerable ripe mature high fashion palatial plushy luxuriant elaborate intricate swank luxe decorative silken Lucullan luscious Babylonian decorated Lucullian palatian embellished ornate ornamental ostentatious ornamented palace rococo gaudy baroque adorned flamboyant busy fussy resplendent loaded recherche spiffy glitzy towering devilish fanciful jazzy well appointed froufrou florid frilly fancible custom beautifying cushy chichi highfalutin OTT over the top important significant astonishing heavy wondrous staggering serious astounding talented momentous eventful adept inimitable expert conspicuous signal deft historic capable marked gifted miraculous considerable proficient critical especial big-time adroit professional clever big league mind-boggling genius consequential nonpareil substantial big skilled unbelievable weighty dexterous grave unprecedented principal meaningful dextrous monumental out of the ordinary major-league intense material practised portentous practiced urgent imposing experienced utmost pronounced acute artful ingenious noticeable versed unexampled high-priority far-reaching unsurpassable particular powerful heavy-duty awe-inspiring educated complete front-page eye-opening fascinating well versed enormous surprising dramatic bright large fundamental severe enthralling ultimate cherished vital interesting influential emphatic apt efficient appreciable bravura enduring salient workmanlike veteran professed burning compleat heavyweight inconceivable all-important unimaginable of note herculean worthwhile preternatural prestigious key catchy magical electrifying awful huge big-league eye-catching unheard of pivotal pressing primary well-known extensive predominant vivid exceeding trained specialist large-scale legendary earthshaking observable tasty earnest notorious sizable decisive handy savvy of great consequence life-and-death extra special playing hard ball high-power strictly business intelligent never to be forgotten facile treasured cardinal schooled impactful newsworthy of moment hotshot worthy of note immensely skilled exceptionally good highly qualified very skilled major league highly skilled earth-shattering exceptionally skilled of consequence extraordinarily skilled hors concours high-profile highly trained godlike impeccable maximum unusually good indelible heroic core uttermost esteemed coruscating topmost pertinent focal omnipotent acclaimed arrestive gripping riveting dire haunting bold famed respected creative vast qualified ponderous overriding sweeping integral profound precocious reputable luminous everlasting perpetual enticing redoubtable lasting splashy telling knowledgeable flabbergasting much citable exigent Herculean honoured eye-popping tectonic overwhelming jaw-dropping unmissable something else honored refreshing mentionable namable nameable determining banging astral immortal world class almighty top-priority perceptive quick headline obvious glaring evident of great import better remembered rememberable manifest fateful not to be forgotten landmark bionic strong preponderant shining well known action-packed godly worthy of mention fixed in the mind buzzworthy high-level in a class of its own name without parallel one-in-a-million forceful stand-out beyond comparison beyond human highly regarded first class of concern hefty unordinary class act very great without peer shining at sweet distinct record touching immaculate crashing extremely good rockin glittering prolific unimpeachable irreproachable awing brainy sunny arch- seasoned unblemished chur blameless artistic marquee supereminent page-one improved enhanced endowed good quality high-caliber a cut above maximal in a league of its own pretty having a knack for cut out for extraordinaire atypical abnormal aberrated freak anomalous peculiar odd unwonted aberrant uncustomary a dab hand at supremely skilled thoroughbred imperial better than expected better than usual of the best quality better than average uncanny paradisiacal to die for paradisiac apex number 1 different streets ahead startling tense glamourous glamorous of great moment of import all-time tough difficult transcendental good-quality high-calibre awe-striking productive of particular interest imaginative prevailing without an equal absolute culminating all-time best final stand alone solemn number-one Grade A undefeated unbeaten a cut above the rest industry leading best possible utopian crown dominating head record-breaking sans pareil suspenseful keynote generous milestone conclusive resonant worthy of attention carrying a lot of weight quantum ponderable potent climacteric murder splash the end worth mentioning underlined patent worth taking a look at unco hundred-proof innovational innovative sombre hard no joke no laughing matter somber super colossal mammoth strategic sober of significance golden one and only massive mostest innovatory lively enterprising original inventive deadly raging mother of all indescribable mortal greatest possible graphic climactic A-number-1 must-see gigantic resourceful distingué unspeakable unthinkable shock-horror effective stem-winding high-octane heady festive big name talked of aristocratic forward virtuosic improbable unlikely implausible impossible ineffable untold unutterable very fine noisy meteoric sudden studied unthought of colourful colorful titanic humungous humongous monstrous giant gargantuan happy whimsical timeless unfading beyond one's wildest dreams have smarts advanced for one's age on the ball beyond the realm of reason have the goods ahead of one's peers undreamed of old beyond one's years got it breath-taking of genius eternal undying recognized worth seeing spesh imperishable reputed venerated rip-roaring red-carpet celebratory exotic only revered lauded vaunted astronomic leviathan max thumping mountainous ginormous astronomical abiding hair-raising gee-whizz stamped on your memory lionized respectable acknowledged epoch-making applauded admired feted valued storied unmatchable infamous laureate visible without match lionised well-regarded much touted up there widely known of high standing VIP of repute superstar well thought of high-powered big-name having made a name for oneself much-publicized big-shot recognised highly rated well-thought-of well received of distinction redoubted celeb intrinsic appealing greater beyond words beyond description provocative captivating stimulating entertaining absorbing intriguing compelling curious engaging immediate pointed instrumental leet stirring attention-grabbing engrossing affecting thought-provoking grievous overshadowing life-changing dangerous life and death prized au fait indispensable of inestimable worth of incalculable worth worth its weight in gold without price unrepeatable one-off inestimably precious of incalculable value of immeasurable worth of immeasurable value beyond price of inestimable value irreplaceable meaty inviting charismatic amusing hypnotizing invigorating hypnotic piquant exhilarating preoccupying charming unputdownable envigorating immersing hypnotising beguiling inspiring prepossessing involving racy tantalizing intoxicating mesmeric spellbinding electric tantalising mesmerising fresh mesmerizing compulsive bewitching trenchant galvanising topical unboring magnetic vibrant newsy relatable rousing consuming seductive galvanizing more than human most excellent most important

