Đồng nghĩa của daggier

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Comparative for significantly or brazenly odd or bizarre in nature
stranger odder bizarrer weirder queerer curiouser funnier quirkier quainter wackier crazier kookier screwier wilder crankier whackier kinkier rummer funkier freakier zanier droller grotesquer wonderfuller awkwarder uncommoner flakier uncannier nuttier dottier hippier fresher cooler foolisher absurder madder loonier dafter barmier battier loopier dippier balmier nutsier daffier sillier buggier squirrellier fruitier scattier stupider pottier perverser goofier unwiser extremer weaker sicker fishier spookier faultier unlikelier benter scarcer eerier rabider creepier unhealthier foolhardier newer jerkier obscurer falser hollower newsworthier dumber shakier noteworthier rummier wittier thinner on the ground fewer and farther between artier pervier simpler playfuller slower duller shadier thicker crinklier twistier campier camper dodgier dimmer dozier vaguer stroppier groovier worse-tempered deeper looser moderner ambitiouser flukier abstruser dreamier sublimer doper excellenter poorer lamer flimsier feebler crotchetier softer in the head giddier sketchier chancier dicier flightier slighter airier vainer thinner seriouser gnarlier heavier more outlandish more peculiar more unusual more eccentric more offbeat more unconventional more extraordinary more abnormal more remarkable more freakish more singular more erratic more anomalous more atypical more unorthodox more irregular more bizarro more unfamiliar more kookie more idiosyncratic more queerish more fantastic more exceptional more deviant more outré more whimsical more exotic more ridiculous more unknown more ludicrous more preposterous more astonishing more outrageous more extravagant more barbarous more alien more foreign more far-out more off-centre more off-the-wall more off-kilter more spaced-out more off the wall more out there more far out more unheard-of more eye-popping more wacko more aberrant more rare more unique more uncustomary more puzzling more unexpected more mystifying more perplexing more unaccountable more mysterious more baffling more incongruous more different more untypical more unaccustomed more unnatural more nonconformist more avant-garde more especial more exceeding more preternatural more phenomenal more aberrated more unwonted more off-center more novel more capricious more innovative more unco more dilly more madcap more bohemian more eccentrical more quizzical more comical more cockeyed more inexplicable more unthinkable more unimaginable more original more unordinary more prodigious more surreal more cockamamie more fantastical more insane more unreal more fanciful more nonsensical more divergent more rogue more digressive more aberrational more devious more defective more twisted more warped more perverted more mental more off-color more uncharacteristic more nonstandard more off-base more psycho more demented more cuckoo more nuts more unbalanced more deranged more unhinged more crazed more crackers more bats more lunatic more loco more gaga more crackpot more cracked more certifiable more unsound more unstable more psychotic more meshuga more maniacal more barking more disturbed more bananas more irrational more raving more touched more delirious more psychopathic more nutso more frenzied more whacko more crackbrained more haywire more hysterical more distraught more manic more brainsick more meshugge more bughouse more moonstruck more wud more distracted more mentally ill more looney tunes more loony tunes more frantic more schizoid more senseless more unreasonable more idiotic more illogical more incredible more fatuous more inconceivable more laughable more implausible more unbelievable more dubious more individual more brainless more special more surprising more monstrous more unrepresentative more isolated more off one's rocker more farcical more radical more invalid more witless more imbecilic more unreasoning more characteristic more harebrained more questionable more gonzo more heteroclite more half-baked more distinctive more fallacious more risible more inane more inconsistent more asinine more inconsequential more screwball more illegitimate more inconsequent more derisory more groundless more far-fetched more doubtful more mindless more pathetic more wrong more featherheaded more suspicious more contradictory more nonconforming more untenable more exclusive more esoteric more pointless more specious more improbable more amusing more flawed more incomprehensible more unjustifiable more simpleminded more unscientific more bubbleheaded more amazing more unparalleled more jarring more derisive more suspect more sappy more schizophrenic more beat more doolally more arbitrary more cockamamy more incoherent more berserk more sociopathic more raging more individualistic more distinct more clownish more progressive more comic more striking more informal more maverick more experimental more revolutionary more bewildering more waggish more particular more unconvincing more inconclusive more spurious more moronic more puerile more meaningless more vacuous more corrupt more unthinking more unceremonious more unpredictable more specialized more sensational more injudicious more impossible more incorrect more eye-catching more old-fashioned more tomfool more inept more inappropriate more untraditional more hilarious more romantic more irreconcilable more sophistic more inscrutable more disparate more contrary more unlike more supernatural more arcane more derisible more unrealistic more reasonless more ill-conceived more infrequent more conspicuous more anomalistic more disordered more off-key more grandiose more unglued more manic-depressive more humorous more specialised more fried more unsettled more interesting more creative more paranoid more oddish more depraved more skittish more artistic more advanced more unjustified more erroneous more kookish more distinguished more sadistic more masochistic more unsavoury more degenerate more distinguishing more personalized more signature more impractical more incomparable more unexplainable more touched in the head more chucklesome more sophistical more panic-stricken more unsafe more baked more one-off more sporadic more anarchistic more immoral more licentious more simple-minded more other more specific more unproved more mischievous more wayward more heteromorphic more unnormal more marginal more furious more uncontrollable more phrenetic more rampant more gibbering more cretinous more dim-witted more feeble-minded more slow-witted more dull-witted more nondescript more egregious more startling more irrelevant more unconnected more unsubstantial more unfathomable more seldom more diagnostic more classic more symptomatic more discriminating more empty-headed more vapid more dopey more colourful more glamorous more unsavory more insoluble more unsolvable more doubtable more equivocal more disputable more problematical more debatable more dubitable more disquieting more unharmonious more errant more discordant more groundbreaking more tenuous more fascinating more birdbrained more bovine more laid-back more carefree more relaxed more contemptible more scatterbrained more limited more imaginary more lamebrained more muttonheaded more chuckleheaded more dunderheaded more boneheaded more unpersuasive more heretical more unconceivable more contemporary more misleading more incredulous more visionary more illusive more thoughtless more artificial more vacant more rad more modernistic more uncompelling more full of hot air more illusory more ultramodern more ill-tempered more hallucinatory more suppositious more enigmatic more inexplainable more schitzy more confused more heretic more dissident more dissentient more off more bemused more moonstricken more demoniac more dazed more uncontrolled more ill more unsubstantiated more nebulous more farfetched more unsatisfactory more inadequate more attractive more marvellous more glamourous more marvelous more customised more personalised more unsuitable more illegal more improper more astounding more unintelligible more mystic more unknowable more chimerical more notable more momentous more miraculous more stunning more slow on the uptake more anarchic more sectarian more unsupportable more indefensible more unsustainable more unforgettable more alluring more outside more colorful more extrinsic more external more enticing more peregrine more uncertain more imaginative more random more spectacular more stupendous more unimpressive more tremendous more wondrous more mercurial more impracticable more forby more flash more amazeballs more infantile more crazy-ass more wackadoo more wackadoodle more imprudent more dreamlike more unworkable more quixotic more irresponsible more disconnected more disjointed more short-sighted

Trái nghĩa của daggier

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