の同義語 so will


The faculty by which a person decides on and initiates action
determination drive commitment resolution resolve backbone self-control self-discipline self-restraint self-mastery single-mindedness spine tenacity aim dedication doggedness purpose purposefulness resoluteness willpower continence intention motivation passion restraint self-command self-containment self-government self-possession spirit tenaciousness fixity of purpose perseveration pining power Sitzfleisch stickability stick-to-it-iveness strength of character temperament urge will power ambition appetite attitude character conviction craving decisiveness design discipline fancy feeling liking longing velleity willfulness yearning guts hankering staying power firmness of purpose heart's desire firmness grit persistence perseverance decidedness strength of will control obstinacy fortitude stubbornness iron will earnestness pluck purposiveness strength of mind determinedness decision granite obstinance stick-to-itiveness inhibition constraint steadfastness reserve moderation suppression force discretion temperateness repression refrainment seriousness volition toughness strong-mindedness coolness confidence devotion pertinacity constancy pertinaciousness forbearance strength abstemiousness staunchness cool temperance abstention non-indulgence countenance sticktoitiveness inner strength composure surety certitude fixity calmness forcefulness sense of purpose obedience orderliness good behavior patience moral fiber controlled behaviour good behaviour intentness courage boldness manfulness indefatigability braveness spiritedness bravery objective courageousness undertaking spunk obdurateness pluckiness obduracy moral fibre self-will intension project inflexibility conclusion push enthusiasm enterprise mettle thrust initiative bulldog spirit stout-heartedness fixed purpose eagerness gusto fervency fervour ardour zest pertinence avidity incentive fire verve ambitiousness zeal faith keenness judiciousness get-up-and-go prudence caution grip fervor ardor sobriety abstinence self-abnegation self-denial stoicism poise equanimity asceticism collectedness dignity calm soberness aplomb serenity imperturbability tranquillity tranquility refraining unflappability austerity teetotalism repose frugality self-deprivation sangfroid moderateness impassivity placidity reasonableness equilibrium avoidance abstaining level-headedness unexcitability even-temperedness self-assurance renunciation severity puritanism smothering stifling tolerance stability steadiness abnegation resignation conservatism measure composedness balance tranquilness contentment keeping back holding back peace endurance sufferance indulgence long-suffering peacefulness content toleration placidness ataraxia quiet keeping under control longanimity stillness dispassion ataraxy cool-headedness self-composedness togetherness peace of mind imperturbation untroubledness clear-headedness nonindulgence nephalism self-constraint reticence holding off fasting restraining frustration stopping check biting back holding in keeping in check bottling up uninebriation unintoxication eschewal moderatism mortification forgoing astringency sacrifice gravity concealment checking solemnity lack of indulgence plain assurance blocking curbing understanding consideration lenience inexcitability even temper passivity kindness capacity nonresistance submission gutsiness bearing passiveness heart intestinal fortitude self-confidence nonchalance ease staidness happy medium golden mean containing bridling deadening restriction muffling sureness cool head suaveness nerve solemnness sedateness graveness anger control thick skin anger management anger prevention coolness under pressure plain living ascetic urbanity elegance thoughtfulness serious-mindedness containment choking back leniency sombreness simple living presence of mind earnest practicality practicalness pragmatism lenity strictness long-sufferingness clemency mildness somberness dignified demeanour common sense resisting patientness going easy on living with