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Based on, or displaying, common sense
solid sensible informed logical rational commonsense reasonable reasoned justified sound firm objective realistic balanced commonsensical judicious practical astute perspicacious pragmatic analytical dinkum perceptive satisfying commonsensible enlightened levelheaded lucid satisfactory cogent decent estimable prudent circumspect good intellectual sane discerning grounded sagacious valid genuine just shrewd common-sense down-to-earth level-headed well advised well-advised well balanced well-founded well grounded well-grounded clear-eyed clear-sighted well reasoned coherent convincing credible plausible congruent sober wise justifiable sustainable compelling telling thoughtful defensible learned supportable acceptable believable responsible weighty authoritative legit viable consequent analytic true workable persuasive effective accepted legitimate bona fide well-reasoned well thought out admissible tenable sincere fair appropriate correct warrantable warranted proper authentic advisable together established orthodox profound understandable rightful verifiable cool right-thinking right-minded educated real pukka acknowledged insightful knowledgeable all there savvy got it together sage intelligent clever knowing well informed well-informed substantial powerful showing great knowledge with great knowledge strong right adult dependable discriminating accurate irrefutable maintainable probable proven confirmed arguable defendable perspicuous deductive conclusive determinative germane forceful vindicable pertinent consistent relevant efficacious stable tested potent uncorrupted trustworthy kosher attested aware refined sophisticated cultured cultivated worldly worldly-wise mature grown-up polished clear-headed able to hold water holding water matter-of-fact hard canny sharp sapient smart percipient reflective well-thought-out scholarly politic erudite farsighted intuitive considered careful keen foresighted acute experienced contemplative penetrating calculating cerebral philosophical deep full of insight methodical strategic desirable thought-out tactical argute factual deliberate cautious well judged discreet expedient thought through considerate cluey philosophic ratiocinative thinking quick-witted well-judged plain having all one's marbles articulate cognitive no-nonsense full of common sense in one's right mind joined-up brilliant genius bright deliberated graceful gifted precocious infallible reasoning collected faultless certain steady tactful systematic clear sharp-witted cogitative meticulous diplomatic dispassionate foxy provident proportional well-proportioned symmetrical well-adjusted cagey unidealistic empirical empiric unemotional straightforward prosaic inferential cunning understanding straight calculated organized inductive deducible likely astucious cold unimpassioned normal regular sentient equitable with both feet on the ground hard-headed syllogistic measured well-expressed well-presented mentally stable harmonious cognizant judgmatic pawky skilful judgmatical hardheaded pragmatical heady faithful exact precise contemplated aforethought studied organised well presented well expressed well organized well-structured holding together skillful thorough seemly wary judicial seasonable substantiated impartial investigated weighed examined premeditated advised determined strict veridical undistorted veracious moderate restrained conservative controlled temperate unprejudiced feasible abstruse subtle serious recondite unexcessive making sense unbiased standing to reason unextreme well-balanced well considered studious computed prepense esoteric skilled arcane fair-minded open to reason evenhanded based on good sense clear-cut hermetic hermetical heads-up long-headed occult orphic acroamatic secret thought-through thought-about well chosen rock-solid based on hard data based on hard facts serious-minded au courant steady-going