The thing that one desires or ordains
decree wish command desire dictate choice decision ordinance intention bestowal bidding declaration device directions dispensation estate heritage inheritance insistence instructions legacy order instruction direction behest demand request injunction charge mandate word requirement directive edict commandment imperative call say-so precept rule ruling canon do rescript summons hest want invocation prompting solicitation expressed desire fiat requisition exhortation stipulation resolution imposition pronouncement ultimatum signal cue prompt obligation statute prescript regulation briefing notification act proclamation warrant law subpoena interdiction ordering devoir dictum exaction dictation adjuration writ diktat authorization okay ukase authorisation green light go-ahead thumbs up tip-off high sign invitation beck and call pronunciamento promulgation enactment prescription bill decretal constitution decretum guideline code firman irade announcement sanction bull notice statement by-law principle manifesto appeal measure entreaty plea bylaw reg assertion urging enjoinment motion covenant judgement petition mitzvah criterion judgment guide proposal supplication imploration assize court order importunity recommendation memorandum communication memo tenet ban doctrine publication decalogue standard process legislation convention guidance document maxim ratification ipse dixit credo creed application claim formula broadcast axiom charging ordainment drive bid information fundamental suit precedent public statement affirmation advice authority consent suggestion message calling bell cry admonition rap say saying permission enjoinder recall working principle motto byword agreement approval endorsement monition the word ground rule bar prohibition embargo restriction dogma preception action teaching standing order the riot act official sanction propriety decorum brocard etiquette instrument tattoo no-no pressing amendment Act of Parliament clause verdict commitment intercession pressure written order insistency importuning arm-twisting piece of legislation legislative document obsecration beseeching assignment clamour need condition provision determination perseverance persistence resolve doggedness firmness dua programme bulletin belief ethic contract policy program institute practice foundation postulate cause dispatch report enquiry prayer counterclaim arrogation pursuit question must-have impetration entreatment clamor dun reason equity divestiture garnishment generalization generalisation principium truth caveat base exigency ground proposition petitioning arraignment indictment advisory sentence interdict penalty boycott article beseech pleading interest interrogation inquiry policy statement public notice due process citation TRO paper replevin big ask kaupapa guidelines remit commission formal order subpoena ad testificandum temporary restraining order claim form habeas corpus orders directives coercive measure punitive measure gen rundown brief ground rules low-down levying exacting introduction setting laying institution enforcement enforcing decreeing fixing establishment applying slapping clapping laying on


A legal document with instructions on the distribution of one's resources after death


One's thought processes


One's steadiness and courage in a demanding situation
nerve bravery courage guts daring fearlessness courageousness intrepidity boldness dauntlessness pluck spirit grit heroism heart fortitude hardihood backbone gallantry mettle valor determination doughtiness bottle resolution intrepidness spunk moxie gutsiness prowess braveness pluckiness valour daringness firmness gameness virtue stoutness greatheartedness tenacity pecker balls confidence resoluteness ballsiness steadfastness assurance endurance sand cojones staunchness stomach gumption starch vigor vigour coolness hardiness bravado stout-heartedness self-assurance self-confidence strength of character will power self-possession intestinal fortitude cool-headedness firmness of purpose spine resolve strength moral fibre moral fiber stamina perseverance persistence doggedness purpose character constancy willpower toughness resilience indomitability indefatigability vitality drive dedication pertinacity spiritedness tenaciousness stoicism strong-mindedness staying power toughness of spirit Dunkirk spirit resistance enthusiasm mind eagerness keenness potency audacity insolence effrontery impudence gusto passion zest steel energy intentness pertinaciousness obstinacy determinedness purposefulness perseveration relentlessness fiber grittiness manliness strength of will self-discipline fibre vim durability survival skills bouncebackability ruggedness ability to bounce back conviction motivation fight earnestness ardor force stoutheartedness enterprise chutzpah life ardour resignation patience submission single-mindedness stickability toleration tirelessness strength of mind sufferance undergoing forebearance enduring allowance restraint continuing capacity ability cool standing suffering withstanding survival holding up valiance valiancy adventurousness adventuresomeness valiantness dash bravura undauntedness venturesomeness lion-heartedness temerity recklessness rashness pugnacity élan power valorousness audaciousness poise certainty stick-to-itiveness manfulness aplomb stubbornness obduracy obdurateness derring-do venturousness nobility inflexibility true grit faith what it takes fixity of purpose stick-to-it-iveness bulldog spirit forcefulness self-trust lionheartedness decision decidedness Sitzfleisch temerariousness daredevilry daredeviltry brashness face certitude decisiveness morale granite intension har self-belief spunkiness mettlesomeness chivalry willingness belief robustness alacrity indomitableness defiance invincibility sturdiness person's resolution stalwartness amenability goodwill obligingness gut foolhardiness dynamism front legs tolerance fire bravehood stuff commitment dogmatism brassiness cockiness salt cheek right stuff sense of purpose stiff upper lip sitzfleisch being hard as nails immovability purposiveness potence powerfulness initiative intensity civility deference urbanity gentility address reverence duty elegance tact savoir-faire quality makeup caliber animation calibre forbearance power of endurance fixed purpose pith long-suffering self-reliance assuredness inner strength moral strength cocksureness positiveness assertiveness surety composure doubtlessness intransigence diligence application willfulness self-assuredness sureness level-headedness phlegm self-esteem assiduity sedulousness faith in oneself insistence presumption self-efficacy belief in oneself positivity elan satisfaction presence of mind can-do attitude buoyancy continuance persistency implacability inexorability inexorableness guttiness strength of purpose


A tendency or disposition to do something or behave in a certain way


Something that makes a process or activity happen or happen more quickly
impetus incentive motivation stimulus incitement boost encouragement impulse spur goad incitation inducement inspiration instigation momentum provocation push stimulant urging yeast catalyst goading impulsion pressing prodding spurring motion movement pressure urge forward motion a shot in the arm stimulation motive fillip shot in the arm cause influence prompt prod drive reason tonic persuasion kick up the backside excitement driving force prompting kick lift carrot pick-me-up trigger lure bait propellant spark turn-on clarion call egging on thrust enticement invitation excitant flash charge piquing sting attraction facilitator sweetener temptation stirring consideration rousing douceur actuation aid help kindling fuelling rationale fomentation stimulator leaven reviver jump-start ground spark plug exhortation motivator kick-start purpose agitation abetment stirring up fueling whipping up come-on drug motivating force force prick activation needle propulsion shove compulsion impellent start motive power instigator jog grounds goal food intellectual nourishment initiation bidding ammunition coaxing promoter persuader fodder behest inception devising uplift spice pushing pressurization speed amphetamine psychostimulant cocaine example model challenge kick in the pants zest dare taunt baiting arousing insistence excuse allurement premium determinant carrot and stick muse red rag enkindling spurring on casus belli stimulating substance kickoff reactivation spring pressurisation needling beseeching stoking up revelation fuel inspo arm-twisting creativeness awakening arousal eureka reason why guiding light agitator reassurance adjuvant incendiary cue bang precipitant fireworks springboard eye-opener geeing-up succor radical stimulus wave maker straw that stirs the drink hand support assistance convincing inducing persuading backing secours comfort relief conversion assist buzz succour occasion restorative energizer suasion pull draw leg up upper analeptic antidepressant refresher bribe hook con gee-up helping hand reward signal nod perk leader desire brainwash twist bracer roborant hard sell sweet talk snow job soft soap hair of the dog drink pep pill refreshment spark pulg green light go-ahead


To give, especially by way of a will after one's passing
leave bequeath give transfer gift devise confer bequest disherit disinherit hand on legate pass on probate hand down make over settle on cut off grant transmit demise cede endow convey donate hand bestow pass turn over accord contribute vouchsafe surrender hand over relinquish entrust commit consign present offer yield impart furnish assign award pledge lend deliver give over leave in one's will part with let go of indue endue bless invest favour favor pass down delegate confide trust vest allot refer lease devolve deed repose recommend intrust commend apportion alien alienate give the right of give the title of provide proffer devote afford extend volunteer slip supply with chip in shell out pony up ante up kick in gift with cough up provide with put up let someone have lay out give out give away stump up furnish with present with fork out leave to bestow on confer on leave to by will supply hand out allocate pay dispense dish out render tender come up with purvey give up dedicate advance distribute pitch in allow sign over sacrifice apply provision reserve put in dole out designate earmark consecrate make available serve give to endow with pay up lay on bring throw in concede appropriate present to produce spend issue save permit feed abdicate disburse pay out set aside set by grace come through vest in award to submit resign fix up equip add lavish expend subsidize share come across with subscribe inject spare subsidise throw relegate turn in accommodate stake reach bear trot out lay down invest in give up to send entrust to put out allot to donate to assign to set apart grant to kit out put forward cater get rid of sponsor renounce enable empower bind obligate dower deal remit lodge loan prepare task arm put forth toss chuck lavish on lay aside set place accord to venture charge make a donation of give a donation of bung honour with store commission stock oblige let sweeten the pot sweeten the kitty minister abandon consign to circulate register impart to dispatch cast favour with show make a donation pass to administer decorate with fork up fork over make with make a contribution hold out place at disposal send on allocate to hand out to make a gift of put in someone's hands do your part mete out hand round deal out fit out avail engage prescribe arrange put at someone's disposal vow make something over to someone do forfeit waive forbear forgo forsake replenish credit fund settle up release deduct lose reward divert restrict result in provide for ante cede to yield to treat lay bestow to decree deposit unload redirect come across accede maintain keep foot the bill organize deliver up enter give over to sub pay in advance supply on credit contribute to pertain belong settle crown channel acquiesce give in free give out to extend to vouchsafe to shark lend-lease bless with run by bring forward put aside invest with buck let oneself in for accommodate someone with render up send in ply speculate splurge sell depute disseminate giving honor authorize change reassign entrust with gamble risk defray the cost of patronise aid patronize command prorate parcel out portion loan shark sanction accredit qualify license entitle licence impart with immolate deliver to offload dump put in the hands of lay on one rig out warrant certify sink in pay for plough in pick up the tab foist allow to look after let out make trustee hand over to have a whip-round club together deal in outstretch organise dish up nurse enhance begift put into the hands of lay at one's feet hold out to give an opportunity put into hands of disperse fit up begive pass around divvy up diffuse ration partition pass out decentralise decentralize afford to distribute to bequeath to apportion to authorise charter cater in trade in convey to transfer to plate up set out ladle out commit to heap on back sign finance autograph ink line up endow in spoon out set down let off drop off serve up honor with render to hand to fob off be handed down palm off underwrite give authority cater to exchange promise enrol second give money enroll buy contribute towards signature offer up forward include pose stick out hold forth chip into make a subscription pitch into stretch out reach out sign up get it up make a contribution of get in the act feed the kitty pass the hat give of put oneself down for tack on add on make a deal