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Justifiable, well-maintained, or able to be defended
tenable justifiable defensible reasonable sound sustainable supportable plausible rational acceptable defendable maintainable credible viable workable believable warrantable excusable vindicable condonable arguable strong secure impregnable trustworthy able to hold water feasible trusty dependable good honest sure valid sincere likely probable possible conceivable imaginable creditable thinkable convincing supposable persuasive presumptive logical presumable realistic tried colorable aboveboard satisfying straight authentic credential unquestionable impressive fiduciary honest-to-god within the bounds of possibility up front true to life with a ring of truth satisfactory legitimate sensible allowable admissible passable permissible tolerable right pardonable expected predictable proper foreseeable verisimilar understandable well-founded anticipated apparent to be expected potential seeming earthly on the cards assertable believeable conjecturable glib smooth-tongued smooth-talking colourable specious cogent attainable manageable achievable fair-spoken doable bearable practicable endurable conclusive solid probably determinative like enough very likely fit honest to God sufferable affordable brookable allowed permitted odds-on presumed rock-solid inevitable natural normal cast-iron unsurprising justified licit okay lawful tolerated legal accountable reasonable to think a good bet ten to one in the cards a reasonable bet ostensible a fair bet quite possible mortal illusory explicable explainable recognized sanctioned OK forgivable fair pertinent concedable appropriate legit applicable relevant pukka warranted worthy kosher just suitable fitting recognised above board not unlikely not impossible within the law par for the course by the book most likely

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Exact in correspondence or adherence to something

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Certain to happen
inevitable certain inescapable unavoidable ineluctable necessary sure assured inexorable unpreventable fated imminent preordained decreed destined expected fixed foreseeable impending ineludible ordained predestined predetermined predictable settled compulsory guaranteed obligatory fateful impreventable prescribed required unalterable undeniable unescapable decided doomed effective foreordained irrevocable mandatory natural unfailing binding dependable determined ineliminable inevasible irresistible sure to happen all locked up in the bag to be anticipated to be expected without recourse bound to happen for certain for sure no ifs ands or buts in the cards open and shut certain to happen anticipated probable unsurprising obvious only to be expected par for the course on the cards predicted forecast understandable reasonable likeliest correct sensible practical right logical what one would expect not unexpected likely foreseen formularized formulaic sure-fire calculable prepared expectable liable nonrandom meant intended automatic bound definite manifest deterministic set clear prearranged pre-elected planned to come designed patent returnless infallible inerrant determinist predestinated locked up prophesied prophesized doubtless undoubted routine out of one's hands appointed prejudged robot-like regular repeated usual all sewn up meant to be nailed-on decided by fate in the stars mapped out in advance undodgeable overpowering compelling overwhelming uncontrollable potent compulsive urgent irrepressible forceful ungovernable imperative driving besetting next to be prospective obsessive oppressive overmastering foredoomed ultimate threatening that is to be near at hand hanging over que sera sera in the air in the wind stated written in the cards predesigned in store overhanging instant compelled that will be condemned closed looming menacing nailed on sealed forthcoming in prospect brewing very likely way the ball bounces directed coming future up and coming just around the corner in the course of time in the offing unfolding agreed preset pre-agreed pre-planned pre-decided preplanned pre-established cut and dried set up programmed encoded established in advance premeditated calculated foredestined proposed arranged in advance precogitated forethought decided beforehand scheduled arranged deliberate most likely