To (attempt to) mentally cause to happen


To provide with money, funds or finances
endow finance fund subsidise subsidize bankroll back sponsor capitalise capitalize support stake underwrite dower promote subscribe enrich bequeath pay for provide capital for invest in donate money for leave money for shell out for chip in for cough up for fork out for pony up for support financially bequeath money for give money towards settle money on ante up for donate money to kick in for pitch in for stump up for vest in grubstake float juice foot the bill for pick up the tab pick up the check guarantee patronize pick up the tab for patronise pay provide security prime the pump angel provide finance for contribute to bank go for loan shark provide funds help lay on one put up money furnish credit for provide money for provide security for give money to put up the money for put up money fo currency invest obtain financially support set up insure give a donation to settle up for treat someone to defray the cost of collateral secure provide for provide financing take the risk for raise dough aid assist buttress keep set up in business put money into act as guarantor of make a contribution to give support to pay a subsidy to shore up contribute give a grant to prop up maintain crowdfund crowdsource kickstart make affluent make prosperous make wealthy be a patron of make richer line nest make rich make well-off feather one's nest nurture advocate further feed champion endorse foster nourish buy into encourage sink money into lay out money on spend money on look after care for splash out on buy shares in keep alive get a piece of buy a stake in take a stake in take care of plough something into prop absorb facilitate vouch for answer for benefit bolster favour favor sustain be responsible for lend your name to abet sanction act as a guarantor for mind board advance succor succour shelter cherish safeguard pave the way for give backing to lend support to indorse provide board for provide sustenance for provide food for befriend protect plump for plunk for subscribe to plough money into put up dough provide cultivate go in for get into salt away money in buy stock take good care of keep in existence


To reach a decision or recommendation
decide determine choose resolve opt conclude elect aim decree establish figure pick plan purpose reach rule agree cinch guess name select settle take vote adopt award conjecture mediate poll surmise come to a decision go for make a decision make up your mind reach a conclusion reach a decision reach decision settle on settle upon arrive at conclusion cast the die come to agreement come to conclusion come to decision commit oneself draw a conclusion fix on fix upon form opinion go down line have final word have in mind have the intention make up one's mind take a stand call shots make your mind up settle on a plan of action come to a conclusion end with commit undertake intend propose take a decision come to the conclusion tell oneself say to oneself remain firm make a point of mean aspire design want contemplate have in view expect look purport wish have plans think of meditate appoint set out decide on desire pick out single out have every intention consider prefer ponder opt for cull mark plump endeavour endeavor anticipate calculate envisage judge scheme allow go plump for strive designate think be resolved covet mind insinuate premeditate conceive make decision seek feel disposed envision count on vote for angle make plans target make up your mind on weigh identify agree on handpick return tag cherry-pick hope earmark vote in destine put in decide upon accept optate receive put in power vote into office nominate tap choose by ballot go down the line admit ballot cast one's vote for take a stand on make a decision on come to an agreement on reach a decision on come to a decision on come to a conclusion on commit oneself to sift out make a choice on deliberate on be looking be going be determined consign foresee attempt look forward ordain be plotting add up indicate dedicate devote have resolved hope to set apart essay try connote figure on aspire to have set out plot reserve mark out set aside have a mind pursue have a mind to set your sights on work towards think to bid for pitch on make a selection plump on see fit exercise choice


To cause someone to do something, usually against their inclinations
make force pressure coerce compel require drive induce oblige press pressurise pressurize browbeat cause command constrain impel impress demand intimidate obligate order railroad strong-arm badger blackmail bludgeon bully dragoon effect harass have hector hound impose on prevail on put up to sandbag bulldoze menace muscle prevail upon put the heat on put the screws on steamroller tighten the screw on tighten the screws on turn the screw on turn the screws on high-pressure use strong-arm tactics on have someone do something blackjack push influence necessitate lean on hustle urge prod put pressure on goad bind persuade twist someone's arm press-gang use pressure on put the squeeze on squeeze nag twist one's arm brainwash pester harry put under an obligation bring pressure to bear on prompt fast-talk threaten encourage impose shotgun concuss enforce charge exact enjoin insist work on turn on the heat commit exhort restrict restrain spur terrorize move cow actuate inspire propel motivate terrorise goose steamroll beset bounce bother beg dragoon into cajole hassle beseech solicit claim bear challenge tyrannize browbeat into make necessary ask act on postulate crave put the arm on tyrannise push around egg on force one's hand push for insist on breathe down someone's neck come at indebt astrict worry provoke leave someone no option make indebted kick ramrod apply pressure dog pressurize into coerce into shanghai compress work over sell politick inveigle get lead bludgeon into bully into bring force to bear on hold a gun to someone's head constrict condense squash wheedle importune assail tempt intimidate into terrorize into argue warrant instigate plague oppress besiege talk sway overcome crack down involve rouse incentivize trouble torment vex throw your weight around animate arouse stimulate entail call for occasion foist leave someone no option but to put the chill on incentivise prick choke use duress on burden apply conscript obtrude contract use force on urge by force exert force on want need take mean bear down pin down put the bite on spirit up bear hard on put screws to put squeeze on behoove dictate levy instruct bid act upon implore advise ride herd on promote admonish behove be grounds for incite employ advocate expedite bring pressure to bear upon leave no choice but to inspan direct request recommend assess subject fine lay inflict adjure nudge entreat requisition hinder suppress repress key up speed up try to persuade consign assign put the screws to railroad into pour it on call upon insist upon assert oneself condemn put doom steamroller into turn on bulldoze into sell one on fire up appeal to high pressure exert influence on go to town on bear down on make an offer they can't refuse subject to domineer summon mandate tell bullyrag bogart expect call decree mau-mau stipulate for extort ordain bluster buffalo extract frighten seek pick on quest press for warn give the order to boss around clamor for give the command to milk wring persecute wrest bleed awe thrust prescribe rule task beckon push about authorize subpoena authorise call on give orders to ask for appeal for bay for clamour for lumber someone with pester for land with nag for lay claim to call the shots put your foot down badger for saddle with lay down the law petition for justify lean plead overbear despotize unload convince call the signals appeal walk heavy ride roughshod ride roughshod over maneuver sanction manoeuvre bring pressure upon put the frighteners on boss about propose forcefully persuade advance rationalize rationalise conjure countenance commend lord it over put heat on burden someone with put through the wringer hold a gun to one's head appoint psych up volunteer someone unwittingly pray for arrogate beg for apply for hit up supplicate hold out for sue for impetrate whistle for inquire about proclaim decide pronounce determine enact give orders force upon give directions establish manipulate tell someone to volunteer adjudge set announce read the riot act declare lay down ransom shake bribe screw rack subdue voluntell extort money from ride obtain by force overawe serve notice cite serve a court order order to testify affright worm something out of someone put the bite on someone for blackmail someone for arm-twist obtain by threats worm out obtain by threat shake down demand hush money from hold to ransom put the shake on obtain scare off scare the bejesus out of look for

の反対語 so will

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