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Competent or talented
good able adept capable competent gifted masterly proficient quick skilful skilled skillful talented accurate clever dexterous dextrous efficient masterful multiskilled multitalented proper satisfactory suitable useful versed very well virtuoso accomplished balanced consummate crackerjack deadly expert knowledgeable mean nifty polished qualified seasoned trained adroit all-around all-round au fait dead-on deft educated effectual errorless exact experienced first-rate fitted handy master on-target practiced practised precise refined right on schooled serviceable sporting spot-on stringent suited sure-fire sure-handed taught thorough topflight trustworthy tutored veteran well well-rounded workmanlike hardy ingenious dynamic apt ultraefficient impressive feasible intelligent hyperefficient effective realizable usable useable working killer practicable practical realisable canny ace crack great complete compleat professed brilliant savvy professional wizard artful excellent fine well versed tasty wicked stellar first-class smart habile fit outstanding sharp bravura delicate genius pro superb slick up to speed magnificent supreme formidable on the ball whiz agile learned exceptional equal marvellous a dab hand at elite vet marvelous big league out of this world old superlative top-notch superior demon hot up to it with it up to snuff well-versed dynamite strong dazzling nimble splendid leading equipped versant specialist world-class peerless brainy hotshot facile cool magic endowed class there smooth adequate nimble-fingered well trained extraordinarily skilled very skilled highly skilled exceptionally skilled immensely skilled highly trained highly qualified wised up tuned in a hand at effortless powerful eligible exercised finished familiar hardened long-serving certified exquisite battle-scarred conversant ready prepared tested tried best exceptionally good remarkable disciplined instructed A1 know the ropes on the beam know one's stuff no slouch knowing the score top-drawer methodic methodical systematic decent employable long-term kosher quintessential exemplary ultimate perfect happy pitch-perfect terrific mighty tremendous virtuosic faultless licensed chartered fluent neat handpicked deluxe choice capital redoubtable preeminent transcendent astute certificated dominant switched-on acquainted well-informed wonderful phenomenal invincible indomitable extraordinary magisterial nippy hep hip drilled phenom sussed artistic first class hot tamale supremely skilled well qualified time-served leet awesome smashing fab authorized brill cut out for having a knack for class act shining at well up puissant amazing clean rounded accustomed sport licenced proved accepted authorised very able tip-top sharp as a tack very good no dummy top-hole admirable astounding up on cunning easy alert knowing bright keen in the know worthy responsible the right stuff knowing one's stuff broken in sufficient established mature adapted crisp highly endowed worldly-wise like a pistol having the goods knowing the ropes old hand has what it takes like a one-man band equal to the task having the right stuff having know-how up there green thumb able to perform old-timer champion know backwards and forwards know one's onions star top topnotch distinguished super sophisticated worldly wise steady weathered long-time old-time inured all around know the answers know one's business know ins and outs know the score from way back knows one's stuff not born yesterday been around wise to ways of the old school

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Meeting standards for safe flight

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Characteristic of a particular person or thing
typical characteristic customary common standard usual accepted average consistent conventional expected familiar habitual inherent natural normal ordinary orthodox prevalent representative routine stock symptomatic traditional accustomed anticipated chronic commonplace emblematic everyday foreseeable foreseen frequent indicative predictable prescriptive unremarkable distinctive distinguishing established formulaic idiosyncratic likely proper proverbial regular steady ubiquitous unexceptional unsurprising acknowledged cliched clichéd individualistic native recognised recognized set wonted in character in keeping bog-standard to be expected true to form par for the course time-honoured true to type run-of-the-mill standard-issue cut-and-dried cut-and-dry on the cards only to be expected old hat … all over general settled prevailing fixed universal popular time-honored confirmed current repeated mainstream classic rooted mundane plain quotidian well-known household going classical archetypal inveterate long-established proven true vested prosaic workaday recurring extensive ingrained widespread constant rampant approved rife mechanical acceptable sanctioned well known ongoing garden-variety understood day-to-day daily fashionable permanent regulation preferred well worn diagnostic obvious what one would expect definite explicit determined precise archetypical default gut comfortable favorite favourite stereotypical defined express exact pervasive domestic mediocre persistent recurrent legendary famed notorious famous humdrum known undistinguished endemic certain appropriate essential inborn inbred local innate indifferent perpetual agreed acquainted received numerous typic unsophisticated authorized profuse reiterated incessant continual self-evident unquestioned axiomatic renowned recognizable endorsed admitted homespun humble recognisable in use inconspicuous predominant garden standard operating procedure same old wont in the groove playing it safe by the numbers sop stipulated according to Hoyle in a rut monotonous reputed infamous touted prescribed given used habituated garden variety unopposed passed legit okayed authorised periodical periodic common variety matter-of-fact in the habit of of choice chosen agreed upon addicting repetitious practised practiced iterative disciplined reiterative perfunctory iterated systematic cyclic seasoned methodical automatic long-term official dyed-in-the-wool tried and true tried and tested in vogue arrived at entrenched well-established historic stable deep-rooted widely used old old-fashioned traditionalistic old-style sound officially recognized institutionalised institutionalized secure unshakable


A person who is reliable or dependable

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